She Can Shift (Interracial Shifter Romance BWWM) (6 page)

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White Blood Seduction


Welcome to Facility 47. The government's best kept secret.
A place where all vampires, whether good or evil are incarcerated for all of eternity once caught.
Dr. Jennifer Hastings has worked there for several years. She is in charge of administering the one thing that keeps the Vampires weak and powerless...
An injection of "WHITE BLOOD".


However, when a handsome, charismatic vampire by the name of Ben Gold finds himself incarcerated, Jenny finds herself torn between her feelings for this mysterious prisoner and the important job at hand. Are the feelings she has for this vampire inmate real? Or has he manipulated her for his own motives?


Either way, She is about to find out that at Facility 47, not everything is as it seems...



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