Raven (Legends Saga Book 2) (26 page)

,” Ridley snorted. “That’s funny, that’s what I call my…”

Ireland halted him with a finger raised in warning. “
I have a sword. Do
finish that sentence.”


all but Ridley’s pinkie, Ireland dragged him along as she closed the distance between herself and Noah. “You have to know that the
thing between Ridley and me is the boot stomping fate has given both of us.”

Wordlessly, Ridley shifted from one foot to the other behind her.

“I know that,” Noah’s stern gaze softened as he peered down at her. “I do.”

He lays on the guilt so heavily,” Young Rip moved in a snaking cloud to whisper his poisonous ideas directly into Ireland’s ear. The cool chill of his essence triggered a rash of goosebumps up and down her arms. “Yet you
he has his own little secrets. Why does he
stay? Who would voluntarily delve into such darkness?”

Simple words uttered by an undeniably conniving
have been easy to cast aside. And yet … they had poked at the outwardly calm surface of her insecurities, producing a ripple effect of self-doubt.

“Why are you here, Noah?”
Young Rip clasped his hands behind his back, circling Noah he wore the glare of a protective father. “What would drive a person to choose this life?”

Retreating into herself, Ireland felt familiar prickles dance down her spine. The Hessian had stirred, clawing and lashing his way to the forefront of her mind. Blinking hard, she fought to clear away the murderous red haze creeping around the edges of her vision—to no avail. 

“Not that it’s any of your business,” Noah responded tightly, his chest expanding as he hooked his thumbs in his belt loops. “But, I was under the assumption she and I had chosen
each other

Skin stretched, bones pushing outward. The abyss was racing in to claim her
, leaving Ireland time only to gasp, “

One glance spurred him into action, sending him scrambling to dig the talisman from his pocket. 

Again with this
?” Ridley exclaimed and yanked his hand free.

Blue lips curled back in a
cheeky grin, a demonic tremor rattling from her throat. “Beguiled by a sweet smile and sashaying hips, no doubt. Even so, the willingness to overlook the truth, that hell itself lies in wait within her soul, is cause for question. Only a saint or a fool would make such a choice.”

Claiming his sought after prize, Noah pulled the talisman into view and weighed it in his palm in an open thread. “I’ve been called one of those things and it sure as hell wasn’t a saint. Ireland, if you’re in there
would be a great time to take the reins. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to put bonehead down for the count, and take you with him.”

The girl
fight to resurface,” the Horseman made Ireland’s shoulders rise and fall in a casual shrug. “
I was speaking any words she was not too cowardice to risk herself.”

Subtle as he could, Ridley inched his way back by Rip.
“Talks like this are exactly why I never stick around for long term commitments,” he muttered behind his hand.

“I’m pretty sure never before in the history of relationships has
ever had the ‘can you love me even though I’m the Headless Horseman’ conversation,” Young Rip tittered with giddy eagerness, winding himself around the two men in a trail of luminescent azure.

prowled closer with the fluidity of a jungle cat. Her head tipped, she glowered up at him from under her vein scrawled brow. “Sneaky little glances at your phone. Did you think she didn’t see those? A life you left so willing and never speak of. Admit it, boy, she is nothing more than entertainment to you. A dangerous thrill you think to indulge yourself with for a bit before running back to your

“Is that what
is worried about?” Noah practically growled, taking a threatening step forward. “Because I’d really like to hear that from

“Correct me if I am wrong,” Young Rip purred,
solidifying enough to steeple his fingers under his chin. “However, that did
sound like a denial to me.”

head snapped toward the mouthy apparition, his lip twitching into a snarl. “
Are you trying to get me killed

hissed free from leather. Raising her sword chest level, Ireland spun, her elbow slamming into Noah’s solar plexus. A choked gasp lodged in his throat as the ground rose to meet him. Frantically wheezing to regain his stolen breath, Noah’s eyes widened as the edge of her blade pressed a valley of pressure against his neck.

“Answer me, boy,”
dropping to one knee, the Hessian leaned in to hiss in his face, “or shake hands with Death this very day.
Why are you here

… enough … of the couple … counseling … from the undead.” Gritting his teeth, Noah wormed one hand between them and slapped the talisman flat against Ireland’s forehead.

Her lips peel
ing from her teeth, Ireland recoiled. The smell of burning flesh permeated through the dank tunnel. Noah moved with her without hesitating, keeping the metal coin firmly planted. As she stumbled back, Noah seized the opportunity to shift the dynamic and pinned her to the ground. Writhing in pain, the monster finally rescinded, allowing the veil of obscurity to lift from Ireland’s wide and startled eyes.

“Noah,” she rasped, “
it’s me.”

While he
was courteous enough to shift his weight
off of her, he made no move to let her up. “I think we’re going to have a little talk right here while you’ve got your listening ears on.”

“Could you at least move the talisman? It’s only a few layers of skin away from melting the part of my brain that knows the alphabet.” Her attempt at humor was sullied by her tone, tight with
barely concealed anguish.

Lips, as full and tempting as ripe wild berries, pursed as Noah shook his hea
d. The tips of his hair tickled across her forehead. “I’m thinking no. Not after learning from a
that we have some issues to resolve. Now, I have a few things to say and need to make sure your head is completely your own, so you can really

One eye twitched shut, the other rolling back to retreat under a fluttering
eyelid. “Talk fast,” Ireland gasped.

showered Ridley with spit in his attempted to whisper, “Thith would be thweet if wathn’t for the known killer athpect.”

Despite his threatening façade, Noah eased up on the talisman, keeping it in place with only the pad of his thumb. “You wanna know why I check my phone all the time? It’s because I
I was important back in Sleepy Hollow. I was busy everyday—handling this, running there—and in my mind that meant people
me. Then, I left town with you. Wanna know what I figured out?” 

,” Ireland squeaked with a meager nod.

“That my entire life back there could be wiped away with one simple phone call. Turns out I was filling my days with busy work that my family could easily hand over to someone else.” The tendons of his jaw
tightened at the audible sorrow that crept into his voice. “So, yes, I was bummed about that, but not bad enough to bother my girlfriend with it. Especially since
was dealing with having a killer poltergeist squatting somewhere in her subconscious.”

Ireland forced both
watering eyes open, the angry red skin of her forehead creasing with concern. “You could have—”

“Pretty sure I wasn’t done talking.” The extra thump Noah gave the talisman act
ed as a none-too-subtle reminder of their situation. “You just had a sword to my jugular. I think you can let me have the floor for a minute.”

Pressing her lips together in a firm white line, Ireland hitched one eyebrow in an invitation for him to continue.

upset about all of this, until I had to carry your limp and lifeless body into the emergency room,” staring deep into her eyes, where there was no room for anything but the bitter truth, his voice grew husky with emotion. “I thought I lost you, Ireland. And in that moment everything became crystal clear to me. Everything that occupied my time before was just filler to distract me until
came along. With you I’m needed … and hopefully wanted?” His tone rose at the end just enough to make it a question.

ing her lips clamped, Ireland jerked her chin down in a brief nod of absolute confirmation.

You’re my true north. Where I belong and where I was always meant to be.”  A bit of the tension melted from his handsome face, that half-smile she adored tugged back the corner of his mouth. “You see where I’m going with this?”

Purposely blanking her face of all emotion, Ireland stared … and blinked. “You’re frying my frontal lobe. I’m pretty sure I’m going to need it spelled out to me using small words.”

Noah dipped his head closer, the warmth of his breath causing a naughty little rush to fill her chest that seemed insanely inappropriate considering their circumstances. “I’m trying to tell you that I’m in love with you, ya beautiful dumbass.”

A hot blush rushed u
p her neck, filled her cheeks, and tiptoed its way to her ear lobes. “I’d really want to say it back, but not while my forehead smells like bacon.”

“That’s fair.” He nodded. “If I take the talisman off, will you sheath your sword?”

“You have my exceedingly grateful word.”

Slapping his hand against the
grimy tile floor, Noah retracted the talisman and shoved himself away, backing away with his hands raised. Ireland rolled to her side, panting to steady her breathing, the edge of her sword scrapping against the floor. Slowly she rose to her feet, her overly cautious posture mirroring Noah’s. The tunnel around them darkened to midnight’s navy shroud as if reflecting the dark moods of its collective inhabitants.

“Now’s your chance Horseman!” Curling
around her neck like a scarf, Young Rip blew the hair from her neck and prompted a potent shiver to shudder through her. “All those lies and secrets. You can’t believe a word he utters! Seize this moment.
Finish him

Ireland’s neck snapped in his direction, her bothersome bangs falling into her eyes. “
? This isn’t
Mortal Kombat
! There will be no finishing of anyone.”

Enough!” Ridley barked, his adamant outburst
their attention. His narrowed, blazing glare lassoed Young Rip and drew the essence toward him. “You’re playing us like puppets. For what? Your own amusement?” Young Rip opened his mouth to answer, yet was silenced by a sharp shake of Ridley’s head. “The reason doesn’t matter. It ends

Without a word of argument,
Young Rip came to rest beside Ridley. His hands folded respectfully in front of him.

Rip’s head cocked in appreciation. “
You contwoled him. Tha’th a nifthy trick.”

We’re gonna put a pin in
new development and discuss it in one second,” Ireland said, then caught Noah’s equally perplexed stare and turned her hip to show him her sword disappearing back into its sheath.

“I believe there was something you wanted to say?”
he murmured, his features sharpening in a truly delectable come-hither invitation.  

Her boot
s squeaked across the tile, making it one tentative stride before she pulled up short. “Uh … not until you put the talisman away.”

Noah’s gaze flicked up to her red and blistered forehead
. “Oh, yeah! Sorry.”

Following her lead, he held the talisman up by its chain, letting the heavy medallion sway beneath his palm before depositing it into the front pocket of his jeans. Both hands rose and he spun in a small circle to assure her it was well hidden. “We good?”

A slow smile dawned on her face, brightening it like a thousand sunrises. The pair closed the gap between them with matched urgency. Her arms weaved around his neck as he caught her by the waist and swept her up in his arms.

“I love you, too,” she breathe
d the words into him, delving into the sweet surrender of his kiss.  

“Cautious romance,” Ridley forced a chuckle
. His attempt slightly tarnished by the tight set of his jaw an outsider may have guessed to be jealousy. “That’s what we just witnessed here.”

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