Read Red Hot Rose Boxed Set Online

Authors: Kandi Kayne

Tags: #erotic romance

Red Hot Rose Boxed Set (16 page)

A moment later I could feel the large head of his cock pushing against my opening.
I lifted a leg up for him to hold, trying to angle myself better so I could take him inside me.
It started to go in, the bump of his head making it through my opening making me jerk with the jolt of pleasure it brought.
I could feel every bumpy vein sliding in, massaging the edge of my hole and bringing me closer and closer to ecstasy.

When he was fully in, he pushed his body hard against mine, pressing my back against the wall behind me.
Now that I had the support there, I could join in, pressing my clit up against him as much as possible.
It sent me into spasms of pleasure as he moved his hips in small circles, rubbing me, filling me and stretching me at the same time.

“Shhhhh …” he whispered in my ear.
“It’s not sound proof.”

I buried my face in his shirt, moaning and whimpering there as quietly as I could.

His thrusting began, moved along easily by the slippery wetness that just kept coming from both of us.
The panting took me over, as the orgasm continued to build.

“Harder,” I begged, and he complied.

“Faster!” I yelled, and he increased his pace to match that of my hips flexing and jerking towards him.
I was nearly there when I felt his cock start to pulse and grow bigger as the orgasm took him.

Knowing that he was losing it without any control, even before I had finished, took me totally out.
I lost it too, riding the wave of pleasure that was drowning me, making me lose every last inhibition I ever thought of having, making me want to do nothing but feel him sliding up inside me forever and ever and ever.

And all I could think was that nothing would ever feel this good for me again.
No one would ever be able to completely blow me away like Alexander could.
It was all downhill from here.

When we’d finally both finished, and every last ounce of cum had been wrung from both of our bodies, he pulled out of me, reaching over to grab some toilet paper for us to use to clean ourselves up.
He turned his back on me as he got dressed again, taking a moment to straighten his tie and run his fingers through his hair.

He turned around and grinned at me.
“How do I look?”

My heart sank.
Oh fuck
, I said to myself.
Because what I wanted to say was that he looked adorable.
Like a guy I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.
But I knew I couldn’t say that, that I wouldn’t dare say that.
So instead, I just said, “You look like you just got it on in the bathroom with your campaign manager.”

He grabbed me into a hug, grinding his hips into mine.
“I like that look.”
He dipped his head down to give me a soft kiss on the lips.
“Come on.
Let’s get out of here.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, smoothing my hands down my dress, shoving my wayward panties back into my purse.
They were useless now.

“Back to my office.
I have a contract drafted for you to sign.”

I frowned at him.
For what?”

“For the job I’ve offered you.”

“You were that confident?” I asked, not sure if I should be offended or impressed.

“I was that hopeful,” he said, smacking me on the butt once before unlocking the door.
He slipped out, shutting the door behind him, giving me time to collect myself some more.

I locked the door again and sat on the toilet, taking a pee while I contemplated the huge mess I’d gotten myself into.
It’s not bad enough that you slept with him five minutes after meeting him, or again at your apartment after five minutes of conversation … but now you’ve accepted an almost impossibly difficult job from him and you’ve fallen in love with him too?
How could you be so stupid!

I finished taking care of business and stood, determined to see this night through.
Maybe if I just focused on this new job, focused on keeping my damn hands to myself, and worked really hard at ignoring the way he made my heart leap every time he looked at me, I’d have a chance of really making something of my life.
I took a deep breath and turned the lock, walking out to face my destiny.
Watch out world.
Here I come.

And then just as quickly as my confidence has soared to new heights, it plummeted, as I heard Jacqueline’s voice coming in through the crack I’d just made in my bathroom stall door.
I quickly shut it again and listened in to a conversation I knew instantly I wasn’t supposed to be hearing.


Jacqueline’s nasally, arrogant voice was easy for me to pick out of the conversation.
“No, I told him everything.
I have no idea who she is … no one does.
But suddenly she’s in charge of Alex’s campaign?
It’s total bullshit.
Samuel is ready to raise hell.
He’s not going to let Alex get away with this.”

“But what can Samuel do?
I mean, he’s just an employee,” said the other female voice I didn’t recognize.

Believe me.
He knows people, and he’s pissed.
He has all the incentive in the world to take both of them down, with Alex pulling this garbage.
Firing him after all he’s done for him?
It’s beyond ridiculous.”

“He’d be taking a risk, though.
You think his family would back that up?”
The water went on, and the sound of someone washing her hands came through the door to my ears.
I was hoping there was no electric dryer in here to drown the voices out.
I thought I remembered seeing cloth napkins on the counter next to the sink.
I didn’t want to miss any of this.
I was pretty sure I was hearing someone plotting my downfall, or at least, Alex’s.

What risk?
If Samuel gets kicked out and then the whole campaign goes down in flames, he’ll look like a hero.”

“But I thought you said the campaign wasn’t going well right now, before this new girl got involved.
Maybe the public and donors are already blaming Samuel for it.”

“That’s an easy fix.
We’ll just show how Alex has been ignoring Samuel’s advice and listening to this little bitch all along and that’s why everything’s such a mess.”

“Is that true?” asked the other voice, sounding doubtful.
The water was shut off, making it easier for me to hear them.
“I thought she just came out of nowhere.
Has she been advising him for a long time?”

How should I know?
I dumped Alex’s sorry ass three months ago.”

“That’s not what Melodie said.
She said …”

“Shut up, Celeste.
Melodie’s a lying bitch, and you know it.”

I agree, sometimes she is.
But remember when you called me that one night, a total wreck, telling me how Alex shit on you?
That sounds more like what Melodie was saying.”

“How many times do I have to tell you?
I was drunk, okay?
Drunk and depressed because I knew I had to end it, so I was acting like a total witch to him trying to make him break up with me.
I hate dumping guys, you know?
They get all wimpy and weak and crying.
I hate when grown men do that.”

Me too.
Anyway, you have Arnold now, right?”

“Yes,” said Jacqueline, sounding very satisfied with herself.
“A real man.”

“Is he as good in bed as Alex?” asked her friend, a deviously happy tone to her voice.

“Better,” answered Jacqueline, smugly.

I snorted my disbelief a little too loudly.
Clapping my hand over my mouth, I stared at the wooden door in front of me, worrying for one ridiculous second that Jacqueline had x-ray vision and could see right through to me standing there without my underwear on.

“What was that?” asked Celeste, suddenly suspicious.

“I have no idea,” said an angry Jacqueline.

Heels clicked over the stone floor to stop in front of my bathroom stall door.
Someone knocked on the wood firmly, causing my heart to freeze in mid-beat.

“Who’s in there?” demanded Jacqueline.
“Whoever you are, you’d better come out
I’m not leaving until you do.”

Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!
What should I do?
Pretend I’m not here?
Say nothing?
Tell her to go to hell?
My brain was swimming with the possible outcomes of this completely awful situation.
Why did I let Alex come in here with me?
I could have been long gone before this all happened.
Shit, shit, shit!

“Excuse me, ladies?” asked a woman’s voice, a slight hesitance to it.

What do you want?” asked Jacqueline in a haughty, rude tone.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you … but their appears to be a problem with your credit card.
May I ask you to join me in the office for a brief moment to sort it out, please?”

That’s ridiculous.
There’s nothing wrong with my card.
Where’s your manager.
I want to speak with him right now!”
The sound of high heels clicking on the marble floor disappeared from the bathroom along with the voices of unhappy, bitchy women.

I unlocked the door and peeked out, my eyes scanning the space quickly, making sure I was alone.
Once I knew the coast was clear, I grabbed my purse off the hook and burst out of the stall, not even stopping to wash my hands.
I’ll use my water glass and napkin or something.
I had to get the heck out of there before they came back or got into a position where they could see me leaving the bathroom.
I knew I’d heard something I shouldn’t have, and that woman Jacqueline had a lot of pull in the PR world.
If I didn’t want my name to be mud before I even
a name, I had to be invisible in this place.
Time to make my escape.

Alex seemed to sense something had happened.
He didn’t question me at all when I got back to the table and insisted we leave immediately.
My hands were shaking with the urgency of it as my eyes darted around the restaurant, sure they’d be landing on Jacqueline’s accusing face any second.

Once we were in the car and headed to Alexander’s office, he spoke.
“Something happened back there.
Was it the incident in the bathroom?”

“Not exactly,” I said, feeling uncomfortable about the situation to the extreme.
Obviously, my first loyalty was to my new employer and … lover.
But I needed to be sure Jacqueline hadn’t been just passing idle threats and stupid gossip before I set off all the alarms at campaign headquarters.
“That woman Jacqueline was in there,” I said, leaving out all the juicy stuff.

“Yes, I know.
I asked the manager to get her out so you could make your escape.”
His voice sounded tender, which was surprising enough to get me looking over at him curiously.

What’s this all about?
“How’d you know she was in there?”

“You were taking a while, so I came back just to be sure you were okay, and I heard her in there.
Her voice is hard to miss.”

“I know,” I said, thinking back.
“It’s like the sound vultures make when they’re circling a dead carcass.”

Alexander laughed heartily.

She’s evil or something.
I don’t know what you saw in that woman aside from the obvious.” The champagne and wine were doing the talking now, apparently.
I couldn’t seem to stop the words from flying out.

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