Public Display of Everything (17 page)

"You look like you just discovered the correct formula to cold fusion," Flynn says.

I smirk at him and reach over the table to kiss him. "Almost." Sitting back again, I set the first part of the plan in effect. "First of all, I would love to go away with you this weekend." He smiles at that. "Second, and this is important, can you stay away from Public Display until we get back home?"

His brows knit together, and I can tell he wants to ask why. He's clever, though. I won't answer that particular question, so instead he asks, "All weekend? Or from now? I need specifics so I can let my admins know."

"From tomorrow would be great." It should be enough. It's Wednesday now, and the members will need a couple days' notice. I gotta book the right hotel room, too. Which…fuck, okay, I have enough money for renting a car and some nice meals, but I have to use Flynn's card to pay for the room.

I remind myself that he's told me several times it's okay to use it.

"I also need access to your account on the site," I add. It's under Flynn's username that I will post the details. Friday night will work best. That way, we'll have all Saturday to hide out—and not leave the bed—until we head to Dover bright and early on Sunday.

"You have me curious, Cory," Flynn complains.

I choose to focus on the excitement I see mingled with the…yeah, he's definitely nervous and apprehensive. But I'll put him at ease. The members will never see me as available again.


Chapter 16

I stick my hands down into the pockets of my jeans and lean against the doorframe, watching in contentment as Flynn checks out the hot tub on the terrace. The sun is out, it's warm, the air is fresh and smells of the surrounding forest, the drive wasn’t too bad, and I'm excited about tonight.

And nervous about Sunday

Gotta say, I'm a little nervous about tonight too, but the anticipation is greater. It's the perfect location, one I can see myself returning to every now and then with Flynn.

Down a small hill there's a golf course, or rather the first hole before it continues to the east. But beyond the grass, some hundred and fifty feet away, there's a restaurant's parking lot. If the comment thread on Public Display is any indication, there will be quite the crowd tonight. And the distance is enough that we don’t have to worry about revealing our faces. Unless someone has a video camera with one hell of a zoom, not to mention it has to be able to film in the dark…

I did tell them binoculars were recommended.

It's wide-open out here, though I'm thankful for the hedges on both sides, giving us privacy from our neighbors. We wouldn’t wanna give
a show. 

Flynn removing the cover on the hot tub draws my attention, and I smile at the happiness rolling off him. We really do need this weekend.

Tammy expressed her envy, but it was halfhearted. I spoke to her last night over the phone, making plans to meet up next week, and she's still with that…guy—I forget his name. But anything lasting more than a week is a record for her, and apparently they're going to his summer place in Brighton soon.

"We should get in after dinner." Flynn's eyes are bright as they meet mine. "My grandparents had a Jacuzzi before they sold their house and moved into a condo." His hand ghosts along the surface of the water. "I love it."

My mouth opens to deliver the only thing I can think of right now.
. "You know what I love?" I walk over to him and pull him close, my hands sliding down the back pockets of his cargo shorts.

He grins and jerks his chin at the fancy grill near one of the hedges.

I shake my head no and dip down to kiss him softly.

"Let's see." His hands move up my arms, and he purses his lips in thought. "The king-sized bed inside?" No. Well, yes. But no. Another shake of my head. He hums. "The spa for all the golfers' wives?"

I laugh through my nose. "You, Huckleberry." I kiss him again, deeper. "I love
." Fuck, it felt good to get off my chest. Inching away, I watch his mouth forming a silent "oh." His uncertain gaze flicks between different spots on my face, and I can almost hear his unasked question
. Really?
"I'm not joking." I nip at his bottom lip. "I love you."

He swallows audibly and grips my arms tighter, as if steadying himself, and lets out a breath. "I-I love you, too."

Smiling widely, fucking ecstatic, I claim his mouth with mine. It doesn’t really work; our smiles are in the way, but fuck it. He wants more, I want more, we go for more.

Eventually, the happiness is curbed by other pressing needs, and I pick him up to sit him down on the edge of the hot tub. He moans when I stroke his tongue with mine. At the same time, he links his feet together behind my knees, and I push my fingers into his hair.

"I love you," he mumbles into the kiss. "Greatly, extremely, exorbitantly."

"Damn," I chuckle, out of breath. "I was gonna use those exact words."


Hours later, we find ourselves in a similar position, but we're inside the hot tub, the jets are on, and it's almost completely dark out. The terrace is only illuminated by the spotlights in the water and the diminishing fire that’s left from our barbecue.

We lost our trunks some twenty minutes ago, right before Flynn straddled me.

"You haven't—oh, fuck, shit, fuck." He buries his face into my neck as I sneak a hand between us to stroke his cock. "You haven't explained why-why my laptop is on that chair."

He should see the lube behind the laptop. That’s much more interesting.

"I think you can guess," I murmur between kisses to his shoulder. I lap up little drops of water that trickle down from his hair. "You've been on pins and needles since we got naked."

Every now and then, he looks out over the golf course—not that he can see very far; it's too dark—as if he's afraid someone's gonna jump out with a camera.

I know for a fact there're people filming, if not right this moment, then any minute now. It should be ten PM soon, the time I listed.

"I do have a guess." Flynn lifts his head, hesitant. "I suspect you've put up a listing on the site. Initially, I thought it would be for tomorrow, but…" He peers out into the darkness again, biting the inside of his cheek. "Now I believe it's for tonight, and I don’t understand why I'm here." He glances back at me. "Shouldn’t I give you privacy?"

I shake my head no and lean back. "Go read the listing. Out loud."

He frowns, confused, but does as I requested. Grabbing a towel, he stands up and wraps it around his hips, then leaves the water and walks over to the chair by the door. I watch as Public Display pops up, and judging by the faint lines I see across the page, the chat is already full of activity.

"Webmaster introduces his boyfriend," Flynn reads, "with a good, hard…"

I smirk, even though he can't see me. "Fuck, Flynn. With a good, hard
." I stroke my dick lazily underwater. "Now, get the lube from behind the laptop and show every voyeur out there how unavailable I am."

He stiffens, still with his back to me, and scrolls down the page. I assume he's reading the messages. At first I worry something's wrong, that a member has started gay-bashing or whatever, but when he chuckles, I decide that can't be it.

"They're standing out there with binoculars." He finally turns around after grabbing the lube and returns to the hot tub. There's a moment of nervousness while he grips his towel, but I tell him it's okay. I tell him he's beautiful, fucking sexy, and that people want to see him.
want to see him.

Determination flashes in his eyes, and he lets the towel drop to the ground.

The first step he takes is filled with a confidence I've never really witnessed in him, and it causes an unexpected rush of pride to swell in my chest. I realize it's a milestone for him, which makes this moment so much more significant.

I halt him when he's halfway in, sitting on the edge. "I love you." I stand up in the hot tub to kiss him, then look him in the eye and smile at the satisfaction in his features.

"I feel braver with you," he whispers.

Words failing me, I take his mouth with mine again and pour all my admiration for him into that kiss. Then I'm suddenly ravenous as fuck, and I lick and nip my way down his front, only three words ringing in my head.
Gotta have him, gotta have him, gotta have him.

"You didn’t tell me what you think about my plan." Peering up at him, I lick the underside of his semi-hard dick before sucking him down.

He gasps and grabs a fistful of my hair. "
, Cory. You expect me t-to carry on a conversation
?" I manage a jerky nod as I tongue the head of him. "Well." He huffs. "I think…I think I'm waiting to wake up from a dream. Perhaps some would laugh at my insecurities, but not—fuck, shit—not you. Oh, goodness. You,
," he grunts as I swallow around him, "humor me. You do this for me…so others can see you're with me."

I hum and pinch the inside of his thigh, at which he yelps, then dip lower to lick his balls. "That would've woken you up if this was a dream." Closing my eyes, I lose myself in pleasing him. "But I'm afraid I gotta burst your bubble. I'm not that selfless." Far from it. "This is for me, too. I want them to see you're mine."

He just groans, nods, and lets his head fall back. His hand guides my head back to his cock, and then he grips the edge of the hot tub to support himself before he begins to thrust in and out of my mouth.

"Amazing, amazing, I love you," he mumbles, panting. "I want you to-to fuck me. Not the other way around."

Fine by me. I'm more than ready to sink my dick deep into his tight ass. I've discovered that I prefer to top Flynn, but sometimes there's nothing better than getting fucked into oblivion.

I moan around his cock as a spurt of pre-come coats the roof of my mouth, and I'm quick to suckle his slit. In return, Flynn groans and fucks my throat.

"Okay, okay,
." He pulls me away from him.

For a minute, I let him catch his breath while I leave the hot tub—almost falling on my ass—to lube up my cock. His flavor sits on my tongue, and I want it fueling me when I push into him.

It's always like that. I gotta have it all. Taste him and feel him everywhere, and preferably at the same time.

The night is warm and quiet, except for the occasional breeze that raises goose bumps on our skin and makes the hedges whisper rattling sounds.

It's been a while since I heard the fire crackle and fizzle.

"Aren't you afraid a hotel guest will walk by?" Flynn swings his legs over the edge and lands more gracefully than I could ever manage.

"Tee time is over." I hand him the bottle, needing his hands on me. "But if someone passes…?" I shrug and tilt my head to nip at his earlobe. "Let them watch." He shudders, fumbling a bit with the lube. Then I feel his perfect fingers around my shaft, slick with cool liquid. "Fuck, baby…" I nuzzle his skin and squeeze my eyes shut.

"I love touching you," he whispers against my jaw. My turn to shudder. "I could look at you forever."

"Christ—I need to fuck you." I grab his jaw and kiss him hard. When he breaks away to gasp for air, I trail more kisses along his neck and shoulders. Simultaneously, I spin him around and tell him to hold on to the edge of the hot tub.

I would've felt bad for how roughly I'm touching him if it wasn’t for the fact that I've never seen Flynn this turned on. He's already trembling and chanting deliriously about
more, more, more
, and I haven't even touched his ass yet. But I'll rectify that right now. Drizzling some lube onto my fingers, I kiss the spot between his shoulder blades and slowly relax his muscles for me.

"No," he breathes out. "I want your cock. Only your cock."

Christ, finger-fucking him these days is more for me than him. I use that time to calm the fuck down and simply enjoy touching my man. But fuck it. I'm in no mood to tease and draw things out. Fisting my cock, I guide it to his hole and gently nudge forward while Flynn lets out an elongated moan.

"This is what you want, sweetheart?" I grit out, feeling water—or sweat—trickle down my temples. "You want me to fuck you?"

." He hisses and pushes back. "Make it dirty, Cory. Please,

I spit out a curse and grip his hips, then slam in all the way. A choked gasp is all I hear from Flynn, and I picture his mouth open in a silent scream as I start fucking him furiously.

"Is this dirty enough for you?" I snake a hand around his throat and yank him back to me, his back arching. "You want every fucker watching knowing I'm addicted to your perfect ass?" He closes his eyes and nods. I half expected him to be as frenzied as I feel, but if anything, he looks serene. "You love this," I murmur. Each time he swallows, I feel his Adam's apple bob under my hand. "You want it filthy and fucking obscene."

"Yes." It's a shallow breath. "Sometimes. Now. Fuck, shit." Red streaks across his pale cheeks, and I realize he likes being pushed out of his comfort zone when it's
. Because he trusts me.

Slowing down, I drive my cock deeper and grind to find that spot of his. "So goddamn tight." My teeth sink into his neck, hard enough to sting. "When I'm close, will you let me come on your face?"

He nods quickly and reaches for his cock, but I stop him. I'm in charge, and right now I wanna feel him hot and heavy in my hand. It makes him beg. I fuck him through pleas and breathless groans, somehow managing to push aside my own needs. He's my primary focus, and I won't stop until he's thoroughly sated.

"I can't wait to see it," I whisper in his ear. My gut churns with pleasure, causing tingling sensations to travel throughout my body. "On your lips, your flushed cheeks, your tongue." He throbs in my hand. "You'll lick it up, won't you?"

"Cory! I'm cl—" He stops abruptly.

Knowing he's teetering on the edge, I push him forward, my hand tracing the length of his spine. "Stroke yourself now." Then I take hold of his hips again and angle myself to pass his prostate
. I've learned he doesn’t like it when I rub it directly, but rather with a lighter touch.

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