Read Silent No More Online

Authors: N. E. Henderson

Silent No More (14 page)

“Nikki sent
me a text asking to bring you by Knocked Out today. What is with you and my
sister?” Nick asks as he takes a seat at the island counter.

“Kyle ran
his mouth last night telling her I box. Now, she wants to know how badly I suck,”
I tell him as I pour batter into the skillet.

“This I
gotta see.” His elbows are on the counter top, and he has his chin resting in
his right palm while watching me.

When are we going up there?” I ask as I flip the pancake. I place the spatula on
the counter and retrieve a plate from the cabinet.

after you feed me,” he responds.

“Can you
get the maple syrup out of the pantry please?” I plate his pancake and walk it
over to his chair.

“Sure,” he responds,
pushing his chair up. He heads toward the pantry; I can’t help but check out
his cute ass as he walks. Shaking my head, I refocus and pour in more batter to
make my pancake.

“Jase has a
fight tonight. Do you want to go with me to watch?” he asks as he sits back

I say enthusiastically. That sounds fun. I’ve never seen a live fight. Well
nothing outside of a gym. I flip my pancake and then retrieve a plate for

because you were going anyway.” He takes a bite of his pancake and smiles up at
me. I roll my eyes as I’m plating my pancake. I decide it’s best to keep all
smartass comments to myself. No need to poke the tiger.

I take a
seat next to him and start eating. Once he is done, he pushes his chair back
and takes his plate to the sink. 

“Thanks for
breakfast, babe.” He walks back up to me and kisses me on the forehead.

welcome,” I tell him as I take the last bite of food from my plate and put it
in my mouth.

“I’m going
to take the dogs for a quick walk, and then we will head over to
Knocked Out
.” He grabs two leashes
from a drawer in my kitchen and calls for the dogs. They readily obey their

“Okay, I’ll
change and be ready by the time you get back.” I push my chair back and take my
dishes to the sink. Nick heads out the front door and the dogs follow along.

It doesn’t
take me long to organize myself. In a short time, I’m sitting down on my couch,
and just as I pick up a magazine to start thumbing through it, I hear the door
open. Looking up, I see Nick walking through the entrance with the dogs.

“You ready?”
he asks as he squats down on his haunches and removes the dogs leashes. Once
Niko is released from the leash, he shakes his body, causing some loose fur to
fly off. He trots
off and Charmin
follows suit.

“Yes,” I
respond as I stand and head to the door. Nick follows me out and locks the door
behind him. Nick has his own set of keys to my house, so I don’t bother to
bring mine.

He clicks a
button on his key fob and the doors unlock to his car. I climb in the passenger
seat and he settles into the driver’s. The radio blasts “
” by
Nine Inch Nails,
and I immediately blush thinking of the lyrics
of that song. Nick glances over and smirks.

about this song you like?” He pulls out of my driveway.

I say and leave it at that. No need to feed his ego, but God, does he fuck like
an animal and I love it. Who knew having this much sex would make a woman happy.
Maybe I should have tried it more. Then again, I was dating a minuteman, so the
amount would not have helped.

The drive
Knocked Out
isn’t long. Nick
pulls into a Starbucks drive-thru, which is located across the street and
orders four specialty coffees.

“I hope one
of these is for me,” I say as he passes me the cardboard holder with all four

“Yes. My
sister has to have coffee every morning. If she doesn’t, she turns into a major
bitch that no one wants to be around.” He puts the gearshift into drive and we
make our way to the parking lot at Knocked Out.

As we walk
into the building, Nikki is marching in our direction. “What the fuck took you
both so long? I’m dying here.” She is being a tad bit dramatic with her hand

“If you
needed coffee so badly, you should have walked your ass over and gotten one.
You could be more grateful,” Nick tells his sister. She rolls her eyes as she
takes two of the coffees out of the container I’m holding. Nick takes one for
himself and I take mine. As Nikki walks over to hand one of the cups to Jase, I
discard the cardboard container in a trashcan by the door.

Nick has
made his way over to them and I follow. Nikki turns, facing me as I walk up.

“So are you
ready to show me what you can do?” She is as enthusiastic as she was last night
when she found out I box.

“I guess,”
I say as I shrug my shoulders.

don’t beat up my girl.” Nick grabs me with his left arm, pulling my back to his

“Thanks for
the vote of confidence,” I say as I look up at him. He takes a sip of his
coffee as he stares down at me.

“It has
nothing to do with my confidence in you. I just know my sister, and she is
pretty fucking good. Plus, she fights dirty.” He looks at his sister with

Dirty, huh!
I’ll have to remember that.

We finish
up our coffees, and the guys go over to weight benches in the corner. I walk
over to the side of the ring where Nikki has begun a stretching routine. I
follow suit and start stretching all my muscles. After about five minutes, we
both get off the floor and gear up.

I don’t
really like boxing with someone I haven’t had a chance to observe boxing with
someone else. It gives me an idea of what to expect and a chance to see how
good they are. In Nikki’s case, I already know she is good. I just hope I can
hold my own.

I climb into
the ring. Nikki is already in and jumping around to loosen up a little

“Want me to
referee?” I hear Nick say from the corner of my eye. I look over in his direction.
He and Jase are standing on the ground outside of the ring with their arms
folded over their chests. They are both already sweaty from the weight lifting.

thanks. This really isn’t going to be a match. I only want to see what the girl
can do,” Nikki says while facing me.

“Don’t the
two of you have something better to do than watch?” I say. I really don’t like
people to watch me. This is a workout for me, and well, so I can make sure I
can defend myself if, and when, needed.

“I told you
I had to see this,” Nick says and I roll my eyes. Nikki laughs. Fucking men.
They hear, “girl fight” and they get turned on. I just don’t get it.

I take an
upright stance and Nikki does the same. My feet are parallel and my right heel
is lifted off the ground. Nikki is standing opposite of me and I can really
compare myself to her now. She isn’t that much bigger than I am. Strength wise
she is probably a lot stronger, but size wise she isn’t. We can probably wear
the same size clothes. She’s about two inches taller than I am though.

“I can’t
throw the first punch. Nick would kill me,” she says. I place my heel on the
ground and gloved hands on my hips.

“If you are
going to treat me like a pussy, we can stop now.” This is the first time she
has pissed me off. She looks at Nick and pulls her eyes back on me, blowing out
a long sigh through her mouth.

“Fine, but
you better not cry if I hurt you.” She takes her stance and I resume mine.

the girl fight,” Jase says from the sideline. I would have rolled my eyes, but Nikki
doesn't really give me a chance because she takes a jab at my face after the
word “commence” comes out of his mouth. 

I back up a
few feet and lightly shake it off. They want to see what I've got so I’ll
gladly show them. She is coming at me with another jab. I duck then come at her
with a cross punch from my right fist. I connect with her jaw and follow up
with a jab with my left fist. We continue on for another thirty or so seconds.
She hasn’t hit me since the first punch, but I’ve gotten her twice more.

Just as I
think this, she connects her right fist to my jaw. Yeah it hurts, and I’m not
that used to getting hit much since the first few years I started boxing eight
years ago. I’ve gotten a lot better since then.

She hits me
once more with a jab, so I jump back. I can tell she is about to come at me with
a hook and I give her a slip. I’m quick to come at her with an upper cut
followed by a cross. She doesn’t even see the second hit coming as she falls to
the mat.

“Holy shit,”
I hear Jase to my right side. Nikki is only out maybe two seconds, but I think
I've stunned them all. Especially Nick. He’s staring at me with hooded, lustful

stands back up to her feet and rubs her jaw with her gloved hand. I can’t tell
if she is pissed at me. She is staring at me like Nick often does when he’s mad,
so I’m betting on the pissed-off-ness! She takes a deep breath.

underestimated you and I don’t do that often. For the record, I like you a
whole lot better than I did before. But…know, I also want to kick the shit out
of you and call you a bitch for good measure.” 

I laugh and
she starts to undo her gloves. She tosses them to the mat and exits the ring. I
do the same and exit behind her.

“Dude, your
girl just got a whole lot hotter,” Jase says as he jabs Nick in the shoulder. Nikki
just rolls her eyes.

“Fuck off, Jason,” Nick says as he
walks up to me and grabs me by my wrist, pulling me quickly in the direction of
the locker rooms.

Once we
enter the men’s locker room, Nick looks around to make sure no one else is in
there. Once all is clear, he locks the door.

“What are
you doing?” I ask him as I try to pull my wrist from his grip. I don’t succeed and
he pushes me up against the cold concrete wall.

“That was
the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen. Now, I’m going to fuck you, baby,” he
tells me and then crashes his lips down hard on my mine. He pins my arms above
my head.

“You can’t
be serious. I’m sweaty and gross,” I tell him when he releases my lips, and
starts kissing, sucking, and nipping his way down my neck. 

sweaty and you’re so fucking sexy right now. I’m dead fucking serious. Now kick
your shoes off,” he orders as he is yanking my gym pants down my legs. I do as
he asks and use one foot to kick off a shoe, and then I repeat with the other. He
pushes my pants and panties all the way down and I use my feet to get them off

“Baby, this
is going to be fast and hard.” He shucks his gym shorts and picks me up by my
thighs. My back is against the wall again and my legs are wrapped around his
waist; he enters me swiftly.

He doesn’t
give me a chance to adjust to his size when he pulls back and slams back into
me. His lips find my ear lobe and he bites down hard. I give a yell out of pain
and pleasure. He isn’t slowing his pace. If anything, he continues to get
faster every time he pushes forward. I receive everything, wanting more.

“You like
it when I’m a little rough with you, don’t you?” he whispers in my ear. His
voice is raspy.

“Yes,” I pant.
I really, really do. Please don’t stop, ever. I grip his shoulders, pulling him
closer to me. I run my hands up until they are in his slick hair. I pull on it,
trying to urge him on.

“Oh God,
Nick. Fuck me harder, please,” I beg him and he immediately picks up the speed.
I honestly don’t know how he’s holding me and moving so fast at the same time.
My heart rate picks up and I feel myself tighten at the core. I’m about to
explode and then I do, all over his cock. As my orgasm washes over me, Nick
releases himself inside of me.

He slows
down to a stop and holds me against the wall. He kisses me softly on the lips
before slipping out of me. Without a word, he smiles and turns for the showers.

standing against the wall still panting and breathless. I don’t even care that
I have cum slipping down my legs right now. I’m having a Joey Lawrence “wow”

I push
myself off the wall and go to the showers myself. I don’t bother with finding
the women’s locker room. The door is still locked, and well, I imagine Jase and
Nikki already have an idea of what we just did. So frankly, I don’t care what
this looks like after what Nick just did to me.

I have
another Joey “wow” moment when I get in the shower next to Nick. I’m sure he
knows it’s me when I turn on the water and close the door behind me. I shower
quickly and then exit. Nick is standing at the door with an extra towel in his
hand. I take it and wrap it around my body.

“I guess
you aren’t going to work out
anymore today then?” I ask as I take in his already fully dressed self.

“I think I
just got a pretty damn good workout ten minutes ago.” He smiles and raises his
eyebrows. God knows I did. I smile back and walk over to my gym bag that has
magically appeared in the men’s locker room. I don’t question. I’m still on a
sex high.

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