Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (29 page)

"Oh fuck," he grunted loudly and released her hair. His hands gripped her hips as he started to fuck her hard and deep.

She slid her hands back out on the bed, her fingers gripping the sheets, forehead on the bed as she watched her breasts bounce and his thighs tense up. He was so perfect for her, his body bringing her to the edge of ecstasy and flinging her over violently over and over again.

"So beautiful, Sonya. The thick curve of your ass, the long stretch of your back. God, I love how you look. How you feel. So tight around me, baby. It's been too long. Tell me you've missed me."

He rolled his hips a different way, his rhythm shifting to something slow and methodical. She groaned and worked him as she turned her face, pressing her cheek to the bed. Her ass in the air wasn't something she would do for any other man, but for this one...anything.

"I've missed you so bad. No one compares in bed." She pushed up on her hands to all fours and rocked against him. He stopped moving and removed his hands from her. She glanced over her shoulder and memorized the long length of his chest and abs as they contracted. He pressed his hands to the bed behind him and smiled.

"Work me, girl. Bring me to the edge over and over tonight. I've never had anyone but you do it. I need it from you. Give it to me, Sonya."

Some part of her wanted to deny him, but it was too good. She groaned and pressed back, rolling her hips as she found her pace, his panting giving credence to her ability to do to him what he did brilliantly to her. He grabbed her ass, holding her against him as he cried out.

"Wait. I want to feel the burn."

She chuckled and tucked her feet behind his bent knees, pulling hard as she bobbed up and down on him. He groaned and took control again, his thrusts almost lifting her off the bed. Arching her back, Sonya let out a long cry as the world disintegrated.

"Oh fuck, baby. I'm going to come, Sonya. Don't stop baby. Milk it." He leaned over her and picked up the pace. The delicious smell of their sex coupled with the sound of him slapping against her so wickedly left her needing more. He froze as his body exploded. She couldn't leave him in peace, but worked to pull everything he had to give.

He pulled out of her and tugged at her shoulder hard, flipping her on her back. She reached up to pull him down on top of her, her body still demanding more.

"Yeah," he whispered and forced himself back inside of her. Sonya let out another long moan as she pressed her feet to the bed to push up. He slid his hands between her and the bed, cupping her ass as he started to move again.

"Hold on, baby. I'm going to fuck you until you can't scream anymore. My name better be on your tongue the next time you cry out."

"Make me say it." She nipped at him.

He chuckled darkly. His body was more than she could handle, simply from him knowing how to use it as a weapon against her.

"Hold onto my neck and try to keep up. I'm going to teach you a lesson." He rammed into her and she closed her eyes, her body flooding with a desire for only him.

Chapter 12

She was everything he wanted and more. He pulled her close, his need to keep her beside him overwhelming. Whether she liked it or not, he marked her body as his own. His scent would warn away any unwanted attention and remind anyone who was a shifter that she was spoken for.

He would kill for her, live for her, do anything he needed to protect her.

"Stay with me," he whispered against her damp skin, her back pressed to his chest as he curved around her in the bed. The night had been long and she had relented, screaming his name so loud it shook him to the core. He was taken with the woman and yet he knew he couldn't open himself up to her just yet.

She was vicious and she would continue to protect herself for the tragedies to come.

He would have to remain aloof or she would run from him. As committed and loyal as she was to her father and their pack, she was scared to death of love and committing to him. She had proven that throughout the night.

"I can't. I need to get home. My brother is staying with me and will be worried."

"You're a terrible liar." He licked at the side of her neck, his fingers rubbing softly along her arm.

"You're right. I want us to remain business partners and nothing else until I figure things out with my pack. My desires can't overshadow my responsibilities. This isn't just about me, but about hundreds of others that look to my family to do what's right."

"You don't think I am part of what's right?" He released her as she pulled from him and got out of the bed. Alec turned onto his back, his hands lifting his head as he watched her closely.

His body reared to life again at the sight of her naked and walking around his bedroom. She belonged there. She was his whether she realized it or not. They sat on the edge of the same fight they had ten years ago, but he was older and more willing to relent now. His mentor had taught him many things over the last few years. One was to pick your battles. This wasn't one he needed to win right now.

Patience was a virtue.

She would need him, physically if nothing else. Now that he had marked her, the bear inside of her would seek its mate with harsh aggression. He didn't need to push her, she would push herself back into his bed. He would fuck her every night she showed up until her heart followed her need. Then he would have her. Time was the missing element.

"All right. I'm here if you need me. Be careful." He stretched and tugged at the covers, rolling over and smiling against his pillow as he heard the soft huff come from her. She didn't say another word, but he knew he had her where he wanted her. He waited to hear the front door close before passing out.

No one would be stupid enough to wake a resting bear.

"You got laid. Dear God, don't tell me it was the black widow that tried to put you in the hospital recently." Jared poured a cup of coffee before walking to the small breakfast nook where Alec was.

"Ok, I won't tell you. She's everything I remember. I feel like the world is slowly setting itself right." Alec stretched and got up, walking into the kitchen and pulling various items from the refrigerator to cook breakfast.

"You're fucking insane." Jared chuckled.

"I don't care what I am. Best sex of my life. I'd risk everything for that or her anytime. I love it."

"You love her?"

Alec glanced over his shoulder, not sure how much he wanted Jared to know about him. He needed to trust someone and making friends with his Beta would be natural, but he didn't trust anyone.

"I've proven myself over and over, Alec. I'm here for you. Good, bad or indifferent. I hated the fucker before you. I'll fight to keep you where you are. If you don't want to talk about the girl, just say so, but stop looking at me like you don't know what to say." Jared shook his head, the look on his face something close to disgust.

"You're right. If you fuck me over, I'll just kill you." Alec shrugged and cracked a few eggs into a bowl.

"This is true. You want me to get out of here so you can eat?" Jared took a long drink of his coffee and waited.

"No. I need you to look into something for me." Alec picked up a fork and started to whip the contents in the bowl.

"Anything. What's up?"

"I'm signing the papers on Varetec later this week with Sonya. I need to see who else is out to buy it. I know without a doubt that someone is going to step up and try to take not only the company but the pack as well. I'm interested to see if it's going to be the same dead man or if I'm going to have to take several lives."

"I see." Jared ran his hand over his five o'clock shadow and tapped his fingers on the table. "I suppose someone from the human world would want to take over the company. Victor was an icon. It's not just us that will be looking for a way to turn a profit."

"Agreed. Find out who we're up against. I want a list by tomorrow at the latest. I need to start knocking people out of the line in the most gentlemanly fashion as possible."

"And after that?" Jared smirked.

"We take a few lives. I'm not interested in leaving any threat where she's concerned. I want the company and the pack on lock down. Get it done." Alec turned his attention back to his breakfast, his thoughts shifting back to the night before with his woman beneath him.

Her willingness to let him take her from behind was a sign that she was moving toward wanting a traditional relationship with him. Her actions screamed far louder than her words. She contradicted herself, but she was in a battle. Her body would continue to clash with her strong, independent mind until one side won. The one thing that would tip the scales toward his plans was winning her heart.

He was going to focus by taking care of the things she loved – her father, her company and her people.

"Yeah, I love her." Alec moved to the stove to start cooking as the front door bell sounded. He put it down and growled as Jared got up.

"I'll get it."

"Check the security camera to see who it is. I have more threats than guests." Alec rubbed his chest and rolled his shoulders. He needed to get dressed but wasn't in the mood to do anything conforming to the norm.

He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of Drago as the older man and Jared walked back toward the kitchen.

"Interesting. Yeah, Alec will want to know about this." Jared nodded toward Alec. "Hey. Drago says they've heard rumblings of a rather aggressive brown bear Alpha heading this way to sniff things out in relation to Victor's pack."

"Do we know when this guy will be here, how many people he's bringing and who he is in the bigger picture?" Alec moved the skillet off the stove and left his breakfast untouched as he walked toward the other two men.

"No, but we need to bring this up to Victor or the leadership of his pack." Drago leaned against the counter.

"I thought brown bears and black bears didn't consort together." Alec tilted his head to the side, wanting to test the old goat and push a little at the same time.

"We don't consort, but Victor has been a good rival, as you've put it. We stay in our domain and he keeps to his. I think this would start a war for us if we didn't share information we've picked up on this new threat."

"I wouldn't be surprised if they already knew." Jared picked up his cup and walked toward the sink as he shrugged.

"I'll talk to someone in his pack today. Any information on this guy? No one answered me." Alec pressed his fists to the kitchen counter as concern for Sonya washed over him.

"We know nothing, but I'll have someone look into it," Drago responded before slipping his hands into his pants pockets.

"I'll investigate. I'll head out now unless you need something else, Sir?" Jared turned to Alec.

"No. Get on this and get back to both of us fast." Alec turned his attention back to Drago, wishing the advisor would leave, but sensing there was more to be discussed. "What else?"

"We need to discuss your mating."

"That's none of your business."

"You're the leader of our family, Alec. Your choice and unwillingness to settle down is very much our issue and our business as members of your pack."

"I'm tired and I have a shit ton of stuff to work through today. Say what you came to say and get out, Drago." Alec narrowed his eyes. His bear was not liking the direction of the conversation at all.

"You need to start looking for a black bear to mate with."

"Not happening."

"There are whispers that you have something going on with Victor's daughter. The intermingling is going to happen, I agree, but it cannot be a declaration from you. You are a pure blood or the gods would not have chosen you to lead us. You cannot taint that."

"I'll do what I like and I'll say this once more before I tear someone's fucking head from their shoulders. I'll choose my mate based on what my bear decides. Back off or he's going to unleash hell on all of you. I'm the Alpha. Do you want the job? Come and get it."

Chapter 13

Three Days Later

Sonya had been avoiding Alec for the last three days. Her body drove her toward the edge of insanity, encouraging her to run to him. Her mind was the issue. He was too strong, too direct, and too right for her. If she gave in to him that would be the end, forever.

Sonya sat at the kitchen table, still in her pajamas, her hair a mess. All she could think about was Alec, which caused her to push him farther away. In the midst of all that she had going on, he shouldn't be the thing taking most of her emotional and mental energy.

Her father didn't have much longer, and with his death the rest of the world would turn and notice. His illness had been kept concealed from the media, but not well enough.

Alec had texted her after their night of passion with a warning about the Gareth's though he didn't name them specifically. She thanked him and told him she would look into it. No reason to, really. Parik would bring her all of the information she needed to make a few decisions, but other than simply waiting for them, her hands were tied.

Alec could take care of the situation, but at what cost? It was inappropriate to involve him. He was probably fending off a civil war within his people as it was.

They had to know about her and certainly had discussed Varetec. She pressed her fingers to her lips as the front door to the house opened. She needed more information on the brown bear and black bear history. Something heavy sat between them.

If there was any chance of a future between her and Alec, she needed to know what they were up against.

"Sonya?" Parik called from the foyer, the sound of his voice bringing her comfort.

"In here. Just thinking about getting up and making breakfast."

The large dark-skinned man walked in and stopped at the edge of the kitchen. He was in his typical attire of jeans and a polo shirt, his body much too big to pull off a suit.

"Just thinking about it? Martha had breakfast made three hours ago. You're going to make some poor bear a horrible wife." He snorted and walked into the kitchen.

"Me making breakfast isn't even the beginning of it. How about the facts that I hate cuddling, I refuse to share the closet or the bathroom and having kids is out?"

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