The Eden Series: The Complete Collection (132 page)

“I’m right here.” She heard him make a sound at the back of his throat a second before his mouth crashed into hers. This wasn’t a gentle kiss; this was a kiss that owned her, inside and out. His hand slid into her hair, gripping it firmly as he angled their heads to deepen the kiss. Elisa whimpered as emotions swelled inside her, making her feel like she would burst if she didn’t have more. Her hands reached out to trace the hard muscles of his stomach, thankful that he never wore a shirt. As her fingers traced every inch of him, it seemed to push Wolf into a near frenzy. His kisses became more demanding. Elisa gasped as he suddenly moved so he lay above her, nestled between her legs. He gripped her hips, pulling her down so she lay flat on the bed.

Then his mouth was back, taking everything she had to give. His lips left hers as they trailed along her jaw, and then down her throat to her collarbone. One of his hands went to her waist then under her shirt so it lay flat on her stomach.

“More,” she whispered. “I want more.”

Wolf pulled back, looking down at her with bright eyes filled with desire. Then both hands were at the hem of her shirt, lifting it swiftly over her head. He kissed the tattoo on her stomach, his tongue tracing each line. She shivered, lacing her hands through his hair. She knew the things Wolf could do with his tongue, and it never failed to make her cheeks hot and her stomach roll with longing and anticipation. Her pants joined her shirt on the floor and she found herself skin to skin with him, everywhere.

He kissed a slow path up her stomach, between her breasts, and up her neck, stopping just beneath her jaw. “You should probably tell me to stop,” he advised in a husky voice.

A wave of heat washed over her, but she wasn’t afraid of what might happen between them now, surprisingly. She had always thought she would be, but with Wolf it was different. She loved him, and he her. There was no reason why they shouldn’t know one another in all ways.

“I don’t want you to stop,” she confessed. She didn’t care if they weren’t married. They could figure that all out later. Right now, this was what she wanted. She moved her hips, eliciting a hiss from Wolf. “Please.”

He growled low, nipping her jaw. “Don’t say please like that, I’m likely to finish before we even begin.” Elisa’s giggle was swallowed by Wolf as his mouth covered hers once more. She lost herself to him after that – heart, body and soul. They were finally connected in every way possible, and not one part of her regretted it. She loved him with every fibre of her being.

Afterward, she lay with her head on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around her as the other held her hand. She closed her eyes listening to the gentle rhythm of his heart, letting it lull her to sleep.

“How did you not know?” Jameson asked, looking at Diana.

“Alistair never told me the truth,” she told him. “It wasn’t until Elisa confided in me that I saw it. I don’t know how I missed all the signs.”

“It wasn’t your responsibility,” Turk said with a grunt. “Alistair lied to us all, no one had any reason to look into the boy any deeper. I don’t think the old man ever lied to one of us before.”

“Who knows,” Jameson murmured, staring off into the fire. Most of the army was preparing their things for battle. The rain had started not long after they had left his tent. He predicted they’d be on the move within the hour.

“At least this explains why Aziz wants him so badly,” Callum added. “I never understood what was so special about him.”

“Then why try to kill him at that first battle?” Diana asked looking across the fire at Callum.

“I honestly couldn’t tell you,” Callum replied sincerely.

“He’s a threat to him,” Turk grunted. “Aziz knows Aiden has the ability to defeat him.”

“Then why try and get him now?” Diana questioned further.

“I don’t think anyone can really say why Aziz does the things he does,” Jameson answered, tiredly.

“What do we do about this?” Hawk asked. Jameson looked up to meet his eyes.

“What do you mean? Aiden is one of us,” he declared. “I don’t care where he came from, or who made him. That boy is good. We need to get him back.”

“Absolutely,” Turk agreed.

Hawk nodded once, as if he had expected this answer all along. “Then let’s go get him.”


Rain sat across from Aziz as they ate their breakfast in silence. Elex was gone when she woke up this morning, and she had yet to see him. She was worried how things would be between the three of them after Elex standing up for her the day before.

“How did you sleep?” Aziz asked, breaking the silence.

“Fine, thank you,” she replied.

He sat back, his eyes hard. She met them, carefully controlling her features so she looked relaxed. The tension in the room was rising considerably and Rain wasn’t sure what to make of it.

“You know,” he began slowly, “I find it amusing that you should think I do not know what happens under my own roof. Let me make myself very clear, Rain,” he continued, leaning forward now. Anger burned in his eyes as he continued to stare at her. “I know
that happens under my watch. You are nothing but a young girl from the country. If it weren’t for me, you’d still be there, probably preparing yourself for a marriage you didn’t want, and popping out enough kids to make daddy dearest happy. Do you understand me? I brought you here, I am giving you more than you could have ever hoped for, and I
you to remember that – always.”

Rain swallowed awkwardly against the dryness in her mouth and throat. Was he referring to her and Elex? Of course he was, she admonished herself. How did he know? She thought they had been so careful. Perhaps it had always been foolhardy for them to think they could keep their feelings from someone like Aziz.

“Do you understand me?” he asked again in a slow, measured tone. Rain nodded once, too afraid to speak. Thankfully Andre walked in just then, clearing his throat to get Aziz’s attention.

“What is it?” Aziz snapped.

“My lord,” Andre bowed his head quickly. “The King’s army is just at the base of the mountain. There was a fire last night that was put out by the rain, and now the army is heading this way.”

Aziz scoffed. “So let them come and walk my mountain, they will not find us.”

“My lord,” he said again. “The forest people are with them, and they seem to be directing them this way.”

Aziz’s face darkened as his anger reached new levels. “That is what she was doing,” he gritted through clenched teeth. He stood, the chair crashing behind him from his sudden movement.

“There is one more thing, my lord.”

Rain did not envy the man right now as Aziz turned his furious gaze toward him. She saw the soldier shrink back under the hostility.

“What?” he spat.

“The boy,” he said nervously now. “The warrior, he is not with them.”

“Well where

“We lost track of him at nightfall yesterday.”

Aziz started to laugh, his voice echoing off the stone walls. Goose bumps rose on Rain’s arms at the crazed sound of it. She and Andre shared a quick, panicked look, but neither said a word.

“He is here,” he said finally. “I can feel him. My son has returned.” Rain looked between the two men in confusion, having no idea what he meant by that. Although she did understand that Aiden was probably in the fortress. Unconsciously she looked around the room as if she expected him to just jump out right there and then. “Get everyone ready. We will have a nice welcoming party waiting for the High King’s army when they arrive,” he ordered. Andre nodded before turning to leave. “Wait,” Aziz called out. His gaze returned to Rain with the same coldness as before. Rain wondered if she was going to make it out alive at this rate.

“Take her to her rooms,” Aziz instructed. “She can wait there until I am ready to come and get her.”

Rain sat up straighter. “You do not want me with you?” she asked, shocked.

Aziz smiled cruelly. “I do not want traitors by my side. You and Elex can wait until this is over before I deal with you.”

Her heart kicked up in speed, her eyes looking around again. “Where is Elex?” she asked.

“Put away,” was all he said. “Take her, and meet me back in the main cavern.”

Rain stood just as Andre reached her and grabbed hold of her arm. He pulled her along down the hall leading to her rooms as Aziz left through the other doorway. Rain opened her mind to Elex, looking for him. Nothing.
she sent out again and again as Andre dragged her along.

she heard faintly. Her spirits rose at the sound of his voice.

Elex, he knows! He’s locking me in my room. The King’s army is here,
she told him quickly.

You must get away,
he instructed, his voice not nearly as strong as it usually was in her mind.
We have to get out of here now.

Where are you?

In a hidden chamber beneath the throne,
he answered.
He’s drugged me. I don’t know how long I’ve been out, but I should be strong enough to get us far enough away to be safe for now. You must come and get me.

I’m coming,
she assured him. They were slowly approaching her door. She knew if he got her in there and locked it she might not be able to get out again. Focusing, Rain called to the fire on the sconces along the walls, feeling the familiar warmth spread across her palm. She reached out and touched his hand that held her arm.

Andre hollered, letting go of her instantly. Rain didn’t waste any time. Calling upon the air, she used it to slam him against the wall. His eyes widened in surprise and fear. She stood before him, the wind blowing her long, black hair around her face. She felt strong and alive with power. She pulled him forward then slammed him back again, his head knocking off the stones. His eyes shut as he lost consciousness.

Good girl,
she heard Elex say.
Aziz will be expecting him back. You must hurry.

Rain ran as fast as she could, following the directions Elex was giving her. The last time he had flown her to the room, so she felt like a mouse lost in a maze. As she turned a corner she barreled into someone’s chest, knocking the wind out of her. Before she could regain her balance she was pushed up against the wall, an arm pushed against her throat. She looked up into a pair of livid eyes just under a flop of brown, messy hair.

“Aiden,” she whispered, finding it hard to muster up any genuine surprise. She had always known she’d face this boy again.

“Where is she?” he bit out. She hesitated. Aiden pushed harder, cutting off some of her air. “Don’t make me ask again, Rain. Where is she?”

“The cells where he keeps prisoners,” she croaked. “I don’t know how to explain where it is from here,” she replied honestly. She had been running so fast and making so many turns she had lost track.

Aiden titled his head in disbelief. “I will do what I have to, Rain, to find her. Don’t make me…” The threat was unsaid but clear. Rain licked her dry lips, knowing he wouldn’t trust a word out of her mouth.

“I honestly don’t know, Aiden, I swear,” she said quickly. “But I know someone who can help us. You just need to let me go so we can go and get him.”

The pressure on her throat lessened as his eyes roamed her face. Understanding filled his face. “My brother?” he asked. Elisa’s brows creased in confusion.

“Your brother?” She remembered what Aziz had said at breakfast about his son returning, and then her thoughts went back to Elex talking about Aziz’s other creation. She looked at him closely as realization dawned. “You’re one of Aziz’s?”

His mouth flattened in anger, but he simply nodded his head once.

Bring him with you,
Elex said,
but you must hurry.

”Come,” she offered. “I’ll bring you to Elex, he’ll get you to the cells before we leave.”

“Before you leave?” Aiden asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “So your fairy-tale life with Aziz wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, was it?”

Rain narrowed her eyes. “Do you want our help or not?”

He let out a humourless laugh. “
help, is it? I guess I’ll be calling you sister-in-law next, won’t I?” Rain waited. “Fine, take me to him. But if you try and double-cross me again, Rain, I can promise you, you won’t be making an easy escape again. Understand?”

Rain nodded. Aiden motioned for her to continue and then they were off. Rain’s breathing was coming out in harsh gasps as she ran through the tunnels, while Aiden seemed completely fine. She envied him a little. Finally they entered the throne room, the large dais with its glittering chairs sparkling in the early morning sunlight drifting down from the open ceiling.

Aiden let out a low whistle. “Not too shabby,” he commented.

“And to think, this could all be yours one day,” she replied dryly.

Aiden snorted. “No thanks, I’ll pass.”

She hurried up to the throne, falling down onto her knees. “Elex!” she called out, hitting the floor.

“Am I missing something?” Aiden asked, standing just behind her.

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