Read The Biggest Part of Me Online

Authors: Malinda Martin

The Biggest Part of Me (18 page)

Without giving it a thought, she set a frying pan on the stove and added a dab of butter.  She added cheese to the ham and placed the sandwich on the frying pan to grill.  In the pantry she found a can of tomato soup and heated that up as well.  Come to think of it, she was hungry too so she set to the task of making another sandwich. 
That’s the least I can do for Jason.  My  husband


Jason was content.  Not just content, but happy.  He finally felt complete.  He leaned over in the bed to find it empty.  His first thought was
no, don’t go
.  Then he saw her clothes thrown against the back wall.  He lay back down and smiled. Hearing movement in the kitchen, he got up and pulled on a pair of jeans. 

There she was, in his kitchen, in his shirt.  His heart leapt.  She was so beautiful, so graceful in her actions.  He didn’t want to spoil the scene by speaking so he just stood in the doorway, enjoying.

Jane jumped when she saw him.  “You startled me,” she said.  Should it be this awkward afterward?  With all their history, with the news that they were married, why did she feel so embarrassed?

“I’m sorry.”  Jason walked towards her.  Taking her hand in his, he began kissing each finger softly.  “I didn’t want to get in your way.”

Trying to compose herself she said, “No, you didn’t want to help.”  She smiled up at him.  That was more than he could handle.  He bent and gently kissed her.  “You must be starved,” she stammered.

“I am.”  Looking at the meal prepared he added,  “This looks great.”

In companionable silence they ate the soup and sandwiches.  Jane tried to figure out what to say, how to resolve this marriage issue.

After a while, Jason again took her hand and spoke.  “I guess you want to know where we go from here.”

Slightly grinning Jane said, “Yes, I do.”  Jason knew her too well.

Jason got up and walked the refrigerator.  He pulled out a couple of sodas.  Silently he handed one to Jane and opened his, taking a deep sip.

“The obvious answer is to have the union terminated,” Jason said finally.

“Obviously,” Jane answered.  Why did she feel sad?

“What would you say if I said we do nothing about it right now?”

Jane thought she was passed being shocked.  “What?  Are you serious?”

“Don’t look so surprised.  You know, a lot of women would be happy to be married to me.  I’m not such a bad deal.  You’re not very good on my ego.”

“It’s not that.  Yes, you are a wonderful deal, but . .”   Jane thought for a moment.  “Why don’t you want to fix this marriage arrangement, Jason?” 

“We’re on the home stretch with CARL.  The ad campaign is cranking up, the development in its final testing stages.  We’ve got a meeting with a Japanese delegation of electronic and toy distributors set up for three months from now.  It’s extremely important that the meeting go well.  If we don’t have the cooperation of this group, we can kiss international distribution of CARL goodbye.”

“I’m sure you’ll get it.  CARL is a great idea.”  Jane said.

“Yes, it is.  But I’m concerned that any bad publicity for the company could derail the delegation’s consideration of the product.”

“What are you saying?”

Looking at her now Jason blurted out, “Just this.  That if it got out that I was secretly married for seven years and now was divorcing my wife, head of the ad campaign, the innuendos and stories and lies could destroy CARL.  The media would have a field day with it.”

“Not if we were honest and told the whole story.”

“Honey, grow up!  Tabloids thrive on stuff like this.  Being in communications, you should know that!”  Dismayed over the tone of his voice and the shocked look on Jane’s face, Jason said, “I’m sorry.  You know what I mean.”

“No, you’re right.  You’re absolutely right.”  Jane understood Jason’s determination to protect his creation.  It was his dream, his life, and his true love.  And now she was a part of that and just as determined to forge her success as an ad executive with the success of CARL.  “What do you propose we do?”


“I beg your pardon?”

“Nothing, that is until this meeting is over.  By that time, CARL will be well underway.  The product should be able to stand on its own merit by then, especially if the ad campaign is as great as I think it’s going to be,” he added with a nod to her.

Jane was suddenly uncomfortable.  Restless, she got up to pace and think.  “Let me get this straight.  You think we should continue to be legally married until after CARL is launched, specifically after your meeting with the Japanese distributors.  Is that right?”

“That’s about it.”

“And that’s when?”

“On April twenty-seventh.”  Looking down at the calendar on his watch he added, “Three months from today.”

“And then we’ll . . you know.  File for dissolution?”  The word divorce had always soured her stomach.  Saying it now and having it apply to her and Jason was impossible for her to choke out.

“Whatever you want.”

Jane paced for a moment and then stopped, looking at him.  “You know, it might be better for everyone if I bow out of the marketing of CARL so that the fallout wouldn’t be that big.”  Jane’s eyes were big, pleading with Jason to help her know what to do.

He could never refuse those eyes.  Getting up from the table he walked over and grabbing her two arms said, “No, absolutely not.  You’re the best person to market CARL, we both know that.  You understand exactly what I’m trying to do with it.  You understand CARL.  You understand me.”

Jane looked deeply into Jason’s eyes.  “I used to.  I’m not sure I still do, Jay.”

Jason’s heartbeat began to accelerate.  The overwhelming desires to hold, to   protect, to treasure were filling him up so fast, his breath caught.  The tender look in her bright blue eyes started to cloud his brain.  The hands that held her arms tightened, not in strength but in defense of all she was doing to his system by simply looking at him.

Jane’s system was doing a tango of its own.  She ached to feel those strong arms around her.  She ached to again feel his mouth against hers.  In the far reaches of her mind she told herself, this was crazy.  We’re adults.  We’re different people.  Her heart, beating wildly, refused to listen.

With his thoughts jumbled he said, “I don’t want you to quit.  I need you, Janie.  Give me three months.”

In a daze, Jane agreed.  “Three months.”

“That’s my girl.”  And then he pulled her towards him and kissed her hard and firm.

Jane put her hands on Jason’s chest and looked at him.  “No one has to know about this, right?

“That’s right.  Just between you and me.”

“Well,” Jane said slowly.  “Ed knows.  But he won’t say anything.”

Jason wanted to change the subject.  She looked so cute in his shirt.  Her big blue eyes so engaged in their conversation.  How he had missed her!  His body began to throb with need.  He smiled as he took Jane’s hands into his and said, “By the way.  I noticed when you came in this evening that you’re not wearing an engagement ring.”

“I didn’t think it was right to wear one man’s engagement ring and legally be married to another.  Call me old-fashioned!”

Jason could not contain his grin.  “Well, whatever the reason, I have to be honest and say I’m glad it’s not there anymore.”

“Jason, I didn’t say it was gone for good.”

“We’ll see.” He began moving his thumbs over her hands in sensual circles.  “Why don’t we just take it one day at a time.  Get to know each other again.  See what happens.”

It sounded so easy.  Still she had her doubts. 

Jane sighed as Jason’s hand moved up to her neck and into her hair.  His other hand under her chin brought her face close to his as he began lightly kissing her cheeks, her brows, her eyes.  “All right.  I guess we can get to know each other again,” she mumbled, surrendering to his touch.  And then as his lips made their way to hers she whispered, “Now what?”

Jason’s mouth covered Jane’s in a reverent touch that had Jane smoldering.  His eyes turned dark and he grinned seductively.  “Now, we continue getting to know each other again.”  Taking Jane with him and kissing her senseless, he guided her back to the bedroom.



The next day, Jason Collins was late for work.  Extremely late.  To the surprise of the Patterson Agency, Jane Kendall was even later.  As she walked into the office just before noon, all heads turned to watch her.  Jane was oblivious to any stares as she smiled and hummed her way to her office. 

Assistant Kerry Bolton walked over to Sally’s desk and asked, “Was Jane humming?”

Sally giggled.  “Yeah.  She looks pretty happy this morning.  Have you ever known Jane to be this late for work?”


“Hmm.”  Sally smiled.  “Must have been a hell of a night.”

The elevator doors opened and Jason’s assistant Shelly emerged.  “Hi, Sally.  I’ve got some papers from the boss for Jane.  It’s the information for the casting director for the CARL commercials.”

“Your timing is great.  She just got here,” Sally said taking the papers.

“Really.  That’s interesting.  Jason got to work only an hour ago.”

The three women looked at each other and smiled.  Quietly they began chatting and wondering aloud about the possibility of Jason and Jane being together.

“Hold on,” Sally finally said.  We forgot one little problem.  Ed Simpson.”

Confused, Shelly said, “Who’s Ed Simpson?”

Sally whispered, “Jane’s fiancé.”

Shelly chuckled.  “Really?  Well, if you could have seen Jason and Jane in that hot tub in the Hamptons, you would know that he’s probably not a problem.”

And then, as if on cue, the elevator doors opened and Ed stepped out with a more serious than usual expression on his face.  “Is she in yet?” he asked Sally, not bothering to wait for the answer as he walked towards Jane’s office door.

Kerry broke the silence.  “I think Ed’s not finished being a problem, yet.”


Leaning back in her chair, Jane thought about her life.  She had had it planned—get a degree, get experience, climb the ladder of success.  In life’s round about way she had accomplished those things.  But nothing could quite compare to the lazy morning she had just shared with Jason, her husband.  He had been so kind, so loving.  He had stroked her tenderly until all the passions that they held for one another seemed to burst forth from their pores, filling each other with ecstasy.  How could she ever go back to her normal life again?  The knock and opening door brought her back to reality.

“Jane, darling, you finally made it in.
So, did you confront Collins?  Do I need to ask where you dumped the body?”

“Our meeting went . . . fine.”  Jane blushed. 

“By the way, why were you so late getting to work today?” Ed walked to Jane and kissed her cheek.

What was she to say?  I didn’t make it in earlier because I was lounging in bed having incredible sex with Jason.  “I . . ah . . had a lot on my mind.”

Ed sat on the edge of Jane’s desk watching her as she leaned back in her chair.  “What did he have to say about it?”

“That he thought he had taken care of it.  Some such nonsense about a friend in law school that was taking care of the dissolution.  Apparently, he didn’t.”

“What ignorance.”  Ignorant?  Jason was many things but ignorant certainly wasn’t one of them.  For some reason, Jane was offended.  “Now are you ready for me to draw up the divorce papers?  And remember, I can include a nice divorce settlement.  Settlements are my specialty.”

“I told you, Ed.  No settlements.  When we decide to end this, it will simply be a clean break, no complications.”

Ed sighed and stood.  “All right.  I’ll get to work on it right . . . What do you mean
you decide to end this?”  He frowned crossing his arms in front of his chest.
              “It’s just that there are a few details to work out, that’s all.  We’re going to leave everything as it is for three months.”

Ed hit the ceiling.  “Are you crazy?  This man deceived you for seven years and you’re not going to bring him to justice for this?”  Ed realized he was shouting and calmly lowered his voice.  “What
need to be worked out?  Maybe I can help.”

“The launching of CARL.  We both need to concentrate completely on that.  The publicity of a secret marriage and quick divorce will hurt the project.  We can’t let that happen.”

“I don’t think a little publicity will have a very big effect.”

“It might.  Especially with some of the distributors.”

“Maybe we should go public over it.  Let Collins have to deal with what he’s done to you.”

“No.  I gave him my word.  Besides, if there was a big scandal involved, I would feel obligated to stand by Jason until it blew over.  I’m going to do everything in my ability to see the CARL project through.”

Ed thought for a moment.  He trusted Jane implicitly.  Jason, however, was a different story.  What game was he playing with Jane? “I’ll do whatever you ask, Jane.  But I still say you’re making a mistake.  This guy hurt you.  How do you know he won’t hurt you again?  He’s a user.  He’ll use your incredible advertising skills and then leave you high and dry when this robot deal is done.”

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