SNAP (The SNAP Trilogy Book 1) (21 page)

He's getting lost in his head as he stares down at me. I don't want him lost inside himself. I want him to get lost inside of me. Flutters take flight in my stomach as I do something I've never done in front of anyone else. I run the tips of my fingers over my skin until his eyes follow my every move. They graze my nipples making them harden and I cup my breasts squeezing them gently. He doesn't blink once, mesmerized by my movements. As one hand trails down my stomach, he instinctively wraps his hand around himself in preparation and waits.

My fingers trail over my mound and he strokes himself. I pause and he waits for more. I slide my finger between my lips and roll my clit beneath it. His hand pumps his cock again and my legs fall further apart in invitation wishing he would climb between them and touch me himself.

I raise my hand gesturing for him to take it and join me. Without breaking eye contact, he leans over the side of the bed and reaches for his jeans. A condom slides out his pocket and he tosses it onto the bed next to us. He climbs up the bed and takes my hand. Kissing it softly, he lingers for a moment and closes his eyes taking in the scent of myself on my fingers. I lace the fingers of his other hand with my own reassuring him and feeding him what little strength I have left. But he doesn't need it. His eyes open and pierce mine with need and a longing I can't fathom.


Before I can finish speaking his name, his lips collide with mine in determination. Our hands take on a life of their own, exploring each other as our bodies grind against one another. The sounds of heavy breathing and slight moans fill the room replacing the sounds I heard that night. His mouth delivers teasing, light kisses and licks before delving between my lips again taking my breath away and making my toes curl. Everywhere he touches leaves behind mini fires melting the memories and pain that were previously branded on my skin. Cash is burning me alive.

Taking my breasts in his hands, he buries his face between them and groans, "You have the most beautiful body I have ever seen."

I gasp as he grips them and kisses them all over. I've never felt anything like this before. This is new territory. The chemistry between us is something I've never experienced and honestly wonder if I'll survive. I wonder if I'll ever find this with anyone else. Because this thing with Cash, is just that. A thing. No matter what happens between us tonight it will remain that way.

I commit it all to memory; his body poised above mine rubbing against me, his hands groping me, his fingers trailing down my skin, and his mouth doing things that no mortal man should be able to do. He's doing everything I asked.

As his mouth makes its way down my abdomen he pauses at the pink scars healing there. He lines his fingers up with the marks and feathers them down my flesh as if attempting to heal them. The tenderness in that action has my heart breaking. If he could fix me he would. He doesn't understand that he is.

Looking down my body, the image of him kneeling between my legs and staring at my pussy like he found the Holy Grail is seared into my mind. Goosebumps rise on my skin as his fingers trail lightly up my thighs easing them further apart. My chest rises and falls in anticipation as he stills next to my sex. Right when I think I can't take it any longer, his finger glides up my center making me twitch and my breath hitch. His hooded eyes meet mine then he twitches his finger, flicking my clit. My hips jerk up off the mattress as a moan tears from my lips.

Before my hips land back on the bed, Cash grips my bottom and buries his face between my legs. My lips form a silent oh as his mouth meets me. His tongue slides between my lips causing me to gasp and clamp my thighs together.

Cash nibbles the inside of my thigh and clutches my bottom tighter. His eyes meet mine and he utters, "Open for me, Hazel."

One of his hands runs up and down the outside of my leg gently, relaxing me until it falls to the side opening me to him. The touch of his fingers is gentle and the slow, slick movements of his tongue bathes me in a tenderness I've never known until I unravel.

My legs tremble against the weight of him moving against me. Cash's hand cups my face and turns it toward him. His lips brush mine and I can taste myself on his tongue as it delves between my lips. The taste of myself and the feel of his cock probing my entrance has me moaning into his mouth. I search for the condom on the bed needing him inside me more than I need my next breath. The thought of having something between us completely ruins what we're trying to do here. I want to feel him, but obviously he needs it if he retrieved it in the beginning.

When I find it, I break our kiss and put it between my teeth to open. He looks at the condom weighing his choices before slipping it from my hand.

"No." He kisses me desperately. "I need to feel you."

I stroke him and he shudders, moaning against my lips. Lining himself up, he pushes inside me. The size of him leaves me gasping as he works himself back and forth until I stretch enough to sheath him fully. He pauses for a moment and holds me tight against him whispering for me not to move. I can feel him flexing inside me and fight the urge to squeeze around him.

He kisses me and mutters something about perfection before he starts moving, hitting spots so deep I didn't know they existed. Cash is doing more than erasing my pain. He's replacing it with love. It's in his eyes, in the way he touches me reverently, and the way his body glides in out of mine lovingly. Cash is making love to me. He needs it as much as I do. But our need to heal ourselves becomes a fervor as our hands and mouths roam, tongues clash, and skin gets bitten and clawed as we leave our own marks on each other.

As we lose ourselves in one another over and over again, I realize one simple thing. No matter what Phil does to me, no matter how much he hurts me, it won't be him that breaks me.




The sunlight filters through the crack in Hazel's curtain making the golden strands in her hair glitter. I lay there curled around her and breathe in her scent. Coconut mixed with the aroma of me on her skin. It's better than anything I've ever smelled before. Her body fits with mine in all the right places. My cock, that is thickening between us, agrees.

Waking up to her sobs was disheartening and made me wonder how many nights she would cry alone. It reminded me of the nights I would cry myself to sleep wanting my mother. The anxiety of being separated from her not knowing if she was ever coming back. All of it came rushing back to me making me feel like that scared little boy again. I hated it. I hated she was suffering from something I'd never be able to empathize with, and I hated that I was feeling all those emotions again.

When Hazel asked me to take it away, I was unsure of what to do. I can't get rid of my own pain, how the hell was I supposed to take away hers? I feared touching her would make it worse and she would hate me too. The thought of her hating me felt like a punch to my balls. It fucking hurt. She's never had anything bad happen to her and doesn't understand that life changing events alter you forever. Things never go back to the way they were. You never see anything in the right light anymore. It's all shadowed with the fear that guards the walls we construct to protect ourselves.

She didn't ask me any questions, and probably knows that I won't talk about it, but was willing to fight my demons for me. Hazel is beautiful beyond words I could ever form. She's caring, compassionate, and loving, always worried about someone other than herself when she's going through something that would devastate others. That speaks of her strength, her integrity, and the capacity of her heart. She has put her trust in me, and all I've done is take advantage of her every step of the way. What does that say about my integrity? I'm far worse than Phil. At least he doesn't hide whatever the fuck he is. He owns that shit.

I couldn't say no to her. And I couldn't say no to the child inside screaming at me to let her love us. He would give her anything she asked of us as long as her eyes never lose the love they hold when I'm buried deep inside of her. She enamored me in the beginning, and now, I'm completely captivated by her. I wish I could be as resilient as she is. Have the courage to not let my past swallow me whole and change so my future will be better. Not just adapting to new ways to bury my pain and survive.

I bury my face into Hazel's hair and soak up as much of her as I can. I'll be leaving her soon and it terrifies me that she won't be protected while I'm gone. Phil made it clear at Dustin's house that he isn't done with her yet. I'd hate to see what his grand finale is and hope we are able to stop him before he's able to finish whatever it is he's doing.

Sighing, I climb out bed hoping not to wake Hazel and go to the bathroom. The thought of showering crosses my mind, but I'd rather smell her on my skin a bit longer. I go back to her room and quietly pull my jeans on. After rummaging through her fridge and cabinets, I start some coffee and make us some omelets and toast. She works this afternoon and will need her energy. A smile spreads over my face thinking about how much energy we burned in the wee hours of the morning as I plate our food.

"I didn't know eggs could make a man so happy."

Startled, I jerk toward the sound of her voice, rough with sleep, and laugh. She smiles at me as she leans on the wall, her head resting against it. Her oversized t-shirt is now inside out and she isn't wearing any pants. My fingers itch to pull it up and see if she's wearing any panties.

"I was just about to wake you." I put the plates on the table and motion to a chair. "Sit down and I'll pour you some coffee."

I grab a mug and when I turn back around she's leaning into the fridge, her shirt rising up revealing just enough of her bare bottom to have my dick springing to life. I loved taking her from behind last night, her forearms flat on the bed and her ass perched high into the air. My fingers twitch as I think about digging them into her cheeks again as I pound into her.

Hazel tugs her shirt down subconsciously as she checks the expiration date on the cream. She frowns slightly and opens the lid sniffing it. Her eyes open wide and she cringes, snapping the lid closed quickly. My chest rumbles as I try to contain my amusement, but it quickly becomes full out laughter. She looks at me and giggles then throws the cream in the trash.

I set her coffee by her plate and we sit down to eat. She glances at me over the top of her mug and I wink at her. The smile I get in return has my blood heating. We don't speak, just exchange teasing glances and grins as we eat and drink our coffee. If there were ever a perfect breakfast date, it's Hazel in a t-shirt and nothing else eye fucking me over the top of her coffee mug.

"Thank you. That was delicious," she says as she gets up to collect our dishes.

I sneak my arm around her legs and tug her to me when she reaches for my plate. She squeaks in surprise and steadies herself by grabbing the table edge. I slide my hand under her shirt until I feel the bottom of her butt cheek. Her heated silver eyes stare into mine as my finger traces the crease beneath it. The emotions this woman evokes scares the shit out of me, but after having her I can't not touch her. She leans down and kisses my forehead then grabs my dishes and turns to deposit them in the sink.

She rounds the corner toward the hallway and a moment later her shirt lands on the floor in the doorway. That little minx. The chair screeches backwards as I run after her.

Hazel is bending over the tub starting the shower as I lean against the door frame. I wish I could smack her ass, but I don't know if that's something Phil did to her and I don't want to trigger any bad thoughts. She's in a much better place this morning and I want her to remain there. I hope she takes the news of me leaving for a couple of days well.

She turns toward the sink and hands me an unopened toothbrush. We watch each other as we brush our teeth, and as soon as we are done rinsing, she pounces on me. I fight to get my jeans off and back her into the shower. The water rolls down her body and I want to lick every last bead from her skin, but there's no time for that and I'm not going to last long.

I suck her nipple into my mouth eliciting a moan. The sounds that come from her will be the soundtrack to every wet dream I have from here on out. I push her against the wall and spread her legs with my knee. Her hand wraps around my cock and strokes it making my head fall back on a groan.

"Stop that or it'll be over before it starts."

She raises a brow and strokes me one more time. I grab her face and kiss those lips that drive me insane until I kiss her stupid and her hand releases me. My fingers seek out her tight heat and I push two inside of her. She gasps and I kiss her again as I pump my fingers inside the sweetest pussy I've ever had, hitting that spot that I found last night that makes her legs shake.

Hazel kisses my neck and licks her way up to my ear. She takes it between her teeth sucking for a moment before nibbling it. I about lose my damn mind. Right when she's about to come, I move my hand and slam my cock inside of her. If anything could ever be heaven on earth, it's when Hazel comes on my cock. Her muscles squeeze as I seat myself as deep as I can get and she screams out as she has her release. I lift her leg and slide deeper inside of her, relishing the feel of her pussy. I fucking love it. I've never wanted to be inside someone as badly as I do Hazel. She molds to my cock perfectly giving me sensations that are new and feel amazing. I wrap my arm around her gripping her shoulder and pinning her tightly between the wall and myself. I relinquish all control and let my primal urges lead me, pounding into her wetness furiously prolonging her orgasm. Her head falls against my shoulder and her body shakes against me as she moans incoherently with my thrusts.

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