Read Ravage Me Online

Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Ravage Me (22 page)

Princess grabbed her hair, pulling Stella’s eyes up to hers. “Then what?”

“Same as Moxie. Started running up a tab. I was fucking the crew to pay; then Rabbit said I had to bring in cash, or he’d kill me.”

“Keep going.” Princess pulled on her hair, then released it, standing in front of her with her arms crossed, pushing up those beautiful tits of hers.

“I didn’t sell to the girls, only a few of the regular guys. One of Rabbit’s crew came to collect the cash and give me more blow. I would do some and sell the rest.”

“You ever meet anyone else in the crew.”

“Yeah, I fucked six of the guys and saw some of the women hanging around.”

“You ever fuck Rabbit?” The bitch stared at Princess.

“Fuck no. That bitch he has would have gutted me.” Smiling, I was so damn proud of my girl.

“Tell me about this bitch.” When she didn’t talk, Princess held up her hand to strike.

“Stop, I’ll tell ya.” Princess backed off and listened. “Her name was Babs. She seemed to be running the show over there, more than the men. I didn’t think that’s how MCs worked.” Fuck no, that’s not how they worked. What the hell?

“She never hit me, but ordered the guys to do it. She threatened to have Rabbit and his crew rape and kill me. She told me that if I didn’t start bringing more clients to the studio and selling more, I’d be done.”

“So you did what she said?”

“The bitch was going to have the guys kill me, and I knew she wasn’t shitting. Her eyes were dead and cold. There was no emotion in them what-so-ever.”

“Babs say anything else?”

Stella began sobbing, no doubt from the pain Princess’s fists were leaving. “She asked about you. Wanted to know exact dates when you were getting out. I didn’t want to tell her, but she had one of the guys put a gun to my head. I didn’t have a choice.”

“What all did you tell her?” Princess asked as she stepped closer to her.

“I only told her the date you were getting out. That was all I knew.”

“When are you supposed to meet for the next exchange?” Princess asked, seeming unfazed.

“Tomorrow. 7 p.m. at the studio.”

“Who are you meeting, and how much cash is expected?”

“I never know who’s gonna be there. Could be a crew member or Rabbit. Fifteen hundred.”

“You’re selling fifteen hundred dollars of blow in my studio a week?” Princess’s anger rose. She grabbed Stella, pulling her to stand up. Then she attacked. Blow after blow, she pounded this woman into the ground. When Stella fell to her knees, Princess was seething.

“That’s enough,” I barked out. Princess looked at me and nodded, walking over to stand beside me.

“Wh… at’s gonna happen to me?” Stella asked.

“We’ll let you know.” Wrapping my arm around Princess, I led her out the door. “Tug, put the other one in, give her a first aid kit and lock ‘em up.” Tug nodded as he got to work.

I walked Princess to my room, locking the door behind us. “I need to use the bathroom.” Her voice was very distant.

“You okay?”

She gave me a small grin. “Yeah. I’m gonna take a shower.” She turned, shutting the door behind her.

Leaving the room, I went and told Diamond and Pops everything that Stella said. They were in agreement that we should set these men up tomorrow night, and we decided we’d talk about it at the next church.

Coming back to the room, I found Princess curled up under the blankets, her back facing the door. Her body was shuddering making me think she was crying. Stripping my clothes off, I crawled into bed beside her. She instantly wrapped her naked body around mine, clinging to me for dear life.

As I rubbed her back, she began to relax into me. “Talk to me,” I said softly.

“I don’t get it. How the hell can she be so pissed off at me that she wants to destroy me? Something’s missing. I need that puzzle piece, and I have no clue how the hell to get it.”

“I’m not sure, Baby, but we’ll figure it out.”

“I need you,” she whispered into my chest, her warm breath grazing me.

“I’m right here, Baby.” Princess opened her legs as I slid my dick deep inside of her. This wasn’t some quick fuck. This was slow and sensual as I rocked my hips in and out of her. Wiping the tears from her face, I leaned down, kissing her lips. As we came together, she wrapped her arms around me tight, pressing my body into hers.

After rolling off to the side, I stared down at Princess as I propped up on my elbow. “You know, I love you.” My other hand brushed the hairs that lined her beautiful face.

“I know. I love you, too.” Her smile was the most beautiful thing on this planet. I loved being the one to put it on her face.

“I need to ask you something.” She nodded. “You my ol’ lady?”

Her smiled widened, “Yeah, Baby. I am.” I kissed her hard.

“Good, I have something for you.”




Watching Cruz’s fine ass walk across the room, my body hummed. I loved this man. I loved his loyalty. I loved his honor with the club. I loved how he was such a wonderful dad. I loved how he loved me.

Cruz opened the top drawer of his dresser, pulling out a black leather rag. My heart began pounding in my chest, and it felt hard to breathe. This was it. The one thing I said I’d never do, and now it’s the one thing that I want more than anything.

As he walked back to the bed, I sat up, letting the sheet fall down exposing myself to him. “I had this made for you. Been waiting for you to say it, and since you did, I want you to wear it.”

I tried to hold back the tears, but my vision was becoming blurry. In my world, this was the same as a wedding proposal. This was everything. Cruz held up the vest turning it around to the back. I couldn’t stop the tear that rolled down my cheek as I quickly batted it away.

The back had the top rocker with Ravage written on it, and below that was a large patch that said ‘Property of Cruz.’ I knew that once I put this rag on; I would need to keep myself in order, not letting any of my actions reflect badly on Cruz. I’d been doing my best this last week, but now best wasn’t good enough. I’d need to do better.

Looking up into Cruz’s eyes, I felt the love pouring out of them. “I’d love to,” I said quietly.

“Turn around, Baby.” As I did, I felt the cool leather touch the skin on my back sending tingles throughout my body. Moving my arm out, he placed the rag up one arm and then the other, wrapping it around my body like a glove. “Stand up. Let me see.”

Moving off the bed, I stood in front of him naked, except for the rag, as I slowly turned around giving him a wonderful view of every part of me. “Damn, Baby,” he growled, turning my insides to liquid.

Cruz didn’t give me time to think as he grabbed my ass, hoisting me up in the air, my legs instinctively wrapping around him. Cruz slipped one arm and then the other underneath my knees opening me up to him. As his dick slid inside, he began pumping into me like a piston of an engine as it revved up. Before I could get my bearings, I came hard, but Cruz wasn’t done. His hips continued pushing as I set off again.

I felt my grasp on his neck beginning to break, so I clutched him much tighter. Over and over, he kept sending me into oblivion. When he released inside of me, I held onto him for dear life, never wanting to let this man go.

My entire body was like Jell-O as he laid me down on the bed. I didn’t think I’d be able to move again. Cruz looked down at me lying on my back with his vest on my body. I could feel the pride coming off of him, and I knew I’d never want to disappoint him. I couldn’t. Yawning, my eyes began to droop. “Baby, take a nap, and then me and you are going for a ride.”

I nodded as I curled into a ball, falling into a fast, sated sleep.



Walking into the main part of the clubhouse, I felt like all eyes were on me, well… because they were. Cruz had his arm wrapped around my shoulders leading me through. When the whistles and hollers began, I felt the blush creep into my cheeks, not from embarrassment, but from happiness. No one at that moment could wipe the smile plastered across my face off.

“Let’s see!” Zed’s ol’ lady, Legs, came up to me grinning. As I turned slowly, the noises behind me got louder. “It’s beautiful, girl. I’m so happy for you.”

Turning back around, I wrapped Legs in my arms, hugging her tightly. “Thank you.” Legs got her name because she’s barely five foot tall, a short little thing. That’s how names work around here. Names come about depending on the person. You’re short we name you, Legs. You laugh a lot and are the life of the party; they name you Bubbles.

She pulled away. “We’re going to Bimbo’s tonight. You guys wanna come?” I stood there shocked. I’d never been invited out with them before. Being the club’s kid, I didn’t do those things. Parties, yes, but actually going out with the brothers and sisters? That was new… and thrilling.

“I need to talk to Cruz first.” She smiled knowingly. Bubbles, Becs’ ol’ lady, and Flash, Dagger’s ol’ lady, came up and hugged me, as well. All of these women I’ve known most of my life, but this was different. It was a different kind of hug. This was a sister’s hug.

“Of course. We’re going around eight.” Nodding, I walked over to Cruz. He smiled down at me, wrapping his arm around me as he pulled me tight into his chest, and he kissed me on the top of my head.

“They invited us to Bimbo’s tonight if you want to go,” I said into his chest smelling the leather and smoke.

“Sure, Babe. Come on, we got some place to be.”

Excitement flooded through me. This would be the first time I rode as Cruz’s ol’ lady.

As the wind whipped all around us, I enjoyed having my arms wrapped around Cruz. Between the smell of him and the rumble between my thighs, I was getting way too turned on.

Being on the back of someone’s bike was something I was still getting used to. After an hour and a half of riding, we stopped to eat and climbed right back on. We were lucky that Ma said she’d watch Cooper all night, so we were really free for a while. But my mind kept reverting to the shit going down in my life, and every time I closed my eyes, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

As we pulled into a park, Cruz killed the bike. Climbing off, we moved over to the picnic benches as I laid my head on his shoulder. “Everything okay, Babe?”

“Sorry. My mind just keeps running. I try to turn it off, but it doesn’t help.”

He wrapped his arm around me as squeezed me tightly to him. “We’ll get it all figured out.”

“What about Mel?” Cruz’s body stiffened at the name, but I didn’t say a word. “She hasn’t signed yet. She can’t have my boy.”

“I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. I don’t know why, but I was. Now…” He trailed off squeezing me as he kissed the top of my head. “I’ll take care of it.”

“What about Babs?”

“That’s club business, Babe.” I nodded, knowing there was no more he could say. I respected that even though I wanted to know.

“I’d like to go back to Studio X full time again. You okay with that?” Asking him wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. It just came natural.

“Yeah, Baby. You have to have a Prospect with you all the time, though.” I smiled.

“Becs is there a lot.” He stiffened. “It’s okay, Baby. I know you’re just looking out for me. I smoothed it over with Liv. But having him there will help. I’d just need someone to ride with me to and from.”

“Have one of the Prospects.” Nodding, I relaxed into him. I hoped that going back to the studio would allow me to get my mind off of things. Maybe if I did that, I’d be able to see a clearer connection with all of this. “What about Cooper?” he asked.

“I’ll see if Ma can watch him at the shop, and more than likely I won’t be going in till noon, so I’ll be with him until then.”

“I’ll be around a bit, too. We’ve got some runs coming up that will take me away for three or four days at a time, but I’ll do my best.”

“It’s hard being a 24/7 dad, huh?” I said, nudging.

“I didn’t know what to expect. I just always thought he’d be better with Mel. She’s supposed to love him and take care of him. But over the last year, it’s been going downhill.” He held his head down.

“When did you find out she was hitting him?” I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer to that question, but it just fell out of my mouth. Part of me needed to know.

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