Read Zane (Alluring Indulgence) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Zane (Alluring Indulgence) (45 page)


Check out more from Nicole Edwards:



The Club Destiny Series:







And coming later in 2013 –

A secret project (Hint: Luke, Sierra, and Cole)


The Alluring Indulgence Series:



And coming in
2013 –

Travis (Fall 2013)


Continue reading for an excerpt from

Infatuation, Club Destiny, #4




Club Destiny


Copyright © 2013 by Nicole Edwards

All rights reserved.



Infatuation – A Club Destiny Novel
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and
incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual
events is purely coincidental.


This book may not be resold or redistributed without
the express consent of the author.

Romance – intended for mature audiences


, owner of Sensations, Inc. – an online magazine
geared toward libidinous carnality and erotic lifestyles - is intimately
familiar with the lifestyle that the Club Destiny club is famous for. As a
journalist, she’s interested in understanding just what makes the swinger’s
club so popular. When she comes face to face with Tag Murphy, the
sophisticated, sexy attorney representing the club and its owners, she finds a
new reason to be curious. It only takes one encounter for McKenna to realize
the heat the two of them generate together is hot enough to melt her internal
thermostat. That doesn’t stop her from requesting an exclusive on the club that
might just turn into more than she bargained for.


, a highly successful corporate attorney who
represents some of Dallas’ wealthiest companies is not only Club Destiny’s
legal counsel, he’s also a member. It’s during his time in the public
spotlight, representing the club in a volatile lawsuit against one of its
former members, that Tag gets his first glimpse of a fiery red headed
journalist bent on exploiting his personal life for the benefit of her readers.
In order to protect his own personal interest, and that of the club he
represents, Tag decides to take McKenna up on her offer, only he adds his own
stipulations. If she wants to learn more about the club, she’s going to get the
guided tour – from him.


the two of them be able to overcome their own personal issues as well as those
they find themselves in the midst of? Or will their independent, stubborn
personalities force them to keep their distance?





Chapter One

*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

a slew of reporters standing around, looking to pick up the tiniest bit of news
that they could exploit, Tag Murphy did his best to appear unaffected as he
made his way through the crowd. Although he wasn’t Sierra’s lawyer, Tag was
still representing Club Destiny and felt it necessary to be present in the
event Luke needed anything. As it turned out, he had. This was just part of his
job that he wasn’t all that fond of.

didn’t have any problem being the necessary distraction that would keep the
media at bay temporarily for Sierra’s sake, but he’d rather be doing just about
anything else. If Susan Toulmin’s rant of lunacy was anything to go by, the
tactic appeared to be working.

spared a glance at the immaculately dressed woman coming out of the courtroom
spouting all kinds of crazy shit. As much as he’d like to be surprised, sadly,
he was not. He didn’t expect anything less from her today, especially after the
judge finally ruled in favor of Sierra Sellers.

might have to endure a microphone or two that came just a little too close for
comfort, but it was the least he could do to keep the attention from Sierra who
was now being escorted out through the side entrance by Luke and Cole. Better
him than Luke McCoy that was for damn sure.

Murphy,” a microphone was jammed toward his face, “is it true that, not only do
you represent Club Destiny, but you’re also a member?”

couldn’t count the number of times he had heard that exact question in the last
couple of weeks. And just like every other time, he ignored it and continued
making his way through the hordes of people mulling about.



comment,” Tag said as he shouldered his way through, only this time, something
– or rather some
– caught his eye.

abruptly, his feet unwilling to continue, Tag searched the faces around him
until his gaze narrowed on one woman. The same woman who had caught his eye
every day for a solid month and captivated his thoughts for even longer.


their first run in, Tag had spent the better part of an afternoon digging for
more information on the titillating red head now standing just two feet away
wielding a microphone and a seductive smile. The microphone he didn’t mind, but
the smile was more than just an intriguing tilt of her full, red lips. It was a

persistent research gave Tag quite a bit of information on the tremendously
successful journalist. She wasn’t just any journalist though. McKenna was a
relentless, highly admired entrepreneur who owned Sensations, Inc., a
well-known online magazine geared toward swingers and the sexually taboo. In
recent weeks, thanks to the loose lips of Susan Toulmin, McKenna’s magazine had
received more than its fair share of recognition.

knew better than to provoke the intriguing McKenna. Not because he worried his
life would become fodder for her daily newsfeed, but because, quite frankly,
Tag wasn’t sure how far his control could be stretched, and the vibrant red
head, with her teasing smile and come-hither stare, seemed to realize that.

it true, Mr. Murphy,” McKenna drawled in that sexy, raspy voice that was better
suited for phone sex than an interview in his opinion, “that you’re
representing Luke and Logan McCoy in their newest business venture? Investing
in a mega resort catering to the uber wealthy and their kinky obsessions?”

made sure his expression didn’t change as he continued to stare into the most
exotically intense eyes he’d ever seen on a human being. From a distance, her
eyes appeared to be as crystal blue as the waters of the Caribbean, but up
close, less than a foot between them, he could see that McKenna’s eyes weren’t
blue, or green, or brown, but a combination of all three. The iris consisted of
a thin band of brown, encapsulated by a thicker ring of green, surrounded by an
unusually bright teal blue. He didn’t even think they could be called a
specific color.

eyes weren’t her only feature that Tag found appealing. Ever since the first
day, outside of the exact same courthouse where they stood now, he’d been
consumed by thoughts of her. It wasn’t just the smooth perfection of her
porcelain skin, her cute little nose, her luscious mouth or all of those sinful
curves that made men turn and watch while she walked away. McKenna had a
confident sophistication about her, and when she had said his name that day,
he’d been a goner.

body hadn’t known the type of lust she inspired for quite some time; an inferno
of passion and need that all but consumed him. Only Tag was a smart man, and
he’d been taught at a remarkably young age not to play with fire. And he sensed
this woman was as fiery as the long, silky tresses upswept at the back of her

Comment.” Tag offered McKenna his signature statement and a sardonic grin, then
turned and moved through the crowd. Had it not been for his momentary pause, he
might’ve been able to avoid what came next.

Murphy!” The voice rang out, all too familiar, and more than a little irritating.
“Don’t you think it’s time you came clean with the nice people of this city?”

couldn’t the woman just keep her damned mouth shut?

initially found Susan’s insistence on representing herself highly amusing, but
it hadn’t taken long before she proved not only to him, but the judge as well,
that she was unquestionably bat shit crazy. Now, apparently, she was out to
ensure the world knew it too.

turned slowly, dreading the confrontation that had been a long time coming.

Toulmin,” Tag greeted her politely, although he should’ve ignored her.

Luke McCoy, on behalf of Club Destiny, in the process of suing Susan for
violation of a binding contract, Tag knew better than to invite trouble if he
could avoid it.

reaction to Sierra’s relationship with Luke and Cole came as a bit of a shock
to the three of them. She made good on her promise to sue Sierra for
misrepresentation of her design experience, although Susan’s retaliation was
obviously due to her intense feelings for Luke and Cole. Tag knew for a fact
that Sierra had wished she never laid eyes on the high maintenance, demanding
attorney, so today’s outcome had to be a welcome relief.

are you going to let these people know what Club Destiny is truly all about?
The lewd and repulsive acts that go on behind closed doors?”

how the woman didn’t find the club lewd and repulsive when she had been the one
being nailed to the wall by one or more members of the club during her frequent
weekly visits.

raised his eyebrows as if to question Susan, knowing full well she was
continuing to dig herself a deeper hole every time she chose to open her mouth.

sometimes, like now, had trouble understanding what made the woman snap. Tag
liked Luke McCoy well enough, but seriously? Could Luke have been that good in
bed that the instant Susan felt he wasn’t hers to have any longer she went off
the deep end? Shit, he’d engaged in some seriously intense sex in his lifetime,
but no one had ever pushed him to his limits.

again, Tag never allowed himself to consider anyone
the way Susan
mistakenly did. There might have been a relationship or two that Tag considered
exclusive, but with those partners, they agreed up front and they knew full
well what he was and was not interested in.

it was over, it was over.

reason he liked the recent nontraditional aspect to his relationships. He was
content with being a third because it allowed him the freedom he craved while
also giving him the monogamy – for lack of a better word – that he desired.
However, his current relationship status stood at single because he didn’t have
time for anything else. Or at least that’s what he told himself.

a solid month, Tag had managed to avoid Logan and Samantha McCoy’s requests for
him to join them in their infrequent rendezvous’ because... well, because of
The sinfully beautiful woman, dressed in black, from head to toe, pinning him
with those exquisite eyes; the same one standing behind Susan Toulmin, pulling
her bottom lip between her teeth in another attempt to fuck with him.

of responding to either woman, Tag turned around, and this time successfully
escaped the throng of reporters eager to sling mud all over the front pages of
whatever magazine or newspaper they represented.

McKenna Thorne.

she knew what was best for her, she’d back off before she bit off more than she
could chew.




watched as the extremely fine specimen known as Tag Murphy slowly disappeared
from sight, appearing to be swallowed whole by the throng of reporters jumping
for the chance to catch that one golden ticket comment that would rocket their
career to stardom.

didn’t move until she couldn’t see his sexy as hell bald head any longer. What
she wouldn’t give just to follow him. Thankfully, she had been blessed with
enough common sense to know better.

the moment she laid eyes on him nearly two months earlier, McKenna realized Tag
was one she didn’t want to mess with. Yet, she was captivated by him. Totally
enthralled with every facet of the man to the point she was all but stalking
him on the internet, digging up as much information about him as she could, and
absorbing it as fast as possible. It was a good thing that was her job, or she
might be a little worried about her own sanity.

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