Read The Golden Chalice Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

The Golden Chalice (12 page)

The door slammed. Lee turned from his bar. Sasha marched into the center of his office with her hands to her hips. He picked up his glass, sipped, and stared. “Make it quick.”

“Michelle told me she was going to send me away. Permanently. Is this true?”

“It is.”

“So all the work I did for you is for nothing? I’m of no use to you now it’s done? Just like that?”

“Just like that.” Lee returned to his desk chair. He set down his shot glass on the coaster and took a seat behind his large office desk.

Sasha crossed her arms defensively and Lee reclined in his chair, unblinking. “I see how this works. For months we laid low until Queen Michelle healed. Now she’s here and you’re doing anything to get in good with her. Right? My sister give you a second chance on the condition you get rid of me?”

“Your sister agreed to marry me, Sasha. Sending you away is my wedding gift to her.”

Sasha mocked him with laughter. “She did not. She wouldn’t marry you! She hates you, Lee. Open your eyes!”

“She agreed. After we drop you off, we’re getting married. She made a choice, sweetheart.” Lee leaned forward, arms to his desk. “Just as you made one long ago.”

“What about Kumar?”

“Kumar stays. He’s not part of the deal.”

Sasha rushed his desk. She leaned forward on it and looked him in the eye. “Please. Lee, you don’t understand. He and I are in love. We belong together. Please.”

“I don’t care to understand. Kumar stays. Now I suggest you pack up all those expensive coats you keep ordering. I hear it’s cold in Prague.”

Stammering a defensive response, Sasha nearly choked on her anguish. Nothing coherent escaped her. She backed up, horrified. The uncaring eyes fixed on her filled her with dread for Kumar’s life. If Lee found out he was using and working for Monk Eastman, he’d kill him. In that moment, she knew it was the truth. She sucked in a breath and held it, trying to think it through. “Okay. Fine. So congratulations.” She forced a smile to her voice. “Seriously, a paid life far away from this drama is what a girl needs.”

Lee observed her silently.

“I um, I think we need to celebrate.”

“Celebrate?” Lee asked with a raised brow.

“Yes, yeah, celebrate. You want to announce it, right? This is big. After what Michelle pulled off, her name is rolling off everyone’s lips. You need to let them know who she’s down with. I know when Pops got to the raspberry diamonds, he couldn’t keep the wolves away. My sister is the most wanted diamond thief in the world right now, and she’s going to be your wife. I say that calls for celebrating. Right?”

Lee regarded her with suspicion. Sasha grinned. “It’s a great idea. I mean, hey, I’ll come right out and admit it. I got a motive.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah, I’m trying to buy time. If I got to leave the love of my life behind, I need—I need time…and a way to say goodbye. My way.”

The wait for him to agree was pure torture. Sasha almost doubted he’d give her the okay. Lee rocked back in his chair and winked. “A party. Not a bad idea. Talk it over with her and see if she wants it. It’s okay with me.”

Sasha nodded, backing toward the door. “Thanks, Lee. You won’t regret it. I promise you won’t.”




The afternoon meetings with his associates ran over. Lee missed dinner. There was so much going on around him he had no time for food, or anything. When he opened the doors to their bedroom he found Evita and Lupe resting on either side of the bed. They looked up and walked off to their corners. Michelle lay under the covers.

Lee closed the door and approached the bed silently. Tonight she’d chosen one of the negligees he’d picked out when they visited the coast. The soft yellow satin and lace against her honey-bronzed skin stirred his desire for her once more. As if feeling the heat in his stare, she turned on her pillow and opened her eyes. Her gaze met his.

“I waited for you,” she said in a sleepy voice.

He smiled. “Did you?”

“Come to bed, Lee. I’ve missed you.” She extended her hand, his ring glistening from her finger. Lee shed his sports coat and clothes and did as she asked. Michelle drew the covers down, welcoming him in. Her eyes were soft and her touch gentle. She smelled clean and looked beautiful.

“Bad day, sweetie?” she asked. She kissed the side of his mouth. Her hand ran smoothly over his chest.

“Not one of my best.” He kissed her cheek and rolled over on her. “I know you’re playing me. I know it.”

He felt her tense. Trapped beneath him. She looked up into his eyes. “I…wouldn’t betray you, Lee.”

“I don’t care. I wouldn’t love you so much if you just rolled over and played wife. But I will show you, Michelle. This is for keeps, and soon you will give in and be mine.”

Lee pushed her legs apart with his hard thighs. He reached beneath and drew up her gown for full access. His entry was swift. She sighed and gripped his ass to drive him deeper. Lee saw Michelle wince at his hard thrusts but her body welcomed the act and met him with equal passion. He buried his face in her neck to keep from crying out. Soft, whimpering sounds escaped her while he ravished her body. Grunting through his release, he lay on her until his heart stopped racing. When he shifted off her, he caught a glimpse of her profile. She stared up at the ceiling. Lee squeezed his eyes shut. He lay there for long, drawn-out minutes without speaking.



“I do love you.” She moved into his space. “I want to go to sleep closer to you.”

He opened his arm for her, and she snuggled up against him. He wished he could believe her. He chose, again, to pretend to claim sleep.



Chapter Nine



Four days later


The champagne poured. Sparkling golden liquid splashed out of the tops of crystal flutes and rolled over slippery tongues of politicians, celebrities, dealers, hustlers—a very eclectic mix.

She moved gracefully in her slender gown. Black with a plunging back neckline, the fabric parted at the split above her left thigh. Michelle could see her reflection on the mirror-like surface of the large windows. Her hair was swept up in a stack of curls. A few fell over her brow. She tossed her chin upward to knock away the locks and focus on the crowd. Michelle had to admit, her sister had planned the party pretty nicely. Sasha always had a knack for spending someone else’s money.

When she gave her approval for the party, it sparked a firestorm of excitement from her kid sister. Lee spared no expense. The entire lower level was open to their visitors. His private floors were sealed, of course, by armed men. People gathered in the halls and the dining room, which spilled out into the parlor, where a live band played.

“Come with me, lovely.” Lee stepped up behind her. His hand slipped around her waist. Michelle could feel herself sink into the cushion of his strong embrace. “Time for me to show off the rarest jewel.”

After a deep swallow of champagne, she dropped the flute on a passing tray raised by the palm of a very lean server. Together they navigated the cheery crowd, and Michelle could feel the eyes of some of the world’s most notorious smugglers and thieves on her. Lee escorted her to a more private gathering of men in his billiard room. Waiting for her were three of the most ruthless men, cowering in a cloud of cigar smoke. Don Gio straightened his large form after a pool ball strike and fastened his gaze on her. Monk Eastman and Escobar watched her, expressionless.

“Here she is. Am I a lucky man or what?” Lee asked, with his hand firmly pressed to her hip, keeping her close.

“Hello, boys,” Michelle said.

“Indeed.” Don Gio tipped his head, nodding in her direction.

Monk raised his glass in greeting.

Escobar cleared his throat. “You’re more beautiful each time I see you. Pops is up there smiling down on you both.” He raised his glass in respect. “Congratulations.”

Michelle eased her arm around Lee’s waist and held to him. “Thank you.”

“When’s the big day, Lee?” Don Gio asked, a dark smirk curling the corners of his mouth. He wore a tux like the other men, but his large stomach and three-hundred-pound frame made the tailoring a bit tight around the shoulders. He leaned on the pool cue, keeping her in his line of sight.

“Lee has left that up to me,” Michelle answered. “I’m still trying to decide on the venue and dress. We’ll nail down the date.”

Lee stepped from her side. She glanced over to see how intensely he fixated on Don Gio when the gangster’s interest lingered on her breasts. What did he expect? These men were scum. She reached and squeezed his hand to reassure him it didn’t bother her in the least. “I’ll let you boys get down to business. We have guests I should attend to.”

He nodded his approval. Michelle winked at him and turned and left. She didn’t look behind her. She knew they watched. Her nerves were on edge. She went in search of another glass of champagne.




“Gentlemen, excuse us.” Lee gestured for Monk to follow him. The walk to his private office was just up the hall. Monk Eastman followed him. “I assume you came with an engagement gift.”

“As promised.” He removed the envelope from the inside of his tuxedo jacket and tossed it on the desk. Lee removed several photos of Abahti meeting with men he didn’t recognize.

“The Nigerians?” Lee asked, resealing the envelope.

“Not the major players, but yes. The man in the photo is known as Marfo. We’ve done business before. I’ve learned he’s in constant contact with your man.”

“I had hopes I was wrong,” Lee lied. Oh, he believed. He also knew more, of Monk’s play to take the Chalice. Did they all think him an idiot?

Monk chuckled. “There’s a bonus in it.”

“Bonus?” Lee asked.

“Another snake in your pit. One that I uncovered by accident.”


“Your tech, the Indian? He’s hooked on china white.”


“That’s right. He and the young Dixon girl plan to hit you tonight for the Chalice, sell it to me for ten million, and make a run for it.”

“Interesting. Very interesting.”




“Can you hear me, baby?” Kumar asked.

“Yeah, I hear you.” Sasha dashed quickly for the back stairs. Once out of sight, she stopped and kicked off her heels. The royal-purple cocktail dress she’d chosen was short on the thighs, short enough for her to do the job. However, time had already escaped them, with Lee conducting business during the party. Eventually, she convinced Michelle to collect him and draw him and the other men out of the offices.


“Here. I’m here.” She scanned her surroundings. The security camera was trained on her. She knew her sweetie watched from behind the lens. When she crept into the private hall, she paused. No one stood before Lee’s office door. “Why isn’t there a guard on the door?” she asked.

“Not many know he has the safe inside. But the security triggers on this level would have been tripped if anyone in the house who didn’t know how to disarm it entered his office. Lee probably has security to the north and south perimeters. Remember, he trusts my system, Sasha. Don’t worry, I can see everything.”

“So we’re clear? You sure?” Sasha stared at the door with dread. Once she breached those doors, there would be no going back. Her life, from this day forward, would be spent on the run with Kumar. She’d never see Michelle again. Everything would change.

“Go in. Now!”

She drew in a deep breath and went inside. Careful to keep the lights off, she removed a small pen flashlight from the crease between her breasts and flicked it on. “I’m in,” she panted.

“You okay? You sound funny?”

“I’m scared, Kumar. Jeesh, this had better work.”

“Calm down. Listen, Sasha, it’s not too late. You can leave and we can call it off. I’ll just face Lee and tell him the truth. We can try—”

“No. No. It’s too late for that now. He’s not going to listen to us and my sister won’t help us. We have to do this. Now where is the safe?”

“There will be a switch at the edge of the Picasso. Feel for it.”

Carefully, Sasha ran her hand under the edge of the frame and felt a small button. A single press and the wall shifted to reveal the cold, steel knob of the safe. Sasha stooped. She ran the light over the dial and smiled. “It’s a Garrett, like I said. I knew it would be the same as the one at the pool hall.”

“Open it, baby. Do it quick.”




Michelle plucked a grape and again listened to some athlete’s wife go on and on about rare finds she’d bought thanks to Lee. How great of a jeweler he was. How charitable he could be. Michelle nodded, saying a few words. Bored to tears, she excused herself to the ladies room. The pretension had left her nauseous. She even danced a bit with Lee to break up the boredom, until he once again was pulled from her arms. She gave up. To think Lee actually thought she’d want to play house to this bullshit.

The crowd grew and so did the celebrating. Michelle slipped out the open door, past his men, and their guests, in search of solitude. The glasses of champagne she’d drunk left her a little wobbly on her feet. She rubbed her weary eyes and opened them to the sound of someone ahead of her. Michelle stopped. Sasha crept along the other end of the corridor with something in her arms, draped in velvet. Curious, Michelle watched her. Sasha found a pair of shoes she’d apparently tucked behind a large vase and swapped them out, easing the new ones onto her feet. Michelle lifted her gaze to the camera in the hall and made sure to stay in the shadows, out of sight. Sasha disappeared around the corner. She knew her sister must be headed for the stairwell that led up to the rooms.

The door her sister walked out of was Lee’s office. Michelle shook her head sadly at how predictably stupid Sasha proved to be. And, as usual, her little sister was in way over her head.




“I’m clear. I’m here…. Open up. Hurry.”

Kumar opened the door and pulled her in. Sasha couldn’t stop grinning. The fear had been such an adrenaline rush; she felt superhuman. Kumar hugged her tight, the Chalice pressed tightly against her breast. “Hey, I can’t breathe.” She laughed.

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