Struggling Free (Hidden Secrets Book 5) (25 page)

room erupted in applause and everyone began to stand. I even saw several people wiping their eyes. Jake said a thank you over the crowd and walked over to me. We were just about to walk off stage when someone screamed Jake’s name.

the aisle walked Jared. Anger boiled in me as he tried to ruin my husband’s moment.

a fucking phony is what you are! This isn’t even your wife! This is someone you paid to portray it for the votes. You had a different girl a few months ago, you douche.”

as I was about to reply Casey stepped forward. “This
his wife. I was at their wedding last week. I’ve also spent enough time with them to know that what they have is real. Second who are you calling a douche when you sleep with married women get them pregnant but try to play off as this saint to the cameras!” Casey roared.

room fell silent.

don’t know what you’re talking about! You’re just some muscled up loon…”

punched Jared. “To hell I don’t know what I’m talking about. It was my wife at the fucking time, you bastard. Honestly, I pity your child because neither of its parents know their heads from their asses. Back off an honest man, and get your own life in check!”

returned to us and we all walked backstage. No one rushed to help Jared, he sat there on his ass staring up at where Casey once stood. My heart actually broke for the man. When I turned around Jake was right with me and I knew he felt as bad as I did. We each walked out on the stage and reached our hands out. Jared looked at us with confusion, but took our hands and we helped him up and walked off the stage.

and Jake talked backstage with Jared for a while. Jared had no idea that he was a dad nor that she had been married. Basically what Casey found out was that his ex-wife was a slut and hadn’t been faithful for any portion of their marriage. It broke my heart for Casey, but Jared seemed to change at that moment too.

time I’ve ever watched the awards show there has been at least one scandal during the airing and well, we happened to bring that entertainment and tearful moment. We left the ceremony way later than I wanted to. Jake had to stop for pictures and with my permission did some interviews. He opted out of the after parties because of how late it already was. By the time we got into the car, I fell asleep in his lap.


# # #


Two weeks later…


Jake kept his promise. He promised me that once the news was out that I was pregnant and we were married that I didn’t have to stay cooped up at the cabin anymore, but I couldn’t leave without Paco, Dean and Casey. Casey decided to stay on full time with Jake. He said he loved the adrenaline rush it brought.

Jake had some commercial to shoot, while he was shooting the commercial I was shopping for clothes. Though, it depressed me how big I had to buy them, I did find some cute clothes. Shopping with Paco was a blast.

on! Come out and show us,” Paco urged.

don’t want to. I look ridiculous.”

stop it and bring your pregnant ass out here,” Dean shouted.

fake gasped. “Is that how you talk to your surrogate?”

and Paco got news back just yesterday that they will indeed be parents. Each woman was pregnant and they couldn’t be more thrilled. We couldn’t be more thrilled for them.

out into the sitting area of the dressing room, I waited for them to look up.

Casey muttered.

hell! You have to buy that! Jake will be squirming in his seat when he sees you.”

I asked skeptically.

shifted in his seat. “Really,” he muttered.

went back into the stall and changed back into my clothes and walked out with the twelve outfits I was going to be purchasing. Just as the guys were about to come into view, I felt the gun in my back. I screamed loudly before I could stop it from coming out.

shouldn’t have done that.”

guys came barreling out toward me and stopped when they saw the gun that was now pointed at my head. Their faces paled and I could see them all clenching their fists and jaws.

“Let her go,” Casey hissed.

“Oh you asked so nicely,” he rolled his eyes. “She’s going to pay for what she did to me,” he growled.

“I didn’t do anything to you,” my voice was shaking, I couldn’t help it.

“You did,” he screamed as he shook me and pressed the gun firmly against my head.

“Let her go. This is going to take far more away from you than whatever you think she did,”
Paco tried to reason with him.

“I have nothing left to lose, fucker,” he roared.

“You’re facing life in prison at this point,” Dean pointed his gun at him. “Or death. I’d say you have a lot to lose at this point.”

Jake. I need Jake. My heart hammered in my chest at a rate that was deafening to my ears. There was no way this was going to end well. All those messages and letters that I’d gotten at the office, I should have took more seriously. It was the reason Jake had beefed up security when we went to the awards show.
Also why he won’t let me out alone. A lot of good it did to have three body guards right now, when I’m standing here with a gun pointed to my head and my guards are helpless.

“You took my life away from me,” he seethed in my ear, lowering his gun to my stomach. “So, I’m going to take your life from you.”

Nerves were taking over me. My body began to shake. Suddenly, I was shoved from behind stumbling forward. Turning, I saw Leon standing there pointing the gun at me. The most evil of smiles played on his face as I watched him cock his gun and his finger press the trigger.


Chapter Thirty






commercial was just getting ready to start shooting again after a break due to camera malfunction. That’s when my cellphone rang constantly. I was about to shut it off when I got the nine, one, one tone. It was then I answered immediately.


was a bunch of noise and screaming going on and I couldn’t understand what Dean was trying to say to me. Then I heard crystal clear his next sentence to whoever was around.

five months pregnant with triplets. The bullet hit…”

was the last I heard before I literally started screaming into the phone to get Dean’s attention.

been a shooting. Get to Memorial West Hospital. Hurry!”

was already running across the set, the director yelling at me.

wife’s been fucking shot!” It was all I said before I jumped into my vehicle and floored it out of the parking lot.

traffic was horrible and I actually found myself running a few stop signs and stop lights on the way there. I prayed that I’d get pulled over so they could usher me to the hospital. Sadly, I didn’t have that kind of luck. The total drive was about forty five minutes before I finally arrived.

was frantic by the time I ran into the hospital. Screaming at the nurse for my wife, she just kept staring at me frozen in spot. Dean burst through the doors right before I ripped into the nurse and ushered me back to where Vicky was.

said it was a through and through. She was shot in the shoulder. Jake wait,” Dean hesitated, pulling my arm.

I roared wanting to get to my wife.

saved her life, but they don’t know if he’s going to make it,” he said sadly.

God,” I breathed.

What was I going to tell Vicky?

“Keep me updated. I’ll hold off on telling Vicky until we know what is going on. Okay?”

Dean nodded his head and looked at me, “I’m so sorry.”

I pulled Dean into a hug. Vicky meant the world to more than just me. She had to be okay.

“I’m going to see my wife now,
then I want to be told what the fuck happened today, okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Turning, I walked through the door that led to my wife. My heart clenched tightly in my chest at the sight of her. Her arm was bandaged and in a sling. She looked pale and her eyes were closed.

Oh God, I couldn’t protect her.

There was a nurse and doctor in there talking back and forth. I looked at them for answers. They continued talking as if I wasn’t even there or that my eyes weren’t staring holes into them.

wife will be fine, Mr. Williams. She’ll need to restrict movement in that arm for a while, but she’ll be okay,” the doctor finally acknowledged me.

the babies?” I gulped.

fine. The other fella saved her and them,” he said almost sadly.

nodded my head and looked down at my sleeping wife. My chest tightened again. Taking her hand, I squeezed it gently in mine. Her eyes opened and she looked at me. When she saw me sitting there, she started crying and I held her gently in my arms, trying to offer her comfort that I didn’t really have to give her because I, myself, was a wreck.

she mumbled in my chest. “Casey was shot saving me. I won’t leave the house ever again. I promise. Please just make sure he’s okay. Please,” she sobbed into my chest.

still in surgery,” Dean said from the other side of the bed.

cried harder into my chest. My heart was breaking for her. For the first time, I didn’t have an answer to give her. There was nothing that could be said to ease her heart. Her friend was fighting for his life.

though she may not love Casey like she loves me, she still loved him. Now she will forever blame herself if something happened to him because he was protecting her. Vicky was a strong woman and beyond brave, but I’m not sure she’ll be the same woman after today. Even if Casey were to survive, this moment because of that one horrific moment, Vicky will close up and close off. And that… that will kill me.


# # #


Two weeks later…


We stopped into the hospital again to check up on Casey’s condition. He was still in a coma and not much had changed. We were sitting in his room, Vicky was reading to him, when a commotion started outside. Vicky stood up and walked to the door.

the hell is going on out here?” She whispered yelled.

trying to get in here to see my husband and they won’t let me in,” said a brunette woman.

I recognized her right away from the description that Casey had given of his ex-wife. The nerve she had in coming here. It pissed me off, but the rage I felt coming from my wife shocked me.

“He’s not your husband. You’re not family. You can leave and leave now before I have you thrown out on your ass. Believe me, these men here will do whatever I ask them to do,” she hissed pointing at Paco and Dean.

the hell do you think you are?”

’re his family,” I said firmly. “Now you have exactly five minutes to leave before you are escorted out and they will make sure it’s not done nicely just to honor our brother,” I hissed angrily.

huffed, and then stormed off to the elevators. Paco went to talk to security and inform them that, that woman was not allowed anywhere near Casey or there’d be hell to pay. We were just about to walk back in the room when two women came forward.

this Casey Bishop’s room?”


his sisters, Jacy and Rhianna.”

come in. We’re protective of your brother. His ex-wife just tried to get in here claiming to be his wife.”

both glared. “I don’t want her anywhere near him,” they said in unison.

already informed security so even when we aren’t here, they know she isn’t allowed near him.”

took so long to get here. How… How’s he doing?” Jacy asked.

same. No improvements, but no drop either. It’s a waiting game.”

was bawling standing off in a corner of the room. I walked to her and held her trying to calm her down.

you Vicky?” Rhianna asked.

sniffled, “Yes.”

told us so much about you. Wish you would have chosen my brother, but I can see you made the right choice. Casey’s spoke highly of you both.”

hit me in the chest, hard. “We think highly of him,” I choked out.

let you get some time with him. We come here every day about this time for a couple hours. Is it okay that we continue to come?” Vicky asked.

course. You guys are important to him. He’d want you here.” Rhianna said.

saying our goodbyes, we headed out of the hospital. It was the only time that Vicky would leave the house. But I respected her wishes for as long as I could. Today I’m taking her to lunch at the park with my family.

she saw that we weren’t heading back to the cabin, she started to protest, but I stopped that right away. There was one thing that she couldn’t resist and it was Mom’s Banana Cream Pie. She’s actually stopped craving ice cream so much, but craves her pies. Mom obliges too. More often than I’d like her to.

we pulled into the park, I help Vicky out of the van and walked with her to the tables. She stayed quiet for a while until Colbie came up wanting some attention from Aunt Vicky. Once they started playing around, Vicky seemed to relax.

“How’s Casey doing?” Dad asked.

“The same,” I said cutting myself from saying my worries outloud.

“What is it, son?”

I sighed and lowered my voice. “I’m worried that if there isn’t some kind of improvement soon, that we might lose him. That’d kill Vicky.”

“It’d hurt a lot of us. He’s a good man. His help at the firm was invaluable. We never would have got all that stuff done so quickly without him. The way he looked after my boy, his wife and my soon to be grandbabies… I’m in that man’s debt and will do whatever I have to
to help him out. Whatever’s needed son, you just let me know.”

“Thanks Dad. It really means a lot to both Vicky and I.”

Mom hugged me and then took her place by Dad’s side. “We talking about Casey?”

“Yeah,” I said sadly.

“No change I take it,” Mom said equally sadly.

“I’m scared Mom, really scared.
For him, for his family, for Vicky, for myself.”

“We’re scared too baby. I went by a couple days back and visited him.”

“You did,” I asked shocked.

“Of course, my darling.
He’s like a son to us. Our family grows and feels the loss just as if it were any one of you. We’ll mourn him, if he doesn’t make it, as we did Eli.”

“Yes we will,” I agreed, looking back out at Vicky.

She had a smile on her face as she talked to Colleen. My vibrant wife was not going to lose another person close to her. I won’t let it happen.

rest of the picnic went by swimmingly and I felt I was finally getting my Vicky back. When we got back home and she pushed me onto the bed and ravaged me, I knew I had her back. She’ll always be sad until Casey gets better… if he gets better, but I think she’s realizing how fast time flies. Our kids aren’t far off from being here. Life is just too short to keep ourselves locked in a prison. So as I made love to her tonight, I made a promise to myself and to Vicky. No matter what happened during the day, they’d always know how much I love them and that my world is them in my arms.

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