Read The No-cry Sleep Solution Online

Authors: Elizabeth Pantley

The No-cry Sleep Solution (80 page)

Unusual situations, 186–87

Solid feeding, 50

U.S. Consumer Product Safety

Soothing pats, 150

Commission, xvi

Sounds, newborns, 84–85

on co-sleeping, 37

Strollers, 31

U.S. Public Health Service, 29

Stuffed toys, 34, 117–19

Success and sleep plan, 181–82

Vanzant, Iyanla, 14

Sucking-to-sleep association, older

Verbally soothing baby, 150

babies, 126–29

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Waking for night feedings, 75–76

(SIDS), xvi, 29–33

Warm beds, 85

Swaddling, 31, 83

Warmth while sleeping, 33

Sweet Dreams
(Fleiss and

Windows and night sleeping, 120

Hodges), 6

Working parents

older babies, 104–5

Talking in sleep, 202

Worrying about sleep, 228

Teething, 187–89

Ten-day nap log, 174

Yesterday, I Cried
(Vanzant), 14

About the Author

Parenting educator Elizabeth Pantley is president of Better Beginnings, Inc., a family resource and education company.

Elizabeth frequently speaks to parents in schools, hospitals, and parent groups, and her presentations are received with enthusiasm and praise.

She is a regular radio show guest and frequently quoted as a parenting expert in magazines such as
Working Mother
Woman’s Day
Good Housekeeping
, and
and on more than fifty parent-directed websites. She publishes a newsletter,
Parent Tips
, that is distributed in schools nationwide, and she is the author of three previous parenting books:

Hidden Messages: What Our Words and Actions Are
Really Telling Our Children

Perfect Parenting: The Dictionary of 1,000 Parenting Tips

Kid Cooperation: How to Stop Yelling, Nagging and Plead-ing & Get Kids to Cooperate

Her most recent credits include
The Successful Child: What
Parents Can Do to Help Kids Turn Out Well
(Little, Brown and Company), a joint effort with Dr. William and Martha Sears.

She and her husband, Robert, live in the state of Washing-ton with their four children, Grama (Elizabeth’s mother), and assorted family pets. She is an involved participant in her children’s school and sports activities and has served in positions as varied as softball coach and school PTA president.

All four of her children sleep through the night.

Copyright 2002 by Better Beginnings, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

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