Read Shattered Online

Authors: S. L Smith

Shattered (13 page)

I started my journey at the top rubbing his neck, his arms, his back, and down to his pecks.  I avoided his manhood and cleaned the rest of his body. 

On my way back up to his body I pushed him to the wall and grabbed him.  I started off with slow strokes and placed feathery kisses on his cock. I looked up to find his eyes on mine. Sending him an evil grin I took him in my mouth. I sucked and licked slowly trying to build up his pleasure. I took a chance and glanced up at him again. He had his head thrown back and his mouth was parted.  He was panting.  Oh this made me feel great.
I loved giving this man pleasure.

I continued my stroking and sucking, taking him
full in my mouth.  “Baby I am about to come.” His voice was husky and it just made me want to go faster and suck harder.  Gripping my head in his hands he pulled me closer.  I felt his cock tense in my mouth and then his hot seaman filled my mouth. I continued my assault by sucking him dry, making sure I didn’t miss a drop.

“Fuck baby, I was not expecting that but I will take it.” He pulled me up and kissed me hard.  I melted in his arms. “We better get out or we are going to be late for lunch with my sister.” He chuckled and turned off the shower.  I grabbed my towel and then threw him his. We dried off and got ready for the lunch date that I knew was going to be full of embarrassment. 

My sister and Anthony where already seated at the booth waiting on us. “Sis we have been here for like ten minutes, what took you so long?” I shrugged and tried to keep the flush from my face.

How do you tell your sister that you had hot shower foreplay and then you could barely make in the door because you were making out in the car? “Oh never mind.  I think I know.  You have that glow about you that says ‘I just got laid’
.” She put on a full belly laugh as I tried to burry my head in my hands. “It’s ok you deserve it.”

Pulling it together I started the conversation. “How was the rest of your guy’s evening?”

“It was good.  We danced some more and talked about you the rest of the night.  We all made bets on if you chickened out or if you actually went through with it.” Well hell that made me feel loads better. “Are you serious? Why can’t you guys leave my love life alone?  Its mine to decide.  I don’t need you guys placing bets.”

I was getting irritated as to where this conversation was going.  I don’t like being the topic, especially when it involves me having sex. Noticing my anger, Caleb took my
hand and threaded our fingers together, giving it a little squeeze.  Just one squeeze and I was feeling better.

“Don’t get all
pissy.  We just worry and want to make sure that you are ok.” Rolling my eyes I proceeded to tell her just how I was feeling but Caleb cut me off. “If you must know we had a nice night. We ate ice cream and talked and then we went to bed.” I liked the fact that he wanted my discomfort and the subject dropped.  My sister didn’t look happy but she took it. 

The lunch turned around for the better.  Caleb took control of a lot of the questions. He asked my sister about her practice and what Anthony did as well. He was a lawyer also but he
doesn’t do divorces. He is a defense attorney.

and Anthony got on the subject of football.  He was a Houston fan and Anthony loved the Cowboys.  They sat there talking stats and crap that I really didn’t care to hear. I like sports but not enough to know stats or any of the shit that goes with it. 

With the two of them hitting things off me and
Renee started talking about our little sister and how college life was treating her. She didn’t know what she wanted to major in but she had plenty of time to figure it out.

“So are you doing ok? I know sometimes you don’t think I care but I do and I just want to
see you happy for a change.  It’s just been a long time.”

I took a sip of my diet coke. “Yes sis I am fine.  The shop is going to expand soon and the kids are doing really well in school. I
can’t complain right now.”

“Good I glad to hear all that but what I didn’t hear was about you. How are
you doing?”

I took a moment to think about her question. By the time I was ready to answer our food showed up. I was saved by the food.

“Oh crap.” I looked up thinking that Anthony’s food was messed up but he was looking over at another table.

“Shit, sis
don’t look ok?” That got me worried. Just her saying that made me want to look. “Sis tell me who it is. I can’t just not look now.” She looked between me and Caleb and then to Anthony silently asking him if she thought it was ok for her to tell me. He just shrugged his shoulders.

She took a deep breath and let it out preparing herself to drop a bomb shell on me. “Well Jason is over there with the kids and some girl. They just got here. Do you
wanna go?” Looking down at my plate I couldn’t move.  Did I want to go? No I wouldn’t leave.  I was having a nice time and wanted to continue to have a nice time. But I was worried about my kids.  Well I didn’t have to wait for long.

“Aunt Renee!! Uncle Anthony!!”
McKayla screamed from across the dining room.  I leaned over and whispered to Caleb. “Well it looks like you get to meet my kids sooner than expected.” He looked at me and said “I am looking forward to it.” I gave him a smile and prepared myself for introductions.

My kids haven’t seen me yet so they didn’t know I was there. As they approached the table to give hugs
McKayla sent out a squeal. “Mommy!!! Oh mommy I have missed you!” After she gave her Aunt and Uncle hugs she bounced into my lap.

“Hey baby girl mommy missed you too. Are you having fun? I
can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” She looked to me and then to Caleb trying to figure out who this man was. “We went to the zoo and then played at the park.  We have had lots of fun this weekend.”

That’s good baby.” Setting her on the floor I stood up and pulled Michael in for a hug. “Come on mom, not here.” I rolled my eyes at him. “It’s good to see you too son.” He hugged his Aunt and Uncle also and then directed his gaze to Caleb.

“Guys this is my friend Caleb. Caleb these are my wonderful children Michael and
McKayla.” Caleb stood up gave McKayla a little hug and shook Michael’s hand. “Nice to meet you both, your mom has said some good things about the two of you.” Michael gave him a look of ‘yeah right.’

“Ok you two go back to your dad and his girlfriend and I will see you tomorrow night ok?”
They both said their goodbyes and headed back to their seats.  “That was fun; you should see the looks Jason is giving us.”

Jason doesn’t like my sister because she was my lawyer through the divorce and she took him for everything he was worth but I have a feeling that’s not why he was looking in our direction. “Why didn’t you tell them that he was your boyfriend sis?” I almost spit out the food I was chewing before I could answer her.

“To answer your question Renee, I haven’t asked her yet.” She looked between us and got a big grin on her face.  I knew she had hope with this. I began to say something to her when my phone went off.

1:15 pm: Whos the asshole you introduced to my kids Ry?

Just wonderful.
  I held out my phone so Caleb could read what he wrote. Then I handed it off to my sister. “Don’t answer him Ry.  You don’t owe him anything.” I knew she was right. “I agree since the way that I found out he had a girlfriend was when she was sitting at my station in the salon.” The look on my sister’s face was priceless. “Yes sis she walked in and I had no clue until she walked out making a comment that Jason said hi.  Which I am sure where not his words at all.” She sat there a minute trying to figure out what she could say next. “Well I think we should just let the bastard stew for a while.” I nodded because I couldn’t agree more.

Our lunch ended on a good note.  Renee and Anthony went and said goodbye to my kids and then we all walked out to the parking lot together.  “So we will see you in a few weeks for the fishing trip?”
Caleb asked Anthony.  “Wouldn’t miss it. You are in for a real treat.  We always get sloshed and the girls make us dinner and take care of us.” He winked at me.

  “This will be the first time that I will have a guy with me so that’s why he is giving me a knowing look.” Caleb looked between us and it looked like he was surprised by the confirmation. “No really she never brings anyone out. Jason wouldn’t even come.  We always have a blast. She closes the
shop down on that Friday and that coming Monday so we have a full four days. Really it’s a blast.” My sister was beaming because she knew that this year it would be different.

We said our goodbyes and headed back to Caleb’s house. It felt good to have him meet my kids.  It felt even better that he got to
know my sister a little better.

“I enjoyed myself today.
Even if your ex tried to mess it up.”

“Yes I agree. She c
an be a pain but I wouldn’t change her for the world.  And I am excited to see them again during the fishing trip.”

“So you never brought anyone? Your husband never wanted to come?”

“No. He said spending time with my family was too much sometimes. The lake house was our grandparents and we started a tradition a long time ago for the fishing. We always brought boyfriends and husbands but mine wanted nothing to do with it. So it was always me and then we started to invite the girls and their husbands because they are our family now too.”

“Well I am excited about it. I like hanging out with all of them.” Knowing this made my heart worm.  I always wanted Jason to get into the tradition but he never wanted to. Now that I think about it he was probably off with some girl.  This is not making me feel any better.

Knowing I was off in another world Caleb took my hand. “Hey stop thinking about it.  I am here and so are you.  We can’t change the past. We can just move on.” This made me smile. “Well I am glad that I am moving on.” Just as I was about to finish my statement my phone went off again.  I was so hoping it wasn’t Jason.

Sis: 3:05
: pm: Sis we like him!!

Me: 3:07
: pm: So do I sis so do i.

Sis: 3:10
: pm: good don’t f this up!!! Love you!!

Me: 3:15
: pm: So much faith sis! Love you too.

I was laughing at her crazy talk.  I was going to try my best not to fuck this up.  But first it needed to go somewhere besides the bedroom. Not that I don’t like the bedroom but we
can’t base everything on that room alone.

Did I want more? I knew that I wanted him but I am scared that he didn’t want the same thing.  In the back of mind I kept thinking that we went about this the wrong way.  But I
can’t think about that now.  I needed to focus.

We made it back to his house and settled in for the rest of the day.  He put in a movie and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch.  I tucked myself into his side. I felt this was my spot and no one else’s.

Feeling more relaxed I let myself enjoy this time.  I want this to last.  He was very good to me. Holding my hand and he even held me when I cried. But I still didn’t know much about him.  When the movie was over we had a moment of silence.

“Ok so tell me more about yourself. Like where is your little girl,
what’s your favorite color? You know all the silly things that people share about each other.” He turned me around so I could face him.

“Well my daughter’s name
is Cameron; she lives with her mom here in town.  I get her every other weekend and a few days during the week. Me and her mom are still friends. We left things on good terms. We never married which was what we both wanted.”

“Ok I have to ask,
it’s been bugging me.  You have this big house yet it’s just you why? Why not go for something smaller?”

Well because I knew that one day I would get married and have more kids, I want to raise my kids in one house.  I don’t like moving so I settled for this house.”

“I like your house.
Especially the front porch.” With that statement he grabbed me by the hand and pulled to towards the porch swing.

“To answer your other questions, my favorite color is red, I love Mexican food, home cooked food is my favorite though, I love sports, all of them, and I like listening to rock.”

We swung back and forth on the porch.  We asked each other all kinds of questions just trying to get a feel for one another.  He already knew so much of my family and so I wanted to know more about him and his.  He also told me how he got the bar.  Apparently it was his grandpas and when he died he left it to him.  He has a master in business management and when his grandpa died he redid the bar and put his skills to work to revive it from going into bankruptcy. 

We sat there for hours telling old stories and laughing.  I
can’t remember the last time that I laughed so hard. He was charming and funny.  I was beginning to really fall for the guy.  I didn’t want to keep my guard up but I just had to.  By the time the sun set we decided we would go to dinner. 

“Ok so I was hoping it wouldn’t be too cold tonight because I would really like to ride the bike.  Would that be ok with you?”

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