Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1) (15 page)

“He’s a friend,” Tess spoke up quickly as Dustin approached still in his feline form.

“Friend?” Thea mouthed. “He’s a wolf.”

Tess nodded. “I know. He’s a friend,” she insisted, looking first to her sister, then to Dustin. They were all on the same side here, her family needed to see that.

“Okay,” Thea agreed, struggling to right herself. Dustin came to her side, nuzzling her face with his. Thea leaned heavily on Dustin for support as she watched Nate.

Tess reached out and squeezed her sister’s hand, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.

“It’s Audrey, right?” Nate asked, staring down into Audrey’s pale face.

Audrey turned to look at Nate her pale eyes gazing up at him with fear.

“It’s okay, Audrey,” Tess assured, touching her friends face. “We need to see if the bullet’s still lodged in your shoulder. We’re going to roll you onto your side for a minute.”

“Is she okay?” a child’s voice cried.

Tess looked up as Thea drew the three young children to her as best she could in an attempt to comfort them. Her sister spoke to them in a hushed voice that Tess couldn’t quite make out. Dustin nodded at her and quickly trotted off, presumably to shift.

Tess helped to hold Audrey as Nate carefully moved her. He trailed his fingers over her back and huffed loudly. “There’s no exit wound.”

Tess groaned. This was bad. “We need to get her help. She’s not one of us.” Hurt shifters could still function fairly normally with an injury for a time, but Audrey was human, and she was losing a lot of blood.

“There are medical supplies here, but she needs a doctor,” Nate commented aloud.

Tess gritted her teeth. Audrey not only needed a doctor, but maybe surgery too. The young human was her close friend, and her brother’s mate. She was family. They’d come too far to lose someone now. They had to save her. Dumping her at a nearby hospital wasn’t an option, they couldn’t stay with her, and the hunters could find her, and torture her for information. She was one of them—even if she couldn’t shift. There was only one alternative, her stomach twisted at the thought.

“If we leave now, we can be there in a few hours,” Nate offered as if reading her mind.

Sanctuary? Was that safe? She looked down at Audrey. Her friends face was ghastly pale. The blood had soaked through her shirt and even pooled on the ground. If they didn’t do something Audrey would die.

“Will they treat her? Will everyone be safe?” Tess asked, studying Nate.

“I won’t let anything happen to them. I promise you, Tess,” he said determinedly.

“Go where?” Dustin asked, looming over them in his human form.

“It’s called Sanctuary,” Tess started, staring up at her brother-in-law. If Nate said it was safe, she would trust his word. “We can get Audrey help, and we’ll be safe there.”

Dustin’s eyes drifted to Nate scrutinizing him for a long moment before he turned to Thea. Thea gave him a small nod, and Tess sighed heavily. Her big sister trusted her to lead them to a safe haven. If the people at Sanctuary did anything to hurt her family, they would feel her wrath. Nate she trusted. Tess was certain he would do everything he could to keep them safe, but there was a lot of hate.

Audrey needs this. Thea’s ready to burst too. You’ll have to keep a close eye. Keep them safe.

“Our van is about half a mile from here. We can all fit in there,” Dustin replied. He knelt down next to Audrey and gently scooped her into his arms. “We better get moving. Who knows if there are more men out there.”


ate opened the back door of the van and slid out, he turned to close it, but Tess slipped out too.

“It will go faster if we both go in,” she explained as he shut the door behind them.

Nate nodded and pulled her sweater shut. She gazed up at him one eyebrow raised. He let his hands linger a moment longer, not wanting to let her go yet.
I could’ve lost her today. I can’t lose her. What about your mom? Focus on right now, worry about the rest later.
“There’s blood all over your shirt. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves,” he commented, as he made sure his borrowed hoodie covered as much as it could. Both of their jeans were slathered with dirt and Tess had a nasty cut on her forehead. They looked a mess, but it could be explained away as long as they kept their blood soaked clothes hidden.

“Let’s get the things we need and get out,” Tess said, brushing past him. Tess walked down an aisle, snatching a few blankets from the shelf without bothering to stop. She turned around the corner and made a beeline for the first aide section.

Was she still angry? She’s probably worried about the human in the back of the van. He shook his head. Whatever was happening with he and Tess could be figured out later. Audrey needed medical attention and fast. The human kept slipping in and out of consciousness. The sooner she got help the better.

He hurried after Tess, slowing down as they walked into the drug store. They walked in silence to the first aide section. Nate held his breath as he looked at the bandages, wishing that Tess would say something. What was she thinking? Was she mad? Or was she too worried about Audrey to worry about them? His eyes caught sight of the box he was looking for. Both their hands jutted out, reaching for the same box of gauze. His hand grazed against hers, her soft skin sending heat coursing through his veins. Tess recoiled away, murmuring something under her breath as she crouched down and began sifting through the pain medication.

Reach out touch her.
His hand hovered over her shoulder; the urge to feel her overwhelmed him.
Fight it. Focus. Now is not the right time.

Nate scooped several boxes of gauze into his arms and grabbed some medical tape. He gazed over the section, trying to determine if anything else would be helpful. He grabbed some cleansing wipes and a bottle of peroxide.
That should do it
, he thought.

Tess stood up a tiny box of pills in her hand.

“We good?” he asked, turning to head to the check out.

“One more thing,” Tess sighed. She motioned for him to follow her.

He trailed behind her as they walked a few aisles over. Cosmetics? What were they doing down here?

“Dustin and Thea haven’t noticed yet. Or at least they haven’t said anything,” she said over her shoulder. She traced her finger over several bottles of foundation before picking one up. “We can cover up your mark. Nobody will have to know.”

She wanted to hide their marks? His heart pinched at the thought. He wanted the whole world to know that she was his.
Wait? Do I?
That’s what his wolf wanted. On some level his human side needed her too, but was he ready to commit to her permanently? They needed to figure this out.

“Tess,” he said, wrapping his free hand around her tiny wrist.

Tess pulled her hand away from him and fixed him with a glare. “Neither of us is sure about this, Nate. Besides, your mom and the council members are already going to be pissed. I want help for Audrey and the rest of them. I’m not going to take the risk that they won’t help because of our pending bond as mates.”

Nate ran his hand over his face. Sanctuary wouldn’t turn them away would they?
If you don’t know the answer to the question then you should do as she asks.
“We do need to talk about this,” he insisted.

Tess bit her lip and looked down at the floor. “I know, but now isn’t the time. Audrey needs us to get back to her, and Thea’s going to need a safe place to stay until her and the baby are able to move.”

“We only have thirteen days now, Tess,” he warned.

“I know,” she repeated with a hiss. “But you don’t know what you want, and neither do I. I don’t want our hands to be forced one way or the other. It needs to be our choice. There are going to be consequences, and we both need to be able to deal with them.” She shuffled on her feet as she shook the bottle in her hands. “Now turn around so we can cover your mark.”

Nate gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to cover the mark. But are you ready to commit? Could he give up his home—his family? Worse, what would happen to Audrey and Thea? If something happened to them, because of his choices, it would damage whatever this was he had with Tess. His mind made up, he turned slowly, tilting his neck to give her access. He didn’t know how long this ruse would last, but he hoped it lasted long enough to help the people Tess loved.

Chapter Fourteen

ate cringed, holding his phone away from his ear. His mother’s shrill voice filled the van’s cabin, and he shrugged as everyone’s eyes fell on him.
Great first impression. You’re doing a fantastic job of assuring them they’ll be welcome in Sanctuary.

“I thought you said we’d have a place to go,” Thea mumbled as she turned in her seat to glare at her sister.

Nate covered the mouthpiece with his hand. “It’s okay. My mom’s a little dramatic.” He’d tried to call his dad first, but he hadn’t answered. This would’ve gone over so much better with Charles.

“I hope so,” Thea whispered as her hand went to her stomach.

Tess reached forward and took her sister’s hand. “It’s going to be okay,” she promised.

“Wolves aren’t our friends,” Dustin warned, his eyes flicking to Nate’s as he looked into the rearview mirror.

Nate swallowed hard as his mother continued to squawk through the phone. This wasn’t going to be easy. But he’d made a promise to Tess, and he was going to see it through.

“Sanctuary is a home for all shifters,” Tess assured, squeezing Thea’s hand before turning to fix a glare on him as if she was silently pleading for him to agree.

Nate nodded as he waited for the shrieking to stop on the other end of the phone. When it finally did, he placed the phone back to his ear. “I’m sure we aren’t being followed. We’ll be there in fifteen.”

“Did you hear a word I just said?” his mother demanded.

“We have an injured woman who needs immediate medical attention. She can’t wait for the council to take their time discussing it,” he continued. “I expect a medical team to be waiting.”

“Nate,” his mother gasped.

“If we don’t help everyone who needs it, then we shouldn’t call ourselves a shifter sanctuary,” he reprimanded.

His mother huffed loudly. “I’ll send the team, but expect to talk the moment you get here. Your insubordination won’t be tolerated.”

The phone clicked and he let his cell fall to the metal floor of the van.

“Are you going to be in a lot of trouble?” one of the little girls asked him.

He forced a smile. “Nah. My mom just likes to blow smoke.”

The little girl leaned against Tess. The elder cat wrapped her arm around her, pulling the child into a tight hug. Tess smoothed her hand over the girls snarled blonde hair and placed a kiss to her forehead.

“Thank you,” Tess whispered, meeting his gaze.

“Yeah,” he nodded. He just hoped that he wasn’t in too much trouble when they got to Sanctuary. Patrice wasn’t a person you wanted against you in an argument.


ate scrubbed a hand over his face as his mom prattled on about protocol and how dangerous his actions had been. After he’d told her his concerns about humans and hunters working together, she’d gone into full-blown lecture mood. He hoped she remembered to speak to the council about his theory after she finished her verbal assault. Her words fell on deaf ears, going in one ear and out the other. He’d done the right thing, and he knew it. The werecats he’d help to save today were good people. They had as much right to Sanctuary as anyone else.

“Are you even listening to me?” his mother’s irritated voice cut through his thoughts.

“Of course,” he commented, keeping his gaze on the floor.

“I swear, you must have a death wish. That little trollop has you eating out of her palm.”

His eyes snapped up to meet his mother’s gaze. “Don’t talk about her like that,” he warned.

“Werecats are our enemy, Nate. They’ve betrayed us, hurt us in the past,” she insisted.

“Decades ago, Mom. That had nothing to do with Tess and her family,” he snapped, standing up quickly. The chair jerked, tipping, and collapsing onto the floor. The desire to defend Tess nearly blinded him. Rage bubbled beneath the surface. How dare she speak about Tess like that?

“I don’t like the effect she has on you,” his mother snarled, pointing at the fallen chair. “What has gotten into you?”

“Nothing. I’m just finally standing up for what I believe in,” he fought back, balling his hands at his side.

“Really? You believe in a shifter society that’s forsaken their own kind to protect themselves. That kidnapped, raped, and murdered one of our own,” Patrice argued.

“And you were there to know what happened?” he challenged. His mother opened her mouth but closed it again. “I thought so.”

“I don’t like her, Nate. She is dangerous,” his mother whispered.

“Why? What’s so horrible about her? The fact that she wants to save her family? Or, maybe you don’t like that she’s a cat? Is it the fact that she’s a strong alpha female,” he suggested.

Patrice pursed her lips and smoothed out her dress before taking a seat at her desk. Nate bit his lip to keep from saying something else. His mom was calm—too calm. She was going to change her tactics.

She crossed one leg over the other and leaned forward fixing him with a glare. “I’ve seen the way you look at her, Nate. She’s a temptation for you,” she whispered.

A tick formed in his jaw.
Way to go for the jugular, Mom.
She was fishing for information, looking for him to slip up.
Stay quiet.

“She’s a werecat. An interspecies relationship is forbidden, and you’ll be required to mate in a few short months. If word gets out amongst the female wolves that you and her have...” she shuddered and closed her eyes. “Well, they may not want you as a mate.”

He rolled his eyes. Good. None of them called to his wolf the way Tess did. Reality hit him hard. If he didn’t complete the mating ritual with Tess, he would be forced to mate with a wolf. Obligated to live a life and have a family with a woman he didn’t love or want. Could he live like that?

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