Read Studying Boys Online

Authors: Stephie Davis

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Humorous Stories, #Romance, #teen romance, #Team captain, #Sports, #Rowe, #Dating, #teen, #Sex, #first love, #Geek, #Boys, #kiss, #Boyfriend, #love triangle, #Girl power, #Drama, #high school, #Stephanie, #First Kiss, #teenage, #Love, #young adult romance, #Fake boyfriend, #Coming of Age, #Singing

Studying Boys (16 page)

I met her gaze, but inside I was crumbling. My stomach hurt and everything felt like it was tumbling down around me. "It'll be great to put on my college application, that I'm a tutor."

"Are you lying to me?"

"No." I couldn't do this anymore. I had to tell her the truth.

She stared at me. "Fine."


"He can come over."

I grinned.

"But I'll be watching."

I stopped smiling. Did that mean Theo was going to have to agree to actually be tutored by me tonight? There was no way he'd be willing to do that to his reputation. I was so sunk.

* * *

"So, your mom thinks I'm such a bad student that I need a freshman to tutor me?" Theo didn't look too happy after I'd told him the story. We were sitting in my kitchen, both doors open to the rest of the house. "She believed you?"

"What other choice did I have? She knew there was something going on between us." I set my book bag on the chair next to me and unzipped it.

Theo watched me, but made no effort to unload his own backpack. "But you had to tell her I was stupid?"

I grimaced at his question. I'd be upset, too, if someone thought I was stupid. But this was Theo. Wasn't being attractive and a good football player so much more important? "Do you really care? I mean, you don't even study."

Theo narrowed his eyes at me. "How do you know I don't study?"

I blinked, surprised by the question. Was he really a closet geek? "Do you?"


I sighed. So much for hoping there was really a secret George Moon hidden beneath the muscles and shaggy hair. "Then why are you getting upset?"

"My grades are fine. I don't need a tutor."

"Fine? Just fine?" I thought back to the car he had rebuilt all on his own, and the fact that his grades were fine with no effort. "Theo? Think how amazing your grades would be if you actually did study, even a little bit."

Theo drummed his fingers on the table, his blue eyes intent on me. "You really take this studying thing seriously, don't you?"

I pulled four text books out of my backpack and set them on the kitchen table. "Yes."

He gestured at my stack of reading material. "You really invited me over here to work."

"Of course I did." Then my smile faded. So, he hadn't come here just to study? He'd come here thinking we were really going to be sneaking up to my bedroom? So, he wasn't making this big sacrifice because he actually liked me, and wanted to hang with me even though he wasn't going to get to be romantic. He was here because he'd thought he was going to get some action.

Disappointment rushed through me and I turned away, biting my lip as I dug for a pen. "You don't have to stay," I muttered. "Feel free to leave anytime if you're not in the mood to work."

But he didn't get up. Not yet at least. "So, where's the girl who went dancing on Friday?"

"Same girl." I felt a little lump in the bottom of my stomach. Was this where it ended? He found out what I was really like and decided I was too boring? "But this is what I'm like most of the time." I found my pencil and looked at him. "This is me, Theo."


"Is that bad?" I grimaced when I blurted out the question. It didn't matter what he thought. I was me and I couldn’t change that. I shouldn't need his approval.

He glanced at open door, then leaned forward and put his hand over mine. "No. It's not bad," he whispered. "Just different." Then he kissed me quickly.

I grinned. Okay, I believed him. This just might work.

* * *

Three weeks later, we were sitting at my kitchen table again. It was the sixth time we'd studied at my house, and my mom was actually believing me. Theo had started bringing school work with him and seemed to be taking the work seriously.

It was Friday night, and he was here with me. Not out partying. Not out causing trouble. He was here with me, at my house, studying. A sign, don't you think?

Plus, The Homework Club was going really well. Kids' grades had gone up, and Theo didn't even need to patrol to keep things under control. It was working.

Everything was great.

My mom appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. "We're all going out for ice cream. You two want to come?"

All of them were going? So we'd get the house to ourselves? I tried to hide my smile. "No, thanks. We'll keep working."

Theo and I hadn't even been alone together. We only saw each other at The Homework Club, Blue's house, and my house, since I was semi-grounded and couldn't go anywhere else. Yes, he'd made sure to squeeze in a few kisses here and there, but with all the people coming in and out of the rooms, there hadn't been any privacy. Quite honestly, at first, that had been fine with me. I was afraid that if I became too available, then Theo would get bored and ditch me.

But it had been long enough now, and we'd spent enough time together, that I wasn't worried anymore. I just thought he was amazing, and I looked forward to his kisses so much. And now, we were going to be alone for an hour? Oh, boy. I was psyched.

"All right, then," my mom said. "We'll be back in about an hour."


Theo was staring at me, and I tried not to look at him, certain my mom would be able to read my expression.

Neither of us moved until the front door shut. We heard the car start, listened to it pull out, and then sat there for another minute.

Then Theo got a wicked grin on his face, and my heart started racing. "Did I tell you how cute you look tonight?"

I smiled, and leaned back in my chair. "No," I teased, "you didn't."

"Well, you're super cute." He pushed his chair back from the table, stood up and walked over to me. He held out his hand. "Want to dance?"

Like I had to think about that answer for a minute. Of course! But I was having too much fun teasing him. "There's no music."

He smiled. "Don't worry, my dear. I'm a great singer."

My dear. Okay, so I was officially melting. I let him pull me to my feet, and I slipped my hands around his neck. He anchored his hands behind my back and pulled me up against him, swaying gently as he started singing softly. It was the same song we'd slow-danced to at the club. "You remember the song we danced to?"

"Of course." He kissed my nose, continuing to hum. "How could I forget?"

How indeed? And to think I'd ever called this guy a jerk. He was seriously the sweetest guy ever, and I was totally falling for him.

"Mind if I kiss you?"

I grinned. "Maybe."

"Maybe, huh?" He spread his hands on my back, rubbing in a circular motion. I noticed that he kept his hands away from my butt, which made me laugh. He might like me, but he was still a little afraid of me. That was good.

He bent his head, and I met him halfway. I was becoming quite addicted to kissing.

"Frances!" My mom's squawk ripped into my bliss.

Oh, no. I stumbled backwards, tripping over the chair. Only Theo's quick grab kept me on my feet. Unfortunately, it also ended up with me in his arms.

In front of my mom, who was looking absolutely horrified. Oh, God. I was so busted. "Mom—"

"Mrs. Spinelli, I can explain," Theo said, moving in front of me.

Protecting me from my mom? That was so sweet. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to work this time. He was going to find himself in our trash can in about two minutes when my dad walked in, and I was going to be skewered alive.

"You. Out of my house." My mom pointed at Theo. "Now."

He didn't move, which totally melted me. "It's not Frances's fault."


Theo glanced at me, and I nodded. There was nothing he was going to be able do to this time. "It's okay."

"I'll stay if you want." He was totally ignoring my mom's commands because he thought I needed him.

I could love this guy. Really. "I'll be fine." Or I'd be dead. Either way, Theo wasn't going to be able to save me.

He brushed his hand over my hair, a totally sweet gesture that announced I was his. "I'll call you."

"No, you won't." My mom grabbed his arm and shoved him out the front door. Theo gave me a concerned look, but when I nodded, he allowed her to push him outside.

But when she slammed the door, cutting me off from his support, my bravado faded. Me alone against my parents? Suddenly, I wanted to run after him and ask him to come back.

My mom faced me. "You. Sit. I'm going to go get your father out of the car."

I sat.

My mom left, muttering something about how she'd never been so glad to forget her wallet.

Yeah, me too.


* * *

Allie sat next to me in the cafeteria, listening to my tale of woe. She was the only one I could tell. I wasn't allowed to go to any of my friends' houses, or take phone calls. But my parents couldn't keep me from going to school.

"So, have you talked to Theo since?" she asked.

I shook my head. "How could I? My parents won't let me talk on the phone."

"What about e-mail?"

"They took away my modem." I stared glumly at the dried out piece of meat that was supposed to be a hamburger.


"Yeah." I stuck my spoon in the coagulated chocolate pudding, but even chocolate didn't sound appealing.

"What about the computers at school?"

Oh, wow. I sat up. "Hadn't thought of that." I was so going to e-mail Theo after lunch.

"And The Homework Club?"

"Over." How could I run it when I was stuck at home?

Allie whistled. "Bummer."

"Yeah." My life sucked.

"So, um, I told Blue and Natalie everything," Allie said.

I winced, remembering that they knew nothing about me and Theo, even though we'd been hanging out for over a month. "Do they hate me for lying to them?"

Allie laughed. "Of course not, you goof. They love you."

I looked at her, hoping desperately she was telling the truth. I missed my friends so much. I needed them to be okay with me. "Really? They're not mad I lied to them?"

"Heck, no," Allie said as she picked up an apple. She took a big bite. "They're mad they can't get the details on Theo's kissing."

I grinned. "Really? We're okay?"

"Swear. I think you might have to grovel a bit, but they'll forgive you."


Or not.

I mean, yeah, I felt better knowing that they still loved me, but how did it actually help me? I was never going to be allowed to see them again.

* * *

The next day when I got to school, I had an e-mail from Theo in response to mine.

Frances! Glad you e-mailed me. Miss you. Take the trash out Friday at nine. I'll meet you in your backyard.—T


I was so excited that I e-mailed Natalie and Blue to tell them. I hoped Allie was right that they'd forgiven me, because I needed them in my life again! Some things were so exciting they had to be shared.

And then, because I felt guilty, I e-mailed George to let him know that I wouldn't be able to have any more dates with him. And that was absolutely true, for any number of reasons.

* * *

One minute after nine.

Friday night.

Was Theo in my backyard?

"So, I'll take the trash out." I held up the bag I'd just pulled out of the plastic can under the sink. "Be back in a sec."

My mom waved absently, in the middle of some deep discussion with my dad. Good. She wouldn't notice if I was out there for a few minutes.

I was going to get to see Theo! I was so excited.

I pushed open the back door, then pulled it shut firmly. "Theo?" I whispered, but there was no sound.

Was I early? That would be horrible, because I couldn't hang out in the backyard for an hour waiting for him.



Disappointment rushed through me. I should have waited. I knew he would come, but what if he was delayed and I missed it because I could take the trash out for only so long? Morose now, I sighed as I walked down the steps and over to the shed we used to protect the garbage from the raccoons. I'd just tossed the trash inside and was shutting the door when I felt a hand snake around my waist and pull me off behind the shed.

I grinned, not exactly fearing for my life.

Sure enough, when I was safely hidden, I turned around to find Theo standing there. "Hi."

He kissed me.

Have I mentioned that I was really discovering the fun of kissing?

"So, you ready?" he asked.

"For what?" Why was he talking? Why couldn't he keep kissing me until I had to go back inside?

"Dancing." He spun me around in his arms, then pulled me up against him.

"Mmm. I wish." I snuggled my face against his chest and realized I wouldn't have too many qualms about sneaking into that club again. Had I become a total deviant or what?

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