Read Ruin Online

Authors: Rachel Van Dyken

Ruin (6 page)

Chapter Thirteen


If she only knew…
then again, she’d probably murder me in my sleep. I’d rather die by her hands than…
well, never mind.



“So we doing this or not?” I changed the subject.

She looked at the door, then back at me, then back at the door. Making the decision for her, I twisted the lock and pulled out a pair of boxers and a t-shirt for her to wear. “We don’t have bathrobes in this fancy establishment, but I do have clean clothes for you to sleep in. Now strip.”


“Kidding.” I laughed though a part of me had to admit I’d been hopeful. “The bathroom’s just through there. Go change, I’ll be sure to be fully clothed when you come back.”

“Okay.” Her hands were shaking. I reminded myself to send Uncle Jo a Christmas ham for his advice. On one hand I was glad it led her to me, but on the other, had she decided to go to some other guy I would have probably ended up in prison. So, maybe not a ham… A card? Sure, a card would be nice.

I quickly peeled off my shirt, threw on a pair of workout shorts and lay on the bed. My dad had texted a few things about being nice to James and David. He also wanted to know how the new meds were. I was so sick and tired of medicine that I wanted to throw something against the wall. I was counting on Kiersten not being a snoop, since my drug collection was happily displayed under my sink, not that she’d even know what the drugs were or how they worked. Even if she did an Internet search for the names she’d be stunned to see over half of them were experimental.

“Ready.” Kiersten’s small voice called from the bathroom as the door opened and the light turned off. She was practically swimming in my clothes. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. She looked so damn sexy in my shorts I wanted to charge toward her and rip them from her body.

Self control.

I cleared my throat and patted the bed. “I don’t bite.”

“But you do lick.”

“Always.” I fought to keep my hands at my sides. Damn, but they itched to reach out and pull her against me. “I won’t lick you now, Lamb.”

“Says the wolf,” she sang as she slowly made her way over to the bed and sat next to me. “I don’t do things like this. Furthermore, I’m only doing this to prove a point to my uncle and myself.”

“And what’s that?”

“That I can live,” she said in a low voice. “That I didn’t die with them.”

“Them?” I pulled her against my chest.

“I don’t really talk about it much. Not unless you’re a doctor and charge over two hundred dollars an hour to scribble stuff on a notepad and prescribe me drugs.” Her entire body tightened. “Not that I’m on drugs. I’m just—”


“Yeah.” She sounded like she was going to cry.

“It’s fine to have help.”

After a few moments of silence where her heartbeat slammed against my hand, she gave a jerky nod. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s be all crazy and go to sleep.”

“Like old people.” She laughed.

“Yeah, exactly like that.” Because if she squirmed any more against me I was going to lose my mind. “Goodnight, Lamb.”

“Night, Big Bad Wolf.” She yawned and turned to face me. “I should warn you, sometimes I have night terrors.”

“It’s okay, I snore.”

“Are you lying?”


She sighed and bit her lip. Damn, how I wanted to hold her lips captive like her teeth were.

“I peed the bed once.”

Her eyes widened.

“I was four.”

“How life-altering.”

“It was.” I nodded. “My teddy bear didn’t make it.”


I shook my head. “I always wonder to myself, could I have done something different to save my bear?”

Her laugh made my heart skip a beat; in fact, it did a hell of a falter before going back to normal. “Thanks.”

“For what?” I brushed some hair away from her porcelain face.

“Making me feel better.”

“Well, I am your RA…”

“This probably isn’t in the job description.” She laughed. “And I know it wasn’t in the brochure.”

I shrugged. “Well, it’s in the description now. My new job description is making you laugh and chasing away the bad dreams.”

“I wish that was true.”

“Sleep.” I kissed her forehead. “And if you do any more crazy shit, can I be a part of it?”

“Sure, why?” Her eyelids fluttered closed.

you know,
because I would murder anyone who touches you.
“No reason, I just don’t like to think of you being all crazy without your partner in crime.”



“Night,” she whispered.

Chapter Fourteen


Maybe I didn’t dream because for once in my life I was living it.



“Morning, sunshine,” a gravelly male voice said next to my ear.

I jolted awake and almost knocked my forehead against his. It was a close call. Wes jerked back and laughed, putting his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. “So, no nightmares.”

“No nightmares.” He seriously couldn’t possibly know how life-altering it was to go through a full night without waking myself up screaming. Maybe it wasn’t a side effect of the drugs. Maybe it was just me. Maybe I was defective.

“Class?” He yawned again.

I looked at the clock next to the bed. “In two hours. I should go.”

“It takes you two hours to get ready? I had you more for a twenty-minute girl.”

I slapped him across his hard stomach. “If you must know, I take thirty, but I want to get back before Lisa sends out a search party.”

He was quiet for a moment and then asked, “Are you going to tell her where you were?”


“I’ll keep it a secret,” he said. “Friends have secrets, right?”

“Right.” I pushed away from the mattress and stood. It was the best night’s sleep I’d had in two years. Part of me longed to return to the bed, to his warmth. Instead, I marched into the bathroom, changed back into my clothes from the day before, and grabbed my keys and phone.

“Same time tonight?” He winked, and dang the man was sexy all stretched out on his bed. How the hell had I slept through that? With his body so close to mine? I must have been completely exhausted. Either that or I wasn’t attracted to guys or something.

“Uh, I have homework.”

“On day two of classes?” His eyebrows lifted and then his face fell. “Oh, I see, you’re going to do the whole avoiding thing. Well, let me shoot you straight. We didn’t have sex, so you’re not doing the walk of shame, things aren’t awkward, and if you avoid me like the plague I’ll just stalk you.”

“That’s not creepy.”

He shrugged.

I managed an eye roll and a smile as I unlocked the door and snuck out.

I made it all the way to the stairwell without anyone seeing me. Trying not to be loud, I padded down to my room and crossed the hall, just as Gabe came from the opposite direction. The grin on his face growing by the minute.

“Naughty girl, were you out all night?”

“Uh…” I looked away from him and tucked my hair behind my ears. “I fell asleep at the library.”

He sighed. “I tried that excuse once. Apparently they close at three a.m. and have security dogs check under the tables every night.”


“Whoa, and a curse.” He wrapped his arm around me and walked me down the hall to my room. “Someone walking on the wild side?”

This time I rolled my eyes without any effort.

He paused, releasing his hold on my arm, and then his nose was in my hair, on my neck, everywhere.

Too much in shock to do anything, I froze.

Gabe pulled back. A smug grin plastered all over his chiseled face. “Sex. I smell sex on you.”

Guilt slapped me across the face. I tried to hide it, but Gabe saw it. He nodded once and then tapped his finger against his mouth. “My money’s on Michels.”

And heat just exploded across my face.

“In his room?”

I started fidgeting with my keys so I could unlock the door. Gabe grabbed my hand and held it captive. “A word of warning.” His eyes lost all hint of teasing. “He’s probably not the type of guy to get involved with for your first—”

Now Gabe was blushing right along with me.

“My first?” I straightened tried my best to look ignorant.

“Just your first.” He swore and put the key in the lock. “He’s rich. Women want him. Hell, my grandma wants him. Just — just be careful. Guys like that, they don’t do commitment. They do one night stands.”

“Funny,” I said with a snort. “That’s exactly what Lisa said about you.”

“Hey!” He twisted the key and pushed the door open for me to go through. “I don’t pretend to be innocent, okay? I screw girls, they say thank you, and I let them go on their merry way. Both parties satisfied, end of story. I’m up front about what I am and who I am…”

“And he isn’t?”

“He’s secretive.” Gabe swore. “And I know he didn’t rape that girl. I’m just saying, to be careful, that’s all.”

“Careful?” Lisa’s sleepy voice came through the bedroom door, and then she appeared in short white shorts and a tank top. “Who has to be careful?”

I shot Gabe a pleading look. He sighed guiltily. “I do. I totally got drunk and almost bagged your roommate last night.”

Lisa screamed.

Gabe smiled. “At least you’re awake now.”

“Don’t scare me like that!” She swatted him on the arm. “She’s too pure for your blood.”

“Don’t I know it,” he murmured and sent me a wink while I mouthed a thank you.

“Breakfast.” I pressed my hand to my forehead and ran my fingers through the front part of my hair. “Why don’t I make everyone breakfast?”

“Sure.” Lisa yawned and stretched. “I’m gonna go shower real quick.”

After she left, Gabe tilted his head in my direction. “So is this a breakfast or a guiltfest?”


He grinned and lifted his hands into the air. He looked like a buffer version of Adam Levine with his ripped white shirt, tattoos and skinny jeans.

“What?” his eyes narrowed.

“Nothing.” I felt my cheeks blush. Well, I was officially a hussy. “You just look nice.”

“Nice?” he repeated.

I nodded.

“Nice?” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “Hmm, never been called nice before. You sure Michels didn’t addle your brain after your crazy night of—”

“—talking and sleeping,” I interrupted.

Gabe snorted. “Really? That’s all that went down? Hmm, didn’t know he was gay.”

“He’s not.” I smirked, and then realized I was caught.

“Oh?” Gabe nudged me with his elbow. “And how do we know that?”

“Er, because, he has a reputation.”

The room was silent for a bit while I mixed some of the pancake batter together and then turned on the stove.

“Good kisser?” Gabe asked.

The skillet fell out of my hands, clattering against the stove. Gabe’s chuckle made me want to stab him with a fork.

He held up his hands in mock innocence. “Just a question.”

“Yes.” I licked my lips. “He is. But it was more like a dare to myself. He didn’t start it. I did.”

“Nice.” Gabe took the batter from my hands and continued mixing while I went to the fridge and pulled out some OJ. “You telling me that underneath that sweater and frigid interior is a sex kitten just pawing her way out?”

I chose not to answer, instead busying myself with pouring juice into the three glasses and making sure the pan was sprayed for the pancakes.

“Want to make funny shapes and freak Lisa out?” Gabe asked. Clearly we were done talking about me. I couldn’t be more thankful.

“She’s scared of pancakes?”

“Mickey Mouse ones.” His eyes twinkled with humor. “Tragic experience at Disneyland when she was four.”

“Wait.” I laughed. “She’s scared of Mickey?”

“He sneezed in her face. Her princess hat fell off. She cried. It was a whole…” he waved in the air, “…episode.”

“Sure.” I grabbed the spoon. “I used to make these all the time for—” My voice trailed off.

“For?” he said.

“For my family.”

“Cool.” He dropped it and went to get plates while I dropped the batter onto the hot skillet.

Lisa finished showering just as we made the last pancake. Gabe chuckled and rubbed his hands together. “It’s the little things in life that thrill me.”

“Good to know.” I put a pancake on Lisa’s plate and handed it to him.

“Cousin?” Gabe called. “We made you something extra special.”

“Mm.” She took a deep appreciative sniff. “It smells like pancakes, yeah?” She placed the dish on the table and pulled out her chair. Then her eyes fell on her plate. With a scream she stepped back and tripped over her chair, sailed to the ground, and landed with a thud.

“Classic.” Gabe held out his fist. I bumped it.

“Damn, mouse,” Lisa said from the floor.

Gabe went to help her up. She swatted his hand away. “Lisa, don’t mope.”

“I’m not moping.” She crossed her arms. “I’m just… on pancake strike.”

He sighed and knelt down. “Want me to break up your pancake so it doesn’t look mousey anymore?”

“I don’t care, do what you want,” she snapped.

Gabe reached for her plate and destroyed the mouse shape then handed it back. “See? All better.”

Lisa kissed his cheek and allowed him to help her up. “Thanks, Gabe.”

“It was a mouse.” I was still processing the fact that she’d been that freaked out over a pancake.

“Don’t even go there.” Lisa thrust her finger in my face. “You have night terrors and scare your roommate crapless. I hate Mickey. We all have our hang ups.” She had me there.

“Night terrors?” Gabe tilted his head in my direction. “Don’t only little kids have night terrors?”

“And me.” I plopped down onto my seat. “Apparently.” Though I hadn’t had one last night. I left that part out. It was a rarity.

Once we finished eating I sent Uncle Jo a quick text.

I kissed a guy and ate way too many pancakes this morning.
How’s that for crazy?

He replied back right away.

That’s my girl.


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