Read The Rogue Reviewer (Primrose, Minnesota Book 3) Online

Authors: Mia Dymond

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #drama, #novel, #detective, #writer, #psychiatrist, #attorney, #novelist, #corpse, #condo, #research, #townhouse

The Rogue Reviewer (Primrose, Minnesota Book 3) (20 page)

“How did you get inside?”

“I picked the lock. I used to be a crime
reporter, don’t you remember? A lot of research goes into
non-fiction too.”

If Mace hadn’t been so focused on keeping her
alive, he might have taken the time to enjoy the fact she was
speechless. Instead, he inched closer and moved from against the
wall and into the doorway. He knew Dara could see him but she
didn’t let on. He inched his way closer to Tom.

“But then you turned to that cop,” Tom
continued. “If I can’t have you, he can’t either.”

Mace cocked his weapon. Tom turned and
pointed the gun at him.

“No!” Dara screamed and rushed forward.

Tom swung back around at the sound of her
voice and squeezed the trigger. Ryker suddenly appeared near the
laundry area, launched himself into the air and hit Dara, knocking
her to the floor beneath him. The bullet splintered the wood of the
kitchen table and then lodged in the far wall.

As if it happened in slow motion, Tom spun to
face Mace and pulled the trigger again. Mace managed to fire his
weapon just as the other man’s muzzle flashed. His bullet
penetrated the madman’s arm just as Mace’s leg caught fire and he
fell to the floor.

Tom stumbled and tried to right himself but
Ryker kicked the gun out of his hands and tackled him.

“About time you joined the party,” Mace said
through his pain. “I was beginning to think you were really

“My head’s about to explode, but at least I
didn’t get shot.”

Dara rolled her eyes at the easy banter
between them and squatted next to Mace. “Compare your battle scars
later.” She grabbed a kitchen towel and tied it around his leg,
pulling as tight as she could.

“Ow! Take it easy.”

“You’ll bleed to death.”

Mace placed his hand over hers. “I’m okay,

Her eyes welled up and the tears seeped from
the corners. “He shot you! Give me your gun.”


“I’m going to shoot him. He killed Evelyn in
my home and then shot you!”

She shook all over and began to hiccup.

“He messed up my car.carpet.” She paused for
another hiccup. “And used my kitchen knife. Her blood was all over
it and now I’m going to have to replace the set!”

Mace wrapped his arms around her, drew her
close, and attempted to absorb some of the shock he knew fueled her

“I’ll get you some new knives, but you’re not
getting your hands on a gun.”

She opened her mouth and he braced himself
for her argument when Jackson burst through the front door with his
gun drawn. “I heard gunshots.”

Mace fought the urge to give him a high five.
Ryker just laughed and tossed Jackson his cell phone. “Nice of you
to join us, Stewart. You might want to call for an ambulance. Or

Jackson glanced around the area. “Hell, I
missed all of it?”

“Yes.” Mace and Ryker answered in unison.

“Jackson, get an ambulance!” Dara

“Yes ma’am.” Jackson punched in the

“I can’t leave you alone for ten minutes, not
even with a locked door and two bodyguards.” Mace kissed the top of
her head. “Somehow you still managed to get into trouble.”

“This time it wasn’t my fault. I was just
minding my own business in my own kitchen.”

Mace turned to Ryker. “What took you so

“He was already here. The sorry sucker
ambushed me while I was getting in position.”

He glanced at Jackson. “Did you see him?”

“Not a thing.”

Sirens wailed in the distance and shortly
thereafter Mace was carried to an ambulance on a gurney while Tom
was taken to a second ambulance. Uniformed policemen waited to
determine if he would need to be transported to the hospital or to

“I really hate to bring this up,” Dara told
him as the attendants prepared to load the gurney, “but you bled
all over my new tile.”

“You’re pointing this out now, after I took a
bullet for you?”

“I told you I needed a gun,” she reminded

He released a hearty laugh, despite the pain
in his leg. “You’re absolutely right. As soon as I’m healed, I’ll
buy you a gun and take you to the shooting range.”

She leaned over the side of the gurney and
gave him a soft kiss before he was lifted inside. “Thank you.
You’ll find I’m a very quick study, Detective.”

“On one condition,” he said as the paramedic
reached for the door.

She cocked her head to one side and waited
for his answer.

“Promise me you won’t go rogue.”




Jackson glanced over at his partner who sat
propped in a chair while Dara plumped the pillows behind his head
and under his injured leg. “Milking this injury for all it’s worth,
aren’t you?”

Mace gave him a smug smile. “Jealous?”

He simply grinned and shook his head in a
noncommittal answer. Truth be told, he was a little jealous. His
partner had finally met his match in Dara and although he truly
enjoyed watching her annoy the hell out of his friend, he also knew
they were perfect for each other.

“You talked to the Captain yet?”

“About an hour ago. You?”

“Yep. Ryker intends to put us to work

Mace winced as Dara re-positioned his leg.
“That’s my
leg, babe.”

“Don’t be a baby.” She gave his kneecap a
solid thump. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Where are you going?”

“To my DRAMA meeting.”

“What about dinner?”

“Jackson will feed you.”

“I don’t think he even knows where the
kitchen is.”

Her light giggle followed her as she snagged
her purse, threw her sunglasses on her face, and headed to the
front door. “Order in.”

He waited until the familiar sound of the
door closing filled the silence and then continued the
conversation. “Did you tell Dara you left the force?”

“Hell yeah.” His partner didn’t even hesitate
to spew the admission. “I’m not stupid, Jackson. Besides, at this
point in time I’m at her mercy.”

“Jake gave his notice too.” He ignored the
stab of irritation that reminded him both of his friends had female
confidantes, both drop dead gorgeous and supportive without

“What about Alex?”

Mace’s question didn’t surprise him. “Swanson
won’t know what hit him. She’ll assure he’s put away for good.”

“No doubt. But what does she have to say
about your resignation?”

Although he knew he couldn’t bullshit his
partner, he refused to buckle. “Why would she say anything?”

“C’mon, Jackson. We all know about you and

“What about us?”

His friend grinned. “Your call, man. Just
remember, Liberty, Bri and Dara are all licensed to figure you
out.” He grunted and shifted in his chair. “You’re pretty much

A tiny shiver traveled the length of his
spine at the truth in Mace’s statement but his determination to
fight it refused to waver. He squared his shoulders in an attempt
to appear unbothered and prepared to issue another hasty denial
when his cell phone released its familiar tune.

Inwardly, he released a sigh of relief.

“Jackson, I need help.”

His earlier shiver now became a full-fledged
shake. “Alex?”

“Yes. Do I need to formally introduce myself
next time?”

Normally, her haughty tone made him even more
wary; this time, however, the first four words out of her mouth
scared the hell out of him.
Jackson, I need help.
Since when
did she call him
and when did Alex Jennings
ask for help?

“What’s wrong?”

The pause that followed made the hair on the
back of his neck stand at full attention. And, when she finally
answered, he understood exactly why.

“I’ve been marked for murder.”

Other books by Mia Dymond:


Leather, Lace and Rock-Roll

(SEALS, Inc., Book 1)


Brains before Beauty, that’s Rachel
Newberry’s motto, especially when her quiet, orderly life is
interrupted by international rock star, Jaydon Hawke. And true to
her word, brains take center stage when she discovers Hawke has a
lot more on his mind than beautiful music. Targeted by a madman,
Rachel puts her trust in Hawke, a move that may cost both their


Outspoken Angel

(SEALS, Inc., Book 2)


Handbags, stilettos, and spa dates — not
retired SEAL Max Sterling’s usual m.o. Until Cameron Tremaine. Duty
bound, Max tolerates her sass and smart mouth until she pushes too
far. Cameron doesn’t need a bald, bossy bodyguard, thank you very
much. Especially one oh, so delectable as Max. Except, when someone
decides to silence her for good, Cameron realizes bold and brassy
go hand in hand.


Freaky By Nature

(SEALS, Inc., Book 3)


Brett Steele, PI didn’t realize there was a
politically correct term for stripping until he met Holly London.
Initially drawn to her talent, he soon learns there is much more to
the “sensual dance” instructor than he thought. Holly has a secret
that may change her life forever. When the atmosphere warns her she
is the target of a madman, she must expose the secret and trust
Brett to stay alive.


Tightly Wound

(SEALS, Inc., Book 4)


Claire Steele has dodged shadows her whole
life and uses psychic talent to chase evil in the recesses of her
mind. Lt. “Shadow” Windsor walks friendship’s fine line, patiently
waiting for Claire to accept his love. Until sinister forces
threaten her life. Caught between love and death, Claire and Shadow
must combine both talent and skill to survive.


Never Cry Uncle


Often a dead-end job is so ... dead. When
Allison and Lucy find out their boss pocketed bonus money,
blackmail seems the perfect revenge. Until the plan backfires and
they become prime suspects. Out of desperation, Allison hires Luke
Owens, PI, who takes the case only to be distracted by her sass. In
a zany twist of events, the couple must risk their hearts and lives
to catch the real killer.



Playing with Fire

(Primrose, Minnesota, Book 1)


Liberty doesn’t come cheap. In fact, she
costs $200 an hour. Dr. Liberty Prescott is trained to heal.
Problem is, she can’t heal herself. Fire Inspector Shane Hartwell
fights demons in the dark. Desperate to end his torture, he seeks
Liberty’s help. As attraction sparks between them, an arsonist
burns out of control and evidence points straight to Liberty.
Against his heart’s denial, Shane accuses her until new evidence
emerges. Now with his heart in his hands, can he reclaim hers?


Positively Criminal

(Primrose, Minnesota, Book 2)


Dr. Sabrina Miller is the queen of
camouflage, and keeps her closely-guarded secrets locked deep in
her heart. Detective Jake Rawlings knows he holds the golden key to
unlock Sabrina’s secrets, even if she claims otherwise. Yet, when
someone other than Jake discovers what she keeps hidden, he must
trust his instincts to keep her alive.


Tattoo My Heart

(Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1)


It all began with a sixth shot of Tequila ...
Independent, carefree Annessa Dupree doesn’t realize her talent for
attracting trouble until she witnesses a wedding day murder and is
forced to run home to hide. Sheriff Casey McIntyre has loved
Annessa since the tender age of twelve, trouble and all. Hell-bent
on mending past differences, he must save her life while he earns
her trust.




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