Stronger with You (With You Trilogy) (3 page)

“Tell me you like it, Jamie. I want to hear you say it.”

I was already blushing, not that Jason could see. He’d know though. He knew me far too well. I was used to Jason’s bedroom banter. It wasn’t that I was shy or uncomfortable around him. That wasn’t the case at all. He was just so talented; always bringing me to my knees around him and it was fairly overwhelming sometimes.

“It feels so good,” I managed, barely recognising the sound of my voice over the obvious desperation it conveyed. “Faster. Please, Jason. Faster.”

“No, Jamie. We’re going to do this nice and slow.”

I was close to screaming with frustration. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I was dangerously close to asking him to stop because I got the sense he was punishing me for more than just my inability to keep still or the accidental teasing from earlier that evening.

He moved himself in and out of me slowly, controlling every movement and making sure I felt every ridge and groove of his cock as he teased me with it relentlessly.

“Jason, please, I can’t take any more,” I pleaded. I could feel his eyes searching for mine in the dark. I knew he was trying to decide how much further he could push me.

“Patience, baby,” he soothed as he swivelled his hips slightly, eliciting an almost pained groan from me.

He began increasing his pace, his right hand snaking round my hip to gently roll my clit between his finger and thumb. I was close, so close, to bursting around him when he pulled me up so that my arms were no longer on the bed. My back arched away from Jason to accommodate the position and my breast met with his hand as he kneaded the tender mound and tweaked its stiffened nub. I could feel my muscles begin to quicken their convulsions around him as he thrust in and out of me with his other hand on my hip.
I’m so close.

“Not yet, Jamie,” he whispered in my ear.

I practically came just from the feel of his lips against my ear but I was too confused.

“What?” I breathed, impressed with myself for being able form an entire word despite the fact that I was dangerously close to finding my release.

“I want you to hold it, baby. Don’t come yet.”

I whimpered as his words sank in.
How on earth am I meant to hold it?
I had no control over my body at the best of times, let alone when Jason was driving me crazy with lust and desire.

I somehow managed to clench my teeth and force my body to wait as Jason began thrusting, harder now, with a sense of renewed urgency. The sound of his ragged breathing in my ear only served to make the task more difficult but I somehow forced my climax back. Despite the fact that being denied my release was pure torture, there was no refuting that I was more turned on than I ever have been in my life.

His hand travelled down from my breast and over my stomach, coming to rest on my abdomen and pushing gently as he began rubbing circles on my clit once more.

“Come for me, Jamie,” Jason growled in my ear, his voice revealing how close he was to his own release.

My body responded to his words almost instantaneously and I felt my muscles clenching around him, milking him as he shot ream after ream of hot liquid inside me. For a split second, my muscles strained and my body bowed, and then my mind went blank and the torturous tension finally exploded from my body. I was vaguely aware of Jason grunting my name as he held me against him and we collapsed to the bed together.

Jason rolled us over so that we were on our sides, my back to his front, before he eased himself out of me and removed the condom. He was back beside me in no time, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

“Thank you,” I breathed as he kissed the back of my head and I snuggled closer to him.

I heard Jason chuckle gently behind me. He’d long since given up telling me I didn’t need to say thank you. Jason treated my body to wondrous sensations such as the ones I was currently coming down from, no amount of thank-yous could convey my gratitude for that but it was the least I could do.

“Are you mad at me?” I breathed, my stomach clenching with worry as I waited nervously for him to respond. I didn’t want to ruin the moment but I had to know.

Jason’s arms tightened around me infinitesimally and he remained silent a while before he responded. “Why do you ask?”

“I… it felt sort of like you were trying to punish me for real,” I admitted, feeling my cheeks blush with humiliation. That’s how it had felt though. He hadn’t hurt me or castigated me but there was something about the way he’d touched me that was different. Most of the time when Jason touched me it was like he couldn’t stop, like he could barely rein himself in and had to touch every part of me. Tonight, he’d been quite controlled. It had been hot as hell but I needed to know that we were okay.

“You think you need to be punished?” He teased eventually, his fingers tracing circles on my stomach.

I didn’t know how to answer that. I’d been expecting a response to my question that would put my mind and ease but instead I was feeling like a small child who was about to get a thorough telling-off. A feeling that was neither unfamiliar nor welcome.

“I… I don’t know,” I managed, feeling the last of my post-orgasmic glow quickly fading away.

Sensing my discomfort Jason shifted in the bed so that I was on my back and he was on his side next to me. “You don’t think you did anything wrong?”

I wanted to say no, but I knew that I had usually done something wrong.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, worrying my bottom lip.

“Hey, don’t do that,” he admonished, his voice turning gentle. “You never need to be that way with me.”

“What way?” I ask, confused by his change of mood.

“The way you are with your brothers, all scared and apologetic. I was just teasing you, baby.” He pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek and I felt myself relax a little.

“So you weren’t trying to punish me?”

Jason shifted a little by my side and I knew that he was indeed trying to punish me. “Maybe a little,” he admitted, his voice tinged with guilt.

“Why?” I asked meekly, feeling equally guilty because if he wanted to punish me then I must have done something wrong.

“You kissed Alex.” His voice was calm, and if I hadn’t known him as well as I did, I might have believed the facade, but the twinge of anger and hurt in his voice didn’t escape me.

“But he’s… Alex,” I frowned. We’d always been that way. He gave me almost all of the happy memories I had from school and was the only guy who ever made me feel special, until I met Jason that is. Even if he hadn’t been gay, I would never have gotten into anything truly intimate with him because I valued his friendship, and what it meant to me, too highly.

“I don’t care, Jamie. I don’t want to see any other man touching you like that,” he said firmly.

“Okay, I’m sorry,” I frowned. I was glad it was dark, I didn’t want Jason to see how hurt I was that he didn’t trust me with my best friend.

“No one else, man or woman, touches you. I don’t care if they’re gay or straight. I’m the only one that get’s to touch you, because you’re mine.”

I took a second to absorb his words. I never got tired of hearing Jason say that I was his. It made me feel so safe and wanted. I considered for a second how I would have felt if I saw Jason kissing another girl, even if she was a lesbian. The thought did unpleasant things to my stomach.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t really think it through.” I turned over so that I was lying on my side and facing him. I wrapped my arm around him and nuzzled up against his chest, enjoying my favourite sensation: skin against skin. “It won’t happen again, I promise. Please don’t be mad at me.” I could hear the whimper in my voice and knew I sounded a bit pathetic but I couldn’t stomach the idea of Jason being mad at me.

Jason sighed and returned my embrace, wrapping both his arms around me and letting me rest my head on his strong bicep.

“I’m sorry too.” He let his breath rush out over my hair and I squirmed a little from the tickling sensations. “Jealousy is a relatively new emotion for me and I guess I’m not so good at handling it.”

“You could have just talked to me, you know,” I pouted against his peck. “Instead of withholding orgasms.” I buried my head a little further under his chin just in case there was enough light that he could see my burning cheeks.

“I liked my way better,” he grinned against my hair.

I couldn’t deny I had enjoyed it, but then again, I always enjoyed being with Jason. Especially when no clothing was involved.

“I love you,” I said, tilting my head back and kissing his strong, stubble lined jaw.

“I love you too, my little squirrel.”


Chapter 3

Sunday, 6th January 2013

I crept out of the bed, careful not to wake Jason. Stretching my arms above my head, I looked down at my pile of clothes, trying to decide what to wear. My eyes had just rested on a dark green, flowing shirt when the bedroom door burst open and one of the twins walked in unceremoniously. He glanced over at me quickly, then looked away as he realised I was naked. He made no move to leave though.

“Dressed. Now,” he ordered, keeping his eyes on Jason who was now very much awake.

“What the fuck? Can’t you see she’s getting dressed? Get out!” Jason demanded, sitting up in the bed. The duvet thankfully covered his lower half so it wasn’t obvious that he was naked as well.

“Kitchen, five minutes,” the twin ordered. I think it was Rick. He flounced out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Fucking moron,” Jason mumbled, smashing the poor cushion in anger. “They have absolutely no respect for your privacy.”

“It’s fine, Jason,” I sighed. I was a little annoyed by it, but they’d always been that way. “You have to remember that they raised me, they have a hard time adjusting to me being an adult.”

“You wouldn’t find me treating Benji like that,” he grumbled.

I didn’t want to get into an argument with him. I knew he found my family hard to come to terms with but it was hardly the same situation. My brothers had been raising me since I was a baby; even before Dad died they were always there for me, despite everything. I caused so much trouble over the years and their support never wavered. Jason had rescued Ben from a bad situation and always viewed him as a brother, not a burden.
Therein lies the difference

I rushed to throw my clothes on. Rick had sounded pissed and I didn’t want to keep him waiting. I bent down to give Jason a kiss and then rushed down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Took you long enough,” Rick frowned as I joined him by the island.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, my eyes on the tiled floor. A flicker of irritation hit me for being snapped at for no reason but I pushed it back.

He handed me a glass of orange juice and a slice of toast. I thanked him and started on them immediately.

“You’ve got two minutes,” Danny nodded.

Two minutes until what?
I frowned. They both seemed more than pissed at me and I didn’t understand why. Not wanting to piss them off further, I wolfed down my toast and knocked back the orange juice. I nipped into the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up. Sighing, I straightened my clothes, gave my hair a quick once over with my fingers and went back out into the kitchen.

“In the car,” Rick grunted, pointing towards the front door.

“I’ll just grab my handbag,” I nodded.

“Now,” Danny growled.

“But, my phone-”

Rick scowled and grabbed my upper arm firmly, dragging me towards the door. I stumbled, trying to match his pace. He let go of me and gave me chance to put my shoes on by the door but snatched me away again, dragging me through the door before I had chance to grab my jacket.

My breath caught in the chilly January air and my skin broke out in goosebumps. Rick released my arm once more as we reached the car and he nudged me into the back seat. I could feel tears building and bit them back.
I don’t understand why they’re being like this. What have I done wrong this time?
I sat silently in the back seat and buckled in, waiting for them to drive.

They completely ignored me during the drive. I hoped one of the others would be able to tell Jason where I’d gone and that he wouldn’t be mad at me for leaving without saying anything. I shivered slightly, hoping the car would heat up soon. I was only wearing the long-sleeved, green shirt and it wasn’t even close to appropriate protection from the mid-winter temperatures.

I listened idly to the twins talking business. It didn’t make much sense to me but I got the impression they were a little stressed about something. Danny drove and pulled up the car outside a supermarket.
Apparently we’re going food shopping.
I opened the door and got out the car quickly, shoving my hands in my pockets in an attempt to keep them warm.

“Hurry up,” Danny scowled.

I quickened my pace, not wanting to give them reason to drag me around by the arm in front of the other early morning shoppers.

I followed them around the store, ever the dutiful little sister. I kept my mouth shut and my eyes down. I knew the drill. I could sense their frustration and would rather they didn’t try to vent it on me.

“It’s these, I’m telling you,” Rick glared at his twin, holding up a packet of biscuits.

“It’s not, it’s these ones,” Danny scowled back, holding up an almost identical packet.

I looked up at them curiously, wondering why a packet of biscuits was causing them to argue before I remembered the reason why.

“Can’t you just get them both?” I asked quietly, hoping it might cause them to be a bit nicer if I could resolve their issue.

They both shot me venomous glares and I shrank back and returned my gaze to the floor.

“If we get both, Ian’ll know we didn’t know which ones to get,” Rick sighed, running his fingers through his very short, mousy brown hair.

“Fuck it,” Danny sighed, mirroring his twin’s movements. He grabbed the packet from Rick’s hand and tossed both into the trolley. “Better that than come back with the wrong packet,” he shrugged and Rick nodded his approval.

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