Read Second Base Online

Authors: Raven Shadowhawk

Second Base (2 page)

Eventually, Dan untied her, jerking on the loops in each knot to release her limbs in stages. Back first, her spine straightening as ropes slithered free. Then elbows. Ankles. Thighs. Knees. Wrists.

Karen listened to Da
s soft humming as he worked to undo all the fascinating knot work. Conscious control returned to each body part in turn. She likened it to emerging from deep, restful sleep.

When her arms jerked, then slumped, Karen eased them round to a more natural position. Thick rope marks lined her biceps and wrists, a faint redness that she treasured. Then the ropes about her thighs flexed and fell loose.

She grinned and stretched out across the bean bag.

Dan appeared in her field of vision
You okay

She pulled him down on to her for another lingering kiss
m great. Thank you.
m good until tomorrow

We ca
t play with her straight away, you know. She might not show up

I can hope, ca
t I
’ Karen grinned
Maybe sh
ll arrive with a friend and w
ll all get on so well that we ca
t help but fall into bed

Dan gave an appreciativ
’ sound
Three lovely subs. All for me. That
be something

Or one for me
’ she ventured, still lost in the fantasy
A sub under me.And I could sit on his face while this new girl deep throats him

He shook his head
You could sit on
face while the other goes down on
. That sounds much more like it

Come on
’ she teased
You would
t like seeing me flog a guy? You could watch. Remember how you got after Sugar Dust? Nothing like a kink club to bring out new ideas.I could b
Bitch Quee
’ again

’ he pressed a tender kiss to her lips
Tease.What do you want another guy for? Yo
ve got me

So I get to flog you
’ Though she fought it, her voice emerged dry and sharp.

Not bloody likely
’ Another kiss, then he pulled away
So, was that enough? I figured four orgasms would probably relax you but six seemed a safer bet

Hiding her disappointment beneath a smile, Karen nodded
Yes, I feel better
’ She studied his face. Bit her lip.

the moment to ask about subs again? Before he drifted too far from the pleasurable place they both occupied while playing.

The door bell rang.

Dan stroked her jaw with the tip of his finger
d better get that
’ He stood, and the moment was lost.

She sighed
ll clear up
’ She glanced at the collection of toys strewn across the rug.

He slid off her body and left. The ache of his departure was a physical thing. A yearning in her skin that tightened her chest.

m addicted to him. I really am.

Faint, Karen heard the front door open and close, followed by the rumble of low voices.

She tugged a dressing gown over her nakedness and put the toys, one by one, into the large pine chest beside the bookcase. She
clean the
that was her jo
but later. The rope she coiled into neat loops and placed alongside the toys with the weighted nipple clamps and silenced vibrating egg.

A moment later Dan opened the door and peered through.

s only Pete

Oh. Great.

A prickle of unease rolled down the back of her neck
Will you guys want a beer

Dan grinned, oblivious to her discomfort
Sure, thanks
’ He slipped out of sight again.

Karen cinched the dressing gown around her waist. The hem brushed her knees, a modest length, but not enough.

ve got to change before he sees me. Especially if the
re drinking.

Tiptoeing from the room, she paused at the closed door to the study and listened to the low burble of voices within.

She shook her head, clutched the neck of her gown closed and darted up the stairs.

Chapter Two

Dan slouched against the wall, watching his friend pull four-packs from a plastic bag. ‘She won’t be back again,’ he picked up where he’d left off. ‘Says she has a new Dom and that he doesn’t want her playing away from him. Fair enough. I wouldn’t want Karen playing with anyone else.’

Glass clinked and packets  rustled as Pete piled them on the table. When the bag was empty he crunched it up and tossed it into a corner. ‘So you need a new girl?’

‘I don’t know. I want one, but Karen is still . . . you know? She likes sharing, but prefers one on one time.’

‘Who doesn’t?’

He looked away. ‘So tomorrow, we’re meeting a new potential at the munch.’

‘Potential,’ Pete scoffed. ‘You make it sound like an interview.’

‘It is in a way. We meet this girl, decide if we like her and give her a trial run. If she fits in with us, she joins the Library. If not, we don’t see her again.’

‘I still don’t get how it works. Women aren’t just books you can check in and out when you want.’

‘Actually, that’s exactly how it works.’

‘And Karen is what? Head Librarian?’

Dan shoved off the wall. He snatched beers from the table and slotted the bottles into a bucket filled with ice. ‘Why does it bother you so much?’

Pete’s expression hardened, all twisted lip and narrow eyes. ‘You don’t seem to realise how lucky you are. Why do you need other women, when you have Karen willing to do whatever you want?
ever you want? Don’t think I didn’t see you last night. She had her foot in your trousers.’

‘It was under the table.’

‘We were at Pizza Express! There were kids there.’

Dan added a few soft drinks to the bucket. ‘Nobody saw. Stop worrying.’

‘I’m not worrying.’

‘Stop being jealous then.’

‘Jealous? Screw you.’

‘Ha, you wish.’

‘I’m just—never mind. I’ll get the rest of the bags.’ Pete stalked out, grumbling under his breath.

When sure he was alone, Dan took a moment to huff a curl of hair out of his eyes. Though he longed to pace, the dozens of bags dotting the floor left him with too little room. Instead he chewed the inside of his cheek, glaring at the beer.

It’s none of his business. This is about me and Karen. Why does he even care?

The doorbell rang again. He stomped back to the door and jerked it open.

A short woman with straight brown hair and a solemn expression, flinched back from him. ‘What’s up with you?’

‘Sam?’ He stepped back to let her through. ‘Nothing. I’m fine.’

‘Of course you are.’

He swallowed the sharp response rising in his throat. ‘Where’s Cindy?’

‘Parking. Why is your street so packed? It’s a nightmare.’

Dan narrowed his eyes. ‘Have you been speaking to my mother?’

‘No, why?’

‘Nothing. Just come in, will you? Grab a beer or something.’

Sam shook her head. ‘I’m on call, but I’ll have some lemonade if you have any.’

‘Check the ice bucket.’

As she walked through, Pete hurried up the path carrying two plastic bags. He shivered as he approached. ‘You didn’t tell me she was coming.’

Dan eyed his harried expression. ‘Didn’t think I had to. She’s with Cindy, I figured it was a given.’

‘I thought they broke up.’

‘They did. Then made up. Then broke up. Then made up. You know what it’s like with those two.’

‘Yes but—this is bad.’ His fingers twitched on the handles to the carrier bags.

‘What have you done?’


‘Pete . . .’

He gazed at the floor, watching his shuffling feet. ‘I’ve got weed in my pocket.’

Dan rolled his eyes. ‘So leave it in the car.’

‘This neighbourhood? It’ll get robbed quicker than chocolate at Slimming World.’

He turned back towards the hallway. ‘Then bring it in. Whatever, I don’t care. Just come inside.’

‘Dan, she’s a policewoman.’

Impatience gave his voice a rough edge. ‘And her girlfriend is the biggest pothead I’ve ever met. I’m sure she has other things to deal with besides you and a bit of weed.’

Still Pete lingered. ‘It’s not just in my pocket.’

Dan sucked in a deep breath then let it out slow. ‘Tell me.’

‘My cousin made biscuits. I couldn’t eat them all so I brought them.’

Dan’s heart gave a little flutter. ‘You brought hash-cakes to my house warming party? My parents are going to be here.’

Pete looked nervously into the house. ‘Keep your voice down.’

‘Jesus, Pete, are you crazy? Isn’t this going to be hard enough?’

‘I thought you’d want some. You used to.’

‘And I
to jerk off to anime but I don’t do that any more either. Mum will be here in half an hour. Where are they?’

Pete gave a slow blink.

‘The biscuits!’

‘In the kitchen.’

Dan dashed back into the house. In the kitchen, he caught his foot on a bag of snacks and stumbled into the counter. He caught himself with his hands. ‘Ow . . .’ Pain speared through his locked elbows.

A shadow fell over him. Sam extended one hand. ‘Take it easy, Bolt. You okay?’

He stood, awkward and stiff as his knees joined the song of pain. ‘I’m fine.’

‘Still don’t believe you, Dan.’ She took a huge bite of the biscuit in her other hand. Crumbs rained down her chin. ‘Do you need help in here? I don’t mind.’

Dan looked at the biscuit. Small. Dark. Studded with chocolate chips. ‘Where did you get that?’

She hooked a thumb at a large plastic box beside the kettle. Open and stuffed with cookies.


‘They’re great.’ She gestured with the remaining crescent before ramming it into her mouth. ‘Karen make them?’ More crumbs flew.

He froze, looking at Sam, the box, then back again. ‘Oh, God, Sam.’

‘I know, they’re for the party, but I’m starving. I only had a few.’

‘A few?’ he squeaked. A giant, invisible fist squeezed the air from his lungs.

‘Okay, three, but they’re really good.’

‘Sam.’ He buried his face in his hands. ‘Jesus, Sam.’

‘What? Cindy’s right; you
high strung. They’re just cookies. You’ve got loads.’ She snagged another and ate half in one smooth movement.

‘Sam those cookies have got—’

‘Samantha!’ Pete barrelled into the room, dumped his bags on the dining table and rushed over to gather Sam into a bone crunching hug. He plucked the cookie from her fingers. ‘How the hell are you?’

‘Um . . .’ She struggled, feet waving three inches off the ground. ‘Good, I suppose.’

‘And Cindy?’

‘Parking the car. Put me down.’

‘What?’ Pete frowned.

Sam glared. ‘Put me down and give me my cookie.’

Dan shook his head as his friend lowered Sam to the floor.

This ought to be good.

‘Thanks.’ She brushed herself off. ‘My cookie?’

Pete stared at the half eaten snack as though he had no idea what it was. ‘I—no. Sorry. Haven’t tried one yet and they look really good.’

‘There’s a whole tub right here.’

Pete crammed the cookie crescent into his mouth and grabbed the box. ‘I’ll take these.’

Dan snorted. He couldn’t help it. ‘The damage is done. Put them down, Pete.’

‘What damage?’ Sam held up her hands. ‘I only had a few. Are they really

This time he couldn’t hold the laughter in. ‘You could say that.’

‘They’re just chocolate chip.’ She brushed crumbs off her blouse.

‘You didn’t taste anything else?’

‘Maybe a bit of a weird aftertaste, but that’s nothing to—’ She broke off. Her eyes widened. ‘What have you done?’

‘Me?’ Dan touched his chest. ‘Nothing. Ask my idiot friend over there.’

Pete shot him a ‘thanks mate’ glare before turning to face Sam. ‘I can explain.’

‘What’s wrong with those cookies?’

‘Nothing,’ he stammered.

‘Funny, but I don’t believe you. You and Dan are terrible liars.’

Cindy breezed into the kitchen. She wore tight black trousers slung low on the hips and a fishnet shirt over a shocking-pink bra, a strong contrast to Sam’s modest blouse and knee length skirt. ‘Hey bitches. Ooo, cookies!’ She reached around Pete and snagged one. ‘I love chocolate chip. Home made?’ She bit. Chewed. Swallowed. Grinned. ‘Fuck me, that’s strong shit. Who are you trying to kill?’

Sam folded her arms. ‘Will someone tell me what’s in those cookies?’

Pete groaned. ‘My cousin made them. I didn’t—’

‘Well, tell your cousin she’s a fucking genius.’ Cindy demolished the rest of the biscuit.

‘His name is Mark.’

‘Bullshit.’ She reached for another and examined it. ‘No man can cook up space-cookies this good. This has to be a

Sam slumped against the sideboard. ‘Space-cookies? Like hash? As in weed?’

Dan watched the understanding dawn on her face and took a giant step back.
Here we go . . .

Pete slammed the lid into place. Wet his lips. ‘I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know you were going to come in here and stuff your face. Who does that anyway? Who just walks into someone’s house and eats their food?’

‘It’s a party!’ Sam snarled. ‘Of course I ate the food. Do you have any idea how long that stuff stays in your system? I’m on call. I have a shift tomorrow.’

Cindy cocked her head. The long tail of her ice-white hair flicked over one shoulder. ‘Wait, you ate one? Why? When did you get all loose and free?’

‘I didn’t know.’

‘How many?’

Sam glared at the floor. ‘Six.’

Dan frowned. ‘Blimey, did you inhale them? You told me three.’

‘I lied,’ she snapped. ‘Am I the only one not allowed to lie?’

Cindy slapped her thigh. ‘Oh my fucking god, you’re going to be so high.’

‘This isn’t funny!’

‘It is. You get so horny when you’re high; why do you think I keep offering to cook?’

‘You cook because it’s your turn.’ Sam frowned, tugging on a lock of her hair.

Dan inched away from the two women. He saw the storm brewing and preferred to be out of range.

Cindy winked. ‘I cook because I get to spice up the food.’

‘You spike my food?’ Sam’s voice rose several octaves.

Cindy closed the small space between them and tucked that maltreated wisp of straight, brown hair behind Sam’s ear. ‘You’re so fucking hot when you’re pissed at me. That’s the other reason. I love it when you go all
.’ Still smiling, Cindy shoved her girlfriend against the sideboard. ‘We’re gonna have so much fun tonight. You’ll be high, I’ll be drunk and we’ll fuck like bunnies until we’re too sore to move.’

Pete’s mouth dropped open.

‘You don’t want to see that.’ Dan grabbed his friend by the arm and hauled him into the living room.

‘Don’t I?’ Pete cast wistful glances over his shoulder. ‘They’re real, proper lesbians, aren’t they?’

‘Cindy is. Sam’s a bit more flexible.’

Pete licked his lips. ‘How flexible?’

‘Don’t you dare, you horny bastard. And give me those cookies.’ He snatched the box and put it on a bookcase. ‘Leave her alone. Don’t go near her. Don’t touch her. Don’t even talk to her.’


Dan threw him a level look. ‘When she gets off that high how do you think she’ll feel? Trust me, leave her alone.’

Karen entered the living room.

Familiar warmth fanned across Dan’s chest and groin when he saw her. His gaze traced the line of her jaw, the swell of her breasts and the incredible curve from her waist to her hips. So beautiful. Even more in the tight jeans she wore, topped by a flowing, sleeveless shirt with a pattern of red and purple flowers. Purple always looked amazing against her skin.

A flash of light brought his attention to her wrist. His throat tightened. ‘You’re wearing the slave band.’

She nodded shyly, playing with the silver links. ‘Is that okay? I know your mum will be here but it’s important to me.’

Dan rushed forward and cut her off with a kiss. She melted into his embrace, soft and supple as a cat. Despite her recent orgasms she pressed against him, hot, needy, willing. Always willing. He slipped his hand beneath her shirt, stroking her ribs. At her bra, he thumbed her nipples through the cups until they stiffened. ‘It’s important to me too.’

‘Thank you, Sir.’

He could think of nothing better than his submissive wearing their personal interpretation of a collar during their housewarming celebrations. For all his friends and family to see that she belonged to him, even if they didn’t understand what the piece of jewellery really meant. Perfect.

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