Read The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes Online

Authors: Linda Alvarez

Tags: #Romance

The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes (11 page)

“Yes. And I did it.”

“With that guy we just saw?”

“With that guy.”


“I went to the bar in drag …”

“In a dress?” asked Tad.

Jamal chuckled. “No, silly. She went in guy drag.”

Though come to think of it, I pretty much look like I’m in drag when I wear a dress, too. “Yeah,” I said. “Little goatee, little bit of extra swagger in the walk. Wore my regular clothes. Walked right in. I mean, I go in there as a chick, so I thought the bouncer would recognize me. He got this look like he almost did, but then you could see he didn’t make the connection. I didn’t speak the whole time. Ordered a beer at the bar by pointing at the draught spigot. When I started drinking it, I knew I’d have to do something soon, before I needed to go and piss.”

Tad was shaking his head. “Susanna, you are something else.”

“Susanna left home. I’m Shuck.”

“What happened then?”

“I saw this guy looking at me. That guy, the one on the beach. I started staring him down, looking him up and down. If I did that to a woman, she’d probably run a mile. But this guy, he came and sat next to me. Said hi. I didn’t answer, just pointed with my chin over to the bathroom. Shit, I didn’t think it would work! Figured he’d see I was a woman, and I’d have to pass it all off as a joke.

“But that didn’t happen. He just gave me this rude, slow smile. Leaned over and whispered that he’d see me in there. And off he headed, to the john.

“My heart was fucking hammering in my chest, I tell you. But I put down my beer, followed him. He slipped into a stall, and I slipped in behind him. He reached for me, but I didn’t want him touching me too much. Women’s skin has this soft feeling, you know? Even mine. Didn’t want that to give me away. So I pushed his back against the stall door. I sat on the toilet, unzipped him …”

“Shit, that’s hot,” said Jamal. He was leaning forwards, his mouth a little open. His cock was firming up. I was getting a tingle in my shorts, too, telling this story.

“He was hard the second I got his dick out of his pants. I slid my hands up under his shirt, grazed his nipples, pulled on them a little.”

Tad swallowed.

“I ran my tongue around the head of his dick. He moaned, kinda low. I held on to his dick, gave it a good squeeze. It jumped in my hand.”

Tad got this odd look. He squeezed his knees together and said, “You know, you better stop talking like that, else you might see something you don’t wanna see.”

Oh, yes. Now we were getting somewhere. Jamal looked up at his lover, gave him an evil grin.

I stared right into Tad’s eyes. “What you covering up there, Tad?” I said. Jamal snickered, but I held Tad’s gaze like the headlights hold the deer’s. “Something I’m saying getting you horny? Something about the way I pinched that man’s nipples, and took his dick in my fist and slid up and down, squeezing whenever my fingers went past the head?”

Tad gulped. He cupped his hands tighter around himself, but he wasn’t fooling me; those hands were rubbing up and down, ever so slightly.

“You didn’t know I did guys, did you? Only sometimes, Thaddeus. Only when the man is as gay as I am, and there’s no hope in hell of pretending that the sex we’re having is straight sex.”

Jamal shot me a look. Was that admiration? I set my focus back on Tad. Jamal could match anything I could dish out, throw the challenge back in my face. We understood each other. Tad was the one I’d have to convince, if this was going to happen.

“Tad,” I said.

“Yeah.” His voice was raspy.

“You know what I did next?”


“I had my fist around that dick, feeling the little surging swells as he got more turned on. I took the other hand away from his nipples …”

“Aw!” protested Jamal.

“Hush, you,” I told him. “I took my hand away from his nipples, slid it flat down his belly, towards his cock. Held the head in one hand, just pumping a little, back and forth …”

“Oh, God,” whispered Tad. He was openly stroking himself now, hiding the view from me with one hand, sliding the other up and down over his cock and balls.

“… held that head, and drew my nails, very lightly, up the underside of his cock.”

Tad’s mouth opened.

“He moaned again, louder this time. He leaned back against the door. He had his hands at the top of the cubicle, hanging on to either side. I could see the muscles straining in his arms.”

Tad made a little breathy noise.

“He got a drop of pre-come at the tip of his dick, just twinkling in the eye. I rubbed my thumb in it and used it to moisten the head of his dick.”

Jamal moved in closer to Tad, laid his head on Tad’s knee. Tad jumped, and Jamal stroked Tad’s inner thigh. “Shh, baby, it’s OK,” he said.

Tad’s eyes flicked from Jamal to me, a desperate, needy glance.

Jamal chuckled. He ran his tongue along the outside of Tad’s thigh, licked his lips, and said to me, “So, did you suck him off?”

“Jamal!” Tad sat up straight. His hands slipped a little, and I could see his cock: compact, dark like the rest of him, with a pretty pink tip. Nice. “Jesus Christ, Shuck. You’re my friend. We shouldn’t …”

Jamal pressed Tad back against the rock, stroked his tummy. “Don’t fret, Daddy. This is fun.” Bless the boy. He looked back at me. “So. Did you?”

I shook my head. “Suck him off? Not my thing. You know what I did instead?”

“What?” whispered Tad. Jamal gave him an encouraging smile.

“I spat on the place where my hand and his dick met, got it nice and wet. I started pumping his whole dick, slow.”

Jamal ducked under Tad’s leg, moved Tad’s hands away from his cock and balls, held them out away from his body. “Like this?” he said. He spat on Tad’s erect cock. Tad gasped. His hands made clutching motions. Jamal let them go. Tad held on to Jamal’s shoulders, threw his head back. “Like this?” Jamal asked again, and started sliding Tad’s cock between his fist. Fuck, they were lovely.

“Kinda like that,” I told Jamal. “Keep going.” I opened my own knees, thumbed my shorts open and yanked the zipper down. I could smell my own musk. I slid my hand between my belly and the spread-open zipper. No underwear; I mostly don’t bother with it. The crisp curls of my pubic hair were damp. Jamal dipped his mouth down to Tad’s cock, ran his tongue slowly around the head of it. Now both Tad and I were moaning. I splayed my legs wider. My fingers found the folds of my pussy lips. They were hot and slick. My clit was puffy in between them. It jumped at my touch, at the sight of Tad, eyes closed, mouth open, his hand around the back of Jamal’s neck. Tad was bucking his hips now, slowly, popping his cock in and out of Jamal’s mouth. Jamal, greedy Jamal, kept reaching for more.

“Jamal,” I said. I was hoarse. “Can you get to your knees?”

Jamal made a garbled sound of assent around Tad’s cock in his mouth. Tad reacted to the vibration with a slight shudder. Somehow Jamal managed to get into position, just like I’d asked. He spread his knees for traction, released Tad’s cock from his mouth, only to start licking and tonguing Tad’s balls. His perfect ass was displayed to my view, firm and dark as a cherry, two halves with the split between. Fuck. With my three middle fingers I started rubbing my pussy, fast and flat against my clit, fingers just dipping into my cunt with each push. I was creaming up inside my shorts.

There was sweat running down Tad’s chest and heavy belly. More of it beaded in his tight, short hair and the beautifully groomed goatee.

“God, you two are hot,” I muttered. Tad opened his eyes, saw me looking, squeezed them shut again. He slowed his incursions into Jamal’s mouth. I got a flash image of a black-furred head disappearing shyly beneath the water. Oh no you don’t, Tad. I wasn’t going to let this scene end here.

“So that guy in the bathroom?” I said to them.

“Mm?” mumbled Jamal, around a mouthful of Tad’s cock and balls.

“I’m working him up with one hand. I hold the other hand up to his mouth. I’m still not talking, but he gets the idea. He starts licking my hand. Gets it good and wet.”

“Shit,” whispered Tad. But the rhythm of his hips had sped up again.

“I took that hand, cupped his balls with it. But just for a second.” Remembering that forbidden night got me even wetter. I kept working my clit, slipped a couple of fingers on the other hand into my cunt, just at the entrance, beckoning against the front wall. Shit, shit, yeah. “Then,” I said, “I slipped my hand past his balls, back, until I touched his asshole. He jumped a little.”

So had Jamal. The motion pushed his ass out even further into relief. His little pink rosebud of an asshole winked at me. I could see the curling black hairs that ran from the small of his back down towards it, like an arrow.
Here’s the honey. Here
. Jamal had one hand on his own dick, stroking hard.

“I slipped one fingertip in …” I said.

Tad started to pant. His eyes were wide open now, fixed on Jamal’s busy mouth.

“His asshole squeezed tight around my finger, like a little kiss. Then it opened up for me.”

Jamal was making little groaning noises around Tad’s cock. I pushed off from my rock, dropped to my knees beside them. Knees would pay for that later. My clit under my strumming fingers felt like a marble in syrup. The fingers of my other hand stroked hard against the spongy ridge just inside my cunt. It pushed back. Soon. “I …” My body was shaking, my crotch jutting towards Jamal and Tad. My thigh muscles knotted. It felt good. “I pushed one finger inside him. Then two. He took them both.”

“Shuck,” muttered Tad, “it’s … I’m …” Jamal had his fist clamped tight around the base of Tad’s cock, his mouth working the head. His hand between his own legs was almost a blur. He was screwing his ass around in the air. He looked so nasty.

“I plunged those fingers in and out of him, feeling him clasp them with each push. His dick was hard as iron in my hands.”

The letting-down feeling started inside me, muscles starting to push down and forwards. It was like I needed to piss.

“He slammed his shoulders back against the door. His crotch was arched way out. He was calling out for Jesus. He started to come. It spurted …”

Tad made this low, deep growl. His body began to spasm. Jamal pulled his mouth away so we could watch the gouts of juice rhythmically pumping out of Tad’s cock. He stared, intent, at his lover’s crotch, then came himself, hard and roaring.

That put me over the edge. My hand was flying at my clit, my forearms like cables. My own body pushed my fingers out of me, and I let go, and I was flying. I howl and laugh when I come, and I squirt. Lots. When I was done, the front of my shorts was sopping, and Tad’s foot and Jamal’s knee were in a puddle of girl-juice-soaked sand. I collapsed on to my side, breathing hard. Was going to be hell getting the sand out of my dreads.

I heard a noise behind us. I pulled my hands out of my pants and rolled over. Two eager heads had just pushed through the bushes to see what all the commotion was about. “Oh, excuse us,” said the two men. They tromped away, giggling. I heard one of them say, “Was that a
with them?”

Jamal started laughing – a low, slow roll. He put his head on T a d ’s knee and said to me, “Girl, you are some dirty bitch.” He reached out and high-fived me. Our hands made a wet noise as they slapped together.

Tad still looked a little sheepish, but his whole body was more relaxed now. He leaned back against the rock, stroked Jamal’s head. “Is this Canadian hospitality, Shuck?” he teased me.

I put my head against the warm sand, reached out a foot and slid it along first Tad’s leg, then Jamal’s. I was going to have quite the story to tell Sula tonight. I admired our skins, the three shades of brown against the pale sand. “Look at us,” I said.

“Three black sheep,” Jamal joked.

“Three black berries,” I replied.

Tad gave a happy sigh. “And such sweet juice.”


Karen Leaves her Husband for the First Time

Catherine Lundoff

How do you tell your husband you’re dumping him for his assistant?
That question was almost enough to make Karen walk out of the lobby, get back on the train and forget this particular errand. She didn’t have to get on the elevator and go upstairs to see him after all. There was always the coward’s way out: the note on the table, the carefully removed possessions. But she couldn’t do that to Danny somehow. It didn’t feel right. Not even if Elaine would punish her for it afterwards, just the way she deserved.

That thought brought a hot flush to her entire body and her walk slowed to a languorous strut that made heads turn as she made her way to the elevator. Memories of her last stolen moments with Elaine filled her head, licked their way up her thighs and drove hard little fists inside her until she found herself standing in front of the receptionist’s desk in Danny’s office with no idea of how she got there. It took a few seconds for her to find the breath to get the words past her lips. “I need to see Danny.”

The woman at the desk raised an eyebrow but turned to check his calendar without making any comment. “I’m afraid he’s in a meeting for the next twenty minutes, Mrs Anderson. It looks like that’s his last one for today though. Would you like to wait in his office?” She buzzed Karen in after a mute nod answered her question. Karen walked slowly past her and inched her way into Danny’s office without being noticed by anyone else. She shut the door behind her with a sigh of relief and collapsed in one of the chairs.

Then there was nothing to do but sit for an eternity and rehearse what she was going to say. She felt a little guilty that she hadn’t told Elaine that she was going to do this today; after all, it was Elaine’s job on the line if Danny freaked out. Maybe she should just tell him there was someone else and leave it at that. She wiped her shaking hands off on her skirt and eyed it critically. It was too short and too tight for this kind of talk. Then there were the flimsy lace panties under it and the sheer bra under her silky blouse. All in all, she looked like a woman who dressed to be fucked, not to ask her husband for a divorce.

The realization made her groan. Her head had been full of seeing Elaine tonight, not on how Danny would respond to her this afternoon. Besides, Elaine had bought the lingerie set for her and insisted she put it on this morning. Anyway, it had been ages since Danny had paid much attention to her at all so why expect things to change now? He didn’t even have a photo of her on his desk.
That’s it. Get mad. It’ll be easier that way
. She made herself hang on to that thought, adding to it by remembering every slight and argument of the last few months. By the time Danny walked in, she was fuming and her outfit was all about what he wasn’t getting any more.

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