Read Shattered Online

Authors: Dani Pettrey

Tags: #FIC042040, #FIC042060, #FIC042000, #Brothers and sisters—Fiction, #Serial murder investigation—Fiction, #Alaska—Fiction, #Canada—Fiction

Shattered (11 page)


Landon parked behind Denny Foster’s Subaru Forester at the end of Knotchcliff Road, adrenaline pulsating through his veins.

Piper never listened. Never learned. First poking her nose into his investigation and ticking off the eyewitness, and now this—out in the middle of nowhere with Denny, again.

He cut through the forest, headed for the clearing they’d all used back in high school as a summer make-out spot. Knowing Denny, that’s where they’d be. Visiting it in winter didn’t make Denny any less predictable. Seriously, what did Piper see in the guy? Sure, he had good looks and money, but she was more than that.

Laughter reached his ears—Piper’s. She was probably touching Denny’s arm the way she did when he said something she found amusing. Just as she had the night of Cole and Bailey’s engagement party.

It had nearly brought him to his knees. He couldn’t shake the image from his mind, couldn’t breathe, so he’d ended up at Hawkings trying unsuccessfully to drown the memories from his mind.

It’d been wrong. He never should have let it get to him. Never should have turned to alcohol to numb the pain. He knew better. Seeking solace in a bottle never brought anyone any good.

Stepping clear of the forest, he found them. Piper’s hand was resting on Denny’s arm, just as he’d imagined, and the two of
them were huddled beneath a blanket with a picnic of sorts spread out before them. How cheesy could Denny be?

The urge to hurl gnawed at his gut.

“But what if you’re wrong?” Denny said, stroking her chin with his gloved thumb.

“But Landon’s—”

“Ready to throttle you?” he said, stepping forward.

Piper sprang to her feet. The blanket that had been covering her pooled at her feet. “What are you—?”

“Doing here?” His jaw tightened, his heart whirring in his ears. “I could ask you the same. Surely, you’re not out in the middle of nowhere with a man again.”

Denny scrambled to his feet. “We were just having a picnic. And I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”

“Not my business? Well, it seems Piper and I are both lacking in the ability to determine what is and isn’t our business.”

Her brows pinched together. “What are you talking about?”

“Not here.” He grasped her by the arm. “We’ll talk in the truck.”

“Truck?” She tugged against his hold. “I can’t leave.”

“Wrong.” He pulled her with him.

Denny hurried after them. “You can’t just haul her away.”

Landon tightened his grip. “Watch me.” When Denny continued his pursuit, Landon turned and growled, “Denny, stay out of this.”

Piper trudged alongside him, tugging against his hold. “Landon, you’re being rude . . . and ridiculous.”

“I’m being ridiculous? You’re the one who acts without thinking. First with Ashley, now with Denny in the middle of nowhere?”

“And you are the one who acts without feeling.”

“What the blazes is that supposed to mean?” That he didn’t care, didn’t feel? She couldn’t be further from the truth. He’d been drowning in his feelings for her.

“Why can’t it ever be the other way around? Why can’t you express what you are feeling? Or is it simply that you don’t feel?”

Don’t feel?
He wanted nothing more than to press her up against his truck and show her exactly how he felt about her—kissing her until she was weak in the knees. But the last time he’d followed his heart, it got shattered. This time, it looked like it was going to get shattered no matter what he chose to do, and there wasn’t a thing he could do to stop it. As long as he had breath in his lungs, his heart belonged to her.

He opened the passenger side door of his truck and hefted Piper in. “Trust me, I feel plenty.”

Her eyes widened, and he knew he’d said too much. He slammed the door and stomped around to the driver’s side.

Climbing in his truck, he started the engine. “Feelings,” he said, shifting the gear into drive, “put you in the middle of nowhere with a man, and that’s dangerous.”

She linked her arms across her chest as he sped down the road. “I’m in the middle of nowhere with you.”

“That’s different.” And she knew it.

“How exactly? You are a man, aren’t you?” She cocked her chin up a defiant notch. “Or is it just that you’re not dangerous?”

“More dangerous than you know.” His mind flashed back to that night in the cabin. Pressing Piper up against the wall. Every fiber of his being yearning to kiss her.

She huffed. “Please.”

“I’m serious, Piper. Next time you pull a stunt like that . . .”

“What? Going on a date?”

“Putting yourself in harm’s way or interrogating a key witness in an ongoing murder investigation.”

“Oh, so that’s what this is all about.”

“I mean it, Piper—next time I’ll . . .”

“What? Spank me?”

His fingers tightened on the wheel as he pulled onto the main road. “Don’t think I haven’t thought about it.”

She expelled a disgusted huff of air. “You’re being utterly ridiculous.”

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

“Tried to get the truth.”

“You’ve shut down a key witness.”

“Tug changed his story?” Hope laced her voice.

“Tug?” He frowned. “I was talking about Ashley.”

“Oh.” She stared out the window.

“You talked to Tug too? Wow. This keeps getting better and better.”

“Why? Because your witnesses changed their story?”

“No. Ashley didn’t change her story, and as far as I know Tug hasn’t either. They aren’t going to lie just because you welled up your big brown eyes.”

“I don’t want them to lie.”

“Then what did you want to happen?”

“I wanted to make sure they were remembering correctly. That you asked all the pertinent questions, not just focusing narrowly, as you tend to do.”

focus narrowly. Ha! You’ve got some nerve. You went in there only wanting to hear one thing.”

“Yeah—the truth.”

“They already told the truth. Now, thanks to you, Ashley is done talking. And I’m sure I’ll be hearing the same from Tug.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean she’s clammed up. After your little investigation, pretending I sent you, she no longer trusts me with any information. She thinks I gave her up and told you what we discussed in confidence.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I know that, but she doesn’t.” He gave her a sideways glance as they turned down the McKennas’ drive. “How’d you know about their story anyway?”

“I poked around.”

“If you’ve corrupted this investigation in any way . . .”

“Oh, calm down. I just bought Tug a couple drinks. He sang like a sparrow.”

“Well, that’s just great. I hope you’re pleased with yourself.”

“Pleased? My brother is in jail for a crime he didn’t commit.
is the last word I’d use to describe me.”

“Well, that makes two of us.”

“I don’t know what you are getting so riled up about. You already have Ashley’s statement. What more do you need?”

“You have no clue how a police investigation works, do you?”

“Ah, here’s the part where you tell me what a stupid, naïve kid I am.”

“I’ve never called you stupid.”

“So just naïve? Yeah, that’s much better.”

“I don’t think you’re stupid or naïve.”

“You certainly don’t think I’m competent.”

“That’s not true either.”


“No,” he said as he pulled to a stop in front of her house.

“Then what do you think about me?” She stared at him so earnestly, with so much raw emotion welling in her eyes, he was nearly tempted to tell her how he truly felt. That she was wonderful, beautiful, and brave. But he could never tell her that because her rejection would be unbearable.

“See.” Her jaw set in a stubborn line. “You can’t even answer because you still think I’m just some incompetent kid.”

“Piper, I . . .”

“Forget it.” She opened the door.

There was so much he wanted to say, so much he yearned to tell her, but he couldn’t. “Piper . . .”

“What?” She turned, her voice trembling.

“I need you . . .”
So badly it hurts.
His throat constricted.

“You need me . . . ?” She angled to face him.

“I need you . . .” He swallowed as a second pair of headlights turned down the drive. Denny. He sighed. “To stay out of my investigation.”

“Got it.” She slammed the door, and it reverberated through his soul.


Landon pulled down his stone driveway, his heart in pieces. His headlights swept across his deck illuminating a solitary figure.
Becky Malone.

She sat on his lone rocking chair, her bare legs crossed. Was she crazy? It was ten below. She stood at his approach and bent to retrieve something. Straightening, she dangled a six-pack in her right hand.

With a sigh he climbed from his truck.

Inside the house, Harvey bellowed at his approach.

“Still,” he commanded, and the dog silenced.

Becky lifted her chin with that assessing gaze of hers. “Hey, stranger.”

He took in her attire—yellow down jacket, mukluks, and jean miniskirt. She was nothing if not unique. “Cold?”

“Freezing. Guess you best let me in.”

“That’s not a good idea.” It was a downright awful idea.

“Stop being such a stickler and let me in.” She reached for the door handle, and he covered her hand with his.

“Mmm,” she purred, “you’re warm.”

“Look, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression the other night, but—”

“Again with the buts.” She smiled. “Don’t you want to have a little fun?”

“I’m afraid not.” He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but he had to be clear.

“Fine.” She pouted. “Then can I at least use your can before I go? I’ve been waiting awhile.”

“Sure. Just make it quick.” He wanted her gone as quickly as possible.

“No problem. I don’t need to hang around where I’m not wanted when there are plenty of places I am.”

He felt bad at the slight quiver in her jaw. He really hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings. He just needed to give it to her straight. Nothing would happen between them.

He opened the door, and Harvey greeted them with a look of disapproval.

“So this is home.” She pulled a half-empty bottle of rum from her jacket pocket before shedding her coat.

She wasn’t in any condition to be driving. “Why don’t I make you a cup of coffee while you use the facilities?”

She gave a saucy salute. “Whatever you say, Officer.” She glanced around. “Nice place you’ve got here.”

Piper’s doing. She’d insisted on adding some life to the place. The leaf-patterned curtains and matching throw pillows, the candles lining the mantel, and the pictures on the wall were all her additions. “Bathroom is second door on your right.” He pointed.

“Gotcha.” Becky slunk down the hall, the scent of rum trailing after her.

He started on her coffee, popping a filter in and grabbing the bag of coffee grounds.

“Nice bed,” she called, her voice soft and sultry.

He paused midscoop. “I said the
door, Becky.”

“Second, third, what does it matter? Come join me.”

He knew he should never have let her in. Quickly finishing the coffee prep, he started the maker and headed down the hall. Harvey grumbled as he passed.

Rounding the corner, he found Becky stretched out on his bed, her mukluks tossed aside. Her skirt and top, what little there was to them, remained.

“Nice sheets.” She trailed her hand across the surface. “Let’s put them to good use.”

“Becky, I—”

“Need a little convincing?” She got to her feet and prowled toward him, unbuttoning his shirt as she drew close. Her lithe fingers danced down his chest, and then she kissed him. The overpowering taste of rum assaulted his mouth.

Bracing his hands on her upper arms, he gently but firmly pushed her back. “This
going to happen.”

Harvey barked as headlights bounced across the windowpanes.

Landon glanced at the clock.
One o’clock? Who on earth?

“Probably got the wrong drive,” Becky said, trying to close the space between them.

A car door shut.

“I’ll check it out while you get put back together.” He extricated himself from the room and headed for the front door. He placed his right hand on his gun as he swung the door open with his left.

His breath caught. “Piper. W-w-w-what are you doing here? Is something wrong?”

“I know you think I messed your case all up, but I’ve got something to tell you about a new lead.” She pushed past him into the house and wrinkled her nose. “Do I smell coffee?”

He was thankful that’s all she smelled. “This isn’t a good time.”

“Why?” Her wide brown eyes searched him and her cheeks flushed. “Sorry. Did I wake you?”

He followed her embarrassed gaze down his bare chest. He turned with a start and refastened himself. Becky had quick fingers.

“Landon?” Becky’s voice held a new level of seductiveness. “Aren’t you coming back to bed?”

His muscles stiffened as confusion flitted across Piper’s angelic face. Her eyes narrowed. “Do you have . . . ?” She stepped toward the hall. “Is somebody here?”

Adrenaline surged through his limbs, and he lunged to intercept her, but he was too late.

Piper froze, her gaze fixed on Becky.

“Well, who have we here?” Becky’s voice was sweet, but there was venom lurking in every word. She leaned against the doorjamb, not bothering to cover up.

“Piper.” He reached for her, but she pulled away. “I . . .” How did he explain?

Her eyes radiated an agonizing disappointment. “Sorry I bothered you.” Turning, she bolted for the door.

He raced after her. “It’s not what you think,” he said, catching up with her in the drive.

She spun around so fast she nearly bowled him over. “Just tell me one thing . . . Is
the reason you’ve been so distracted lately?”


“You haven’t been yourself in months. You’re grumpier than usual, distant, and
 . . .” Her eyes full of fire fixed on Becky standing in the doorway.

“This has nothing to do with that.”

” Her jaw stiffened. Were those tears shining in her eyes?

“Piper.” He clasped her hand. She was so cold.

She yanked it back. “To think I defended you to Denny. . . .”

“Denny? What does he have to do with any of this?”

“He said you were fooling around with Becky Malone, and I told him no way.” She let out a sickened sigh. “I’m such a fool.”

“You’re not a fool.”

“The evidence would suggest otherwise.” She climbed in her Jeep and slid the key in the ignition as snow fluttered down.

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