Read Play With Me Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Play With Me (11 page)

A pained chuckle escaped him, causing his body to shake and his cock to thrust in deeper. Lace gasped, the movement making her feel rawer.

His face whitened. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

“It’s…okay.” They looked at each other, their breathing once again the only sound in the room. She realized she loved looking at him, could easily spend hours looking at his face and never get bored by it. Was it because he was that handsome or because she…hated him?

“I promise you, it’s going to hurt just this once,” Silver murmured. His hands were moving as he spoke, caressing her breasts.

“I…know.” And she did, only right now it was hard to believe because the pain was still present and it didn’t seem to be going anywhere.

“It’s never been this way for me before, you know.”

“R-really?” His idle fingers were tweaking her nipples now. It was an effective distraction, and she could feel her body starting to relax as the pain gradually faded.

A solemn nod. “Really.” He pinched her nipple then, as if for emphasis.


He pinched her again.

Her body jerked, and his cock moved deeper.

“Shit, sorry—” He started to pull out.

Her eyes widened.

“What is it?” His cock thrust back in a fraction.

A moan escaped her.

Silver stilled. When she managed to open her eyes, his gaze was smoldering with need. “Wyndham.”


“Can I fuck you now?”

Her fingers sank into his shoulders. “P-please?”

She didn’t have to say anything more.

Silver started to move, his thrusts slow and gentle at first, allowing her body to become gradually used to his movements. Every thrust made it feel like she belonged to him more and more. And the shameful thing was, she still wanted more. She wanted to belong to him so completely she would forget her name but remember his.

Silver grated out, “Going to fuck you harder now.”

There was no time to react to his words since he was already doing it. He was pounding into her now, and she found herself snaking her legs around his, allowing him to take full control. Now, it wasn’t just their breathing that filled the room. Now, it was like a sexual symphony, every time the headboard smashed against the wall, every time his balls slapped against her flesh, every time his cock would make a gushing sound as Silver shoved his length in and out of her—

And God, his growls. Her moans. Who knew they could make such sounds together?

Then there were his words.

Who knew
, she thought dazedly as Silver’s cock rammed into her over and over.

Who the fuck would ever think Silver could talk dirty like this?

“I love your big tits. I’d like to eat them the whole night.”

“Your pussy’s so fucking tight. Makes me wanna fuck you harder until it’s trembling around me.”

“I’m going to cum all over your body until you smell like me.”

But best of all…

The one that sent her straight into an orgasm—

“Look at me,” Silver commanded. “I want to see the face of the girl I love while I fuck her brains out.”


His ability to combine dirty talk with the sweetest words on Earth.

His thumb pressed hard against her clit as he spoke the words, the same time he ground his hips against hers, his cock shoving all the way in—

Lace came with a scream.

She had never figured herself for a screamer, but the way Silver was ramming into her now, the way he was fucking her brains out while telling her over and over how much he loved her—

She. Couldn’t. Stop.

First Cut

Her buzzing alarm clock woke Lace up at exactly six in the morning. She felt swollen and aching all over, but even so, Lace knew she wouldn’t trade last night for the world. Rubbing her eyes, she realized she was all alone in the room. Only her clothes were on the floor, and the absence of anything of Silver’s made her swallow.

Don’t fall for the same trap again, Lace Wyndham. You are not going to be a melodramatic bitch two days in a row.

Forcing herself to get up, she took a quick shower and changed into a ribbed tank top and sweatpants. Only when she was ready to leave did she allow herself to check her phone—


No call, no text.

, she reminded herself fiercely, that could mean anything and nothing. She had to learn to stop jumping to conclusions.

Or at least that was what she wanted to do.

In reality, it was impossible, and her blood turned colder and colder as time passed and she still heard nothing from Silver. She had heard of stories like this, of girls being made to fall in love by rich hot guys, only to be dumped right after sex.

But it was different between them.


On her way to the resort’s gym, several guys suddenly blocked her way, and Lace stiffened when she realized it was them again. It was the entire team now, minus just the team captain.
Thank God
, she thought dully,
for small favors

Squaring her shoulders, she faced their gazes head on. “What exactly it is do you want?”

Ryan smirked. “Why would you think we’d need something from you?”

“If that’s the case…” She tried sidestepping them, but they blocked her way again, forcing her to a stop. A feeling of foreboding swept over her. Something bad was about to happen, and if she wanted to avoid it, she had to leave now.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Cut to the chase, Jackson. What do you want?”

“Actually,” he drawled, “you’re probably the one who needs something from us.” He slanted a look towards his team. “Right, boys?”

“Damn right.” They exchanged high-fives with each other, and the way they were smirking at her made Lace’s skin crawl with unease.

She really had to leave. Now.

“I don’t have time to play stupid games with you guys,” she said abruptly before turning away. There were other routes to the gym anyway.

Behind her, Ryan called after her, “You’ve always been an ungrateful bitch.”

She stiffened.

“We’re playing nice right now, you know? We’re here to help you save yourself from a shit ton of embarrassment.” He snickered. “Of course, it’s not entirely altruistic. Seeing you crushed would be nice compensation—”

Lace knew she should just keep walking, but there was something annoyingly knowing about his tone that she couldn’t ignore. It was as if he had something that he was holding over her head, and he was absolutely certain it would kill her.

Pride kicked in, and she turned to face them again. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Ryan let out a jeering laugh. “Yeah, we know.” His eyes bored through hers. “We were at the park a while ago, and guess who we saw there?”

She paled.

“Your boyfriend with another woman. Way hotter than you, too.”

Looking at him, she tried to convince herself that he was lying, that he was only making trouble, but she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t. He was gloating, relishing being able to deliver pain, and he could only feel those kinds of things if he was telling her the truth.

Lace felt like the ground under her had disappeared. She was drowning again, drowning, drowning, drowning, but this time, she knew she wasn’t meant to ask Silver for help.

God, she was such an idiot.

Why did she even let herself believe someone like Silver March wanted someone like her? How could she be so stupid to believe that he would even go as far as falling for her?

In front of her, Ryan was on fucking cloud nine, her silence a confirmation that he had indeed struck gold and she was hurting the way he wanted.

Lace lifted her chin. “Is that supposed to make me cry?” She blinked her eyes rapidly. “
Happy now?”

Ryan’s grin started to slip. “You’re just pretending you’re not hurt.”

“If that’s what it takes to make you guys leave me alone…” She clutched her heart. “It
You won. Happy now?”

“Fuck your sarcasm,” Ryan spat. “You really expect us to believe you weren’t going out—”

going out with him. I never denied that. But he was just a fuck buddy.” Her eyes bored through them. “Or did you really think only guys have fuck buddies?”

Ryan was shaking his head, but she could see the doubt starting to creep in and she knew she was about to win. If only she could be happy about it. If only she could forget that Silver March had betrayed her.

“You’re more an idiot than I gave you credit for if you really think I’d gone and fallen for him. You know what kind of girl I am. You really think I’d lose my head over a guy?” She forced out a laugh. “When I left your school, assholes, the one thing I learned was that it would be a lot easier for me to have a guy in my corner. A guy can just take care of all of the hassles and allow me to focus on basketball. Silver March meets all my requirements. I’ve got him wrapped around my little finger and he does everything I ask him.”

Behind her, someone said quietly, “That’s true.”

Lace froze.

A moment later, Silver was standing right next to her.

How long had he been there? Had he heard everything?
She wanted to look at him and search his face for answers, but she couldn’t. She was afraid she’d find something else, something that would destroy the little control she had left.

“She’s right when she says I’m hers to command and I’d do everything she asks. And I’m doing it because I love her.”

Lace’s head jerked up, her gaze clashing with his.

“And you love me, too, don’t you, Lace Wyndham?” She could see now that he
heard everything and that she had hurt him. She could see that he was furious with her, but more than that, she could see his need to hear her say the words.

If only she could make herself believe that she really was seeing all those things.

Because once, she had thought she was a good judge of people. Once, she had trusted a guy, thinking he was good, but that person had ended up ruining her.

How could she be sure Silver March wasn’t like that guy? Because if she thought about it, wasn’t Silver March too irritatingly perfect – wasn’t he too perfect to be true?

The silence yawned between them.

Silver’s face was harsh with tension, his voice just as taut as he said, “Say the words.”

She could only look at him, torn.

“She’s not going to say it, man,” Ryan jeered. “Didn’t you hear her? She just said you were her fuck buddy. She’s a fucking slut who’d—”

In a blink of an eye, Silver stalked past her and threw a punch at Ryan.

“March, no!”

But it was too late, the entire Northwest squad jumping into the fray.

“STOP IT!” She automatically ran towards them, intent on getting Silver to safety. Was he for real? It was eleven versus one! How did he think he’d survive that kind of fight?

But she had only managed to take several steps before she was being held back, and when she looked up, she recognized the man holding her as one of Silver’s own security team. Her head whipped back to the others, and she saw the rest of Silver’s men breaking the fight apart.

Silver was on the ground, one knee propped up and holding his nose.

“March!” The man behind her let Lace go, and she ran towards Silver, dropping to her knees as she sought to check him for injuries. But before she could hold his face, Silver had captured her wrist, and his burning gaze did the same to her eyes, preventing her from looking away.

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