Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1) (26 page)

She kisses my lips gently. “I’m sorry for being all emotional. These damn hormones are driving me crazy.” Brushing a strand of hair out of her face, I give her one more kiss before I stand up, and pull her up too.

“You could be a fucking blubbering mess right now and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ll ever know. You’re the mother of my son, and soon to be the mother of my next child. I love you Harlyn. It’s never going to change.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me close to her body. “I love you Stav. It’s always been you.”

Once she wipes her eyes, I grab her hand and lead her back inside. When we walk through the door, Ruslan comes running at us. Picking him up, I look up to see a huge smirk on Romeo and Dex’s faces. “Does this mean we get to throw a party, Prez?” Dex asks rubbing his hands together.

“Totally up to her.” I say pointing at Harlyn. She looks at me with a questioning expression.

“Oh come on, Harlyn. Let’s have a party to celebrate your guy's news.” These guys would have a damn party for anything. I used to be like that before I met Harlyn, but the party scene got old when I could spend my nights tangled up in her instead.

“Sure, why not?” She shrugs her shoulder, and before she can say anything else to them, she takes off running towards the bathroom at the end of the bar.

“What’s wrong with momma?” Ruslan asks as his eyes follow her to the bathroom.

“She doesn’t feel good buddy.” I answer, handing him off to Dex so I can go check on her. “I need you to stay with Dex, okay?” He nods his head and I go towards the bathroom she just ran to. Knocking lightly on the door, I push it open and see her hunched over a toilet puking up everything she has in her stomach.

Grabbing a napkin, I wet it, and walk over to her. Placing the napkin on her neck, I hold her hair back. “This is all your fault.” She pouts before she finally stands up and flushes the toilet.

“Says the bitch who fuckin’ climbs me like a damn tree every time I’m in the same room as her.” She frowns and walks over to the sink to wash her mouth out with water.

“You’re never touching my pussy again after this baby is born.” She groans. I hand her a napkin and raise an eyebrow at her. She really thinks that she’s going to keep me from claiming what’s mine, she’s got another thing coming.

Walking over to her, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her body into mine. “You and I both know that you won’t give up my dick.” She pushes my chest and I just smirk at her.

“No, I won’t. But you’re not the one who has to push a baby out of your vagina. That shit hurts like a motherfucker.” She checks her reflection in the mirror, so I press her hips into the small counter.

“I don’t doubt that baby girl, but you and I both know that you’ll be begging me for my dick every day up until the day you spit that kid out, and even afterwards.” She scoffs at me before pushing past me. She opens the door and makes her way towards were I left Ruslan and Dex.

She takes Ruslan from Dex and gives me the stink eye before walking towards the front door. I follow behind them with a grin on my face, and catch her before she makes it to her car. Even after all this time, she gets an attitude with me when shit doesn’t go the way she wants. Not that I’m complaining - I love when she’s like this.

I watch as she puts Ruslan in the back seat and straps him into his chair. When she goes to shut the door, I grab it, and move her ass out of the way. Giving Ruslan a kiss on the cheek, I tell him that I love him before I turn my attention back to Harlyn.

Harlyn moves away from me and I shut the door. “Why the pissed off attitude?” I ask, wrapping an arm around her. Her hands go to my stomach and she tries to keep a small distance between us. She doesn’t answer me, but she does shrug her shoulders.

“Babe, you know I would do anything for you - that includes switching places with you right now. But we both know that I would be the worst pregnant person ever.” She starts to giggle, and I open the driver’s side door to the car I bought her when she came back. Her not having a car was not an option. Apparently she relied on my brother way more than I thought.

“Yeah, you
the worst sick person ever.” She’s still laughing and I’m just glad to put a smile back on her face. “I love you Stav.” She leans forward on her tip toes before pressing a soft kiss to my mouth. “Are you coming over tonight?”

Wrapping my hand in her hair, I pull her head back and force her to look up at me. “Yeah. I’ll bring dinner.” She grins and nods her head at me before I release her.

“Good, I can be dessert.” She gets a devious smirk on her face, and I love the way she thinks.

“Your pussy is my favorite dessert.” I nip at her lips and she wraps her arms around my neck. “I love you Har. I’ll see you both later.” She nods and I help her into the car. I give Ruslan one last wave before she puts the car in reverse and takes off towards the house.

Making my way back inside the clubhouse, I see Dex and Romeo still in the same place I left them. “Trouble in paradise?” Romeo murmurs.

“Naw. Pregnancy hormones apparently. I have a dinner date with them later and her pussy for dessert.” They both laugh and clap me on the shoulder before making their way out the door.
Instead of hanging around here, I make my way to my bike to run a few errands, and grab a few things before I head over to the house with dinner.

By the time I pull into the driveway of my house, my saddle bags are full, and I can’t wait to get inside. Collecting the bags, I carry them all to the door at once, because I hate making more than one trip. I knock on the door and I hear Ruslan’s giggles come from the other side before the door opens and his little arms wrap themselves around my legs.

“Daddy!” He squeals. Harlyn giggles as Ruslan almost takes me out.

“Hey buddy. I got you something.” He squeals again, and this time Harlyn grabs him and pulls him inside with her.

Once I drop all the bags on the counter and set the food next to them, I reach into a bag to find the new toy I bought for Ruslan. Putting it behind my back, I walk over to them and kneel down in front of him. He had been going on about this toy for weeks, and Harlyn kept telling him that she couldn’t afford it. That’s also the same day she told me she wanted to get a job, and I told her no. She pouted like a child for a few hours, but gave up after I fucked her with my mouth the rest of the night.

“Your momma sent me out to get something for you.” I start. His eyes light up and he starts to bounce around like a little energizer bunny. “But it comes with a stipulation.” He gives me a strange look and I keep going. “You’re going to have a very important job coming up, and this is because me and your momma know you’re going to do an amazing job at it.”

“What?” He asks excitedly.

I look up at Harlyn and she kneels down beside me. “You’re going to be a big brother.” She says with a smile.

“I am?” He asks looking between us. She nods and I see a tear slip from her eyes.

“Yeah buddy. So your momma wanted to celebrate you becoming a big brother because we both know you’ll do an amazing job.” He nods his head eagerly, and I pull his present out from behind my back and he starts to squeal in excitement.

“You got it! Yas!” He plows Harlyn over, and they both fall to the ground. “Luv yew momma!” He places a kiss on her face and hugs her tightly. Moments like these are what I now live for.

Before, nights with my brothers and Harlyn were all I wanted. But seeing this little boy’s eyes light up with love for his mom and me makes everything I’ve done and gone through worth it all. I will do everything in my power to protect him and his little brother or sister. Harlyn and Ruslan saved me in a lot of ways and I wouldn’t trade that in for the world.

The End <3

About the Author

K. Renee is from sunny California. Creative by nature, she decided to put her imagination on paper. During the day, she works in an office; at night, she writes. These stories have been in her head for years and are finally coming out on paper.

[email protected]

Tsu: KReneeAuthor

Twitter: k_renee_author


First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for buying this book! I never thought I would be releasing one book, let alone writing as many as I have in this short amount of time.

I can't wait for everyone to meet my characters and fall in love with them like I have.

I want to thank my beta readers for giving their honest opinion about the book and my in house beta reader (mom)… You ladies are awesome! Thank you for taking time out of your schedules to beta read for me. I am thrilled that you loved these characters as much as I did.

A big thank you to TCB Editing for doing their editing magic for me. I love getting their feedback on scenes. It truly helps!

To my street team, K's Wayward Ladies… Thank you for all you do! You girls are amazing at pimping my book out to the indie world. Thank you for your support and I can't wait to see what the future brings.

To the readers and fans… I thank each and everyone one of you who come to hang out with me during takeovers, participating in my giveaways! I hope you like this and my future books.


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