Menage A Cowboy Complete Series (7 page)

Chapter 10


After I'd sat in the truck and fumed, running everything over in my mind, I got more and more pissed.

Fuck him! Fuck him and fuck the horse he rode in on. Well, not literally, but... Damn it! How dare he? How dare he cheat on me with every damn buckle bunny at every damn rodeo, and then blame me for it? He was lucky I gave him the time of day on the dance floor earlier, and I only did that for one reason, to avoid this. I knew if I said no when he cut in, that he'd make a damn scene.

A scene was the last thing I wanted. I'd already had my hands full with everyone's eyes on me when I walked in with Scott and Adam. I certainly didn't want to be the cause of some testosterone-filled display of manliness when Jake got his Wranglers in a bunch if I refused him in public. But then he just had to push.

He just had to start talking shit on the dance floor, grabbing my arm as I tried to walk away and spewing shit like, 'you think you're too good for me,' and 'I ought to finish what I started that night and back hand your ass into submission.'

Why he got all uptight when all I did was remind him of where he was, I had no idea.

All I'd said was, "Look around, asshole. How many of the women that you haven't already slept with in this bar will take you to their bed after they watch you hit me? And what do you think your chances will be of walking out of here on two working legs after every honorable cowboy in here who's been raised well enough to know that you never hit a woman comes to my defense? Now, what will it be? Your ass roasted on a stick after everyone in here gets a piece of you, or are you going to let go of my arm, before I scream?"

I'd felt rather smug, even if still angry, after finally saying my piece, but then I'd gotten to blow off some serious steam with two of the sexiest cowboys on God's green earth, and was finally feeling better when Jake's insulted ass stumbled upon us in the parking lot.

I wondered how long he'd been there, watching, filming, and I just started fuming hotter sitting here in the truck after they guys left me to go after Jake.

It didn't take long for my rage to reach a boiling point, so I got out of the truck and followed the excited stragglers looking for the fight they heard was out back.

It felt so damn good to announce to the world what kind of a cowboy Jake really was, even if there was only a couple dozen people out back to announce it to.

I knew how it worked out here in the country.

Everything I said would be folded and stretched, pulled like warm taffy in the retelling that would go on in the next few days.

The story would grow legs, and soon would become just a shadow of its real self.

If I could just get that damn phone, there would be no proof.

Even if Jake yelled from the rooftops that he'd actually seen me fucking Adam and Scott, no one would believe him.

I'd add to the story myself, saying that I'd heard that he'd caught me fucking Adam, Scott, the local preacher, and one of the rodeo's prized stallions, and everyone would laugh, and no one would pay any mind to a damn thing Jake ever said again.

That was my intent when I turned that corner yelling my fool head off at Jake.

Never in a million years did I think he'd turn on Scott and Adam, attacking them both in some kind of rage and alcohol-filled jealous fit.

But damn if it wasn't sexy as all hell to watch.

I could tell that the brothers were holding back, and that somehow added to the sexiness.

I knew they could make minced meat out of Jake, and I knew that
knew they could make minced meat out of Jake, and I knew that they really, really wanted to. And yet they still held back. They knew it wasn't a fair fight, and they acted accordingly.

Every time Jake would pivot and go after one brother, the other would stand down, letting the brother in Jake's sights at that moment tend to him.

They gave Jake a run for his money, getting their fair share of licks in, but they let Jake tire himself out and basically make a fool of himself, while figuratively standing there with one hand tied behind each of their sexy, muscular, honorable backs.

Jake was tiring, and bloody, and I could tell that the fight was winding down.

Scott had Jake in a bear hug, rolling his eyes at the larger crowd over Jake's head as Jake continued to thrash around and send wild, half-hearted punches toward Scott's kidneys when Adam stepped forward and pulled Jake's phone out of his pocket as he thrashed.

Any minute now I expected Jake to give up, or fall over, but I think he was running on pure pride at this point, when the crowd parted yet again.

"What in the sam hill is going on back here?"

Leave it to my dad to appear out of fucking nowhere, again.

"Someone inside said that Adam and Scott were back here beating the shit out of Jake, but I wouldn't believe it. Not until I saw it with my own eyes. What the hell is going on, Grace?"


Chapter 11


"Grace, don't do this if it's out of spite, or revenge."

"Mmmhmm," I mumbled back at Adam from some mindless part of me. I knew that if I actually stopped to listen to him, all these amazing feelings would go away.

I wasn't actually listening to his words, I was way too involved in reveling in how it felt to have him pressed up against me, crushing me with the heavy bulk of his body against the wall of the guest bedroom he'd been showing me to when I all but attacked him with kisses.

I knew he was talking about my dad, and everything that had happened earlier in the evening, when dad basically told me that I wasn't his daughter anymore.

Yep, see, even remembering that little slice of tonight made tears burn somewhere behind my eyes.

I shut Adam up with a kiss, grabbing the hair at the back of his head and tugging, angling his head just right so my mouth could fight with his. I found where his shirt was tucked into his jeans in the back, above his belt. With my free hand I fisted the fabric and pulled. My hand burrowed beneath the now partially free shirt, and found the warm, hard expanse of Adam's muscular back.

I pressed my palm against his skin, curling my fingers into him. I slid my hand high up his back, following the curves and lines of his muscles before curling my fingers even more, into claws, and scratching my nails in one long rake down his back, drawing a heated groan from the mouth Adam was pressing to mine.

I was bound and determined not to let him ruin this by talking.

I'd thought of nothing else but Adam, and Scott as well, since the day I met the ranch hands during a vet call out on the Almosta Ranch, and after a couple of teasing, sexy as hell encounters, here I was, finally, this close to getting what I wanted- one of the hot cowboy brothers into bed, and I'd be damned if memories of my father's rage an hour or so earlier was going to put a damper on tonight.

"Jesus, Grace. Do that again. No! Wait. This isn't right."

"Because Scott's not here with us?"

"Fuck! No. I mean that would be good, maybe he could help me talk some sense into you. Grace, please. If you keep this up, you're going to push me too far. All I've wanted from the moment I heard you singing in the shower was to have your naked and wet body wrapped around me, but Grace, not like this. I want you to come to me with need, not anger. With passion, not pain. I want you, God, how I want you. But it will kill me if you can't look at me afterward, because you regret this."

I stilled my scratching of his glorious back, and stopped my hips rocking against the cock trying to get out of his jeans, and turned my full attention to the gentleman he was trying to be for me.

"Adam, look. I appreciate what you are trying to do, really. But here's the thing, I've wanted you from the moment you first kissed me. I really wanted to get down on my knees for you, and your brother, just an hour or so ago, in a parking lot. I offered to climb into the bed of your truck, with both you and Scott, all before this thing with my dad happened. I want you. Right now. I need you. I need you to make love to me, or fuck me, or bend me over your lap if you'd prefer, and spank me. Something, Adam. Anything. Before I rub myself against your leg here and make myself come without you. I promise I won't regret this in the morning. The only thing I may regret come morning is not waiting for Scott. That doesn't seem right somehow, but hopefully he will understand. I can deal with dad and Jake later. That will all either resolve itself or it won't, but no matter how that goes tomorrow, right now I need you. Tonight, I need you. Now. Please, Adam."

He stared into my eyes for a bit, searching them. Making sure the words I spoke were true. And then in one swift motion, he found the swingy fabric at the bottom of my dress and yanked.

The whole dress whooshed up my body and over my head before I could blink, and the second I stood before him in nothing but my bra and panties, he found my wrists in his hands and raised them over my head, too.

He pinned my wrists there, above us, with one large hand, as his other hand led the way ahead of his tongue, exploring me from top to bottom.

He released the center clasp of my bra, spreading the fabric wide and allowing my breasts to escape their confines. He cupped one round globe, playing with the weight of it before running his thumb over my nipple. My nipple tightened in response to his touch and his tongue flicked the peak before he drew it into his mouth and starting to suck.

"Oh, yes. Yes, Adam. Yes, just like that."

I arched into him, feeling the wall against my ass as I pressed my breasts outward so he could have easier access.

"Can I taste you, Grace? Like I wanted to earlier? Can I spread you out on the bed and bury my tongue inside you?"

"On one condition," my words were mumbled from my need. "Only if I can taste you first."

"Aww hell."

The sound was more moan than words, and I almost laughed at how fast he stepped backwards and started to undo his belt and jeans. He yanked his jeans down hard, forgetting that he still wore his boots. He started to sit on the bed behind him to remove them, but I stopped him.

"Wait, don't move. I like you all trussed up like that."

I got to my knees before him, enjoying the fact that he was mostly dressed. His jeans were down around his ankles, caught on the offending boots, but the shirt I'd yanked out of his waistband was also still on. All he was missing to make this perfect was the cowboy hat he'd removed once we stepped into the house.

I looked up at him, before turning my attention to the proud, large cock standing at attention before me, and I said, "Next time, Cowboy, nothing but boots and hat."

"Yes, ma'am."

He grinned the words down at me, and I couldn't believe my own aggression. I normally waited politely for the guy, Jake actually, to take control. But tonight some hidden, repressed tigress was purring to be let out. And I was in the perfect mood to let it.

As my eyes focused away from Adam's face and on his large, thick cock instead, I suddenly had misgivings.

He was way bigger than Jake.

Adam was huge.

I wrapped my hand around him first, squeezing some, and I heard Adam growl with need above me. I stroked him, feeling the heated, satin skin against my palm as I braced myself before tipping his round, engorged head to my lips.

The skin there was soft, and I teased him with my lips before opening my mouth and licking the very tip of him.

His sudden intake of breath above me emboldened me further, and I opened my mouth wider and started to gently suck. Not hard, just enough to help draw his cock as far back into my mouth as I could.

I kept stroking his shaft as my tongue twirled around the head. I sucked slightly, until I felt his head slide against the back of my mouth.

Adam's hips started rocking gently, like mine had before. He didn't force, in fact it felt like he was trying to go slow and control his thrusts, which I appreciated greatly.

I wanted to explore him, the mindless thrusts could wait.



I asked up at him, my mouth still full but my eyes meeting his as he watched from above.

"I...That feels...Oh, Grace. Stand up, please. The sight of your mouth on my cock makes me want to... just stand up, please."

I did, after a few more teasing strokes, taking him as deeply as I could while still meeting his eyes.

"That's dangerous, love. Get up here so I can return the favor."

Once I stood before him, he took my face between his palms and tilted it before lowering his mouth to mine.

I could feel the tip of his cock head pressing against my belly. I wanted to reach down between us, tilt it just right, and slide it against my soaking wet panties as he kissed me. So I did.

"Aww fuck. That's it, I can't take anymore."

He wrapped both of his arms around me, lifting me off of my feet and rotating. I felt the side of the bed against the backs of my legs and then, somehow, I was spread out on the bed as he quickly removed all of the clothes I didn't let him take off before.

My panties were suddenly sliding down over my hips and gone as well.

He pulled my knees gently apart, watching every revealing inch being slowly exposed to him.

"Touch yourself, Grace. Let me watch you."

His request threw me. I'd never done that before. Well, not with someone watching me. I wanted to please him, though. The anticipation on his face made it glow with pure lust.

I'd been pretty forward and aggressive so far, so I figured what was one more new experience? Especially if it would bring him pleasure.

He shot his eyes up to meet mine, seeing the anxiety in them. He just nodded reassuringly at me, saying, "Let me see you. All of you."

I slid one finger teasingly over my slit, watching for his reaction.

For a second, I thought he stopped breathing.

I added a second finger, slowly tracing myself back up, and lingering over my clit. It felt so good. I could tell how wet I was for him, and my clit was already swollen, so the merest brush of my fingertips made my own breath come in starts and stops.

"Oh yes. How does that feel?"

"Honestly?" I teased him.

His eyes shot up and away from my fingers, to meet my gaze. He suddenly looked so serious.

"Yes, Grace. Always honestly. What would be the point of anything else? The only way this can work, especially later, with Scott as well, is with honesty. Promise me."

I just nodded. I felt pinned down just by the look in his eyes.

"Say it, please. Say that you won't do anything you don't honestly want to do. It's important."

"I promise."

"So, honestly, how does that feel?"

"It feels great. I think I'm going to like teasing you, once I get more comfortable with it. But I'll tell you what would feel even better."




That was all I heard before the bed dipped with his weight as he laid down on his stomach between my legs.

His warm breath teased my wetness in the seconds before his tongue started to retrace what my fingers had just been doing.

I couldn't help it, my back arched and my hands started gripping the covers in my fists as his tongue licked and teased me from one end to the other.

He lingered on spots he found particularly responsive, and he slid his hands under my hips, tilting me just right before pointing his tongue and sliding it inside my wetness.

One hand kept me tilted as his other came out from under me to replace his tongue, filling me with his fingers as he started to slowly suck on my clit.

He alternated, sucking on me and then pulling back to tease the sensitive nub by flicking it with the tip of his tongue, or swirling around it in sensuous circles.

I gripped his hair, rocking my hips, pressing myself harder against his mouth. He felt so good, but I knew what I needed.

After a round with Scott, coming in my jeans, and then coming a while ago, between both men and their magic fingers, I needed to be filled.

I needed Adam's cock, even as I was squirming with pleasure from his tongue.

"Adam, please."

"Please, what? Tell me. I like hearing the want in your voice."

"I need you. Come here."

"Do you need my tongue? My fingers?"

"I need
, Adam. I need your cock inside me."

He slid himself between my open thighs, sitting back on his heels and ripping open a packet with his teeth. He then aimed his swollen cock head at my slick wetness. He took himself in hand, teasing my slit with the tip of himself, and rubbing himself against me.

I rocked under him, trying to press the issue and force him inside.

With a needy, rumbled, teasing laugh he leaned forward, bringing his weight to his hands and saying, "Patience, love. Patience. There's only one first time and I want to remember every second of ours."

And with that said, he slid inside me, slow and deep.

I felt myself moan, my back arching to accept all of him as my head threw itself back into the bed.

I felt every inch of him slowly open me, sliding deeper, filling me full.

I'd been a little worried that I wouldn't be able to take him, but my body opened for him, welcoming him home.

He started to pull out, and my legs locked around his waist, my feet crossing at the ankles behind his back to keep him inside me.

"No worries, I'm coming back," he said, right before sliding deep again.

I peeked down between us, watching him appear and disappear into me.

"You like to watch, huh?" He asked me, teasing.

I felt myself blush, but I was unable to answer him. He did some kind of hip swivel as he drove deep that time, making my breath catch in my throat.

Our rhythm started slow and sweet, but started to pick up as we chased our own pleasures with and against each other. It wasn't long until my orgasm started to build, my hips rocking harder, faster, rubbing my clit against his pelvic bone every time he stroked deep.

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