Read Yearning Devotion Online

Authors: Rachael Orman

Yearning Devotion (4 page)








Heading out from her last class for
the day at 2pm, Gwen made her way to the nearby bus station. She would take it to
the office to check in with her boss, Sam, before work.

She only had to head west a couple
blocks to get to the office in the middle of the trendy neighborhood called
Tribeca, one of the pricier areas to live in New York. She took the elevator up
to the second floor to the office of Finest Companions. Gwen started her work
day or rather her afternoons and evenings here. Finest Companions is a high end
escort service. Clients could pay to have company to an event or outing, or they
could really dish it out and have a real good time.

Gwen had been working there for
four years. She had started as just a date for their customers, going out with
clients to events or wherever they desired a pretty girl to be seen with them. 
When she learned the difference in pay that the girls made, she agreed to
sleeping with the customers and she quickly became the ‘it’ girl of the

Gwen didn’t enjoy having sex with
men. But, in a way, this job actually brought her peace. Even though having a
man over her shoving himself into her body reminded her of being held down by
her rapist long ago, it was a totally different experience now. Now, she got to
say which clients she would sleep with and she got to decide which acts she was
willing to do.

The company had nearly every detail
planned out before hand, exactly what activities the client was and wasn’t
allowed to even talk about while she was with them.  These men paid enough they
didn’t try to force any activity she hadn’t agreed to in advance. If there was
something they wanted, the agency found a girl that was willing to do it, and
didn’t try to force one of the girls that wasn’t willing to do the act.  Plus,
after 5 years in captivity, she’d learned how to take her mind away from the
activities being done to her body. After 4 years as a companion, she had
learned how to even make it seem like she was enjoying it. Not that it was
painful, it just wasn’t enjoyable either. It was just a task to be done in her
mind.  Just like normal people might endure a harsh boss or coworker because it
was just something they had to put up with for their job, that’s what sex was
to Gwen. The hours, the money and the opportunities the money opened for her
made it all worthwhile to her. The fact that she had complete and total control
of the situation helped her push back the demons of the past. It was win-win to

She knew most people would have a
hard time understanding her choices, but most people didn’t live the life she
had for the last 27 years.  She’d learned to use her best asset to her
advantage.  She’d never believed having sex with a man was anything special.
Deep down she hated men and this was her way of staying in control in her life.

While it had started as an easy job
because of her looks, it had then become a sort of therapy for her. Now she was
only doing it until she could finish her schooling so she could work in fashion
design. She needed a good chunk of money to start her own clothing line like
she wanted to do after school so she was saving little bits here and there. 

 “Good afternoon, Sam” Gwen called
out as she pushed through the door in to the wide open large room. She walked
over to her section of the built in wall to wall closet. She started flipping
through the rack to see what she had left to wear in there. Noticing that she
was down to only a single clean dress, she would have to make a stop by the dry
cleaners soon. She walked over to look at her calendar. Sam ran the office. She
was the bookkeeper, made dates and appointments for all the girls who worked
for Finest Companions. She knew what each girl would do or not do.

Gwen took note that she only had an
‘appointment’ with two of her regulars this afternoon and that was it for the
day. She decided to just keep on the midthigh length strapless cream chiffon
dress she had on and the 4 inch platform slides with a bow over the strap on
her toes. The dress was form fitting and underneath she wore lacy thigh
pantyhose and a white garter belt. She had even taken the time this morning to
paint her nails a nude brown color.

“How’d the test go?” Sam asked, knowing
Gwen had had a big exam today.

“Excellent, pretty sure I aced it.
But I won’t know till tomorrow for sure!” Gwen sat in the chair next to the
desk Sam was working at. Sam was in her 50s with dirty blonde hair that she
always had pulled back in a tight bun. She was always friendly to Gwen, but
some of the other girls had issues with her because they simply didn’t know how
things worked and Sam didn’t care for mistakes or slip ups. There was the girl
who had a hard time not sleeping with clients that hadn’t paid for it or the
one who tried to pick up new clients while out with paying ones.  They were
supposed to be more discreet than that and you never gave it out if it wasn’t
paid for. There were strict rules that you had to follow when working for Sam. A
big one was the no boyfriend rule. While you were employed for them, you were
only allowed to sleep with the paying clients. If it was found that you had a
boyfriend or were sleeping around, you were out of a job.

Protocol was for each girl to come
and check in with Sam before they went on any dates. Any new marks, bruises or
tattoos were noted. Once a week they had to weigh in and take measurements to
make sure everyone was taking care of their bodies and they even took note of
when your monthly cycle was since that would affect business. Sometimes for the
better if that’s what a client wanted. Once a month every girl and client was
drug tested and tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Heaven knows you
wouldn’t want to get a disease that you have to explain to the old lady and
Finest Companions didn’t want a customer giving their girls things to spread
around either. 

Each girl had her own little
section on the wall to wall built in for her clothes to be stored so that Sam
could make sure each girl was appropriately dressed before appointments or outings.
There were four stations set up for the girls if they needed to do their hair
and/or makeup. In the bathroom, there was two showers in case someone really
needed to clean up or just wanted to freshen up. There were a few couches
around the large open room and a big desk and filing cabinets that belonged to
Sam. Sam had once been an escort herself, but now she was Big Momma, taking
care of the girls and the business.

“Gwen, don’t forget Friday night you
have an event to go to. Black tie.” Sam looked over Gwen’s calendar. “Location
is still unknown but Isaac will have a car pick up you so you don’t have to
worry about it.”

“Yep, I’m going to pick up the
dress on my way in tomorrow that I plan to wear so you can approve it.” Gwen
stood up, looking at her watch. “Well, I best be on my way. Don’t want to be
late for the cuddler.”

“See you tomorrow.” Sam threw her
hand out in a wave telling Gwen to go. Stashing her messenger bag in her closet
space, Gwen grabbed her trusty clutch with her phone and ear buds inside it and
headed for the street again.

She only had to walk two blocks
before she was at her first appointment. She rang the bell, waited to be buzzed
in and made her way on up. He was one of her regulars. She had been seeing him
once a week for a year and a half. He was a man in his 40s, who was a very busy
business man and didn’t want to deal with the trials of having a girlfriend. He
would rather pay Gwen to swing by for an hour each week to give him a back
massage, missionary sex, and a few minutes of snuggling. Afterwards, she would slip
into his bathroom, where he already had everything she needed to clean and
freshen herself up. She’d kiss his forehead as he lay still naked in bed. This
time was no different. She slipped her dress back on and slipped out the door
exactly 55 minutes after she entered.

At the curb, she grabbed a cab to
take her up the West Village area of the city. Appointment number two was an up
and coming movie star. He was a relatively new client for Gwen. He had a
long-time girlfriend, but she couldn’t handle the stress of the new found fame
so she had left him.  After that, he decided to forego the whole girlfriend

Gwen always went in the back exit
of his building since the paparazzi were always camped our somewhere around the
entrance and she didn’t want to deal with them.  She made her way up the
elevator to his flat. She leaned against the door frame and knocked twice,
pause, three times, pause, once. This was one of the clients she enjoyed more
so than the others. He was in his 20s and very well built, easy on the eyes. He
was decent in the sack, Gwen would say. Although she really didn’t care for
sex, this guy at least tried to make it enjoyable for her. After he got off
twice, she cleaned up and went back out the back door of the building. As she
was walking down the alley towards the side of the building when she had a
camera and microphone shoved in her face, “Were you just with Jason Stone?” was
yelled at her.

“Who?” Gwen asked raising her
eyebrow and continuing to walk. “Since I don’t even know who that is, I’d have
to say no. Sorry.”

“Why are you coming out the back
door if you weren’t trying to not to be seen by the cameras?” Came back at her
from the obnoxious man with the camera and microphone.

“Look, I was visiting my dear
friend in 2A and I saw all of you out in front of the building when I got here
and didn’t want to have to push my way past you on my way back out. Geez, see
these shoes? They cost more than you make in a year. I didn’t want you to screw
them up.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder in a relatively believable
huff as she pushed passed them. They left her alone after that.  O
h yea,
like I would just come out and admit that’s who I was with
Gwen thought
rolling her eyes. Luckily she’d met the cute little old lady who lived in 2A a
few times and helped her get her groceries to her apartment when Gwen noticed
her struggling in the lobby with them..

She went back to the office, rinsed
her body off in the shower, and slipped on a clean pair of panties and garters.
 She grabbed her bag of laundry and her school bag before heading out. She
dropped the laundry at the nearby laundry mat, they were all her work clothes
so no need to carry them farther than necessary since they would just be going
right back to her closet at work.

Gwen stopped by a sandwich joint and
picked up a turkey sandwich for her to eat later for dinner. She hopped on the
subway that would take her just a few blocks from her apartment and put in her earbuds.
She pulled out her notebook and started doodling.  She started a new design,
trying to get the image of the dress that was floating around in her head down
on paper. She was completely consumed by the image coming together on the page.
Letting the music drown out her other thoughts, she bobbed her head a bit as her
pencil created the image in her mind on the paper, occasionally using her
fingers to smudge the lead just a bit to give the look she was wanting. It was
coming together exactly as she envisioned. Suddenly, she felt eyes on her. She
slowly raised her eyes to meet a pair of smoldering green eyes. Cole sat across
from her and down one bench, an exit door between where they sat. She let her
eyes drag over those broad muscular shoulders hidden behind a very
well-tailored slate gray suit, a pale blue shirt and a slim white tie. Her eyes
taking a moment to take in his large hands resting on top of his thighs, one
hand tugged lightly on a pant leg as he shifted his hips. The movement drew her
eyes up to a very prominent bulge in his pants. He was hard. She slowly licked
her lips as she felt her body flush with arousal and her breathing speeding up
as her pulse started racing. If this man was this hot fully clothed, just how hot
would he be without them?

She finally made her eyes return to
his. However, his eyes weren’t on hers, they were locked on her upper thigh.
She glanced down to see that her skirt had slid up enough on her one legs while
she’d been captivated by her drawing, revealing the top of her lacy thigh highs
and the garter that was clipped to it and all of her very long leg that was
below it. After putting her pencil in the notebook and closing the cover, she
then ran the tips of her fingers over the top of her stocking casually as if
she hadn’t known that’s what held his attention. She saw him take a deep breath
when his eyes jumped back up to meet hers. She gave him a naughty smile then
looked back down to where her fingers were on her thigh.

Feeling her pulse racing even more,
she slid her fingers across the top of her thigh towards her inner thigh.
Watching as his eyes followed her fingers, she felt another smile slide onto
her face. She liked the way it felt to have his eyes on her as she touched her
own body. She felt like there was absolutely no one else around but her and
Cole, especially with the look that was on his face and the heavy beat of music
in her ears. She slowly opened her knees just slightly as her hand disappeared
underneath her skirt, she watched as he drew his bottom lip between his teeth.  She
leaned her head back on a soft gasp as her fingers brushed her damp panties.

The song ended and it was like
everything around them came rushing back into focus. Gwen quickly pulled her
skirt down, closed her legs, grabbed her bag and notebook and stood up. She
slipped around the very few people standing on the subway to escape out the
back door. The doors opened just as she was getting close. She nearly ran away
from the subway. She shook her head softly, what had she been thinking!  She
stopped when she reached the top of the stairs and the rush of fresh air met


“I think that was the hottest thing
I’ve ever seen.” Cole whispered into her ear from behind her. She jumped a foot
in the air. She hadn’t expected him to follow her.

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