The Business Affair: Forever Mine (5 page)

“I am to be 45 minutes late for the meeting and come
in looking for a seat. You will be there to give up the seat.”

“What will you be wearing?”

“The red sequenced dress. Don I am so nervous.
He is a very observant man. I just know he is going to see through this.”

“There is no way he is going to see through
this. You’re not even yourself. Who are you anyway?

“I am Ann Benet from Atlanta, Georgia. I have my
own multi million-dollar event planning company. Which really is your company
in case he calls and asks for credentials. If he asks for the type of events I
plan I am to tell him that I, but really you, planned the last party for Robin
Thick. You will give me any information I need to validate that.”

“Got it. Now let me hear a little bit of that
southern drawl. You did it quite well earlier this morning.”

“Feel’s like I am learning a foreign language
sir. They would absolutely never speak this way where I am from.”

“That is perfect!!! Absolutely perfect!!! Just
stay in character baby. Now, last question, what are two things he financially
supports that I mentioned from his book.”

“He highly supports The Business Affair and he
supports abused women’s shelters. I write the checks for all of his donations
and have never seen any of this.”

“That is because he stays in character too.
Roman Neilson would probably never fund anything like that but Marcus Grant
would. Obviously the man is pretty shrewd. Stand up and let me take a look at


Paula stood up still feeling quite awkward and
nervous. But after Don’s recent drill she was feeling a little more confident
that they would pull this off.

 “You are drop dead gorgeous!”

“Don, stop, stop.” She said blushing.

“Oh Paula,” he said pulling her close, “Part of
me really wants this to work and part of me is dying on the inside. I have
never been that honest with any woman before.”

She leaned her head on his chest, “I know and I
feel the same way. I am so torn.”

“I know, but if we don’t do it both of us will
always wonder if we made the right move, and we can’t have a strong
relationship built on a foundation that has a question mark. If it is meant to
be, you will come back to me.”

She sighed, “You’re right.”

“Now you need to be going. This is going to
work. I promise.”



By the time Paula arrived at the book signing
the line was curving to the other side of concourse A. She could not believe
that these many business executives were seeking relationship information from
one man. It took twenty minutes for her to be able to almost reach the table
were he was sitting. At first glance her heart started racing and she could
feel herself breaking into a cold sweat. Then she heard Don’s words, stay in
character. Three more people and then it would be her turn. It felt like
eternity until she finally reached the table.


“Hi,” he smiled, “Whom am I making this out to?”

“Oh my God, he really doesn’t even recognize
me.” She thought, wanting to break out in a laugh. She did exactly what Don
said, stay there a minute for him to take a good look.

“I’ve never seen a woman with black hair and
blue eyes before. Can I make this out to the woman with the pretty blue eyes?”

Paula felt quite triumphant at that moment. This
was surely Roman Neilson. He would say whatever he wanted to say, to who ever
it was.

Remembering to kick in that southern drawl she
said, “Yes, make it out to Ann Benet the woman with the pretty blue eyes.”

“Is that one N or two?”

“One N, B-e-n-e-t.”

“Thank you Ann, and I hope that you will enjoy
the book.”

“I am quite certain that I will Mr. Grant.”


She took the book from his hand. No sooner had
she done that, the woman behind her accidently hit her arm. The book slipped to
the floor. She leaned forward quickly, reached her hand out the same time Roman
was leaning forward, nearly hitting him in the face with her hand.  “He grabbed her hand, “I’ve got it.” He
said retrieving the book. “Thank you.” She said. Then walked away like a model
on a catwalk, just as Don had instructed. As soon as she was far enough away
for him to see, she ran down the hall to the quietest spot she could find and
called Don.


“He did not recognize me!” she squealed. “I was
that close to him and he did not even recognize me!”

“Told you. Did he get a good look?”

“Oh yes, he signed the book, to Ann Benet the
woman with the pretty blue eyes. Then he said do you spell Benet with one N or

“That’s good, now we have name and face
recognition. That is really good. Ok, well you know what you have to do for the
rest of the day. I will more than likely be laying around on a beach somewhere
until tonight.”

“I will always love you Don.”

“I know that.”

Chapter 11

Just as anticipated the women’s meeting was a
packed house. Paula found a seat as close to the podium as possible. It was not
an ideal position but it was just close enough that if he looked a certain
direction she could be spotted. Don made sure she looked as elegant as a
southern belle. She was wearing a long white linen skirt and purple laced top
that faded from dark purple to lavender. “Something unique,” he had said,
“something to accent the eyes.” It had been difficult to get used to the blue
contacts but they were needed for the mission so she endured it. She was
wearing long dangling hoop earrings. She had spent the morning being spray
tanned and her skin was glowing perfectly bronzed. Don hired a make up artist
so her face was flawless and her hair was a mass of long black wavy tresses.
She was absolutely radiant, total eye candy. Her foot ware were flats covered
with tiny white beads that glistened as she walked. She wore the scent of Juicy
Couture, which Don had advised never to let wear off throughout the day.


When Marcus Grant walked up to the podium the
women applauded. “Thank you! He said, waving his hand to quiet the crowd “I
really appreciate you all coming out today. And for those that were at the book
signing, I want you to know that I truly enjoyed all of the books that I
signed. If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be doing what I am
doing today I would never have believed it. Many of you that have been here
before have heard my testimony, but please bear with me for those who are new.


I have been an extremely successful entrepreneur
since my early twenties. I recently turned forty and now have one of the
largest fortune 500 companies in America. In my early years I believed that
money and power were to be used to control people, especially relationships and
I became an expert at running women and breaking hearts. I never realized that
relationships were designed to enhance life, that two hearts are better than
one, and that there is a need in life for someone that you can be completely
vulnerable with. I never realized that the right person could truly make you
better until one day a breath of fresh air walked into my life named Stephanie.
She changed my world…”


Paula was so emotionally moved by what Roman had
said that she felt like running from the room. She had never seen this side of
him. He was warm, charming and sincere, not driving and controlling, as she had
known. Her heart was fracturing into a million little pieces because she was
trying to figure out which part of him was real, or was it all real and that he
had simply mastered both of his characters. It took all the strength she had to
keep her composure.


“In my relationship with Stephanie that was the
first time I knew the difference between sex and making love. Before it was all
about sex and I had more women than a California pimp. When Stephanie came
along I became monogamous. That is where I learned to value women. She was in
my life for five beautiful years and then was snatched away in a horrible car
accident. I am who I am today because of Stephanie. There are some things in
life that you never fully get over and she is one of them. It is because of Stephanie
that for all these years I have taken marriage very seriously. When I finally
do tie that knot, and I will tie it, that person will also be someone that I
can be vulnerable with and make me a more valuable person.


Now that you know about me let’s get into the
subject for today…”


Paula hung on every word that Roman was
speaking. She was in shock. By the time he finished with his speech she knew
that the business game face was a skillfully crafted façade and that he used
that game face to keep him dominant and successful. She learned for the first
time that a man she thought was completely one-dimensional was a multi faceted


“For the next few minutes we will open up for
questions and answers.”  He said.
Hands began to fly up all over the audience. “What a lively crowd we have
today.” He laughed. Then he began to point to women across the room.


“Mr. Grant in your book you advise women not to
engage in a power play with a man. You know all of us are of the corporate
mindset and are used to running things, how do you suggest we strike that
balance?” One lady asked.


“That is just it, you have to learn to lose the
corporate mindset and just become a lady. The problem with society today is
that femininity is looked upon as something degrading or a mindset of some
woman of the 50’s image. To me femininity just means that you place yourself in
a position to be catered too. At least that is what I learned from Stephanie.
She was a strong and powerful woman, completely corporate and yet when we were alone
she wanted the doors opened and the rose petals in the bathtub. What I am
saying is allow the man to treat you soft. He can’t do that if you are wearing
the corporate war mask.” He pointed to another lady.


“I was hurt by one of those men that used to be
like you were. Over the years it has been difficult for me to trust a man
because of it. Do you think it is possible for me to get over the damage and
truly trust another?”


“The thing is, do you think it is possible.  If you think it is possible then it can
happen. I had to learn to forgive myself. When Stephanie died I thought I was
being punished for my actions, and that the pain that I was feeling was the
same pain I had inflected on women. It took me a very long time to get over
that. I finally had to realize that I truly was not the same person and believe
in myself to know that I had changed. What happened is in the past. Don’t allow
what has happened in the past to rob you of the present or a glorious future.
Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. This event is filled with men looking for
solid relationships. Take a chance.”


Before she realized it, Paula had her hand
raised and then was internally chiding herself for raising it. Roman looked
across the room at her, “Yes, blue eyes.” He said pointing. The audience
laughed. She wanted to crawl under the seat, face recognition certainly


“Have you ever had the opportunity to love
another woman like Stephanie?”

“Would you like to find out? That is what this
event is all about.” Paula found herself becoming faint as Roman walked off the
platform towards her. The room exploded with laugher and applause. Paula froze.
He walked over to her and handed her a business card, leaned over and
whispered, “Wait for me after the meeting.” As he walked back to the podium the
women stood up and cheered.


“See ladies, this is what I am talking about.
You have to take a chance. You are here to make things happen. The Business
Affair is all about reaching out and taking a calculated risk. What we have in
this conference is not happenstance. Everybody here is on the same mission. We
are looking for love matches that will empower the rest of our lives
emotionally, physically and for most of us spiritually. Thanks for coming out
and what should you be doing now…”


In unison they said – “Mix, mingle and marry!”

Roman stood at the podium as many of the women came
up to shake his hand and get pictures. When the room cleared, he walked over to
Paula’s table. She was trying her best to control herself from shaking. “Miss Ann
Benet,” he said with a megawatt smile, “Let’s have lunch.”
Chapter 12

The next thing Paula knew was that Roman had
made two phone calls. One for the valet to bring his sporty black Veyron to the
front, and another to a woman named Ms. Gonzales. From the little Spanish that
she understood, he was ordering lunch. They drove about 5 miles to an airstrip.
Roman parked the car. They walked over to a waiting helicopter. Paula’s mind
was in tilt.


“Just a short trip over to the Cayman Islands.”
He said under the roar of the propellers. She nodded ok. In minutes they were
sky bound. The view of the shimmering pristine ocean, brilliant white shores
and scattered array of Southwestern architecture was breath taking. Shortly
they were approaching a 10,000 square foot white limestone estate, with a terra
cotta roof that would have rivaled a palace. The estate sat on a cliff, and
literally one wing of the estate was jutted into the ocean. It sat on a massive
amount of manicured land. “What resort is that?” Paula asked. “That is my
summer home.” Paula gave him a startled look and before she knew it they were
landing on a heliport pad somewhere on the roof. They took an elevator down to
the first floor of the estate.

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