Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

“I…don’t think so,” Wendy said slowly. The idea was very appealing in a strange sort of way, but she wasn’t quite ready to wander around naked in front of other people. Hell, she hadn’t even done it when she’d thought they were wolves. Obviously they were comfortable with a naturist attitude to clothing, but she’d always associated naked with aroused. Getting naked now just seemed like a recipe for embarrassing herself. If they really could smell her arousal, how much stronger would it be without clothes?

She squeaked a sound that might have been a protest when Donovan slid his hands under her shirt and undid the fastening to her bra, but the relief from the restrictive garment was far too much for her to complain very loudly. Her nipples pulled even tighter when Donovan’s warm hand slid over one breast and then the other, playing with her nipples, caressing her intimately. She could feel her panties growing wetter with each breath.

“Donovan,” Sogarn said in a tone of voice that confused her. It sounded like a reprimand, but Donovan reacted with a soft laugh before lifting the sweatshirt over her head. Her first instinct was to cover her breasts, but Donovan quickly pulled her arms behind her. His hold wasn’t painful, but there was no way she would be able to move off his lap without a fight.

Her breasts shook with each ragged breath, her nipples so tight they ached, her arousal driving to unimagined heights as Sogarn’s gaze roamed over her naked skin. How could she be this turned on when technically no one was really touching her?

“That’s beautiful, sweetheart,” Donovan said next to her ear. “Do you know how much just the sight of you is turning us both on?” Wendy could feel Donovan’s hard cock pressing against her where she sat on his lap, but it wasn’t until Sogarn stood up and came around the table that she could see his thick, hard cock. It bobbed against his belly as he moved to stand in front of her. She almost stopped breathing when he knelt down so that they were eye to eye.

“Tell us to stop,” he ordered in a rough voice.

Confused, Wendy tried to look over her shoulder at Donovan, but he dropped his mouth to her neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin as he waited for her to respond to Sogarn’s order.

“No,” she said defiantly, surprising herself just a little in the process. It wasn’t often that she stood up to anyone. In fact she’d spent most of her life trying to avoid conflict.

She shook her head, reiterating her answer. She had no idea where this was going, but she’d trusted these men with her life even when she thought them wild wolves. Why wouldn’t she trust them with her body? And besides, she’d been alone for a long time. Why couldn’t the three of them have a little fun while they were here?

“Tell us to stop,” Sogarn said again as Donovan’s hands dropped to the fastening of her jeans.

“No,” she repeated, her arousal climbing sky high when Sogarn dragged her shoes from her feet and her jeans down her legs. Her panties quickly followed. Shaking violently, Wendy watched as Sogarn leaned in and took one of her nipples into his mouth. His warm tongue grazed over the stiff peak again and again, everything inside her quivering as Donovan moved her to a more comfortable position and then tilted her backward over his arm. His lips found hers as Sogarn switched breasts, his mouth suctioning over one nipple as he rolled the other between his fingers.

She swallowed hard. She’d never been this turned on before. She felt like she was gasping for air even as she felt light headed from too much oxygen, but it was the callused fingers pulling her knees apart that had her squirming for their possession. It took a while to realize that the hands on her thighs belonged to both of them. Somehow in perfect tandem, the men used one hand each to ease her legs apart, her pussy weeping juices as cooler air touched her wet flesh.

“Tell us to stop,” Sogarn whispered one last time. She shook her head, too aroused to want any chance to walk away.

Her world tilted sideways as Donovan lifted off the chair, pushed her into Sogarn’s embrace, and then settled his face between her thighs. At the first touch of his tongue to her pussy, she nearly melted in pleasure. Holy heavens, she’d never felt like this before. He stroked his tongue over her sensitive flesh, licking over her clit again and again before moving lower to suck the puffy lips of her labia into his mouth. Sogarn adjusted her against him, his mouth latching onto her breast at the same moment that Donovan sucked hard against her clit.

Her entire body stiffened, the sensations overwhelming, her breath catching, her emotions spiraling out of control as orgasm whipped through her. Over and over, wave after wave of heat blasted her from the inside, the hot flow of blood through her veins making her whimper as the rest of her shook in ecstatic reaction. Both men continued licking her as she slowly came down from that incredible high.

“Goddess, that is a beautiful sight,” Donovan said as they gentled her with soft touches, helping her to relax even as they stroked her arousal once more.

“For fuck’s sake,” Polly said in his irritating cockatoo tone, “you’re supposed to be protecting me, not diddling the help.”

Wendy gasped, her gaze seeking Donovan’s as both men’s hands and mouths slowly continued to roam her body. She sighed in relief when she noticed they’d both moved to block the cockatoo’s sight. That damn bird might have seen her naked before, but now that she knew it wasn’t an actual parrot she wasn’t nearly as relaxed.

Hey…Diddling the

She didn’t even realize she was shaking with anger until Sogarn lifted her up and wrapped his arms tightly around her. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he whispered soothingly.

“It’s not okay,” she said, no longer caring that she was naked. She climbed off Sogarn’s lap, pressed a hand to Donovan’s incredibly muscled chest when it seemed he might follow her, and then stalked over to where the parrot that wasn’t a parrot stood on the bench and preened its feathers. “Polly, that was rude, and I demand an apology.”

Polly made a noise that was as close to a snort as a bird could get.

“I could have taken you to a pet store when my grandmother died. I didn’t because it was obvious she cared for you. For the past year I’ve put up with your sarcastic remarks and spoiled bird behavior, but in all that time I never realized you might hate me.”

Polly shook his feathers but dropped his head, refusing to make eye contact. “I don’t hate you,” the bird finally said in a sulky-sounding voice.

“Then why would you refer to me as ‘the help’?”

Polly lifted his wings and then dropped them again in what seemed to be a cockatoo version of a human shrug. “I miss Agnes.”

“I do, too, Polly, but that’s no excuse to treat me like I don’t count. You’ve been my most constant companion since my grandmother died. Even when I thought you were just a bird I at least felt that you liked me.”

“I do like you.” The bird ruffled its feathers again. “I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have said what I said. Are we done here?”

“I suppose,” Wendy said, trying to hide how much the loss of the friend she’d thought the bird to be affected her. Cockatoos were known for their loyalty. Perhaps that wasn’t a quality the bird-shifters shared.


* * * *


“No, we’re not done here,” Donovan said as he moved to confront the spoiled, self-centered, self-indulgent, lousy excuse for a shifter. “You’ve been a pain in the ass for over forty years. It’s about damn time we knew what you did to piss so many people off.”

“They’re just jealous,” the cockatoo said in a voice just an octave below a full-on screech.

“Not good enough,” Donovan said, shaking his head as he moved to stand in front of the feathered shifter and block his view of Wendy at the same time. “Jealousy is not enough of a motive for someone to hire snake-shifters to find you, or for them to still be searching for you more than forty years later. What did you do, Polly?”

“My name is Gop-tru-alcarn. I am royalty. You will address me with the proper respect.”

“No problems,
,” Sogarn said, lifting the bird off the bench it had landed on and placing it on the floor at their feet. “Just as soon as you change back into your humanoid form, we’ll start bowing and scraping.”

“Nonsense,” Polly said in his most arrogant tone of voice. “You will bow and scrape right now.”

“Nope,” Donovan said. It appeared that Sogarn was on to something. Had Polly stayed in his bird shape so long that he could no longer shift into his humanoid form? The thought was practically hilarious. As punishments went, it was almost perfect. “What’s the matter, Polly? Do you need a cracker to get yourself started?”

The avian-shifter flared the feathers on top of his head in annoyance but made no move to shift into humanoid form.

“Polly?” Wendy asked in a compassionate tone. “I know you’re scared, but surely you realize these men are very capable protectors. You saw what they did back at the house against three snakes.” Donovan didn’t miss the delicate shudder that shook her frame as she said the word “snakes.” She’d done well to keep her composure while they fought them off. He knew how much she hated using a rifle, but her timely intervention had likely saved Sogarn a painful injury and extended recovery time. Donovan had no doubt that his lover would have bested the snakes in the end, but he was grateful to Wendy for stepping in to help. Fainting afterward had at least been good timing.

Wendy glanced at them before turning back to Polly. “Hell, you even saw them protect me from my ex, and they didn’t even reveal then that they weren’t actually wolves.”

“I can’t shift,” Polly said in a very sad tone. “It’s been too long. I don’t remember how.”

“Sure you do,” Wendy said as she reached for her clothes and quickly dragged them on. “You just need to relax.” She held her hand out to the bird. Polly jumped onto her finger and quickly walked up her arm to her shoulder. Donovan had seen him do that countless times, but it was the encouragement in Wendy’s soft tone of voice and the gentle way she stroked the cockatoo that had jealousy burning in his gut.

He shoved the emotion away. It was obvious that Wendy was reacting to Gop-tru-alcarn the way an owner would to a beloved pet’s distress. Polly tucked himself closer to her neck, almost hiding in her hair the way he’d done when the snakes had attacked. Whatever was going on inside the avian-shifter’s mind, it was obvious that the attack had frightened him badly.

“Polly, it might help Donovan and Sogarn protect you if they knew the full story. Why would they still be looking for you after this many years?” Wendy asked, watching Donovan as she petted the bird the same way she’d done since they’d first known her.

Before her mother’s death, Wendy had been a regular visitor to her grandmother’s home. Donovan could still see the painfully shy child she’d been back then. She and Polly had spent most of the visits together and had seemed quite happy. Despite what she’d said earlier about dumping him at the pet store, Donovan knew that Wendy cared deeply for the parrot and would never have done it. Learning that Polly was a shifter hadn’t really changed her loyalty to the bird. The shifter simply moved closer to her neck, none of the arrogance he’d shown moments ago apparent in his demeanor.

“It would help us, Polly, if we knew your attacker’s motivation.” Donovan saw the soft smile that graced Wendy’s lips as he said the words that agreed with her. Technically it was unlikely to change their protection strategy, but it seemed clear that Wendy believed Polly’s inability to shift was related to the trauma that left him in need of protection in the first place.

“You don’t need to know,” Polly said in a sulky voice.

“But I think you need to tell us,” Wendy rebuked quietly. “I think you need to talk about what happened.”

The bird went to fly away from her, but it seemed Wendy had been ready for it and blocked his escape easily.

“Fine,” the cockatoo said on a deep exhale. “I was supposed to be paired with the daughter of neighboring flock. I preferred her maid instead.” Donovan raised an eyebrow and waited for more. He knew arranged royal avian matings were a complicated affair, but rejecting a potential pairing didn’t seem enough to warrant the type of life-threatening danger Polly seemed to be under. “Okay,” the bird said. He could almost imagine it rolling its eyes like a human. “I preferred all of her maids over her.”

“All of them?” Sogarn asked with a quiet laugh.

“It was only four,” Polly said defensively, “but when De-polandra-alcarn found out, she wasn’t happy.”

“No kidding,” Donovan said, trying to hold back a smile.

“When one of the maids died in an accident, I wasn’t overly concerned,” Polly said in a voice that seemed strangely devoid of emotion, “but when one of the others went missing, I realized I needed to get Kris-anda-coral out of there.”

“You stole your intended’s maid? That’s why they want you dead?”

“No, they want me dead because I thwarted their plans to use my son as leverage against me. I believe that the egg that Kris-anda-coral laid shortly after her rescue was the only reason they kept her alive.”

“Where is Kris-anda-coral now?” Wendy asked softly, her concern for the shifter and her child very clear in her voice.

“I don’t know,” Polly said sadly. “When I asked my father to help hide her, he consented on the condition that I have nothing to do with her or my son. I agreed to keep them both safe, but I hadn’t expected my own father to exile me—
for my own good
—soon after.”

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