Read Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Bostock

Tags: #girls with guns, #finance, #credit union, #dance competition, #Silver Slippers Saloon, #CEO, #Gun shy, #trigger happy, #handguns, #series, #sexy series, #concealed weapon, #contemporary romance, #accounting, #collections

Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) (8 page)

"You make me feel so good. Don't stop. Please, don't stop."

He wasn’t stopping at this point, "Trust me, I'm not going to stop. I want to be inside of you again. Lift your hips."

She did as he asked and lifted them just enough to slide down onto his erection. He could feel himself deep inside her, far inside. She began torturing him slowly, rocking her hips back and forth. He watched her cup her own breasts as his hand found her hips. He helped her rock herself back and forth, making her ride him faster. Her torso came down onto his chest, reveling in the feel of her nipples brushing against his chest. Torturing him, she would lift her bottom and then slide back down his shaft. She repeated her rise and fall on his shaft, pushing faster, harder.

"If you don't stop doing that, you are going to make me come. Real fast."

"That’s what I want. I'm not stopping."

"No, slow down, I want you to get off first."


That was her only response as she continued her sweet assault against his dick. He came quickly and then flipped her on to her back.

"Now it's my turn to drive you crazy."

His best bet was to avoid her. That's what he intended to do. He knew she submitted her loan application to Lisa already and would be coming in to the credit union at some point. If he didn't avoid her, he would no doubt end up being an ass to her like he already had been. He really didn't want to cause her any more unnecessary grief. Yup. Avoid her like the plague. Save him and her from any more dirty encounters. Oh but how he liked those dirty encounters. He didn't like hurting her, but he enjoyed seeing the lust rise in her bright blue eyes. She was very easy to read. With the lust in her eyes and the heaving in her chest, he couldn't help but imagine what would await him between her thighs.

She wore her emotions on her sleeve. He had taken advantage of them that day in his office. Boy did she bring the worst out of him. Not really, he admitted. Really, she brought the best out of him; he transformed it into the worst because he didn't want those types of feelings for her. He didn’t want things going sour like they had with his ex-wife. He didn’t want to let her down like he had his wife.

This is what Amber did to him. She turned the confident businessman who knew what he was doing into a man who was indecisive. The bottom line was he owed her an apology. He was a grown man, he needed to swallow his pride and apologize for being a dick. No woman, especially her, deserved to be treated that way. Gage released a deep breath. Now, he just needed to work up the nerve to do it.


or the next few weeks, life carried on as normal for Amber. Her dancing girls had their routine nailed, although they continued to practice it over and over. The festival began tomorrow. She was currently at home waiting for Marilyn to return her call in regards to whether or not she and Blake needed help setting up their station at the beer garden. After last year’s incident with the theft of Blake's beer truck and it making the evening news, the brewery had gotten that much more busy. He had increased production by doubling the size of his hop garden as well as purchasing four more brewing tanks to speed up beer production. Now, Marilyn tried pitching in when she could and sometimes they called on Amber to help.

Just in case, she dressed in her denim Rag and Bone cutoff shorts and paired it with her favorite Raquel Allegra long-sleeved top. The weather was beautiful today - in the mid-seventies - and she figured she would be dressed decent enough that she wouldn’t get too hot with all of the unloading and setting up they'd be doing. As she pulled on her Converse shoes, her phone rang. It was Marilyn, just as promised.

"Hey girl. Still need my help?"

"Yes. Blake is there now. And as soon as Kay gets here I'm heading over. Can you meet me there? In like twenty or so minutes?"

"Yes. I will see you there."

"Okay. Bye."


Every time Amber spoke with Marilyn she could hear it in her voice how happy she was. Amber was so happy for her. Before Blake, Marilyn had always seemed to find guys who were emotionally unavailable after the first month or so. Things would be going fine and then slowly but surely they'd find something better to do with their time, especially when they realized she wasn't the girl that was going to give it up. No, that's me, she thought. Marilyn valued her body and listened to her brain. She never rushed into a relationship too fast or by having sex too soon. Although Blake could have been the exception to that rule.

Amber was the opposite. Sometimes that was all the relationship was about. She couldn't help it if she wanted, craved, desired sex just like a man. She didn't find any fault in getting what she wanted as long as she was smart and took care of herself. If she wanted it, she went after it. Lately though, sex hadn't been high on her list of priorities. At least it wasn't until she had run into Gage Alexander, CEO. She wanted his hands, his mouth, on her body. That was all there was to it. His attitude could be left at home though. He was an exasperating man!

She'd take the Saloon Gage Alexander, any day. The kind, gentle, sweet man that pretty much had her at hello. He was attentive to everything she had wanted - quite the contradiction to the man he seemed to be now! At least in words. His actions proved otherwise. He was still the sexy dominating male she met that night. His hands were still rough and ready to tear apart anything they touched. His eyes still blazed with a fire that warned everyone who was boss. And his body, oh God his body, was still big and sleek...and dark skinned...and smelled like desire. She dreamt of him last night. She woke up a hot sweaty mess still feeling the remnants of his hands and his breath deep inside her thighs.    

She was hopeless.

She grabbed her things and headed for the park to help set up. She was nervous and excited that the festival had finally come. The girls had practiced their tail ends off every day for the past two weeks, even though they had been ready ten days before that. But that's what impressed Amber so much about these girls. They were true teammates. They worked hard together, practiced hard, took it seriously and never let one another down. They wanted this as badly as she did. Albeit for different reasons, but it was just as important.

For Amber, it went far deeper than just winning. The winning was important, but once they won, she felt like it would be a full circle, like she was coming home. If only her parents were there to not just encourage her, but also be able to announce the winner and give them their awards. If that could happen her life would make sense. As it was, she felt like if she could win, she would at least be honoring her parents in a way she never did when they were alive.


etting up didn't take them too long. With the three of them, plus a few guys Blake knew, they were able to set up in record time. Blake had three stations set up around the beer garden. Each station was going to feature the five craft brews Poudre Hops made. They were responsible for setting up the temporary fence that would keep patrons corralled inside the garden area of the festival with their alcohol.

“I want the gate there. That's the best opening to get people in here versus having it on the other side,” Blake was in full business mode.

“I agree. This side is kind of like the front of the park.” Marilyn snuggled up next to Blake, pulling his arm around her shoulder. He bent his head down and playfully nibbled on her neck.

“Stop it. You’ll get me all worked up,” she giggled.

Amber rolled her eyes. They were so in love it was pathetic.

“Get a room, please.”

Amber’s back stiffened the moment she heard his voice. The last time she saw Gage she had wound up crying, running from his office. What would be in store for her today?

“’Bout time you showed up man. Credit union got you busy?”

“Always. I’ve been in meetings all morning. Am I too late or is there anything you need help with?” Gage knew it was Amber he was standing behind. He knew it from the way her head titled to the side, and her long blond hair fell around her shoulders. He knew it by the way she tensed her back the moment he spoke. And he knew it by the way her teeny tiny shorts hugged her tight ass.

“Hell yeah, you can help us finish this fence,” Blake said.

Amber really couldn't decide if she should turn around and face him or run and hide. His voice was utterly sexy; she was dying to see how he looked today...what he was wearing. Stop being so childish! Before she could think about that any further, her thoughts were interrupted.

“Hello, Miss Prescott. How are you today?”

She could feel her cheeks burning. Before even looking, she felt Marilyn and Blake’s eyes on her waiting for her to respond. She looked at Marilyn. Marilyn was indeed watching her, wondering if Amber was going to jump Gage’s bones or knock his ass out - that's how well she knew Marilyn. Amber slowly turned on her heel to face him - oh boy, why did he have to look that way? Way too manly, way too dominating, way too tall and broad shouldered and way too fuckable. He was fuckable alright, all the way down to his button fly jeans.

She looked into his eyes before she spoke, “Mr. Alexander, how do you do?”

She wanted to roll her eyes. She resisted the urge to stick her hand on her hip and tell him to go screw himself. As it were, she was short, crisp and very much trying to be business-like.

“I thought I said to call me Gage?”

“You did. But I only call people I like by their first you don't count.” That felt good to say. Hopefully, it dinged his armor as he had done to her.

“Bullshit. Is this how you’re going to be now?”

“Is this how I’m going to be? I’m not being any way. I have been being myself, it's you who has the issues-”

“Okay people, focus. Can you two ignore each other for approximately thirty more minutes while we finish stuff up here?”

Amber stared straight into Gage’s unfriendly eyes, “Of course I can. No problem,” she emphasized.

“Where do want me?” Gage asked Blake.

“Let’s finish up this fence first and see where we are.”

Amber and Marilyn walked ahead of the men going to the opposite side of the barrier to help.

“Wow, does he always look at you that way?” Marilyn asked.

“Which way? Like he hates me way or like he wants to screw my brains out way?”

Marilyn laughed, “Like he wants to devour you until there’s nothing left way.”

“Funny. No, all I see in his eyes is disdain. Like I'm a bigger pain in the ass than he wants to deal with.”

“You are a pain in the ass, Amber. But you know Blake’s flirty eyes I'm always telling you about? Gage has got those too. They are just dark and dangerous flirty eyes. Eyes that I am just dying to know what naughty things go on in his room late at night.”

“No you aren't. You are too wrapped up in Blake’s junk to even care what goes on in Gage Alexander’s room late at night.” Amber was starting to feel the familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach that surfaced every time she was around Gage Alexander, CEO. “Let's discuss what goes on in your and Blake’s room late at night instead.”

Marilyn laughed, “Well, last night Blake got home late but he woke me up with his “junk” as you like to call it, and what else could I do but embrace that? Right? Especially when his strong hands worked their way down my thin little pj’s and I could feel his hard-”

“Okay, okay, that is enough. God Marilyn, I’m so happy for you and yet so disgusted at the same time.”

“I know! But some day it will happen to you too.”

Amber rolled her eyes effectively putting an end to their conversation.

Gage bent his neck down and tried focusing on the task at hand. But every time Blake positioned the fence and he had to wrap the silly barrier around the pole, his eyes came up and he caught sight of Amber. Well, of her teeny tiny shorts that would ride up her long legs every time she bent down, attempting to expose her butt cheeks.

He wanted to see them.

He kept stealing glances in the hopes that he would get to witness such a thing, but so far he wasn’t having much luck. Just the sweet underside curve that he couldn't even be sure he saw as her blond hair billowed in the breeze. What was wrong with him? He hated being around her. He hated feeling like this. Like he really wanted to grab her and take her to the nearest place he could find...his Range Rover?...and have his way with her. He wanted her to slide down onto his dick and ride him like she hasn't ridden another man since him. He didn't care what she said; there was no way in hell she had had better sex than when they were together. He hadn't and he damn well would bet his last dollar that she hadn't. He could see it in her tormented eyes.

She turned back just in time to catch him watching her. Her blue eyes held a storm that was meant just for him. He didn't turn away; he held her gaze, watching her, knowing he still needed to apologize for making her cry. There hadn't been time when he showed up. He would have to do it once they were finished. That is, if she would even give him the time of day. She finally broke eye contact, focusing on her task at hand.


t looks great! Sorry I couldn't get here sooner to help.” Gage said to Blake.

“It's no problem. You would’ve just been annoying Amber anyway, and me,” Blake chuckled as he slapped Gage on the back.

“She annoys me. Not the other way around.”

“Right. I think you both need to be locked up in a room for about an hour to sort out your differences. Sort it out or fuck like rabbits, whichever happens first.”

“No. That is the last thing we need. Trust me,” Gage said as he watched Amber laughing at something Marilyn said.

“Yup. Keep telling yourself that buddy. I tried to. Blue balls become the norm and that's no bueno for any man.”

Gage didn't even dignify Blake with a response that time. One, he hated when he was wrong. Two, he’d had blue balls the minute he caught the smell of her perfume when she sat so innocently inside his office with Marilyn. He’d pretty much been walking around with them ever since.

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