Read Taking Care Of Leah Online

Authors: Charlotte Howard

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Taking Care Of Leah (12 page)

Ty tugged at her hand and led her to the back of the school. The maths block was at the bottom end, facing out onto the playing fields. Across the double doors, someone had tried to scrawl something intelligent and witty about one of the maths teachers having eaten all the pie. It was the added
on the end that failed the pun.

“Fucking twats,” Ty grumbled under his breath.

“Where do we start?” Leah asked, shrugging off her short-sleeved cardigan and draping it over the metal rail that ran along the steps that led up to the building.

“By finding the little gits and stringing them up.”

“I didn’t realize you were so protective over your classrooms,” she said, nudging him with her elbow.

Ty frowned. “Bucket, soapy water and a scrubbing brush.” He turned and began to walk back to the main building. Leah followed.

“Do you have keys to every part of the school?” she asked as he went through the bunch, looking for the one that fit the lock to the main hall.

“I guess,” he said dismissively. One door swung open, and he marched across the parquet flooring into an office at the back. The threatening high squeal of the burglar alarm echoed through the empty room, fighting with the click of Leah’s heels as she jogged after him.

Ty punched a code into the box on the wall while Leah took in the little room.

“I didn’t know you had an office,” she said, running her fingers along the filing cabinets.

“You thought I spent all day living in a cupboard with a mop and a broom?”


Ty snorted a laugh. “Yes, I have an office. Computer and everything, look,” he said, waving at the desk.

At the back of the room was another cupboard, which did contain a mop and a broom. Leah picked the mop and bucket up and held it out to him. “I wasn’t far wrong.”

“Better company than you get all day.”

“This is true,” she nodded, taking a scrubbing brush from a shelf.

Ty reached into the back of the cupboard and began to sift through the different bottles until he found the one he was searching for. He twisted the lid and carefully measured the liquid into the bucket before taking it outside. There was a tap on the wall. He filled the bucket with water. Leah watched as it frothed. The smell hit her, despite being outside.

“What is that?” she grimaced.

“My own special formula for removing spray paint.” Pride stretched through him.

“It smells like… I don’t know what it smells like!”

“It does the job. Here.” He tossed a pair of yellow rubber gloves toward her. “One of the pros of working in a secondary school is the chemicals,” he explained.

“O…kay…” she mouthed slowly, taking the marigolds and scrubbing brushes and following him back to the maths block. “I’ll admit,” she said, snapping the gloves onto her arms. “When you said you were into kinky stuff, I wasn’t expecting to wear these.” She wiggled her fingers at him.

Ty let out a loud laugh and pulled his own on. “Fetching, huh?” He dunked a brush into the bucket and slapped it against the wall, forcing the bristles against the gray-mottled brick. The black stains stared back at them, fighting against the water and soap, taunting them.

“It doesn’t appear to be working,” Leah said, soaking her brush in the liquid before rubbing over the same spot. Water dripped around her sandals. She jumped back and looked at the white bubbles on her toes. “Are they about to drop off?” she asked. “What’s in this?”

“Acetone mainly. You’ll be fine. It’s diluted.” He frowned at the wall and gave another scrub. Eventually a small patch of brick began to peek through the paint. “Bit of elbow grease.” He nodded and kept scrubbing.

After fifteen grueling minutes, Leah dropped her brush to the ground and tugged at the gloves. She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, smearing drops of perspiration into her hairline. “I’m knackered,” she gasped.

“Come on,” he said, taking his own gloves off and dropping them onto Leah’s. “Let’s get a drink and then we’ll come back to it.”

They made their way to the staff room. Leah went straight to the small kitchenette and grabbed a couple of glasses, and filled them with water from the cooler. She downed the refreshing liquid.

“At least there isn’t much damage,” Leah said, draining a second glass. She ran a tap and rinsed out the tumbler before putting it on the draining board. “Did CCTV get anything?”

Ty shrugged. “Doubt it. The only real cameras are out the front. Everything else is just a deterrent.”

“Clearly that didn’t work.” She sat down on one of the long sofas and leaned back, stretching her arms above her head. “Can’t believe I’m back in this place when I’m supposed to be on holiday.”

“It’s not too bad, is it?” He stood in front of her with his crotch at eye level.

“It has its positive moments.” She smirked. She grabbed his hands and used him to pull herself up. Slipping her arms around his waist, she took a step forward. Her hands drifted down until she was cupping his backside. “You know…” She stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his closed lips. “I’ve always fantasized about having you on my desk.”

Ty bit back a laugh. “It’s strange how much we have in common. Unfortunately, that is a fantasy that will have to wait.” He kissed her nose and moved back. “Because I have to finish clearing up.”

She couldn’t help but feel disappointed, waiting a beat before following him back into the fresh summer air.

The hot scent of summer embraced them as they walked across the vast space between buildings. The playground was normally known for being a wind tunnel, but there wasn’t even a slight breeze to take the edge off the burning heat.

Leah sat on the top step. She leaned back, pressing her palm into the hot concrete, watching as Ty stripped out of his T-shirt. He turned and threw it at her as if she were some fan at a music concert. Raising an eyebrow, she grabbed the garment and draped it over her knee. It was only when he turned back to face the wall and what was left of the graffiti that she lifted it and inhaled the remnants of his masculine scent.

It took less than ten minutes for him to finish cleaning the wall. He dumped the dirty water down a nearby drain, dropped the brushes into the empty bucket and walked back toward her. When he held his hand out for his top, Leah smirked.

“I prefer you like this,” she said, pressing a finger against the hard muscle that peeked above his jeans. She hooked into the waistband and gave a gentle tug.

“Do you?” It wasn’t a question that was meant to be answered, but she nodded anyway. He leaned down to her, knees braced on either side of her, smacking his lips on hers while reaching for the T-shirt gripped in her hand.

Leah giggled and edged backward. Once she was free of his shadow, she scrambled up and attempted to power walk away from him—running wasn’t going to be possible in heels. The giggle turned to adrenaline-induced laughter as he chased after her.

She skipped and hopped her way across the playground, heading back for the cool air of the hall. Ty caught up with her just as he rested his hand on the door handle. Palms against the cold glass, he used his weight to prevent her from opening it.

“T-shirt please,” he growled, his green eyes darkening with desire and intent. “Am I going to have to punish you?”

The question caught her off guard. Her breathing hitched as she contemplated the answer.

Ty laughed. “Don’t look so scared.” He wrapped an arm around her waist, planting his hand on her backside and scooping her close to him. Placing his mouth on hers, he parted her lips and slipped his tongue over her teeth. There was nothing violent about his kiss, which comforted her more than words of reassurance could.

His fingers drifted lower until he was almost teasing her on top of her jeans. He pulled away. “Although,” he mused, “that is something I’d like to try with you.”

“Punishing me?” she exclaimed, her voice turning into a slight squeal.

“You might like it.”

“I’m not convinced.”

“You didn’t think you’d like being tied up either.”

Leah screwed her mouth to one side. He had a point. “Maybe,” she said, lifting her hands and pressing her palms against his naked chest. “I still prefer you without a T-shirt on.” She raked her nails down to his waist. His grip on her ass tightened and she felt her knickers dampen.

“My shoulders are burning.” His voice was low and full of a threat to make good on his promise.

“Well, let’s get you inside then.”


Chapter Twenty




Leah led him through to the office, still clutching his T-shirt. She waited by the door as he put everything away and washed his hands. He turned around, beckoning her toward him.

“Come here.” It was an order, not a suggestion. Leah dropped his top to the floor and took a hesitant step forward. He grabbed hold of her hips, forcing her into him. Twisting them both, she faced the wall and braced her hands on the desk. She gasped as he took her hair and brushed it to the side, kissing the naked skin of her neck. His hand slid down her back until his palm was against the curve of her backside. He withdrew and let it fall in a gentle slap.

“You need to trust me, Leah,” he said, as he smoothed a hand over her ass

“I do.”

He smacked her again.

She heard it more than felt it, but the sound had the desired effect. Her already damp knickers were now a sodden mess. He smacked her once more, slightly harder this time, and shifted forward so that she could feel his erection despite the layers of clothing that separated them.

“Still not sure?” he whispered in her ear, the heat of his breath drifting over her sensitive skin. She shuddered and parted her lips, an invitation he took. Gripping her chin, he pulled her back and kissed her fully, fucking her with his tongue.

Her arms began to wobble, and he must have noticed because he slipped an arm around her waist, holding her up. His firm dick pressed into her buttocks as he continued to assault her with his mouth.

“Don’t forget your safe word,” he said as he let her go. “Detention,” he reminded her, and she closed her eyes as he reached around to undo the button and zip of her jeans. He tugged them over her hips and thighs, stopping as he reached her knees and placed a lingering kiss on her ass. She lifted her feet obediently, allowing him to remove the trousers. Next it was her top’s turn. She stood, still with her back to him, and stretched her arms to the ceiling.

“Bend over,” he said, and she did, flattening her chest against the desk. She tilted her head to one side and saw the keyboard, inches from her nose. Trepidation prickled at her skin. His hand was on her bum again, smoothing the flesh he was about to abuse. “Fuck,” he exhaled, sliding his fingers between her thighs. “If you’re that wet already…” He smeared her juices around her knickers before letting her go.

“It’s your fault,” she countered, trying to be defiant.

“If you’d given me my top back when I asked for it…” His hand landed squarely on her rump with such force that she felt herself move forward. It stung a little, but in an odd way it felt really good. He ran his hand over the sore area. “Okay?” he asked, and she nodded. “Do you agree that it’s actually your fault?”

“No,” she said with a smile, earning herself another smack. Her body tensed, her nipples turned into rock, and her grip tightened on the table.

Ty dropped to his knees, tearing her knickers off. He held on to her backside, parting her cheeks and breathing over her soaked pussy. Her whole body trembled, desperate to feel his tongue delve between her folds. He spanked her again, this time lapping up the juice that leaked from her.

“Shit,” she breathed, reveling in the feel of his fingers digging into her hips as he held her still. His tongue swept from her clit to perineum, darting in for a quick taste. There was no doubt that she was going to be left with red fingerprints on her thighs and ass. He continued to eat at her, gentle licks followed by hard sucks, leaving her feeling as though she were the only woman on earth. Nobody else existed. Just them.

“So whose fault is it?” he asked, pulling away, disappointed that she had not quite reached her climax.

“Yours,” she spat angrily. “For being so damn sexy.”


His mouth was on her neck. He twisted her hair into one hand and gave it a tug. “I love seeing you like this,” he admitted, rubbing her bottom. “But if you want me to stop I will.”

The blood that pumped in her ears was deafening. She shook her head and smirked. “Fuck you,” she said.

“Oh, really,” he said, a smile evident in his tone. He let her go, and for a brief moment she thought he was going to strip out of his jeans and fuck her. But instead he moved around the front of the desk and pulled open the top drawer. Her eyes widened as she spied the implement he intended to use next.

“What’s your safe word?” he asked.

“Detention,” she said, and swallowed the lump that built in her throat.

“Do you want to use it? Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head. No, she really didn’t.

He ran the wooden ruler over her ass giving it a gentle tap where her backside curved to meet her thighs. “Do you want me to use this?” he asked.

Leah nodded.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes!” She’d barely finished saying the word when the ruler connected with her backside. “Fuck…”

“Do you want to admit whose fault it is yet?”



* * * *


Her bum glowed red with handprints and stripes. Ty bent down and kissed along the colors. “Don’t worry,” he assured her. “They won’t bruise. I love your arse far too much to mark it.” Standing up to admire his work, he laid the ruler across her lower back. “Stay still,” he whispered. His dick was stiff to being painful, pushing up against the rigid fabric of his jeans. He needed to get out of them. He stripped quickly and dumped them with the rest of their clothes.

Moving back into position, he stepped a little too close. Pre-cum oozed out of his tip as he brushed against the crack of her backside. He picked up the ruler.

“Shit, Leah,” he exhaled, unable to take his eyes off her. Her blonde hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders. Her back, naked apart from the strap of her bra, was flawless, begging to be licked and stroked.

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