Read Real Men Don't Quit Online

Authors: Coleen Kwan

Tags: #Real Men#2

Real Men Don't Quit (20 page)

Chapter Sixteen

Eighteen months later

Tyler picked her way through the maze of boxes littering the living room, wondering how long it would take to sort everything. Luke had already started unpacking. He’d arranged a few framed photos on the bookcase. Drawing nearer, she saw they were their wedding photos. She smiled as she recalled that memorable event three months ago. It had been a perfect day. Luke’s father hadn’t attended—he’d taken up with a wealthy widow and moved to Brisbane with her—but surprisingly Tyler’s mother had shown up at the last minute. Wanda had even managed to kiss Tyler before making a quick exit after the ceremony. While Tyler and Luke had honeymooned, Chloe had stayed with Gretchen.

A gurgle of laughter made her glance up. Out on the lawn, Chloe had already discovered the tire swing hanging from the large jacaranda tree, and she was giggling as Luke pushed her into the air. Somehow, with a lot of patience, Luke had helped Chloe get over her fear of swings.

“Higher, Daddy!”

Tyler’s chest squeezed. It was only the second time she’d heard her daughter call Luke “Daddy.”

“You got it.” Luke’s beaming grin told her he’d also noticed.

Even if Damien never signed the adoption papers, Luke would still be Chloe’s father. He was the one who read her stories, tucked her in at night, chased away the bad dreams. He was the one who’d tossed her in the air after he and Tyler had exchanged their marriage vows and allowed her to smother him with confetti. He would always be there for her.

Just as he was always there for Tyler. Just as he’d promised.

Her gaze slipped over his broad shoulders outlined by the tight T-shirt. He’d put on some more muscle since he’d been working on this old house they’d bought. The renovations weren’t quite finished but they’d moved in anyway, figuring to save the rent money. The house needed plenty of work, but it was on a large block of land and only a ten-minute drive from Java & Joolz.

As she straightened the wedding photos, she noticed the contents of a packing box opened nearby—Luke’s books from his mother’s house. The humble cottage would soon be full of life again. Luke’s eldest niece was engaged, and the young couple was in need of a small home, so Luke had been busy clearing things. He’d brought all his books with him, including the ones his father had given him all those years ago. Luke was gathering moss, taking up shelf space, looking set to stay for a very long time. She grinned to herself.
Fine by me.

She was about to step out and join her family when a mobile phone on the couch began to ring. Seeing it was Luke’s, she scooped it up and headed outside. The caller id told her it was Francine, his new agent.

“It’s for you, honey.”

He straightened and took the phone from her.

“Mumma, can we get a puppy?” Chloe said, repeating the plea that had started ever since she’d stayed with Gretchen. “Grammy said I could choose one from her next litter.”

“We’ll see, sweetie.” Tyler kept her gaze on Luke, alerted by his curious expression as he made a few monosyllabic noises into the phone.

“Aw, you always say that.”

Tyler widened her eyes at Luke after he ended the call. “What was that all about?”

He stared at her, a slow smile spreading across his face, eyes beginning to dance. “Angel, how would you like a custom-built studio for your jewelry making?”

Comprehension slowly dawned on her. “You mean you…”

“I haven’t sold yet but…” He reached for her hands. “There’s a bidding war going on. Francine’s talking seven figures minimum.”

figures. Her mind boggled before she flung her arms around him and gave him a smacking kiss. “Oh, Luke, I knew you could do it!”

He spun her round in the air, his eyes shining like polished jet, his joy clearly tinged with relief. All the months he’d toiled on the writing project dear to his heart, he’d worried it would lead to nothing, but she had never doubted his talent.

“What’s happening?” Chloe asked Luke as she jumped up and down with excitement.

“I’m about to get a few dollars.” He swooped the child up in his arms and did a mad dance with her, flinging his legs about as he chuckled. “Which means I can treat my two favorite girls to whatever takes their fancy! So, moppet, is there anything you want?”

Tyler held up a warning finger. “Uh, darling, I don’t think you should—”

I want?” Chloe cuddled up to him cunningly.

“Sure,” the unsuspecting man said, hoisting her higher.

“Then I want a puppy.” The girl grinned in triumph.

“Um…” Trapped, Luke threw a helpless look at Tyler.

She shook her head. “You are such a sap.”

“That’s because I’m a sucker for girls with red hair.” Drawing Tyler into the crook of his free arm, he brushed his lips against her forehead. “I think a puppy is just what this house needs. What do you say, Mrs. Maguire?”

She sighed and leaned into him, enjoying the feel of him pressed up against her. “And I’m a sucker for you, Mr. Maguire.”

“Now that’s the kind of sassy talk I like.”

He drew his arms around Tyler and Chloe and held them close.


Thanks to my editors, Stacy Abrams and Kate Fall,
and publicists, Jessica Turner and JJ Bonds.

About the Author

Coleen Kwan has been a bookworm all her life. At school English was her favorite subject, but for some reason she decided on a career in IT. After many years of programming, she wondered what else there was in life—and discovered writing. She loves writing both contemporary romance and steampunk romance.

Coleen lives in Sydney, Australia, with her partner and two children. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys avoiding housework, eating chocolate, and watching
The Office

Contact Coleen at her website

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