Smoke. Fire. Cowboy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 3) (17 page)

“I didn’t mean that, at least not that way. I’m a little stunned—no, a lot stunned. I’m not responsible for anything that might pour from my mouth until I’ve had time to think this over.”

Relaxing back into the chair, she sighed. “You can think as long and hard as you like, Jared, but this baby—our baby—will continue to grow and eventually he or she will make their arrival. I didn’t see you because I was expecting you to step up. I understand that’s not something a cowboy like you does. However, I guess what I’m really saying is, if you’re not in this from the very beginning, then walk away and never show up, not months, years, decades down the line and want to wear a father’s hat. I can’t do that to my child.”

When he didn’t answer, she stood, gave him one last look, and walked out of the diner. Once she was in her car, she let the tears flow. She’d just walked away from the man she loved, the father of her baby. He still sat in the booth, his head bent over his cup. Why did she have an urge to walk back in and wrap her arms around him? Because she was an idiot. She’d always been a person who wanted to please others, but today, the only two people she owed anything to was herself and her baby. If Jared didn’t want to be a part of their lives, then so be it. She would still be the best mom this child could ever ask for.

Starting the engine, she backed out of the parking spot.

She didn’t see Jared’s head come up. What she believed as she drove toward Nirvana was that she’d never see him again.




Jared slammed the door of his truck, shoved it into gear and raced out onto the road toward Nirvana. He had an urgency that made him want to push the pedal to the metal, but if he wrecked and killed himself, he wouldn’t be able to tell Sofie that he loved her.

Damn, could he be more of a jerk?

He’d been shocked hearing the news that he was going to be a father. That scared the shit out of him, but not even one part of him wanted to walk away. It was time he stopped blaming his childhood on who he was and take responsibility. That began with being honest with Sofie. Even if she wasn’t pregnant, he’d still want her in his life. Close to him.

Would she even want him now?

He’d basically done all of the wrong things since he slept with her, but with the intention of doing right. He couldn’t force her to love him, but he could be a father. He might not learn the ropes as quickly as other new fathers, but he was a fast learner. He would always be the best that he could be and prove the lies in his father’s words.

He reached Nirvana, feeling at ease with what he knew he must do.

Yet, when he saw the blaze coming from a barn, the flames shooting toward the sky, his stomach lurched into his chest. What the hell?

As he drove closer, his lungs deflated and he slammed on the brakes, leaving the truck a good distance from the burning building. He saw Sofie’s car, the door open as if she made a mad dash to run inside. Fuck! His chest clenched and his heart kicked up in speed that forced his adrenaline into a fast pace.

He hurried out of the truck. “Sofie?” he yelled, but knowing in his gut she wouldn’t answer.

On the narrow lane, he could see the headlights of several vehicles moving closer. Apparently, others were aware of the fire.

The first truck came to a skidding halt next to Sofie’s car. Chase had jumped out of the truck and stormed to Jared. “What’s going on?”

Jared shrugged. “I don’t know. I drove up and saw the flames. I’m going in. I think Sofie is inside.”

“Why the hell would she do a damned thing like that?” Chase turned as Dodge and Jace raced up to the scene.

Jared ran to the entrance of the barn and jumped back as orangish-red flames shot out. Sweat beaded on his brow, but he wasted no time in stumbling into the sweltering heat. Thick smoke settled in a cloud and he could barely see two feet in front of him. “Sofie?” he yelled, sucking in a lungful of copious smoke.

A horse’s cry reached his ears. He slowly stepped to the far wall—the wood was warm to the touch. Blindly, he felt his way to the stalls and touched the latch. The heat sizzled his skin and he jerked back. Tearing his shirt from his body, he used it to unlock the bolt as the flames crackled and popped behind him. The mare was pushed back into the corner of the stall and when she saw Jared, she reared up her two legs, kicked the wall, and whinnied loudly. “Come on, girl,” he soothed her

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him, kicking up dust as the flames drew closer. “Out!” He smacked her hard on the bottom and she darted out of the open gate, disappearing into the flames.

Finding his way back into the center of the barn, he searched the fog, but couldn’t see anything.

“Sofie?” The snapping of the fire was loud in his ears, competing with the thunderous beating of his heart. The flames hadn’t reached all of the barn yet—most importantly, the stack of hay on the far side. Once that lit, the building would go down fast. He could get to the fire extinguisher…and hopefully Sofie wasn’t still inside the barn.

He heard a splitting of wood above him and looked up just as the beam split. He jumped to the side, but the heavy wood fell on his leg. The smoke grew thicker. The heat was almost unbearable.


Sofie led the horse from the stall, sucking in precious air. Trucks raced along the lane and she heard yelling just as Chase came barreling around the corner, followed closely by Dodge and Jace.

“Sofie, what were you thinking?” Chase asked through pants of breath.

“I had to save the horses. I don’t know if the mare was the only one inside.” She could barely speak. The smoke was clogging her throat. “I called 9-1-1 before I went in.”

“A stupid thing you did,” he snapped, but his jaw softened. He shouted orders to the men as they attempted to put out the fire with extinguishers. It was burning faster than they could extinguish the flames. “Has Jared made it out yet?”

Sofie felt the ground shake under her feet. “What? Jared? What do you mean?”

“He was here when we pulled up. While we were grabbing the extinguishers, he disappeared. He said he thought you were inside.”

She raced past Chase, but he grabbed her and held her back. “You can’t go in there.”

“Let me go! Let me go now!”

He tore off his hat and tossed it to the side. “Keep going at the flames with the extinguishers,” he barked to the men, then turned Sofie around to face him. “Listen. You can’t go in there. It’s not safe. Remember the baby.”

She whimpered and weakened when a strong pair of arms grabbed her from behind. She looked up into Maverick’s worried expression. “Sofie, stay here. Let us get to him.”

She nodded as tears fell down her cheeks and she  dropped to her knees, staring at the entrance, now consumed in flames. What would she do if Jared wasn’t here, alive and well? How could she go on?

She dropped her shaking hand to her stomach. “I love him. He must be okay.”


Jared blinked against the burning in his eyes. He coughed and sputtered, pain shot through his leg. A beam had fallen on him, caging him on the floor.  He tried moving, but another shearing sting shot through him and he realized he was wedged. The smoke was black, surrounding him in a treacherous cloud and his lungs ached for oxygen. He pushed at the fallen beam, but it was too heavy and he couldn’t drag himself out from underneath. He couldn’t see. Couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even think.

He felt the life drawing from him as it became too difficult to stay awake.

Sirens sounded above the cracking and popping, but he wondered if it was his imagination.

Yelling. Was someone yelling his name?

“Sofie.” The word ripped from his raw throat.

A firm grip came at his shoulder, but he wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t. Strong hands moved the wood. He saw two familiar faces. Chase and Dodge. They were yelling something he couldn’t comprehend. They were at his shoulder…he saw light…then Sofie. Beautiful Sofie.

She was okay. That’s all that mattered. He closed his eyes and let the darkness take hold.



Sofie palmed her stomach as she relaxed back into the cushioned chair, wishing she could get comfortable. She couldn’t eat. Couldn’t sleep. Not until she knew her love would be okay.

Stirring from the hospital bed brought her to her feet. Jared was coming awake. His lashes fluttered, his lips opened and he looked up at her. “Sofie?”

“Yes, darling.” She took his hand, careful not to hurt him with all of the wires coming and going from his body.

“I’m alive?”

She smiled. “Yes, you are. The doctor said you made it out of the building just in time. They plan to keep you here for a couple of days, just for observation and to get your lungs cleared.”

“I-I—” He coughed.

“Rest, sweetheart. Don’t try to talk,” she urged.

He shook his head. “I have to.” His raspy voice made her heart ache. “I…need…you.”

She lowered over him, kissing his cheek covered in black ash. “I need you.”

“Marry me, Sofie. I love you.”

Tears welled in her eyes and, as much as she wanted to stay strong, she was weak against the wave of emotion. She sobbed like a baby. “Is this the pain medicine talking?”

He gave his head a tiny shake. “No, sweetheart. This is my heart talking. I promise I’ll always love you. I’ll never cheat, never forget how happy you make me. I know I can be anything I want if you’re next to me. I want to become a better man for you and our baby.”

“Yes, my love! I’ll marry you.” She planted kisses on his cheeks and he squinted. “I’m so sorry. I’ll take care of you. Just as you’ll take care of our family.”

He moved his hand, slowly, brushing his fingers over her swollen abdomen. “As long as there’s a breath in my body, that I promise.”


The End





From the author: 

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Rhonda Lee Carver 



At an early age, Rhonda fell in love with romance novels, knowing one day she’d write her own love story. Life took a short detour, but when the story ideas were no longer contained, she decided to dive in and write. Her first plot was on a dirty napkin she found buried in her car. Eventually, she ran out of napkins. With baby on one hip and laptop on the other, she made a dream into reality—one word at a time. 

Her specialty is men who love to get their hands dirty and women who are smart, strong and flawed. She loves writing about the everyday hero. 

When Rhonda isn't crafting sizzling manuscripts, you will find her busy editing novels, blogging, juggling kids and animals (too many to name), dreaming of a beach house and keeping romance alive. Oh, and drinking lots of coffee to keep up with her hero and heroine. 




For other titles by Rhonda Lee Carver, please visit:

Find me on Facebook, too! 

Other books by Rhonda Lee Carver 



Diamond in a Rose

Double Dare

Delaney’s Sunrise

Second Chance Cowboy (Book 1, Second Chance Series)

Second Ride Cowboy (Book 2, Second Chance Series)

Second Round Cowboy (Book 3, Second Chance Series)

Second Dance Cowboy (Book 4, Second Chance Series)

Second Song Cowboy (Book 5, Second Chance Series)

Second Burn Cowboy (Book 6, Second Chance Series)

Second Hope Cowboy (Book 7, Second Chance Series)

Second Sunrise Cowboy (Book 8, Second Chance Cowboy Series)

Castle’s Fortress

Dreaming Ivy

Friends With Benefits

Sin With Cuffs

With Honor

Wicked Pleasures (Book 1, Wicked Wolves Series)

Wicked Lust (Book 2, Wicked Wolves Series)

Fighting Flames

UNDER PRESSURE (Book 1, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

PRESSURE RISING (Book 2, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

PRESSURE POINT (Book 3, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

SECRET PRESSURE (Book 4, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

RESISTING PRESSURE (Book 5, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

Under the Mistletoe

Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana)

Ropin’ Trouble (Book 2, Cowboys of Nirvana)

Leather for Two, Wings of Steel MC

An Unexpected Hero (Buttermilk Valley)

A New Year’s Cowboy (Ring In A Cowboy Boxed Set)


Watch for Kissed, Spurred & Valentined (Book 4, Cowboys of Nirvana) in February!


Have you read Secret Pressure (Book 4, Rhinestone Cowgirls)? If not, here’s a peek.

Buy it here:







Ruby Stone stepped out of the bathroom and forced a smile on her lips. No reason to overreact until she had good reason. 

  Don’t panic! Stay calm! Breathe easy!
She repeated the silent mantra.

“It’s about time. I thought you fell in.”

Ruby jumped at her cousin’s voice and looked across the room at Em Stone-Walters. Her arms were crossed, tapping her bare foot in restless energy. “You scared me.”

“It’s not nice to leave a girl waiting. I thought I’d bite my nails to the quick.”

“You’re nervous? How do you think I’m feeling? This isn’t a walk in the park for me.”

Em started tapping the other foot. “Did you pee on the stick the right way?”

“Is there a wrong way?” Ruby’s heart skipped a beat as she thought back to the process.

“I’ve never done it so I have no idea.”

“I followed the directions. Do not insert into vagina, obviously. Hold under the urine stream for five seconds. Wait five minutes. Where could I go wrong?” She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and sighed. “It’s not rocket science.”

Em shrugged and paced the floor. “I don’t understand why I’m all emotional.”

“I can’t either.” Ruby tucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

“How can you be so calm?” Em came to a sudden halt, one brow lifting.

“Does this look like a calm face?” Ruby bracketed her face with her open palms.

“No. You look like you could cry. Are you going to cry?” Em’s color paled.

Ruby wrapped her arms tight around her waist. “Of course not.” Her vision blurred and she fought the constriction building in her throat until she couldn’t fight the feeling any longer. A tear fell to her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. She had to be strong, either way… 

Em walked over and hugged Ruby’s shoulders. “Okay, sweetie. It’ll all work out. This isn’t a bad thing.”

“You’re acting like you already know the answer,” Ruby said through a sob. “It’s a false alarm. I’m sure. Lots of women have these.”

“I’m sure it is too.” Em went to the table and picked up the open book she’d been reading that morning. She flipped through the pages. “Here it is. I thought I remembered seeing this. Answer these questions.”

“You’re not going to try and diagnose me, are you?” Ruby huffed, dropping her hands to her sides.

“Honey, you either are or you aren’t. Plain and simple.”

“True.” “Have you missed a period?”

Ruby nodded. “I’m six weeks late.”

“Are your breasts tender?” Again, Ruby nodded. “Nipples may show signs of color change.”

“Well…” Ruby pulled out the neckline of her shirt, peering in. She sighed, then let the material snap back into place. “Possibly.”

“Are you craving sex?”

“What does that have to do with this?” Ruby rolled her eyes.

“According to this book, those are some of the top symptoms when you’re pregnant. Something to do with overactive hormones and wanting sex all of the time.”

“Yes. I want it all of the time. But we’re talking about Jobe Walters. How could I not want sex with him morning, noon, and night? He has the most beautiful eyes and smile. And that body…oh

Em cleared her throat and laughed. “Yeah, I get the point.”  She tossed the book back onto the table. “You’re right. It’s a Walters’ thing. I’m not pregnant and I can’t keep my hands off my husband. He brought me a chocolate bar yesterday and I laid it on his stomach, licking—”

“Stop right there. I don’t want to hear what you and Nash do in bed.”

“Sorry. I sometimes get carried away.”

“You two have only been married for a few weeks. Do you think the desire will change in a year? Five years?  Ten years?”

“Remember we’re talking about Nash Walters. I can’t see myself ever getting tired of touching, kissing and fu—”

Ruby held up a hand. “I hear you. You’re in love with Nash. That’s obvious.” She plopped down onto the couch. “This isn’t good, Em. Not good at all.”

Em sat beside her. “It could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

“I’m not married.”

“There are a lot single mothers. It’s not easy, but it can be done.”

“I told Jobe I didn’t want a relationship. I went into this with my heart guarded and now, well, I’m starting to feel things I shouldn’t.”

“If you’re pregnant, will it change your outlook?” Em asked.

Ruby tossed her cousin’s question around, wanting to give it careful consideration.  “Jobe and I both have full plates. I’m dedicated to my career, and so is he.” Seeing Em’s pursed lips, Ruby laid her palms in her lap. “What?”

“That doesn’t quite answer my question.”

“Well, it’s the best answer I can give at this time.” The weight of the world rested on her shoulders, and her emotions were in an upheaval of the greatest kind. A trip to the Rhinestone Ranch for a wedding had landed her in a load of trouble. She met a hunky cowboy and ended up sleeping with him, not once as planned, but enough that she’d lost count the second night. From the time they’d met, they were drawn together. Sex had been a powerful force, leaving her wanting more and more like an endless, calorie-free buffet of dessert.

They’d made an agreement—or rather she demanded—sex only, no feelings.

Ruby should have known she wasn’t cut out for a fun-only relationship. She cared a little—or a lot, depending on which end of the spectrum she was looking.

Jobe seemed just fine with the situation, though. Never once had he complained when she snuck into his bedroom at midnight and was gone before breakfast, which left her at a cross between satisfaction and disappointment. A woman could start to wonder if something was wrong with her if a man didn’t have some presence of feelings.

Now here she landed, waiting to find out if their non-committal relationship was about to take on huge accountability. A baby hadn’t been part of her plan. Or Jobe’s. They’d taken precautions, but not everything came fail-proof. Even a protected heart.

She had to stay optimistic. “I’m not pregnant.”

“Sure. No possible way.” Em hid her smile behind her hand.

“You’re not making this any easier.” Ruby threw up her hands.

“I’m sorry, hun. I only want you to be happy.”

“Things just feel crazy right now.”

“Crazy isn’t always bad,” Em said. “Not too long enough I said the same thing about my feelings for Nash.”

“Until I talked sense into you.” Ruby laughed.

“I remember your lecture. I’m glad you knew me better than I did.”

“That’s what cousins are for.”

“I wanted no part of a relationship until I met Nash. Then everything turned topsy-turvy—crazy. I could have walked away from the best thing that I’ve ever known.” Em blinked and the moisture was gone from her gaze.

Ruby tucked her feet under her bottom. “Let me remind you, I was right. You two were made for each other.”

“There’s a possibility you’re confused about your feelings too.”

“You’re suggesting that I have feelings for Jobe? Like you have for Nash?” Ruby shook her head, not capable of believing their relationship had crossed that line. Sure, she cared for Jobe, but love? She hadn’t dug deep enough to figure out exactly what she was feeling.

“There could be worse things than falling for Jobe. He might be a bit distant at times, and tough as nails, but deep down, he’s a teddy bear.”

“Yes, he is, but—”

“But what?”

“I write romance novels. I don’t live them.” Ruby tucked a strand of misbehaving hair behind her ear. “He’s a good guy, a great guy, yet we have everything against us. Location being the biggest hurdle. I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before and it never works out the way we hope it will. It can be quite devastating when things end.”

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