The First Order [Safeword LLC 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations) (24 page)

The farther Ross slid in, the fuller she felt. The sting he’d initiated became an all-out burning sensation, but Lane started to shift and by the time Ross was completely inside of her, Lane had pulled halfway out and taken the fire with him. She wanted it back. This was how they started and within seconds, they had a rhythm going that carried her higher and higher.

“If you come before you are allowed, I swear I’ll put you back on that Sybian at the club and keep you there until you pass out,” Lane said, the promise evident in his voice.

Becca felt as if she were about to explode. The blood was rushing through her ears and tingles were spreading through her legs, making her toes curl. They wouldn’t really deny her an orgasm now, would they?

“Please, Sir, may I come?” Becca whispered her plea, as her breath was being restrained by her effort to keep from coming.

“No,” Lane declared, slamming his cock into her. “I want you to
it, Rebecca.”

“I do, I do, I do,” Becca chanted, but then had to bite her lip to keep from being sent over the edge. They were now pounding into her, carrying her to new heights. She knew there was no way she’d be able to keep herself from coming. “Sir, please, I need to come.”

“You can take a little more, Rebecca,” Ross said, urging her on.

Why wouldn’t they allow her to come? She needed to. She had to. She felt herself breaking apart, her nerves being shocked into overload. She couldn’t hold on anymore.

“Pleeeeease, Sirrrr.”

“Come for us.”

She did and her focus on Lane faded until he was a blur. All Becca could do was accept what they’d given her and ride out the waves of pleasure. It seemed to last forever and when she felt conscious enough to concentrate, Becca found that she’d been released from her binds and placed in the center of the bed. Lane and Ross surrounded her, making her sip water and have a bite of chocolate. She snuggled into their embrace. She was finally home.



Six months later, Becca followed Lane and Ross into the reception area where Jenny was sitting behind her desk. Jenny had changed her hair color to a vibrant red, but still wore the same gold choker with a sparkling diamond in the center. To offset her hair, or to make it stand out—Becca wasn’t sure—Jenny wore a jet-black boatneck sweater with a white skirt that came to midthigh. Becca would bet anything that she still wore those black high heels that she seemed to favor.

“Hello, Jenny,” Ross said with a smile. “We have a three o’clock with Kennedy.”

“Good afternoon, Sir. Ms. Van Camp’s current meeting is running a bit late. Please have a seat and she’ll be with you momentarily. May I get you anything to drink? Coffee, water?”

“Becca, would you care for anything?”

And there it was. That warm, fuzzy feeling she got when they made every effort to make sure she was comfortable. She shook her head. “No, thank you.”

Lane and Ross led her over to the classic black-and-gray chairs situated in the far wall, allowing them access to see down the hallway to where Ms. Van Camp’s office was located. Becca noticed that Jenny had a small smile on her face as she stared at Becca’s neck. Lane and Ross had presented her with a beautiful emerald necklace they had made to represent a choker, but in a more elegant manner. They’d presented it to her before taking her to the club Friday night. Lane and Ross had agreed they wanted a private collaring between the three of them. She would forever remember the words they said. And as they walked her into the club, she could see how many noticed right away that it matched her nipple jewelry. Having it wrapped around the curve of her neck, with the emerald fitting into the hollow just as it should, had made everything seem more real. She was theirs. Becca returned Jenny’s smile.

“You have my information. I’ve told you everything. I don’t know why you think I’m keeping something from you,” Becca heard from down the hallway. She looked up to see a long-haired brunette walking toward them. She stopped and turned back, to where Ms. Van Camp stood in the doorway of her office. “If you can’t help me, just say so.”

“No, Elena. I
help you, but you’ll need to trust me. I’ll be in touch soon.”

That must have satisfied Elena, as she nodded her head and then continued walking right out the door. She hadn’t even glanced their way. Her attitude didn’t suggest a submissive, but Becca had come to find out that appearance and first impressions could be deceiving.

“Lane and Ross, good to see you again. Becca, you’re looking happy these days. Come and we’ll sit down in my office. James sends his regards, but he’s off working a case for me at the moment.”

“No problem, Kennedy,” Ross said, as he grabbed a hold of Becca’s hand and led her down the hallway. Lane held her other hand. “We just need a favor.”

Ms. Van Camp waited for them to have a seat in her office, although Lane had chosen the couch up against the window. Kennedy took the accompanying chair and crossed her legs, waiting patiently for him to continue. Lane squeezed Becca’s hand and she returned the gesture.

“We want you to tear up the contract that we had you redo at our two-month appointment,” Lane instructed, holding up his hand and placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

“Really?” Ms. Van Camp was one cool woman, Becca thought. She hadn’t blinked an eye. “May I ask why?”

“We’re about to leave for the holidays and split our time evenly between our parents’ houses,” Lane replied.

“And although we greatly appreciate that you monitor the secondary contract that we instituted, we’ve decided to take a more permanent approach,” Ross said.

“We’re getting married,” Becca blurted out with a smile, not able to take any more of this beating around the bush. “Well, I should say three of us will have a commitment ceremony in front of our family and friends. I’m sure there are some relationships that require a contract for the duration of their time, but I love these men, Ms. Van Camp. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me what I can and can’t do. Trust me, they can do that all on their own in a more effective manner.”

Ross’s laugh rang through the air, while Lane just smiled and shook his head. Kennedy seemed to smother a grin as well, but it was hard to tell with that woman. Her ice-blue eyes took a minute to study them and then she slowly nodded her head in acceptance.

“Then it will be my pleasure to do so,” Kennedy said, coming to her feet.

They joined her in the short distance to the door. Becca noticed that Kennedy gave her a sideways glance, almost as if she was afraid Becca might hug her again. She would have, too, if Ross and Lane hadn’t each kept a hold of her hands and led her down the hallway. There was some vibe that Kennedy Van Camp seemed to give off that resembled loneliness, but Becca couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Take care, Kennedy,” Lane said over his shoulder. “If we don’t speak to you before the holidays, enjoy. We’ll give you a call when we get back into town.”

Becca forgot all about Ms. Van Camp as Ross started to whisper what they were going to do with her on the car ride to their parents’ house. Did he just mention they wanted to see how many orgasms she could have on the drive there? Becca would have to try to negotiate that number down and smothered a laugh at how Lane would react to that. But she’d really like to meet their mom and dad with some resemblance of a mature, classy woman instead of the flushed-faced submissive she was underneath that exterior.

“Have a nice holiday,” Jenny called out.

After returning her sentiment, Becca thought about the upcoming season versus last year. So much had changed and it all transpired because of Kennedy Van Camp and Safeword LLC. Becca would be eternally grateful that she’d been given the opportunity to find her true inner self and the men of her dreams. She knew without a doubt that she’d have the same reaction to their commands fifty years from now as she’d had to that first order.


* * * *


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release is only obtained after first being restrained…









To me, reading is an escape from reality. We all have those times when reality becomes too much and we need something to lighten our hearts. Reading has always given me that, but recently, I was lucky enough to meet a man who was able to do that for me in a different way. He’s shown me that reality can be just as much fun as fiction. As a mother, it’s important to me to show my son that life is full of surprises and that we must cherish every day we are given. Here’s to lightening our hearts!



For all titles by Peyton Elizabeth, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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