Read Sexual Shift Online

Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Sexual Shift (6 page)

“Allie, however, seems quite…normal.” He winced, looked at the floor, then brought his focus back to her.

“Normal? Do you mean human?” A light sweat wet the back of her neck. Why was he digging into her personal life? Which begged the question, why was she answering him? Yet, she couldn’t help herself. Something about the man made her want to respond.

A flash of their tryst in the hallway struck her. Just the thought of his hands on her body, his tongue in her mouth, made her wipe her palms on her legs. If she knew what was best for her, she’d get the hell out of there. But she couldn’t move. Damn, she didn’t even want to move.

“Hilly, are you all right?” The lopsided smile he gave her contradicted the concern in his tone. In fact, if she didn’t know better, she’d swear he knew what she was thinking.

“I’m fine.” Irritation stiffened her neck. “Answer the question. Do you mean human?”

Again, he looked to the floor then glanced away quickly. She frowned, followed his gesture and wondered why he kept checking the floor. She couldn’t see anything unusual about the floor. He shifted in his seat, and she could see his jaw work as he gritted his teeth.

“Yes. She’s human. Although I would’ve thought all three of you would be special.”

Something must’ve shown on her face.

“What is it, Hilly? What’s Allie’s story?” He narrowed his eyes and she could feel him probing for the answer.

“Allie used to be different. But then she met Tom, her husband, and went through a transformation.” Why was she telling him anything?

“Ah.” He leaned back and closed his eyes. “I see it now.”

Hilly jumped a little when he opened his eyes, his gaze boring into hers. “She was a succubus, wasn’t she?”

Her mouth fell open, showing her astonishment more than she would’ve liked. “How did you figure it out? Who are you, anyway? What are you?”

“I have my ways.” He smiled, his enjoyment lighting up his face. “Besides, it makes sense, doesn’t it? She was fine with what she was until she met Tom. Then she changed. But why? Because she was a vampire who feared she’d feed on her new love? No. Allie’s most definitely full of life and not an undead. The only other being I can think of that might fear hurting the man she loves would be a succubus.”

“Wow.” Hilly shook her head. “Are you a magician? Or something else?”

He made a face. “Hell, no. Can you see me pulling a rabbit out of my hat?” His chuckle sent a warm glow over her.

“Okay, then.” She rested her elbows on the table and whispered, “Are you a sorcerer? Perhaps a warlock? You have to be something with magic. You obviously have powers and I don’t mean just your powers of observation.”

He edged forward to put his hands over hers. “Do you really want to know? Are you sure?”

Hilly nodded, then wished she’d never asked. Tanner’s expression grew guarded, his skin and eyes becoming darker. A sizzle of power erupted around him, lifting the metal objects near him. A salt shaker floated in the air by his arm and a spoon slid across the table to bump into his hand. She gasped, then put her hands to her ears as her earrings strained toward him.

“What are you?” she whispered. She shivered at the cold air wafting off his body.

“I’m every woman’s dream and every man’s nightmare.” Tanner bowed his head, a sad smile forming on his lips. “I’m both heaven and hell.”

She blinked, tried to understand what he meant, and failed. “What kind of an answer is that?”

“A truthful one.” He lifted his glass to his mouth, then scowled as he realized it was empty. Standing, he covered her hand with his and leaned closer, putting his face inches from hers. “I hate to leave, but I need to attend to…someone. Please forgive me. I promise to make it up to you the next time we get together.”


He touched her lips with his fingertips and shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I have to run. Something’s come up.” He grimaced at the trite excuse. “But don’t worry. We’ll meet again.” His wonderfully wicked smile was back, making her heart skip a beat. “Maybe even in your dreams.”

She gasped as he pressed his mouth to hers and slid his hand under her hair and behind her neck. He coaxed her mouth open as he slid his tongue into her mouth. An exquisite spicy taste played across her tongue, and she inhaled, drawing in an aroma so male, so sexy that it made her head swim. He rubbed his thumb on the curve of her neck, and she relaxed. If he’d wanted to push her down on the seat and take her, she would’ve rejoiced.

All at once, he broke their kiss, leaving her breathless and reaching for him. Although the kiss hadn’t lasted long, her lips were plumped with an I’ve-been-thoroughly-kissed feeling. He feathered his hand along her shoulder, leaving a sizzle tingling along her skin as he strode toward the exit.

Hilly touched her fingertips to her lips, then raised her eyes to find the waitress and the lady at the bar gaping at her. Their eyes were glazed and their mouths slack, almost as though he’d kissed them, too.



“What the hell is

Tanner cringed, took a deep breath, then swiveled in his chair to glare at his mother, who stared at the computer screen. Although he’d hoped he was wrong, had hoped what he’d sensed at the restaurant was just his nerves, he’d known she’d wanted him to meet with her.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. The midnight hour. Mother’s favorite time of the day. He should’ve known she’d wait until now.

“Hello, Mother. How goes it down below?” He kept his tone level, restraining the flash of anger he always felt whenever she showed up. An image of Mira’s lifeless body slashed through his mind. Although Bryna denied culpability, he couldn’t shake the gut feeling that she’d sent the nightmares to Mira.

“Down below? Please, son, why must you always refer to my home with a euphemism? Call it by its proper name. Hades.”

“Fine. How goes it in Hades?” If she hadn’t already seen what was on his computer, he would’ve tried to block her view. As it was, all he could hope to do was distract her. “I haven’t heard of any major earthquakes or tsunamis lately. Have you been feeling ill? Gone off your game?”

His mother’s flaming red hair swirled around her head in unruly curls reminding him of Medusa. Yet poor Medusa had nothing on his mother. Not only could his mother turn men to stone, she could cause natural disasters. Her beady, silver eyes shone as she peered past him to sneer at the promotional photo of Hilly, a beatific smile on her face while handing out cupcakes, as she proudly stood in front of Sweet Nothings Bakery. Reaching out a bony hand, his mother pointed at the monitor.

“I asked what

“She’s a
, Mother. Not a

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Oh, get over yourself. Okay, then,

He ignored her jab and swiveled toward the screen again, hoping to hide any sign of his lie on his face. “No one in particular. I was just surfing and landed on this site. You know how I like my treats. I might give them a try in the morning.”

“Uh-huh.” She edged closer, pushing against his shoulders to make him lean sideways to give her a better view. “I’m aware of your sweet tooth, but I’m not talking about treats made with sugar. I’m talking about sweet things like her.” Her clawlike fingernails dug into his shoulder. “Who is she? And why are you interested in her?”

If only he could send her back to the inferno below and keep her there. “I’m not. I told you. I was surfing the Web.”

Tanner rose and moved to stand and glare out the window of his study. The green beauty of the manicured lawn of his estate never failed to soothe him—except when his mother was around. He relaxed his body to strike a nonchalant pose. If his mother sensed his interest in Hilly, then all hell would break loose.

“Bullshit. I saw how you were looking at her the second before I popped in.”

He whirled around at the sound of her nails digging into his leather chair. She was on to him. “Damn it, Mother. That’s the fourth chair I’ve had to replace this year. Calm yourself.”

“Don’t talk to your mother that way. Remember who it was who gave you this marvelous home in the middle of nowhere. Remember who it was who gave you special powers. If it had been up to your father, you would’ve had nothing, been nothing but a simple human. Now tell me about her and don’t try denying your fascination any longer. A mother knows these things.” She clasped her hands in front of her and tried to appear like a concerned parent.

“You’re kidding, right?” He sneered. “You don’t care about me. You can’t. It’s not in you. It’s not in any demon’s genetic makeup.”

“Son, you stab me with your words. I do care about you and I want you to be happy.” She pouted and batted her long eyelashes. “Which is why you should be out on the town—such as it is—and fucking a slut or two.”

“Yeah, right. You want me to be happy like you wanted my father to be happy. So happy you got him kicked out of heaven.”

She preened and smiled, but the smile was icy cold. “Yes, his fall from grace was one of my finest achievements.” Frowning, she waved her hand as though dismissing a displeasing thought. “At least until he redeemed himself by saving all those silly people.”

“Yeah, those people who were so foolish as to fly in an airplane during one of your thunderstorms. What was he thinking helping to land the plane?” Tanner ran a hand through his hair. “Why are you here, anyway?”

“I was hoping you’d seen the fires of Hades, faced up to your destiny and decided to embrace your mother’s heritage. Don’t you think it’s time you became a full-fledged demon?”

“Are you forgetting I’m part angel? I don’t think the Big Evil Dude’s going to let me in. Besides, I like who I am, where I am. Now, if you don’t mind, I have things to do.” He strode over to the computer and started to turn off the screen, then decided not to give his mother the pleasure.

“You like her.” Her frown changed into a scowl. “How disgusting. My son’s infatuated with another mortal. Really, Tanner, I don’t mind you fooling around with these lower beings, but have some pride. Fucking them—and I’m all for emotionless hook-ups, mind you—is one thing. But I can see it in your face. You’re enamored of her. Just like you were with what’s-her-face.”

Tanner gritted his teeth and ground out the name. “Mira. Her name was Mira.”

“Whatever.” His mother’s curls danced around her head. “The point is that relationships with humans never work out.”

“Never work out?” He closed his eyes, steadying himself against the fury straining to break free. “Are you fucking kidding me? You drove Mira to her end. That’s more than just not working out.”

Bryna waved him off, his words meaning nothing to her. “I wasn’t anywhere near her when she took her own life. But let’s not rehash history. Why can’t you go into town and find a nice, innocent virgin to lure into your bed? Fuck her brains out and move on.”

“Mother, I’m warning you. I won’t let you hurt someone like you hurt Mira.” The demon side of him itched to tear out her throat. Claws strained to burst from his fingertips. Saliva erupted along with his fangs. Anger scorched through him.

The flutter of his father’s wings ruffled Tanner’s hair. If anyone could get the best of his mother, it was his angelic father. He let out a breath, regrouped to push the demon side under control again, then turned to face his father. “Hey, Dad. I’m glad you dropped in.”

“My pleasure. From the looks of it, I’m just in the nick of time.” His father, Setias, curled his pristine white wings, hiding them under his clothing, and ran his fingers through his thick white hair. He placed his hand on Tanner’s shoulder and studied the photo of Hilly. “She’s lovely, son. Who is she?”

Bryna trounced to the other side of the room and flopped down on the sofa. “Our boy is messing around with humans again. Can’t you talk some sense into him?”

His father glanced from the screen to him and back again. “Well, for once, I have to agree with your mother. Mixing with humans rarely turns out well.” His father cleared his throat.

“So if she wasn’t human, it’d be okay with both of you?” Tanner hesitated, unsure of revealing Hilly’s true nature. Still, he’d taken the first step toward the precipice. Why not go ahead and jump?

“Ooh, this is interesting.” Bryna clapped her hands in glee. “So she’s not human? Then what is she? A demon? Please tell me she’s a demon. Or at least a ghoul? How about a vampire? A bloodsucker isn’t my first choice, but it’s a vast improvement over a stupid human.”

“Bryna, knock it off. She doesn’t look like any of those things.” His father narrowed his eyes. “She’s not, is she?”

“No, she’s not anything bad. She’s—” Tanner paused, reconsidered his decision, then dove over the cliff, “—a shape-shifter.”

His mother was on her feet and shouting curses at the top of her lungs. Tanner and Setias jumped away, letting her pace back and forth in her tirade.

“Are you insane? A shape-shifter?” She stopped, glared at them, then started pacing again, her arms flailing in the air to accentuate her words. “A changeling is worse than a human. At least a human can be transformed, made into a subdemon. But a changeling—”

“A shape-shifter.” Tanner and Setias answered at once.

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