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Authors: Treasure Hernandez

The Block (17 page)

Styles hopped up from off the floor after doing some push-ups. “What's good? You coming to the yard today?”
“Nah, not right now. The police just told me I had a visit,” Tone replied, throwing on his Polo shirt that he only wore on visits.
“A'ight, my nigga. Do your thing.” Styles gave Tone a pound. “I'ma head to the yard and go get in a quick workout.”
“A'ight. I'ma scream at you when I get back.”
Tone exited his cell and walked over to the C.O.'s desk, so he could be escorted down to the visiting room. He stepped in the visiting room and quickly spotted Serena.
“Why the fuck she got on those dark-ass shades?” Tone asked himself, but as he got closer and closer, he could see the swelling all over her face. “What the fuck happened to your face?” he growled as soon as he sat down.
“Your brother attacked me,” Serena said, breaking down in tears.
“What happen?”
“I got back from seeing my father, and I saw Malcolm standing outside our door,” Serena began. “So I let him in and offered him some food. Next thing you know, he attacked me from behind and took my purse.”
“Why the fuck is you letting that muthafucka in the house when I'm not home?”
“Because he's your brother, that's why. What was I supposed to do?”
“I'm gonna kill that nigga as soon as I get up outta here.” Tone banged on the table with his fist.
Serena was about to say something until she saw a big C.O. walk over. “Is everything all right over here?” he asked, looking at Serena.
“Yes, we're fine,” she replied.
“Yeah, we fine,” Tone said, and the big C.O. walked off.
“From now on, I don't want nobody in that fuckin' house except Maine, and that's only when he's dropping off money.”
“Okay, daddy,” Serena said. “Are you mad at me?”
“No, I'm not mad at you.”
“Sorry for letting him in the house. I just thought that, 'cause he was your brother, it was okay.”
“Brother or not, he's still a fuckin' crackhead,” Tone reminded her. “And you know they'll do whatever they have to do to get that fix. Don't put nothing past nobody. Always protect yourself.”
“Next time, I promise I will.”
“Don't let it be no next time,” Tone said, mad that his woman's face was all bruised up. “I'm still going to kill that muthafucka when I get up out of here.”
“He's not even worth it,” Serena said, trying to talk Tone out of it.
“You just stay the fuck out of harm's way until I get up outta here, 'cause if something happens to you, I'ma have to go on a killing spree.”
“I got you, baby. I promise I won't put myself in harm's way again.”
Just then, the same big C.O. walked up and announced that the visit was over.
“I'm going to call you tonight around eight o'clock.” Tone hugged Serena tight and tongued her down.
“I love so much, baby. Call me!” Serena yelled over her shoulder as she exited the visiting room.
Tone made it back to his housing unit and spotted Styles.
“Everything straight with the old lady?” Styles asked, giving Tone a pound.
“Nah. My fuckin' junkie-ass brother damn near beat her half to death for her pocketbook.” Tone helped himself to a seat.
“Get the fuck outta here! Nigga, you serious?”
“Dead serious,” Tone huffed. “You know I'm going to kill that nigga when I get out, right?”
“Shit, I'll help you.” Styles laughed.
Tone was getting ready to say something, until some big, strong, box-head-looking guy walked up and interrupted their conversation.
“Yo, fam, you in my seat!”
Box Head was a little too aggressive for Tone's liking. Tone looked up at the big man. “Ay, yo, fam, the seat was empty when I sat down.”
“Bullshit! I left my fuckin' ID on top of the seat!” Box Head said.
Tone got up a little and looked under his ass. No ID was there. “Fam, ain't no ID on this seat.”
“Yeah, nigga, that's 'cause you moved my shit!” Box Head pulled up his pants like he was ready to get busy.
“It's another chair right there,” Tone said, nodding toward the empty chair right next to him.
“I don't want that chair. I want my chair, muthafucka!”
Tone jumped up with quickness and caught Box Head with a two-piece. The two punches had no effect on Box Head, who grabbed Tone in a bear hug and belly-to-belly slammed him down the floor.
All the inmates erupted in a loud “Ooooh!” when they saw Tone's body get slammed to the floor.
Just as Box Head was about to pound Tone out, Styles came with the thick dictionary and smacked Box Head across the face with it. Once Tone made it back to his feet, it was on. Him and Box Head got it on like they was fighting in the UFC, going blow for blow, until Styles jumped in, turning it to a two-on-one. But Box Head still held his own, taking more punches than he delivered, but yet he stayed on his feet, which was amazing, for the kind of blows he was taking.
Within seconds, ten “turtles” came rushing in and beat the three men down with nightsticks until each man was laid out. Then they escorted them to the box.
“Wake up, bitch!” Gruff yelled, slashing a glass of water in Sparkle's face.
Sparkle opened her eyes and found herself lying on a dirty ground in some kind of warehouse. “Where am I?” she asked in a groggy voice.
“I'm only going to ask you this once!” Gruff cocked his shotgun and sat it directly in her face. “Where can I find that nigga Maine at?”
“I don't know,” Sparkle answered, still not fully understanding what was going on.
“That bitch is lying,” the bouncer yelled. “I saw y'all exchange numbers.”
“You a straight-up bitch!” Sparkle spat at the bouncer.
Gruff dug down in Sparkle's purse and removed her cell phone. He tossed the cell phone on her chest. “Call him right now!”
When Sparkle hesitated, Gruff pressed the barrel of the shotgun to her forehead. “Don't play with me!”
One peek at the shotgun, and Sparkle began dialing Maine's number.
Maine pulled up in front of Tone's crib. He grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose from off the floor and turned the bottle all the way up. Then he grabbed the book bag full of cash from off the front seat and headed toward the door.
“Hey, Maine. What's up?” Serena stepped to the side so he could enter.
“Just came by to drop off this bread.” Maine stared at Serena, a hungry look in his eyes. “What happened to your face?”
Serena noticed the way Maine was looking at her. “I fell down the stairs.”
“You need a man here to protect you.” Maine sat down on the couch. “It's a lot of crazy people out here, and ain't no telling what they're capable of,” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“Tone will be home shortly,” Serena said, thumbing through the cash. “Hold up, this ain't right.” She looked inside the book bag. “This shit is short.”
“We took a few losses this month.” Maine shrugged his shoulders.
Serena smirked, knowing they was only trying to jerk her because Tone wasn't there. “Yeah, a'ight. We'll see what Tone has to say about this.”
Maine stood up to leave. “We'll make it up on the next go-around.”
“Y'all come short one more time, and that's the end of y'all getting more of this good shit.”
“Whatever,” Maine said as he exited the crib.
He got back in his car and grabbed his Grey Goose bottle. He heard his cell phone ringing while he was taking a swig from the bottle. He looked at the phone and saw Sparkle's name flashing across the screen. “Sexy, what up?” he answered, pulling out of the driveway.
“Hey, daddy. What you doing right now right?” Sparkle asked, Gruff's shotgun pressed up against her forehead.
“About to go pick up some money. Why? What's up? You trying to see the god?”
“You know I am, daddy.”
“A'ight. I might go out to the club tonight. Why don't you meet me there, so we can have a few drinks and chill.”
“Nah, I don't really feel like partying tonight. I just need to hop on that dick and ride it real slow—backwards.”
Just hearing those words got Maine's dick hard. “A'ight, so when you wanna do this?”
“I guess you can come pick me up in about a hour.”
“At the same spot?”
“You know it.” Sparkled laughed, trying to hide her nervousness.
“Say no more. I'll see you in a hour,” Maine said, ending the call.
Gruff removed the barrel of his shotgun from Sparkle's forehead. “You did good.”
“So what now?” she asked nervously.
“Nothing. I'm going to take you home, and that's it.”
“Are you going to kill Maine?” she asked, fear in her eyes.
“Bitch!” Gruff barked as he turned and smacked the shit out of Sparkle. “You just better be thankful I don't shoot ya dumb ass!” He huffed, “Don't be asking me no muthafuckin' questions!”
“I'm sorry,” Sparkle said, holding the side of her face.
“As a matter of fact come over here and suck my dick”—Gruff pulled out his dick—“since you got so much mouth.”
Sparkle quickly swallowed her pride as she crawled over to Gruff and slipped his penis in her mouth and began sucking on it.
Maine pulled up a block away from Sparkle's crib so he could count his money before he picked her up. He rested his .380 on the passenger's seat as he began to get his count on. Once he was done, he pulled his cell phone and dialed Sparkle's number.
“Hello,” she answered.
“Yo, come outside. I'm in the front.” Maine hung up the phone as he put his car in drive and pulled up in front of Sparkle's crib.
“Come, bitch, don't take all muthafuckin' day,” Maine huffed. When he looked up at his rearview mirror, he saw a figure wearing a hoodie creeping up on his car from behind at a fast speed. Immediately he threw the gear in drive and stomped on the gas.
When Gruff saw Maine's car start to move, he immediately raised his 9 mm sub-machine gun and opened fire.
Maine didn't get too far before he felt a bullet pierce the top of his shoulder. Seconds later, two more hot slugs ripped through the driver's seat and entered his back. “Awwww shit!” Maine screamed as he lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a light pole.
Seeing that, Gruff quickly reloaded his weapon and moved in for the kill.
Sparkle looked out her window and saw Gruff run up on Maine's car and open fire. “Oh my God!” she screamed. She ran upstairs and grabbed her .380 from her top drawer and quickly ran back downstairs.
As she ran down the steps, she heard a loud crash. “I'm coming, baby,” she said to herself as she cleared the last step and flew out the front door. She reached her porch and saw Gruff creeping up on Maine's car from behind. She quickly aimed her gun in Gruff's direction and let off.
Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!
Gruff heard the shots and immediately got low and took cover behind a parked car. Once the shooting stopped, he sprang up from behind the parked car and aired Sparkle out. He watched as his bullets made the woman look like she was doing some kind of break dance before her body hit the ground. “Dumb-ass bitch!”

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