Read Rock the Bodyguard Online

Authors: Loki Renard

Tags: #rock star, #spanking, #contemporary romance, #domestic discipline

Rock the Bodyguard (11 page)

As her panties slid away from her
skin and she lost the last scraps of protection from his palm, Cash felt deeply
vulnerable. When he traced the tips of his fingers across the slightly tender
skin, she shivered with need. The light slaps that followed sent her further
into a state of lust until she was arching her hips, her thighs spread so that his
slaps fell not only on her bottom, but a few soft swats landed across her
blossoming pussy lips.

“Naughty girls get their wet
pussies spanked,” Miles said, his voice low and intimate. “Have you been
naughty, Cash?”

“Yes,” Cash moaned as he laid his
fingers across her most intimate area and tapped her there.

She was rewarded for her honesty
when he slipped his finger back inside and began thrusting at the very entrance
of her body,

“More,” she moaned. “I want more.”

“Uh uh,” he chided gently, “don't
be greedy now.”

She whined when his finger slid out
of her, but she was soon gasping again when he began to tease and caress the
hard button at the apex of her lips. Relaxing in his arms, she gave herself
over to him completely. When he moved her onto her back on the bed, she did not
know what to expect. Surely she could not be spanked on her back?

He knelt on the floor and lowered
his head between her legs. She felt his hot breath on the molten center between
her thighs and squealed with pleasure when his tongue trailed along her slit.
He was tasting her with his mouth, the tip of his tongue tracing every fold and
swirling about her clit. She thought it couldn't feel any better, then it
happened. He positioned the tip of his tongue at the entrance of her body and
lapped gently for a moment or two – then he pushed in and she was impaled on
that muscular organ.

Her cry filled the room as he began
to tongue her towards a kind of climax she'd never experienced before. She was
filled with sensations that separated her from the rest of the world, elevating
her to a new plane where her body seemed to be one long wave of feeling. As his
tongue thrust in and out of her, she reached down and began to touch herself.
That was when everything spiked, rushing over her in a crescendo that was far
too powerful to control. She was lost to the orgasm, wailing and crying out as
she came against Miles' mouth.

The aftermath was just as
unexpected. Miles slid up the bed, wrapped his arms around her and gently,
lovingly, turned her back over his knee. She was still quivering with the
ripples of orgasm when he began to spank her bottom, his hand connecting with
sharp, staccato slaps.

Relatively gentle at first, the
spanking started to gain in intensity. Before long Cash was wriggling over his
thigh, her bottom squirming as her oh so wet and still pouting pussy pressed
against the fabric of his pants. Her clit was sensitive after the orgasm and
the sensation was not entirely pleasant, although it didn't precisely hurt
either. He had her caught between pleasure and pain, his large hand whipping
against the curve of her cheeks in a fast tattoo.

Now she was being disciplined.
There was no denying it. The skin of her bottom got hotter and tauter as he
gave her the most thorough spanking she'd ever endured.

“I hope you behave yourself in
future, Miss Raine,” he rumbled above her. “Otherwise you're going to find
sitting something of an adventure.”

She could feel something pressing
against the side of her bottom. As she wriggled and danced the horizontal mambo
of the well-spanked woman, she realized that the hard length could only be his
erection. He was aroused, very aroused from what she could feel.

Curious, Cash bit her bottom lip
and the next time his hand landed in one of those punitive slaps, she happened
to reach back, ostensibly to cover her bottom. But what she was really going
for, what she really wanted, was to graze her fingers across the hard line of
his cock.

There was a sudden intake of breath
from Miles as her fingers brushed over the protuberance in his pants. And just
like that, the spanking was over. He eased her off his thigh and sat back,
maintaining a respectable distance that left her pouting.

“Is that all?”

Miles' gaze was warm as he chuckled
at her. “That's all I have the self control for, young lady.” He reached out
and palmed her bare bottom, squeezing it for a moment before giving her a
friendly pat. “Put your panties on, before I ravish you.”

Squirming onto her side, Cash
shamelessly displayed her shaven, glistening pussy. “What if I want to be

He groaned with the effort it took
to restrain himself. “You have no idea what you're asking for.”

“Yes I do,” she said archly. “I'm
asking you to fuck me.” She reached down and touched herself, parting her pussy
with her fingers. “I want you here.”

Miles took a deep breath, leaned
over and swatted her hand away. “If you keep tempting me, if you try to stop us
taking this slow, I will spank your pussy.” His tone had gone all hard and so
had his eyes.

Cash pouted and covered herself by
rolling onto her tummy. “You are no fun.”

“That's not what I gathered when
you were screaming in orgasm,” Miles winked. “Now put some panties on, Miss
Raine. For both our sakes.”

Sighing, Cash pushed up from the
bed and stomped across the room to get some panties. “Does taking it slow mean
I don't get to touch you?”

“Not necessarily,” he said. He was
sitting back against the head of the bed, his long legs stretched in a relaxed
position as he watched her pull her panties on.

“Do I get to return the favor?” She
glanced meaningfully at his inflated crotch.

Miles chuckled. “In good time. For
now, come here.”

She went and he pulled her onto his
lap. She found herself sitting with her legs spread around his waist, her panty
covered pussy pressed against the ridge of his erection. She moaned softly as
he began rubbing her bottom, urging her to ride against his cock.

Their mouths met, tongues twirling
and she was certain she could taste a little of herself on his lips. She liked
it. It tasted of intimacy. Another, smaller peak was building as she ground
against him, one of his hands splayed across her taut, stinging bottom, the
other gently caressing her breast. It was a slow, gentle intimacy that left
Cash melting.

Finally she understood why he was
so insistent on taking things slowly. His unhurried touch and admiring gaze
left Cash feeling treasured and cherished. She was accustomed to lust, but what
he was offering was something that transcended her impulse to rut like a beast.
She was being loved. He hadn't said the word, but it was in his every touch as
she ground herself toward another orgasm.


Chapter Ten

Miles woke with Cash in his arms,
her golden hair tickling his nose. She was fast asleep with an expression of
pure contentment on her sweet face. He felt his heart swell with peaceful
happiness. Then full consciousness kicked in and he remembered everything. He
remembered the attack on Kevin, the precarious state of security and the very
real risk Cash was being exposed to by some unknown entity. The knowledge cast
a pall over the pleasant morning.

Sliding out of bed slowly so as not
to wake Cash, Miles made his way to the suite's kitchen and put some coffee on.
Mattie was already up and about, out on the suite's balcony, a small, dark
hunched figure against the London skyline.

Once she was done polluting her
body she slinked inside, giving him a wary look. “What did you do to Cash?”

“Never you mind what I did to
Cash,” he said grimly. “You worry about your own behind.”

She gave him her fiercest look, one
that put him in mind of a small terrier. “You are not going to spank me,

“No. I'll leave that to Kevin.
He'll be back later today and I'm fairly certain he will not be pleased to hear
that you've been introducing his star performer to hard liquor.”

Mattie slumped down in a
comfortable chair and smirked. “Kev won't do anything.”

“Don't be so sure of that, Ms.
Dwyer.” Miles sipped his coffee. If he had his way, Kevin would do quite a lot
to little Miss Longstockings.

“Kevin's too mellow to be mad.”

“You don't know him like I do,”
Miles told her. “He has his limits, believe me. And you deliberately crossed a
line last night, sneaking into Cash's room. You're lucky I caught you before
things got out of hand.”

Mattie smirked. “And what's that
supposed to mean? Worried your girlfriend might like me a little more than she
likes you?”

Miles snorted and held his tongue.
He had been left in no doubt as to how much Cash liked him. Mattie didn't need
to know that though. Far be it for him to cast aspersions on her ladykiller

“If I were you, Miss Dwyer, I'd
have some breakfast. It wouldn't do to be spanked on an empty stomach.”

“Oh shut up,” she said, pushing up
from the chair.

“Manners, Miss Dwyer,” he chided
gently as she stomped away.


* * * *


Upon Kevin's return, Miles made
sure to meet him outside the suite. He wanted to have a little private
conversation first – and satisfy himself that Kevin was in working condition.
To Miles' pleasure, Kevin was looking pretty good for someone who'd been in the
wars. There was some residual bruising around his right eye and hairline, but
the spark was back in his eyes and he looked like his old resilient self, his
easy smile plastered across his face as Miles met him with a hearty embrace.

“Good to see you back. Thought we
might lose you.”

“Never,” Kevin said with a wry
smile. “How are the girls?”

He had changed the subject quickly.
Miles let him.

“They're fine,” Miles replied. “But
we need to have a talk about Mattie.”

He related the tale to Kevin,
omitting only the details about the intimate aftermath.

“What a brat,” Kevin chuckled.

“Brat doesn't begin to cover it,”
Miles agreed. “She's convinced she's going to get away with it too.”

“We'll see about that,” Kevin said,
composing his features into a grim expression. “What do you reckon?” He pointed
at his face. “Scary enough?”

“Your face has always been the
scariest part of you,” Miles teased.

Snorting, Kevin shook his head.
“Nice, Miles, real nice. Especially coming from someone with a model mug like
yours. Holy sideburns, Batman! The fifties called, they want their hair back.”

Rolling his eyes as Kevin teased
him, Miles moved toward the suite. He was about to open the door, but before he
got the chance Cash threw it open, rushed past him and greeted Kevin
effusively. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him with great

“I was worried about you! Miles
wouldn't let me come and see you.”

“It's okay, Cash, I was just lying
around anyway,” Kevin winked down at her and gently disentangled himself and
looked around the room. “Now what's this I hear about you and Mattie?”

Cash dropped her arms and backed
away from him. “I already got in trouble for that.”

“I bet you did,” Kevin said,
glancing across at Miles. “Now, where's Mattie?”

Whilst Cash stammered for an
answer, Kevin stepped into the suite, shrugging off his jacket and unbuttoning
his shirtsleeves as he went. He stopped, tossed his jacket over an armchair and
began rolling his sleeves up over his forearms in a way that made Cash's eyes

“In her room, I think,” she gulped.
“I haven't seen her this morning actually.”

But Mattie wasn't in her bedroom.
Nor was she in anybody else's room. She seemed to have disappeared from the
suite entirely.

“Cash, are you sure you don't know
where Mattie is?” Miles made the inquiry, noting the way Cash squirmed as she
shook her head.

Miles and Kevin exchanged looks.

“You know it's going to be much
worse for her if she hides,” Kevin said conversationally. “In fact, if I don't
find her in the next thirty seconds, I'm going to call down to reception for a
paddle. They have that sort of thing on hand in this country.”

“No they don't,” Cash said

“This is where discipline
originated,” Miles said, backing Kevin up. “Canes are household items here.”

“I knew there was a reason I didn't
like this place,” Cash muttered, folding her arms over her chest. “I'm not a
snitch,” she said. “You can't make me tell you anything.”

“Mattie!” Kevin raised his voice.
“Stop hiding like a little girl and come and say hello.”

There was a rumble of discontent.
Miles spotted its source. One of the almost floor length curtains had grown a
pair of black boot clad feet. He glanced at Kevin, caught the man's eye, then
glanced toward the offending shoes.

Nodding, Kevin smirked slightly and
began moving towards the curtain. “Come out now, Mattie,” he said. “You're
busted, my girl.”

There was no response, so he
reached out and snapped the curtain back. Cash let out a high-pitched giggle of
glee as it was revealed that Mattie was not there. Only her boots were.

“A decoy,” Kevin noted. “Cute.”

Cash devolved further into giggles,
until Miles gave her a swat on the bottom to snap her out of them. She yelped,
rubbed her backside and then started giggling again. “You'll never find her.”

Kevin sighed. “Oh well,” he said,
locking the door of the suite. “I guess we've lost Mattie.”

“I suppose we have,” Miles said,
playing along. “Want to watch the game?”


The two men settled in front of the
television, which was suitably huge. Naturally the hotel had a satellite
connection and more sports channels than you could wave a cane at. Cash seemed
disappointed as the men settled in, cracked a couple of beers and began
watching the first game that came to hand.

“You're not even going to look for

“No,” Kevin said. “She'll keep. I
figure this'll work on a time penalty system. The longer she hides, the worse
it will be.”

“That's not fair!” Cash exclaimed

“Life isn't.”

The platitude sent Cash scuttling
off into her bedroom. A few seconds later, Mattie emerged. She was covered in
dust and bits of what looked like insulation. Miles and Kevin exchanged
incredulous looks.

“Fine,” she said, blowing dust away
from her own lips. “Here I am.”

“I'll deal with you after the
game,” Kevin said, pretending to ignore her.

“What? Fuck off!” Mattie screeched,
stamping her foot. “I came out!”

“Time you learned things don't
always happen on your schedule, girl,” Kevin said, casting a look over at her.
“If I were you, I'd have a shower. Insulation can be nasty stuff. Don't want
that on your skin.”

“You suck!” Mattie exclaimed. “And
you're not going to do anything to me!”

Kevin ignored that.

Mattie stomped off, slamming doors
as she went.

Hovering with a confused expression
on her face, Cash clearly didn't know what was going on. “Aren't you happy to
see her?”

“Of course I am, and I'll tell her
that when she stops acting like a brat,” Kevin replied. “After the game.”

“She was worried about you,” Cash

Miles reached out, looped an arm
around her waist and drew her down into his lap. “Cash, sweetheart,” he said.
“Kevin knows what he's doing. Don't worry about Mattie.”

Frowning slightly, Cash settled
into his arms. She didn't seem terribly interested in the game, but she did
like to cuddle. Miles was pleased to note that Kevin didn't seem to have much
of a problem with their casual intimacy. He didn't intend on hiding their
relationship from Kevin. It was one thing to play it cool in public, but he had
no intention of sneaking around with Cash like a couple of teenagers – not in
the privacy of their own suite.

“It's stupid that you two are
sitting here drinking beer and you're going to get on Mattie's case for
practically the same thing,” Cash pointed out.

“It's not the same thing,” Kevin
said. “We're not giving you any.” He winked at Cash's resulting pout.

“This is not fair,” Cash said. In
spite of her complaints, she snuggled more deeply against Miles, curling up on
his lap. He smiled to himself. She really couldn't have been more perfect, a
beautiful young woman who liked it when he set limits.

Mattie, on the other hand, was not
intending on accepting the regime change quite so graciously. When the game was
over it was clear that she'd taken Kevin’s advice and had a shower. She emerged
from her bedroom with wet hair and a scowl, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. As
usual she had a cigarette in hand.

“Smoke that later,” Kevin said,
“you and I need to have a talk, don't we?”

“Fuck off,” Mattie swore at him,
pushing past. It was quite something to see someone half Kevin's size
shoulder-barge past him, but she managed it admirably. She didn't get far

“Come here,” Kevin said, taking her
by the hand and giving her very little choice in the matter. In an instant, her
compact body was caught across his hard thigh and he was slapping her jean clad
bottom very soundly – leaving Miles making a mental note to tell Kevin not to
bother spanking over jeans.

In spite of the fact that he was
working over thick denim Kevin soon seemed to be making an impression on
Mattie. He didn't speak much as he spanked her, his hand landing over and over
again on the same spot right at the base of her bottom between her cheeks. She,
on the other hand, was a non-stop shriek machine of dire threats and curse
words. The air in the suite was practically blue with her rage. Cash even ended
up covering her ears and moving away as Mattie's shrieks rose to an offensive

“RIBS!” She finally shrieked a word
that made Kevin pause. “You're fucking KILLING my ribs!”

He stopped immediately. “Am I

There was a pause whilst Mattie
caught her breath for a moment.

“No,” she admitted.

“You little brat!” Kevin redoubled
his efforts for a solid minute of hard spanking, then paused again. “Don't you
lie to me, missy, you understand?”

“Fuck yourself, Kevin,” Mattie

“Sounds like someone needs her
pants and panties down,” Miles suggested.

“I agree,” Kevin said grimly. “You
mind giving us a little privacy?”

“Not at all,” Miles agreed. “Come
on, Cash.” He took her by the hand and drew her away. She'd been looking on
with a sort of stunned mullet expression, he didn't know if it was because she
was surprised by Kevin spanking Mattie, or by Mattie's impressive command of
slurs and epithets.

“Don't leave me! Cash!” Mattie

Kevin paused halfway through
pulling her jeans down. They were not particularly tight and were sliding down
over her cheeks; their movement eased by the silk boxer shorts Mattie was
wearing underneath.

“You want to be spanked bare in
front of everyone?”

“No!” Mattie squealed. For the
first time, a little sniffle was in her voice. It wasn't quite regret, but it
was getting close.

“Well you're going to be getting
one,” Kevin said. “That's what the language and the rudeness gets you.”

“Kevin!” Mattie squealed as he
wrangled her jeans to mid-thigh, leaving her with only the thin protection of
high cut boxer shorts that revealed the lower curve of her already pink cheeks.
“I'm sorry!”

“Are you? Or are you sorry you're
about to get the thrashing you deserve?”

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