Read Teamwork Online

Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotica

Teamwork (7 page)

“Yeah, that’s it,” Raven said, pushing my thighs apart.

They were effortlessly moving me around as if I were a puppet. The edge of my ass was on the lip of the table but my legs were no longer dangling. Raven had hooked them over his shoulders as he settled on a chair, his face just inches from my pussy. I could feel his breath washing over my damp folds of flesh, was aware of cool air-conditioning breezing over my swollen, desperate clit.

Todd was kissing me again, his lips slanting over mine, eating at me hungrily.

That’s more like it.

A hoarse moan ripped from my throat and my hands flew up to his shoulders, where I dug in my nails and hung on. I wasn’t going to think anymore, I was just going to let myself get carried away on sensation. I wanted to touch Todd everywhere, all over. I didn’t know where to start. I wanted Raven to touch me—I knew exactly where I wanted him to start.

Luckily Raven was in tune with me and, as Todd fed me more kisses, the ravishment of my mouth sending sweeping tides of lust through my body, Raven got busy.

He spread apart my intimate folds with his fingers then put his mouth on me, working through my slit, lapping at the wetness then sucking my clit. I arched my hips, groaning loud and abandoned as he thrashed and teased my aching nub.

Todd caught my wails in his kiss. He was teasing my breasts now, plucking my nipples, gathering up the flesh and squeezing. Not roughly, but not gently either. It felt divine, being possessed, handled by such huge hands. He released my mouth and my ragged moans echoed around the kitchen.

“Ah fuck, you taste like honey,” Raven said harshly, taking over with his fingers where his mouth had left off. “Jesus, Todd, wait ’til you try her.”

Todd slid his hand from my breast, smoothed it over my belly and between my legs. “Oh yeah,” he said, staring at Raven. “She’s so wet for us.”

“Yes,” I gasped, my breasts heaving up and down with each frantic breath I took. “Oh god, yes, please, fuck me.” I was desperate not just for the penetration, but also for the release. “I need you…oh…”

My breath hitched as my pussy was filled.

“And so fucking tight. Christ, you’ll squeeze our dicks off, Fiona, I swear you will,” Todd said, maneuvering his fingers inside me. “God, I want to see Raven make you come.” He withdrew and held up his hand—my juices sparkled, slick and shiny.

In a daze, I watched as he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked, his cheeks pulling in as he made a

“You’re right, Rave, fucking fantastic,” he said.

“You’re killing me,” I whimpered. My whole body was on fire. I felt like an empty vessel that needed to be filled.

“Great way to go though, eh?” Raven muttered. Then he was exploring my pussy again with his mouth. Suddenly his thick fingers entered me.

I groaned and shut my eyes. Pushed down for more. Raven gave it, adding his tongue back onto my clit as he ventured higher inside me, stretching and filling, expertly fucking me with his hand.

“Ah, yeah, you’re so hot for us,” Todd said approvingly, stroking my hair back from my face.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I cried.

For several blissful seconds I wallowed in the sublime sensations Raven was subjecting me to, then Todd spoke, “Can you take this at the same time, sugar?”

Opening my eyes, I came face-to-face with his cock protruding from his suit pants. It was wide and thick, flushed to a deep mauve. The flared head held a drip of pre-cum.

Sucking his cock had been a highlight of my dirty dreams the night before. I could hardly believe it was about to happen. Eagerly I reached out and wrapped my hand around the wide stalk of his shaft. My mouth was watering, desperate to sample

“Such a hungry little lady,” he crooned, wrapping his hand around the nape of my neck and pulling my head up.

I licked over the glossy glans, drawing in the rich, salty taste of his pre-cum, moaning in delight as the deliciousness of his passion saturated my taste buds.

“Oh god, yeah,” he said, threading his other hand into my hair and bucking his hips forward for more.

I opened my mouth wide and let him sink in. Gorged on him. Reveled in the satin-soft skin of his cock riding over my tongue and palate. Instinct took over and I set up a sucking, bobbing rhythm encouraged by his moans of approval and the tightening of his fingers in my hair.

My own orgasm was building. Raven was winding me up to a heady state of arousal. Soon the point of no return would be there. My clit was throbbing, my pussy clamping around his fingers.

Suddenly Raven pulled away. I glanced downward best I could, and saw him shucking off his sweats. His cock jutted forward from a shock of black hair and, although I had one cock in my mouth, I had an overwhelming urge to suck on his too.

But sucking on Raven’s didn’t seem to be part of their plan. He’d rolled a condom on and was positioning himself at my entrance. I stared up at him, my mouth stretched, my jaw locked wide around Todd. My heels were perched on the edge of the table.

“Yeah, that’s it, fuck it,” Todd groaned, withdrawing and pulsing back in. “You’re so fucking talented at that.”

Still I stared at Raven. His expression was feral. As though he was no longer in control and deep, carnal urges were driving him, owning his actions. He placed his hands on my knees, pushed them down so I was wide open and vulnerable. I was aware of my labia peeling apart, cool air circling the first dip of my entrance.

He was instantly there, coating the head of his sheathed cock in my cream. He plunged in. I cried out around Todd’s steely cock. It was a blinding, burning stab of pleasure. Raven’s cock was so damn big, so long and so hard.

“Yeah, that’s it, both of us,” Todd grunted. “Take both of us.”

My pussy was gripping, pulsing around Raven, trying to adjust to his size. He was buried deep but perfectly still, as though he knew I needed that few seconds to work through the edgy thrill of impalement.

Then he flexed his hips forward, took me a little more even when I thought he was as deep as he could go. I screwed up my eyes, groaned and let my body become theirs. Only that search for pleasure existed and they were going to find it for me. Brilliant bright lights flashed behind my lids, crazy colors, reds, purples, the blue of the sky streaked with silver and gold. My mouth was so full, so was my pussy. Raven withdrew, stroked back in, the crest of his thick cock rubbing over sensitive tissue and making me shudder in ecstasy.

“You’re so fucking perfect,” he groaned. “I can feel you quivering around my dick, ah, yeah, that’s it.” He sank back in until his coarse pubic hair scratched against my flesh.

I bucked upward, the pressure on my clit from his pubic bone sublime. Frantic for more, I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles together. Held him to me as my tongue thrashed against Todd’s shaft.

“Oh sugar, be careful,” Todd moaned.

His was so wonderfully hard and I relaxed my throat, took him deeper than I had before. The thickness threatened to choke me so I pulled back before repeating the process, catching my breath when I could. As my mouth worked, I reached for the zipper on his pants, shoved it farther down and tugged at his clothes so I could reach his balls.

His testicles were taut and packed up high. I stroked and cupped them.

He moaned and jerked his hips, more pre-cum leaked from his slit.

Pleasure was spinning around me like a wild fairground ride. Raven had my orgasm hovering, a wonderful deep release was almost within reach. Todd was about to come, I could sense it with every fiber of my being, and if the shunts and groans from Raven were anything to go by, he wasn’t far off either.

But I wanted us all to come together, to experience this as one. So as I climbed that last few steps to my own release, I stroked over Todd’s asshole with my fingertip. Applied an insistent pressure over his forbidden entrance.

An animalistic moan erupted from his chest and he jerked his hips in a short, sharp, spasming movement, deepening his entry down my throat. “God. Fuck. Really?” he gasped.

Sucking harder, I massaged his hole. I was being buffeted by Raven who was hissing and groaning as he fucked me with fervor. My clit was ready for takeoff, my G-spot about to explode.

I cupped Todd’s balls, tightening my mouth around his pounding shaft and swallowing the pre-cum leaking furiously from his slit. This fantasy come to life was wonderful and I was about to bring it to a spectacular conclusion.

Quickly I swiped my finger over the saliva coating Todd’s cock, then touched it back over his anus. He bunched his fingers in my hair, the pulling pain creating a wonderful burn to combine with all the other sensations razoring over my body.

Then it was there. My release exploded with volcanic violence. As I shattered around Raven’s thrusting cock, I shuttled my finger up Todd’s ass and hooked it forward, knowing that was where his hot spot would be.

He bucked wildly, slamming against the back of my throat. A splintered yell tore from his lips. “Fucking, what the… Oh god, that’s unreal.” Hot, furious blasts of cum filled my mouth. I swallowed desperately but much of it leaked out, his frantic thrusting creating a sticky, sweet mess on my face.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah.” Raven groaned. “Oh crap, it’s too…fucking hot to watch you…” He tipped his face to the ceiling, his long hair dropping around his shoulders. Through the spasms of my pussy I was aware of his cock pumping out his pleasure.

I’d done it. We’d all come together.

It was as if some potent drug had been injected into my system. I was lying on a hard table but I felt like I was floating. My clit was thrumming, bashing against Raven’s body, seeking out every last drip of ecstasy. Cum was leaking around my mouth. Todd’s cock slowed as the last of his seed dripped out.

Withdrawing my finger from his ass, I looked up at him.

“That was fucking incredible,” he panted. His cheeks were red, his broad chest was rising and falling rapidly and he was coated in a sheen of sweat.

“Fuck, yeah,” Raven grunted. “When can I fuck you again, Fiona?”

Chapter Six


Todd drove to the party, his appearance once again immaculate, not a hair out of place. I sat in the passenger seat, wearing my green dress and my hair up in a twist. Raven was in the back—silent.

I glanced over my shoulder at him. He wore his shades and was staring out the window at the big houses whizzing past. He too was dressed in smart pants and a shirt, both black. His hair was slicked into a low ponytail and he’d shaved away the stubble that had been there since I’d met him. The only thing stopping him looking completely perfect was the sling. Startling white, it held his arm tight and kept his hand high.

He hadn’t wanted to wear it, but after our wild kitchen table experience, I’d done acupuncture on his back and leg—no need to let a little crazy sex get in the way of a treatment plan—and when I’d finished he’d grimaced as he’d moved. With a blush, I remembered my thighs hanging over his shoulders as his face had been buried in my pussy. I’d been wriggling all over the place, my desperation for release an exquisite torture. The pressure wouldn’t have done a battered joint any good at all.

So I’d insisted he wear the support and promised to do more exercises with him later. He’d simply tilted one black eyebrow and muttered that my idea of exercise was probably very different than his.

Eventually Todd pulled up at the Burton Hotel. He’d filled me in on who I was likely to meet at the party. Naturally Phoenix and Brooke, the new parents, and their baby daughter Nadine. The captain of the Vipers, Rick, and his girlfriend Dana. Brick and Carly—she was an Olympic gold medalist by all accounts. Wolf and his wife Mae, who was an internationally famous country and western singer. The new goalie, Dustin “Speed” Reed. I tried to keep up, but there were so many names and without the faces to go with them I was getting more and more confused. It seemed everyone was someone I should know—but didn’t. I was worried about getting it all wrong.

A porter held my hand as I stepped into the Florida humidity. Todd passed the keys to the valet and crooked his arm for me to take.

“You look beautiful,” he said. “I’ve never had such a gorgeous date on my arm.” He winked, brushed his lips over my cheek and whispered, “Even if you are a little minx when it comes to poking into places where the sun don’t shine.”

A tingle traveled up my spine at the erotic memory and a rise of heat that had nothing to do with the blazing sun bloomed on my cheeks.

He smiled sinfully and swept his tongue over his lips. “I might just have to return the favor later, sugar.”

Oh god, the thought of more sex with him later. And he expected me to walk into a room full of people and act normal?

Raven stepped up next to us. His lips had gone into that tight, straight line again. The last two times I’d spoken to him the replies had been grunts. I hoped he was going to act more civil at the christening party. Clearly sex hadn’t given him that easy, relaxed feeling it had Todd and me.

The corridor to the party was lined with pink balloons, each one had spirals of white ribbon hanging beneath and they floated and tangled in the breeze of the air-conditioning. A bubble machine released tiny sparkling orbs that we had to step through to reach the main room.

“This looks lovely,” I said, glancing around. Pink and white tulle had been draped everywhere, yet more balloons hung from the ceiling and huge fluffy pink stalks—or were they flamingos?—sat as centerpieces on a massive buffet table.

“Oh. Jesus, all this pink, I can feel it sapping my testosterone,” Todd groaned.

I giggled and squeezed his arm.

A waiter offered us champagne as we stepped into the crowd. Todd escorted me to a table where he put down the gift and the card we’d all signed. Nadine was one lucky baby, the table was heaving with beautifully wrapped trinkets.

“The christening was this morning,” Todd said, sipping his drink. “But it was just for close family and the godparents. This is just an excuse for everyone to get together and have a laugh.”

“Oh, right, okay.”

“Hey, how are you, Pretty?” A tall slim girl with poker-straight dark hair slipped through the crowd toward us.

“Hey, Carly. Great to see you.” Todd leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

She turned to me with a smile, cocked her head. “And who is your date today?” she asked.

“This is Fiona. She’s helping Raven out with some physical therapy.”

bring her to the party?”

“Of course, I’m better-looking than him, not to mention he’s a miserable ass.”

They both laughed with an easy familiarity. I looked over my shoulder for Raven. I couldn’t see him anywhere.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Fiona,” Carly said, “but watch out for him.” She waved her glass at Todd. “He’s a heartbreaker.”

I smiled politely.


“Nadine is adorable, have you seen her?” Carly asked Todd. “She looks so like her father it’s unreal.”

“No, not yet,” Todd said, glancing around. “Where is she?”

“In the corner, asleep in her stroller. Missing her own party.”

Suddenly a huge guy with a short turf of blond hair moved up beside Carly and wrapped his arm around her waist. He chugged on a bottle of beer then gave me a lopsided grin.

“This is my fiancé, Brick,” Carly directed at me as she leaned into his embrace. “Brick, this is Fiona.”

“Hi,” I said, looking up into his sparkling eyes. Something told me
could be heartbreaker too. Just as well Carly seemed to have him captivated.

“Hello,” he said, his gaze flicking between me and Todd.

“I’m going to try really hard and remember everyone’s names,” I said, “but do forgive me if I have to ask twice.”

Carly grinned. “Don’t worry about it. As long as you remember all the huge guys in here are hockey players and the majority of the women are with one of them you’re fine.”

Or two of them, I thought. Raven had just come into my peripheral vision. He was chatting to a truly enormous man. Shoulders the size of three average men’s put together and at least a head taller than everyone else.

“That’s Ramrod,” Brick said. “He’s the captain, so it would be worth remembering his name.”

“And this beautiful woman,” Carly said, her eyes lighting up, “is the captain’s lady, Dana.”

A curvy woman with tousled dark locks laughed and pressed a kiss to Carly’s cheek. “Last week I caught him sliding a ring measurer onto my finger when he thought I was asleep,” she said.

Carly gave an excited exclamation. “Really?”

Dana laughed. “No, not really, but you’re so desperate for wedding news that it’s fun to tease you.”

Carly sighed. “I know, but wouldn’t it be great? I love weddings.”

“So how is Raven?” Dana directed at Todd. “Is he still licking his wounds over Tyler?”


Todd shrugged. “No, I don’t think so.”

“I thought they were great together,” Carly said. “And she was such a hoot.”

Something was suddenly squeezing my chest. Breathing became an effort and little spikes of heat nipped at my neck and armpits. Raven was licking his wounds over someone?

Todd chuckled. “Yeah, she was funny. Shame none of her sense of humor rubbed off on him though.”

I held on to Todd’s arm a little tighter. I’d been a fool to think I was the only woman on the scene for these two hot hockey players. Not only that, it seemed the ex was missed by the rest of the gang. How could I ever compare when she was such a
and clearly so popular? My legs became a little trembly and I knocked back a big mouthful of champagne.

“How long ago did they split?” I asked, willing my voice to sound normal even though a wobble was bursting to be freed.

Carly rubbed her bottom lip with her index finger and looked thoughtful. “Must be a few months now, don’t you think, Dana?”

“Yeah, must be. I spoke to her last week though. She’s getting on great in New York. Her business is flying.”

“That’s good. I should give her a call too.”

Oh god, they were like
friends. This Tyler must have been around for a while. A bunch of nerves twisted in my gut. Was she really off the scene? Was I stepping on her toes? No, surely not. And what about Todd? If there was something between Tyler and Raven, was there something between Tyler and Todd too, the same way there was with me?

“I’m going to hit the buffet,” Brick said to Carly. “You want me to get you anything?”

“No, I’m going to go and see Brooke. You coming, Dana?”

Dana nodded and the two glamorous women wandered off, deep in conversation about Tyler.

“I’ll join you, Brick. I’m starved,” Todd said. “Fiona, are you hungry?”

“I’ll be there in a minute. I just want to go and check on Raven.”

He gave me a questioning look.

“I’m fine,” I said with a reassuring smile. “His shoulder is bothering him today, and after…all that…er, activity we did this morning. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”

Todd raised his eyebrows, a smile dancing on his lips. “Sure. You do that. Wouldn’t want him to be in any discomfort after you made him feel so damn good earlier.”

I swallowed tightly and glanced up at Brick. A flash of curiosity crossed his face as he stared down at me. Then his eyes appeared to widen slightly, as if he’d just solved a puzzle.

Oh god.

“Yep, I’ll catch up with you in a minute,” I said, stepping backward, cursing the little beads of sweat that I could now feel popping in my cleavage. Seriously, had Brick guessed? It was all very well the three of us knowing what we’d done on the kitchen table, but I didn’t want anyone else knowing. The thought of Carly and Dana, wholesome and proper ladies, finding out that ménage was my new thing was mortifying. I bet they only had straight missionary sex with their men and wouldn’t consider having two cocks inside them.

I’d only retreated several paces when I walked into what I thought was a wall. It turned out to be Raven.

“Hey,” he said, reaching out with his good hand to steady me. “You all right?”

“Yes. No. I’m not sure.”

A waiter walked past with a tray and Raven indicated for him to swap my empty glass of champagne for a fresh one.

“Thanks,” I said, taking a sip.

“You want to get out of here?” Raven asked.

“We only just arrived.”


“We can’t just leave. We haven’t even seen the baby yet.”

“We can do whatever you want to do.”

“Well, maybe we could just sit down for a minute. These heels are killing me.” They weren’t, they were a faithful pair of comfies, but I needed a minute alone with Raven. My head was spinning. Had I been just a shag? A bit of fun to help him forget someone else?

“Come on, this way.” He pressed his hand into the small of my back and led me out of the room. In the corridor directly opposite was a wooden door with
written on it in black lettering.

Raven pushed it open to reveal a small wood-paneled bar area with low lighting and soft music. The chairs were plush and cushioned and only a third were occupied.

“Let’s sit in here for a minute. I’m not in the mood for crowds,” he said, directing me to the corner of the room, away from the few glances of recognition he’d received as we’d stepped in.

Instead of sitting facing me, he sat close on a deep sofa. His wide thigh pressed up against mine and his delicious aftershave wafted around me. The same sizzling sensation I always got when he was near tingled over my skin.

He took off his shades and stared at me—a dark, penetrating gaze that left no room for me to hide. “What just happened in there?”

“Nothing, why?”

“Because you went from being all giggly on Todd’s arm to looking like you were about to vomit.”

“Well, I, it’s just…”

“Just?” His face softened. “Please, tell me.”

“Who is Tyler?” I blurted.

“Ah, Tyler.” He gave a slow nod. “What did Todd say?”

“Nothing, it was Carly. Carly and Dana.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Okay, what did Dana and Carly say?”

“That you were licking your wounds after your breakup.”

He huffed. “Seems I’m not only a physical wreck in their eyes, but an emotional one too.”

“No, no, I am sure that’s not what they meant. They were just concerned about you.”

“Well, they needn’t be. I’m fine, and I’m certainly not moping around thinking about Tyler.”

There was a long silence. My heart was pounding, my mind racing. “So what happened between you?” I asked eventually.

“Nothing dramatic. Our relationship came to a natural end. She moved to New York to open a shop and the distance didn’t do our relationship any favors. We started to bicker when we were together, like we’d built up the week or weekend to be more than it was.

“After a while we decided to call it a day. Dana and Carly are just pissed because they were friends with her. But that’s not my fault. I’m not going to stay with a woman just because they like her, am I?”

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