The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2) (29 page)



Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.” Luke 15:4-6, NIV


he exact second Emeleigh said the words, ‘scarlet cord,’ she found herself laying on the pavement beside her Lancer. Sitting up, realizing where she was, she looked about for Elijah. He was lying a few feet away, motionless. She rose to her knees and crawled to shake him. When he fluttered his lids and she could see the blue of his eyes, she sat on her haunches and asked, “Are you all right?”

“Mmm, think so.” Still lying on the pavement, he closed his eyes again, and questioned, “Where are we? Please tell me we’re not back on the thing-a-bob
, the UFO!”

“Actually…” She looked around her again just to make sure before committing with certainty to her answer
. “We’re in the parking lot.” Standing she pointed, “See, here’s my car and…hey…there’s Caleb’s car…Kirsten’s car and Joshua’s too!”

Elijah slowly rose to his feet, “You’re right! We’re at the university, but why is…I mean…where is everyone?”

“They’re probably looking for us.”

Together they
took the short walk toward the other parked cars, after a few steps Elijah pulled on Emeleigh and pointed. “There are three police cars here!”

Making a perceptive assessment Emeleigh pointed toward the
Computer Science Building, “You know, maybe they’re all inside the building looking for us. Dang, I wish I had a cell, where’s yours?”

Elijah slapped at the pockets of his cargo pants, “Here it is!”

“Good, call Caleb, find out where they are.”

Elijah hit the small circle on his phone to turn it on
. The phone didn’t respond. Poking the phone with his thumb again, he announced, “It’s dead! Wonder how long we’ve been gone, come on let’s go to the lab, maybe they’re there.”

they both turned to step onto the sidewalk that would take them to the Computer Science building, an unexpected fatigue washed over Emeleigh like a tidal wave. She fell on her knees, her breath became laborious, and the world began to spin, she managed to say “Lij…” as she melted into the ground.

Caught completely off guard, Elijah wasn’t sure if Emeleigh had passed out or was even breathing
. He dropped to his knees and felt for a pulse as he did he pleaded, “Eme, come on…what’s…”

After determining she still breathed,
he scooped her up and was about to toss her over his shoulder when he too felt woozy. “Oh, God help me,” he whispered and with every bit of strength he could muster Elijah staggered and wobbled to the Computer Science Building carrying his sister in his arms. As he approached the entrance, he prayed, “”

No sooner had the words left his lips than Caleb who was coming out of a restroom
located off the main lobby happened to look in the direction of the entrance and saw his younger brother carrying Emeleigh. Caleb shouted for Joshua and Justin to help as he ran toward Elijah. Caleb reached Elijah just as his youngest brother crashed to his knees; Caleb going down with Elijah caught his brother’s head as Emeleigh fell across his thighs and pinned him down.

Attempting to break their fall Caleb
pulled Emeleigh toward his chest and did his best to support Elijah’s head. Caleb shouted Elijah’s name and repeatedly asked, “What happened, Elijah, where have you been?”

With his blood pressure dropping, Elijah was experiencing tempo
rary blindness. Keeping his head on Caleb’s shoulder he whispered, “We’re really home? Caleb, is that really you?”

“Yes! Stay with me Elijah. Josh is coming! We are all here!”

Everything happening at once, it only took seconds for Joshua and Justin to reach the three that comprised the human mound on the plaza and less time for the newly arrived men to put their arms around Elijah and assist him to stand. Emmett, on Justin and Joshua’s heels, went without hesitation to Caleb and gathered his daughter up in his arms.

Kirsten and Leighann, both screaming with
shock held the doors open as the men carried and assisted their precious cargo to safety. The family, joined immediately by George and Mike, seemed to be talking and crying at once.

Slowly, George began to take charge and sent Mike for water as he guided the entire family toward the small café adjacent to the lobby. Several tables pulled together
as Emmett gently laid Emeleigh on top of them so that Kirsten could begin to examine her sister for wounds and serious injuries.

A few moments passed and then shaking her head
Kirsten announced, “Aside from her pulse being slow and her eyes not dilating, I don’t see anything wrong. I think she’s passed out.”

Elijah sat in the first seat offered and drank almost all of the water in the bottle
that Mike handed him before he looked at anyone. Then taking in as much air as his lungs would hold, he released the breath and spoke just above a whisper, “I don’t know…I’m so tired…we’ve been running full speed. For …days…she fainted outside….what day is it?”

“Son, where have you two been? What happened to you?” Emmett walked over to Elijah and knelt beside his youngest, “We need to give the officers here an explanation
. Uh…can you do that? Kirsten, should we call a doctor?”

Kirsten shook her head, “No, Dad, give them a few moments
. If someone will get some wet paper towels, I’ll try to bring her around, if that doesn’t work…then, maybe.

Justin went for the towels as Elijah slid down in his seat and propped his head against the back of the chair. Slowly with deliberation, he answered his dad, “I’ll try to explain…neither of us was harmed
, but we…eh were abducted…”

“Wait a minute, let me get my recorder going,” George Martin sat down at the table next to Elijah and turned on his cell phone to record Elijah’s words. “By the way, I’m George
Martin the head of the university’s police. I need you, to the best of your recollection, tell us what happened. After you go through the entire story then we’ll do it again with questions, okay?”

Elijah nodded, “Is it possible to get a candy bar or something? My stomach is gnawing my backbone. And please, somebody tell me what day
it is, what time is it?” The youth, barely a man, lifted his head and looked around at the room filled with adults, who were growing impatient to hear his story. “Please,” he smiled as he made eye contact with Josh, “I’m so hungry!”

Looking at his cell Joshua moved toward the vending machines, “Sure, it’s Friday evening, and you two disapp
eared about four this afternoon. It is a few moments before 10pm.”

“Thanks…you mean we’ve only been gone for six hours?” Elijah looked at Josh
’s back in disbelief. “Really only six hours?”

“Yep,” Justin nodded as he handed Kirsten the wet paper towels, “but we all aged six years.”

“Well…that’s incredible,” Elijah looked at George who was waiting for his story. Smiling faintly, Elijah began, “Well, I don’t know what happened to Eme, in her lab I mean, but I was waiting for her at the car when she and this man came to the parking lot. It was apparent something was wrong. I got out of the car to find out what, and bam! The next thing I knew, I was laying on a gurney.”

Taking the offered candy bar from Josh, Elijah unwrapped it and was in the process of eating when Emeleigh shuddered and moaned.

Nearly twenty minutes later, after Kirsten declared it all right, Emeleigh joined Elijah in the telling of their missing six hours.

n hour later, Emeleigh exhausted, after not only telling the story, but also re-telling, had grown past the point of being tired and hungry. She had lost all patience with George’s endless questions. “For the umpteenth time, I know what happened to us, we were abducted, and yes, in an unconventional manner. That person on your video is Nephilim. He is a shape-shifter. I understand that’s hard for you to wrap your head around, and I know you doubt me. I also understand that being on the faculty doesn’t automatically guarantee my sanity, but perhaps if you talk with my supervisors and those who know me, it will help put your mind at ease that I’m not looney-tunes nor am I having grandiose imaginations. I know what happened, and if it was all a hallucination, then it was a shared hallucination. Elijah experienced it too. I know a weird looking guy came into my office, socked the dickens out of me and dragged me to the parking lot because he wanted to take Elijah and me. I don’t pretend to know the purpose. With what we experienced, we should have been gone more than just a few hours. We traveled through time and space. You don’t believe us. That’s fine, nevertheless it happened and you’ll have to decide how you want to handle this. I’ll have a doctor take x-rays of my hand and Elijah’s of course. If there’s anything there, we’ll document it for you. Should you let the proper authorities know about what happened here tonight? I think so…but, honestly, whom would you tell? I’d be surprised if anyone believed you, and my last question, how do we file charges against demons, or aliens for that matter?”



And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brim
stone. And the remnant was slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth. Revelation 19:19-21, KJV


ven though the hour was late when the family returned to their home in Navasota, Kirsten promptly made X-rays of Elijah and Emeleigh’s hands. The moment the images were fully developed, she spotted something straight away. “There are foreign objects in your hands and that is why they probably hurt. These pictures show something under and in between the ligaments.”

Kirsten called the doctor and he agreed
to drive to the clinic and verify her assessment of the X-rays in spite of the late hour. After closely examining the digital pictures, the doctor pointed out a minuscule T-shaped shadow in Emeleigh’s hand, and a similar but slightly larger rod-shaped shadow in Elijah’s. To Kirsten the images looked like cantaloupe seeds. The concern was not the shape of the objects, but they were not natural and should be removed.

After administering a local anesthetic, Dr. Sorenson using a magni
fying scope and ultraviolet light probed for the implants but quickly encountered an expected difficulty; the implants moved every time his surgical instruments neared. After several unsuccessful attempts, the doctor suggested Kirsten fetch his plastic forceps. Thinking the implants repelled because he was using stainless steel forceps, he hoped the plastic forceps would have a different effect. Thankfully, he was right and at last, he successfully removed the minuscule objects.

Exhausted and barely able to keep her eyes open Emeleigh went to bed
. The next morning when she awoke, she immediately began to think of the implants and wondered at their purpose. Quietly slipping into her lab, she photographed both implants, and then asked Joshua to run a couple of quick tests on their molecular structure. Then she securely packaged the ‘seeds’ for mailing, she was determined to have the ‘little suckers’ thoroughly examined by someone who would be completely honest and stood to lose nothing, no matter what the final analysis turned out to be. She mailed them to her friend in Australia.

Much later that day, close to dusk, the Gruen family, joined by Pops, Mimi, and Justin, finally began enjoying Spring Break. Relaxing on the deck of a sleek new houseboat Emmett and Leighann had rented for the week
, the family assembled under the canopied upper deck and empathized with each other over the previous day’s events.

Laughter from
the sarcastic tongue-in-cheek remarks wafted in the early evening breeze, drifting out over the calm blue waters of Lake Travis as Elijah began to tell the family his version of the missing six hours of the day before. Eliminating the more serious aspects of their adventure, for no other reason than because he wasn’t yet prepared to think on them, Elijah stayed with an animated version of the harrowing abduction and time traveling experiences in order to provoke the family to hilarity and to reduce the residual somberness from the previous day.

In spite of his best efforts, Elijah wasn’t able to avoid becoming serious when he began telling of the Tower of Babel, and the debris field. “I think we both were amazed at the amount of debris we saw, and I also guess, I hadn’t ever really thought about it, but the tower was built outside the city not in it.” When Elijah mentioned the rubble of the Tower of Babel both Ray and Caleb rose from their chairs and moved to stand behind Elijah’s chair.

“Son, are you sure that’s where you were?” Ray asked.

Turning around Elijah nodded at his grandfather, “Pretty sure, yes sir. Just listening to the
ir conversation, and putting the pieces together, I would say so, wouldn’t you Eme?” Elijah turned to Emeleigh who was stretched out in another deck chair close by, but he didn’t give her a chance to answer before he added, “Their attire, would be hard to place exactly, but the one I think was Nimrod, certainly looked like he belonged to the ancient past, don’t you agree?”

Opening her eyes and removing her sunglasses Emeleigh nodded, “Yeah, the other two, weren’t human anyway. I am no expert, but
the one we think was the fallen angel, the one everyone referred to as Ba’el said something about the tower being a star gate, I clearly remember that…”

“Wait a minute!” Caleb exclaimed as he interrupted her, “A star gate,” he turned and looked at Josh as he finished his
question, “he said the words…that the tower was a star gate, you are absolutely sure?”

In unison, Emeleigh and Elijah both nodded.

“That’s remarkable.” Caleb shaking his head in amazement pushed Elijah’s feet out of the way and sat down on the end of Elijah’s deck chair. “I was right about that at least. And so maybe I might be right about the other as well.”

“What do you mean Caleb,” Ray asked, “what are you right about?”

Briefly, Caleb explained to his grandfather and the others about his research and his suppositions concerning the purposes behind the building of the Tower of Babel. “The Tower of Babel, in my opinion was all about who was to be King of Earth, and who was to be King of Heaven.”

“Really,” Elijah responded, then looking first at Emeleigh and then back to his brother informed Caleb
, “the fallen angel basically said the same thing. He kept talking about Nimrod being the Melek.”

Ray shook a finger in the air, “Just a minute, this is too weird. Caleb you have been looking into the Tower of Babel. Elijah and Emeleigh were taken to what they believed was the rubble of the Tower of Babel and I’ve just spent weeks going back over years of notes and journals that I’ve written about the tower…so God wants this family to know something about the Tower of Babel, at least I think that’s what is happening here.”

“I would say so,” Emmett agreed, “any of you have an idea at this point what God is saying to us?”

Elijah nodded, “I have several thoughts, at least on what
happened with Eme and me. As spies, we learned Satan has an inner group of followers; and he has a plan to take control of the world. Satan wants to control everything, and according to what we overheard, he wants to use the sound of DNA to accomplish this.”

Emeleigh sprang upright in her chair, “Hey, yeah, he actually said that Nimrod-Enmerkar was a proto-type of the new offspring
, do you remember him saying that, Elijah?”

“Yes, and so I would say Nimrod was definitely the first anti-Christ, and at the time we saw him, he was two-thirds god or Nephilim
. They clearly said that. But he became Nephilim, by that I mean he wasn’t born Nephilim. Somehow Satan and his goons figured out how to manipulate DNA, and create a hybrid through a trans-mutation process.” Elijah paused and began to drum his fingers on his thighs, “So somehow, Satan’s plan to take over the world and to set up the final anti-Christ has to do with the changing of DNA.

“The sending of spies is usually a wise precau
tion,” Elijah continued, “and there are two important stories in the Bible where spies were used. The first was when Moses sent them out and the second when Joshua did the same. Moses sent twelve spies and they came back and openly reported to the entire camp and the consensus was ‘we can’t attack those people, they are stronger than us.’ God let that generation die because the sound of the report had to change. That leads us to the second time spies were used. The second time only two spies were sent and they went in secret, and they came back and reported directly to Joshua in secret. These two told Joshua, ‘The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands. The people are afraid of us.’ The second time the spies changed their sound and you know what happened.”

Pausing, Elijah reached for his glass of iced tea, but instead of drinking he played with the ice and then looking up, he enunciated each word slowly
. “Their generation took the city of Jericho.”

As his small audience processed his words, he drank his tea and set the glass down on the deck next to his chair, and continued,

The scarlet cord we kept hearing about in the second story was symbolic, just as the blood on the doorpost had been for the children of Israel in Egypt. Not only did this scarlet cord or rope let the two spies escape from the doomed city and return to give a report that led to victory, the same cord preserved Rahab’s family when the walls fell.

“But you know, as I thought about
yesterday when I did my devotions this morning, something struck me about the words c-o-r-d and c-h-o-r-d! It was as if Holy Spirit asked me, ‘Can a c-o-r-d become a c-h-o-r-d?’ I suddenly realized that when we speak or invoke the covering of the blood of Christ, we strike a harmonic chord in the realm of the Spirit. Then I remembered the passage of scripture that speaks of how before Yeshua left the Earth, he breathed on his disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit. We too need something from Holy Spirit that will cause us to have a sound change or a DNA change. A sound that counters the DNA manipulation of the enemy.”

“What you’re saying is, God is talking to you about…the mechanics of spiritual sound,” Joshua interrupted as he poured more tea into his glass. “I haven’t had a chance to say anything to any of ya’ll but he’s been talking to me about sound too.”

“How so?” Leighann asked.

Josh put his glass down on the bar and then told about his vision. After finishing he added, “Caleb has also gotten some recent insight on sound.”

“Really, what’s that?” Emmett looked up from the hamburger patties he had been grilling, “Pops, would you and Caleb get the chips and dip from those boxes behind you and put them on the bar? Guys, dinner is almost ready you all need to come over here and start putting your burgers together.”

“Well,” Caleb reaching for the bags of chips picked up the conversation, “actually the sound thing we can talk about later. It has to do with the Tower of Babel being a star gate, but right
now, I want to add something about the scarlet cord. The scarlet cord also refers to the lineage of Jesus, did you know that?” Standing next to Elijah, Caleb pushed against him with a shoulder. Elijah shook his head and mumbled around a mouthful of food, “Nope.”

“Well,” Caleb smirked at his youngest brother, “finally, something that you didn’t know. From Adam to Mary, Christ’s lineage is pure and unblemished. Through the seed of the woman, and we all know what that means, we know from Adam to Noah the bloodline was pure as it went through the first sons and it’s pure from Noah to David, but only through Noah’s second son, Shem. And when I say pure, I mean no Nephilim blood or DNA tampering
. But as we trace the lineage through David, we can see how Satan really focuses on David’s linage. According to Jeremiah 22:30, God was forced to pronounce a blood curse on the royal bloodline.”

Caleb walked to the ice chest but continued to speak as
he reached in and dug for a Dr. Pepper. He continued as he poured the drink into a glass, “But here’s the interesting part, Matthew’s Gospel gives us the bloodline of Joseph, the husband of Mary and by law, the father of Jesus. Matthew brings the lineage through Solomon, the first son of David with Bathsheba. However, Luke’s Gospel makes a turn going through David not through Solomon but through Nathan, David’s second son with Bathsheba. The lineage of Nathan continues from there to the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. So from Adam to David they are the same lineage. But Luke the physician gives the pure lineage to Mary and no bloodline curses. There are several reasons this is important, but everyone must understand Jesus is of the royal lineage of David, and this is true whether we look at his legal birthright through Joseph or his bloodline through Mary. But had Jesus been the natural son of Joseph he would have a curse on his bloodline. But because Jesus isn’t the natural son of Joseph but the supernatural son of Mary not only is there a pure bloodline to the royal house, it also goes all the way back to Adam, and there are no curses upon the bloodline of Yeshua, nor is there any Nephilim, and that my friends is the scarlet cord.”

“Wow! You guys are chock full of interesting facts today…so, what about the tower?” Kirsten asked, twisting a lock of brown hair around her finger. “Don’t leave us hanging.”

“Well Sis, there is so much to say I don’t know where to begin, but basically let me just tell you the facts, ma’am.” After everyone laughed Caleb continued, “The Tower of Babel wasn’t just a tower that men were attempting to build to the sky, it was a ziggurat and more than likely, had an observatory where the learned priests consulted the stars for their prognostications. Ancient Sumer was where sun and moon worship began, and where Free Masonry started.

“Nimrod, the builder, was the world’s first militaristic Emperor. His name meant both rebellious and mighty hunter
. He openly rebelled against God. He was a leader of a great confederacy of people and brought about a unifying one-world government, while his wife, Semiramis, founded the pantheon of gods, and the idolatrous pagan religions that would plague the nation of Israel. They set themselves up as a god and goddess for worship. Nimrod, the founder of Babylon, set the spirit and the culture of Babylon. Semiramis, the original harlot of Babylon, released the demonic not only in that day, but her spirit has continued to operate even unto this day keeping alive the harlot’s religious practices. Historically, they were the first rulers of the Sumerian Dynasties. Then we have another interesting biblical fact, in Genesis 10:8, using the King James Version, it says that Nimrod began to be a mighty one in the earth. The rendering of mighty is taken from the Hebrew word gibborim,
which is a synonym for Nephilim. Nimrod was some sort of Nephilim, through him the Nephilim made a resurgence into Earth after the flood.

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