Read The Kari's Lessons Collection Online

Authors: Cassandra Zara,Lucinda Lane

The Kari's Lessons Collection (4 page)

I felt a deep sense of shame. My cheeks and chest reddened
with a blush that wouldn’t seem to fade. At times the nature of my chore
dictated that I bend or squat in an extremely unflattering position and I’d try
to hide this from Max’s view, mostly by covering myself clumsily with my hands.

And yet despite the embarrassment and shame I felt, I also
found myself becoming increasingly turned on. Perhaps it was
the embarrassment and shame. This combined with my uncertain feelings for Max
only added to my state of confusion.

As I worked I could feel how wet my pussy was. With each
step I experienced my slick and glistening folds sliding against one another.
It felt as if the juices were running out of me and I was sure Max must have
been able to smell it. If that were the case then he must have known how turned
on I was.

As I worked my demeanor began to change. I went from trying
to hide my body, to trying to show it off. I had noticed Max casting the
occasional appraising glance in my direction and I wanted to remind him that
even though he had a tendency to treat me as his little girl, I was actually a
woman. I wanted him to notice that.


- X -


I was close to finishing when I heard him chuckle under his
breath. I had the feeling it had been done for my benefit and he was expecting
a response. Given that I was hoping there was more to this punishment than
cleaning a room in the nude, I decide to give him one.

“What’s so funny Daddy?”

“Oh, you should read some of these comments. A lot of people
seem to be enjoying your little movie, but some people aren’t impressed.”

I was unsure what he meant and he must have seen this
confusion on my face as he beckoned me over to look at his computer once again.
The top comment on the screen read, “Someone should buy that skinny bitch a
razor if she’s going to wear a swimsuit like that!” Another poster had leaped
to my defense claiming that they quite liked the natural look, but everyone
else seemed to accuse him of being a “white knight”. Whatever that meant.

I blushed furiously. Even though the footage from the cell
phone was blurry it was clear that I really should have paid a little more
attention to my personal grooming before wearing that swimsuit in public. I
mean it wasn’t a jungle down there, I kept myself neatly trimmed, but the thin
triangle of fabric covering my mound demanded a little more than “neatly
trimmed”. I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed it when I’d put it on, too much to
drink I guess.

I was mortified. Getting caught topless on someone’s cell
wasn’t exactly a big deal. But this... this was a disaster. I looked up to
catch Max looking down at my crotch with a smirk on his face and immediately
brought my hands down to cover myself.

“I think we need to do something about this Kari. Wait

I stood rooted to the spot as Max left the room. His
computer screen was still on the comments. Someone had even included a still
image from the video, blown up, with the stray hairs escaping my swimsuit
circled. This was a nightmare!

When he returned Max was carrying a small towel and a dinky
little toiletries bag. He put them on the counter, grabbed a large bowl from a
cupboard, and began to fill it with hot water. I guess I was being a little
slow, but it was only then that I realized what he intended to do.

No no no no no.

“You can’t do this!”

My stomach was doing flip-flops as I struggled to keep it
together. Lusting after Max was one thing. Even my bare bottomed spanking and
the fact that he’d gotten me off afterwards seemed relatively tame... but this
was a whole new level of intimacy. And yet my pussy didn’t seem to mind.
Already aroused and wet from traipsing around him in the nude, I felt it
becoming even more juicy as my clit sent out little pulses of excitement.

“Of course I can. If you can’t take care of it yourself I
guess I’m going to have to do it for you. Now hop up on the counter.”

I felt my stomach drop. He wasn’t bluffing, this was going
to happen. I struggled to hide my nervousness as I climbed up onto the narrow
breakfast bar.

“Right, lie back here,” Max said as he helped me into
position. I had to bring my knees up but kept them together. I didn’t know if I
could go through with this.

Max dragged a stool around and placed the bowl of hot water,
towel and his shaving kit on it. Then I felt his hands on my knees applying
firm and insistent pressure to push them apart.

I chewed my lip and closed my eyes tight as a futile last
line of defense. As my legs were spread wide I could feel how wet I was. I
could smell myself. That unmistakable bitch-in-heat scent wafting up from
between my legs.

“Oh dear. Someone is a little excited isn’t she?”

I squeezed my eyes tighter and muttered an inaudible

“What was that?”


I felt a finger at the base of my pussy and then it was
slowly dragged upwards. Separating my lips with an embarrassing little squelch
as my natural lubrication helped it move smoothly, coming to rest firmly
against my clit. I groaned and shamelessly bucked my hips upwards against the

“Yes what?” Max held his finger firmly against my clit
awaiting a response as I pushed myself against him.

“Y...yes Daddy.”

“Well I must say I approve, but we’re going to have to clean
you up a bit first.”

I groaned again when the hot, wet towel came in contact with
my pussy. Max wiped me down, cleaning up where my oozing juices had escaped
from between my lips. I felt a rush of pride that he seemed to be impressed by
how wet I got. I’d always thought guys would find it kind of gross.

When I was sufficiently cleaned up, Max applied some shaving
cream. The lotion was smooth against my skin and had a tingly menthol feel.

I was still uncomfortable. I wanted Max, but not like this.
The fact that he had such an up close and personal view of my cunt made me feel
more vulnerable than I’d ever felt before. I struggled to breathe, it felt like
I was having some kind of panic attack.

“Calm down sweetheart. There’s nothing to be scared of.”

To emphasize his point Max parted my pussy lips with his
fingers and gave my clit another little stroke. This time I gasped with
surprise. The menthol shaving foam added a new intense sensation that made my
clit tingle. It was almost too much to take.

Max placed one hand on my tummy and pressed down, forcing my
hips flat against the table. I hadn’t even noticed I’d been thrusting them
upwards. As much as I wanted to deny this, my body certainly seemed to be fairly
eager. Almost embarrassingly so. I’m sure that to Max I must have looked

I felt the scrape of a razor tugging at the sensitive skin
of my mound. I winced as it caught on a stray hair, but mostly the shaving
cream made it all fairly smooth. After a couple of short scrapes Max tapped the
razor against the side of the bowl.
Tap tap tap
. And returned to remove
some more hair.

I tried to relax a little. Like going to the salon or
getting a treatment, part of the experience was supposed to be the luxury of
having someone else maintain your body. Max was taking his time, doing a
workmanlike job. Each little scrape was followed by the same
tap tap tap
of the razor against the plastic bowl.

Scrape, scrape, tap tap tap.

When he placed the hot towel against me again I gave a
little squeak of surprise. The hot water on my bare skin tingled and almost
stung, but that sensation passed. I longed to see it. When I thought about how
it would look it felt like I had butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

But Max wasn’t done yet. If I had thought I had been
vulnerable before it was nothing compared to how I felt when Max applied the
shaving foam liberally over my cunt and down along the crack of my ass.

He, this man who insisted I called him Daddy, was going to see
everything. Nothing would be hidden from him and from this point forward,
whenever we interacted in any way, I was going to feel this hanging over us.
How would I be able to look him in the eye without feeling burning shame?

As he probed and prodded, working the razor gently against
my most sensitive parts all I could muster was a whimper of protest that was
soon replaced with more moans and groans. Why did it have to feel so good? I
was trying not to respond to his touch, but I could feel my pussy becoming wet
all over again. I didn’t understand how I could feel so completely exposed and
humiliated... but still want it so much.

I endured the humiliation for another ten minutes before he
stood and went to get some fresh water. When he was done he took his time
toweling me down for the last time. Then he splashed something cold against my
skin. I prepared to scream, but it wasn’t aftershave, just some kind of
soothing lotion. It felt luxurious and soft and took all the sting out of my
freshly shaved skin.

I didn’t feel any different, but I desperately wanted to see
it. I had an image in my head of what I must have looked like. Completely bare,
my skin smooth soft and pink.

I was about to ask Daddy if I could go and have a look, but
before I got a chance I felt his finger again. This time he started right down
in the crack of my ass.

Everything felt soft and lubricated by the lotion and I felt
a sudden urge to slide myself forwards and feel that finger in my ass. However
I missed my chance as the finger traveled upwards, between my lips once more.
Oh God that felt good. I moaned and forced my freshly shaved crotch forwards,
desperate for more.

“Oh Daddy please,” I begged him. He laughed and I felt his
finger slide deep inside me. My pussy was contracting around it as I tried to
hold him there. But it was no use, I was far too wet and slippery and he slid
out again.

Max brought the finger to his lips, inhaling deeply and
closing his eyes as he exhaled.

“You smell divine Kari. You look amazing, you smell divine and
I bet you taste...”

He couldn’t resist.

I wanted to protest. This was so wrong. This crossed so many
lines that could never be uncrossed. I wanted to tell him no and run from the
room, but that wasn’t going to happen. I wanted him too much and my body felt
like it had been primed, ready to explode.

 Max... Daddy, he was
Daddy right now, bent low and placed his face against me. I could feel him
there, flush against me as he inhaled me, getting his fill of my scent. His
arms slid under my legs and up along my thighs. He found my forearms and
gripped them tightly, pulling me to him, pulling me harder against his face.

“Oh... oh God.” I felt a sudden urge to cry. He wasn’t even
doing anything yet, and my body screamed at me, begging me to provide it with
what it needed. And then, just as I felt like I would explode I felt his tongue
against me.

It started at my ass, pressed hard against my tight rose. I
could feel myself clench up as soon as he made contact, but it felt so good. He
hardened his tongue and traveled upwards, parting my lips once more forcing and
itself into my trembling pussy. More, I wanted more... and I got more.

His tongue, flattened now, pressed firmly against my clit
and circled. I took a massive gasp of air. I needed it, I needed to ready
myself. The muscles in the back of my legs were trembling as his circling
tongue brought me to the brink of orgasm.

And then it was gone.

“Noooo. Oh... Oh shit oh fuck. Daddy please.” I thrust my
hips upwards, desperately trying to find his tongue again. When that didn't
work, I tried to free my hands, but he held my arms tight and I could not. I
whimpered and writhed and bucked against him.

“Now we see the real you don’t we?” He grinned down at me,
his chin glistening with my juices. “None of the cutesy...
please don’t
spank me Daddy
bullshit. No attention whore shenanigans with your hot
friend. I can see you Kari. I can see who you are. And what you want. And what
you need. You’re going to have to earn it though.”

“Please. Please Daddy whatever you say.” Even as I said it I
could feel my orgasm slipping away. It would have been amazing. It would have
been like nothing else and now it was going, going and gone. It left me with an
overwhelming need deep down in my guts. A need that fueled me. I would do anything.
Anything to feel like that again. That was it. That was what he saw in me.

He pulled me forward, lifting me off the counter and
lowering me to the floor. I almost toppled, my legs were so shaky. It felt as
if the lower half of my body had turned to liquid. I stood in front of him for
a moment, naked, tiny and exposed, before reaching for the buckle of his jeans.

He didn’t push me away. He didn’t say no. The time was right
and we both knew it. This is how I would earn it.

I sunk to my knees in front of him.

When I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down his cock
jumped straight out at me like a beast that had been waiting to be freed. It
was rock-hard and ramrod-straight.

It was big. I’m not sure what I’d been expecting. But it
seemed really big. I’d held a couple of hard cocks in my hand, but that was
about it. I’d never had one right up in my face like this before. His shaft was
so hard it looked almost painful. And his head, purple and engorged, bobbed
cheekily up and down in front of me, inches from my lips.

I wasn’t really sure how to approach it. I mean we’ve all
seen the videos right? Girls gagging on massive cocks, their mascara running,
drool dripping from their chins. I didn’t know if I could do that. I’d choke
for sure.

For now I just wrapped the fingers of one hand around it and
pulled it down a little, bringing that big purple head in line with my lips. I
flicked at it with my tongue. There was already something clear leaking from
the tip and I tasted it. Salty. Not unpleasant.

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