Read The Elusive "O" Online

Authors: Renee Rose

The Elusive "O" (3 page)

She looked up at him, a mixture of pleasure and confusion on her face.

“Listen. I agree, dating in the workplace is usually a mistake, but you are worth breaking all the rules, as far as I'm concerned.

She studied his face, the corners of her lips starting to turn into a smile.

“I'll tell you what-- I'll race you back to the hotel. If you win, the decision is yours-- not that I won't try to influence you. If I win, you're mine to do whatever I want with. You'll be my love slave to spank and pleasure as much as I like, until the end of time.” He gave her a wicked grin.

She giggled and darted past him, running as fast as she could.

“You'd better pace yourself!” he called after her, catching up fairly easily with his long-legged strides. She looked over her shoulder at him and made a playful growling sound, digging in to run even faster. He already knew she was not a good sprinter. She was a distance runner. He stayed two paces behind her until they reached the block of the hotel where he easily pounded past her to the front door. He waited there as she came limping up, gasping and holding her side. “You bastard,” she gasped.

“Love slave it is,” he said with satisfaction. He held the door open for her. “You'd better prepare yourself, I'm going to keep you up all night tonight.”

“Oh God, Josh,” she was still panting.

“Yep. That's what you'll be saying,” he teased her and she rolled her eyes.


* * *


Showered and dressed for business, Molly slid into a chair across from her boss Lupita. “How did the dinner go last night?”

“Good, I think. He said they'd review the contract and suggest changes by next week, so I think that means we're a go. Not counting my chickens till they hatch, though. How was dinner with the Bakers?” She waggled her eyebrows a bit, acknowledging that it could be a bit of a chore.

She grinned. “It was fine.”

Josh came in carrying two cups from Starbucks and slid one in front of her. God help her, she was absolutely falling in love with this man. “Thanks,” she beamed.

“Where's mine?” Lupita asked.

Josh gave her a charming smile and shrugged. “Sorry. Molly and I went for a run this morning, so she put in her order already.”

That wasn't actually true, but she appreciated how he downplayed it. She took a sip. Vanilla latte, just what she always ordered. Josh was the kind of guy who paid attention to those things-- it was the trait that made him good at keeping all their distributors happy. “Perfect,” she said with a smile. He winked and she felt herself melting like butter.

“May I have a sip?” Lupita asked. “The coffee here is dreadful. I don't know why we always have to stay in these boutique hotels. I mean, what's wrong with the Westin, for God's sake?”

Molly smiled sympathetically. I know, it's a crap shoot, but I think it makes it more interesting.

“Mmm hmm,” Lupita said, unconvinced.

Working the booth that afternoon, Josh drifted over to her during a lull. “So,” he said casually. “Do you have any other scarves here with you?”

She shook her head, smiling.

“How about belts?”

She swallowed.

“Don't lie or you'll be punished soundly,” he said in a very low voice.

She chuckled. “Okay, yes, I have two belts, actually.”

“Perfect. Tell the gang you're too wiped to join them for dinner and that you're just doing room service tonight. Bring both belts and the scarf to my room tonight at 7 pm, sharp.”

She felt a tingling sensation all way to her toes. “Yes, sir,” she said softly.

He clicked the end of his pen definitively and sauntered off, probably fully aware that she was still staring at his back.
Josh Stone was into spanking.
Who would have ever guessed it? And how on earth did he guess that she would be interested too?

That evening, she waited impatiently for 7 pm. He said sharp, so she didn't want to arrive early, didn't want to arrive late. She wasn't sure if she was actually supposed to call for room service, or if they would be eating together in his room. She opted to wait. If he had already eaten, she could always call for something else to be brought up to his room.

She sat on the end of the bed, wrapping the belts and scarf around and around in her hand.
Josh Stone was into spanking.
She couldn't quite get her mind around it. She rather felt like she'd won the lottery, other than the concerns about dating someone from the workplace. They'd been friends for the past three years-- sharing work triumphs and struggles, going on morning runs when they traveled together and having a lot of laughs. Add to that her sudden intense attraction to him, and he was pretty much the perfect guy. And he seemed pretty into her, too.

She looked at the clock. 6:55 pm. She stood up, slipped her shoes on and headed for the door, then realized that she couldn't very well walk down the hotel hallway carrying two belts and a scarf. She threw them in a shoulder bag, and added in her running clothes for the following day, in case he “forced” her to spend the night again. 6:58 pm.
Now she was going to be late. She raced out the door and hit the elevator button repeatedly. It was 7:03 pm the time she knocked on Josh's door.

“You're late,” he said.

“I know. Sorry!”

“Ten spanks for every minute you were late.”

A delicious twinge pulled between her legs hearing that. “Yes sir,” she said softly.

The door to the balcony was open and there were fancy take out boxes positioned on a small table between two chairs. “Hungry?”

“Starving,” she said appreciatively.

“Come on, little love slave. We can't have you wasting away.” His smile was so warm she almost melted. He had uncorked a bottle of red wine and he poured it now into the little water glasses the hotel provided. She accepted a glass and settled into one of the chairs on the balcony, watching as he opened the boxes of food and handed her a fork. “Lemon chicken, salad and sweet potato fries.”


“And if you're really sweet, I got you a chocolate caramel torte. Because I know how you like dessert when you can expense it.”

“Oh God, you can't expense this, Josh!”

He laughed. “I know, I know. I won't. Don't worry, it will be tough, but I think I can swing this meal.”

She smiled at him. Her nervousness disappeared in a few more minutes as they settled into their usual banter about work and life. She wanted to ask him about his experience with spanking or being a dominant, or whatever it was at which he seemed to be quite expert, but she couldn't manage work it into the conversation. After they finished, she helped Josh collect the boxes and throw them in the trash.

“Did you bring what I asked you to bring?” Josh came up behind her and asked in a low voice, his arms going around her waist.

“Yes, sir,” she squeaked.

“Good girl. Bring them to me now.”

She removed the two belts and the scarf from the bag and brought them over to him, suddenly feeling like she hadn't had enough wine for this. He seemed to know that she need some warming up, because he pulled her in for a kiss, his hands roaming freely all over her body.

“That's my little slave. You belong to me,” he said softly when he broke away, then continued kissing her lips, her throat, her collarbone. He nipped at her breast through her shirt, then brought his hands up underneath it and began rubbing her nipple between his finger and thumb. He pulled her shirt off. “This body belongs to me. It is for me to do whatever I want with,” he said.

His words produced a complete surrender in her-- her knees became jelly and she just offered herself up completely to him, eager to see what it was that he wanted to do with her.

“Good girl,” he murmured, as if he'd sensed her obedience. He unsnapped her bra and took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling until she felt her panties were soaked with moisture. He broke away. “Everything off. Lie face down on the bed.”

She sucked in her breath and peeled off her jeans and panties, crawling onto the bed to lie face down. She was glad he said face down, because despite the fact that her bottom was presented for punishment, she felt safer be with her face hidden. He wouldn't see the need, the desire, the exquisite vulnerability she was experiencing. She listened closely and thought she heard him pick up the belt. She squeezed her eyes closed, but instead of spanking her with it, she felt him cinching it around her upper thighs. He used the scarf to bind her ankles and then another belt to pin her two elbows back toward each other behind her. She was completely trussed up, the belt around her upper thighs pushing the flesh of her bottom up and out for his punishment or pleasure, whichever it was he would choose. She felt the bed move as he climbed up next to her, then he positioned himself so he was leaning with his back against the headboard and pulled her neatly over his lap. Her breasts were pushed out by the elbow binding, which somehow also caused her butt to be pushed out. She was dripping wet, totally turned on and a little terrified at the same time.

Smack. His hand came down on her ass. He smacked the exact same place on her right cheek ten times in a row, causing her to squirm and shift and cry out. Then he moved to the left cheek, striking the exact same place ten times. Then the low middle, right over her sex. She pushed back at his hand, the pain pleasuring her so greatly she thought she might orgasm from the spanking alone. He must have sensed her urgent need, because his left hand crept under her hips and his fingers curled into her hungry sex. He tweaked her clit and she came hard, bucking her hips and crying out.

“Mmm...” he said stroking her tingling bottom. “That was beautiful, little slave girl. Now it's my turn. He rolled her off of him and then gently rolled her to her side. “Is this okay on your shoulder?” he asked.

“Yessss,” she hissed, excited to see what he was going to do.

He bent her bound legs up so she was lying in a fetal position and then took off his clothes. He crawled back on the bed, stroking her body, murmuring, “Such a sweet little love slave you are.” She watched him open and condom and roll it on.

He entered her from that position, their hips perpendicular to each other, and she groaned with the delicious sensation of it. She was completely bound and he was having his way with her. She couldn't move, couldn't touch him, couldn't react in any way. All control was taken away from her. There was nothing for her to do but close her eyes and listen to the way he played her body. His fingers tugged at her nipple, gently pulled her hair, stroked her neck, all the while he drove into her with such a satisfying depth and speed that she was already heading over the edge. She opened her mouth and moaned, a long, low utterance that was still toning when his sharp cry joined it, the two sounds a perfect vibration of pleasure.

When it was over, he unbound her gently and held her in his arms, stroking her and kissing her hairline. She was trembling from it. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

“I'm a lot more than okay,” she manage to say.

“Good,” he said, still stroking her, holding her in his strong warm arms.

After a long time, when she could speak again, she said, “Josh Stone, what made you think I would like it this way?”

He chuckled. “The look on your face when Lupita said the word spank.”

She giggled. “Oh God. Do you think anyone else saw?”

“No. Only a kindred spirit would know that look.”

“Josh, you rock my world.”

“Does that mean I can keep you?” he asked, his finger tracing lazy circles around her ear.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I am yours to keep. Do with me as you will,” she said. She tried to say it lightly, but the truth was, she meant it from all her heart.

His tongue explored her ear and she giggled and lifted her shoulder to shrug him off. “Move in with me. You can rent your place out,” he said softly. “Or I'll move in with you and rent my place out.”

She closed her eyes and felt the waves of pleasure and love and gratitude flowing over her. Her rationale mind tried to kick in. Perhaps they shouldn't make decisions like this while in the euphoria of sex. But then again, what else did she need to know? She'd always thought he was great. And now he'd given her what no other man had ever been able to provide: the elusive “O.” He had provided her with several, as a matter of fact.

“You move in with me,” she said. “If I'm going to be your love slave, I should at least be in my own space.”

He laughed. “All right. I'll move in with you.”

“Are we nuts?” she asked.

“Yes. I believe we are,” he said and they both laughed. “But I'd rather be nuts with you than sane with anyone else.”

“Me too,” she said and sighed contentedly. The perfect man had been right under her nose all this time.


The End


Coming Soon!

No Return

by Renee Rose


Kate Strand has always had a crush on Dominic, the owner of the club where her band plays, despite—or perhaps because of—the fact that he's a vampire. But when he sniffs out her predilection for spanking and brings her fantasies to life one night, she falls head over heels. The trouble is, Dom is allergic to relationships, or so it seems.

Dom loves knowing how to turn Kate on and domination comes naturally to him. But he believes he likes Kate more than is good for either of them. In his mind, mortals and vampires don't mix, and the best thing he can do for her is stay far away. But when another vampire targets Dom, Kate gets tangled in the dangerous web and Dom finds himself prepared to sacrifice his own life to save hers. Can he get her back alive? And if so, will they find a way to be together?




“I want to take off your panties myself,” he told Kate, who was nervously undressing.

“Oh! Okay,” she said, stripping off everything else.

Yep, still hot. He crooked his finger at her and she awkwardly came toward him.

“Hurry up.”

She dove over his lap and he laughed. He took his time, stroking the curves of her tight little butt, then he warmed it up over her panties, spanking lightly all over first, then mostly concentrating his smacks at the beautiful juncture where the butt meets the upper thigh, alternating butt cheeks. She made little “oohs” and gasps and, as he started to increase the intensity of the smacks, she started to struggle. He gave her another dozen hard spanks and then stopped and rubbed. She moaned softly.

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