Read Zeus (Frozen Origin) Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Zeus (Frozen Origin) (22 page)

“So you want to remove Brenda next? Are you sure it will be wise since he’ll notice her almost right away?”

“She has to be nearly ready to run on her own since that man treats her like shit.”

“Okay, Eres. Get it taken care of. We need to get this finished.”

Eres left to check with whoever followed Brenda while Zeus went to spend time where he preferred to be, with Sierra and Athena. “You might as well give in, Sweetheart.”

“Oh, really? What should I give in to and why?”

“I know you love me and it’s important to me to name our girl, Athena.”

“Does that mean you don’t love me? What’s wrong with Rachel?”

“She’s going to get a complex from being called baby, all the time.”

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll let you name her but I name the next one and you owe me one.” Zeus smiled knowing he looked like he won something which wasn’t smart. “Maybe you should owe me two since you seem to think you’re coming out on top.”

“Sweetheart, you know how I like to be on top.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make you pay, Babe.” He pulled her into his arms holding her close as they looked down at their daughter lying on her bed. He breathed her scent letting the love and warmth of having her in his arms wash over him. It was worth whatever she wanted because he knew if something was important to her, he would want her to have it anyway.
You’re thinking too hard.

“Did you say that or think it?”

I thought it and I know what you’re thinking too.

Your change is complete! I wondered if you would be able to speak to me or hear me in your mind. This is perfect.

“Most men wouldn’t want their female in their mind.”

I’m not most men,
I am a god. We think differently, we act unlike men.

“Can’t argue there.”
This will take time to get used to.

I’m just happy you have the abilities. Athena should be developing them soon
, too.

She will be able to see into our minds? That might not be a good thing. Are you able to block someone from reading you?

Yes, I can and you will be able to as well with time.

Chapter 7

Where’d They Go

Well for now, I have something else in mind.
She leaned into him unsnapping his jeans before unzipping them. She slid them and his boxers down to his knees. The sight of his long, thick cock made her mouth water. It was so perfect with its mushroomed head, that her tongue itched to slide around the rim of the head of his beautiful cock, so that was what she did. He gasped in both surprise and pleasure groaning deeply when she sank the head in her mouth and sucked hard. She watched his face, loving the look of bliss that passed over it as his eyes closed so he could just feel. She let his cock go with a loud pop and palmed his balls gently before sucking them into her mouth lovingly one at a time. His cock seemed to grow even harder and a glistening drop formed at the end begging her tongue to taste it.

She touched it with the tip of her tongue then swiped over it savoring the salty sweet taste. She took her tongue licking him from root to tip over and over like an ice cream cone. Once he started squirming she just sank him into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.
He filled her so fully that her teeth lightly raked his cock as it moved in and out of her mouth. He groaned again, an animalistic sound that turned her on. She bobbed up and down sliding his cock in and out of her mouth moving faster as he groaned harder. One hand continued to palm his balls as she felt them draw tight letting her know he was nearing release. She moved faster as his hips started to jerk while he was unable to hold still anymore. She felt the first drops hit her tongue as he pushed deeper into her mouth coating the back of her throat with streams of hot, salty sweet cum.

Oh, sweetheart. That was unbelievable.
His body still shook from the force of his release as he lifted her from the floor lying her down on the bed with him. He enclosed her into his arms as if he never wanted to let her go. She felt warm, comforted, and a little tired since it had been a busy day. She slept well, feeling loved and protected while Zeus’ arms encircled her.

She woke hours later
with no Zeus to be found. He was probably busy with the work a leader has to do. Still, once she was back to a hundred percent, he’d better make time for her in the morning at least once in awhile. She got up, fed her sweet little baby who was already letting her sleep most of the night, which was highly unusual for a newborn. She dropped Athena off with her Uncle Lucifer, so she could go help Zeus with the Kyler problem.

She walked into Zeus’
office where he sat talking to Eres who was giving him a report. “Brenda is restrained with Johnny. The pilot will run them both to Pedro in a few hours. I hope Kyler will have a cow.”

“You picked Brenda to go after this time?” Sierra asked in surprise. “Won’t he notice her right away?”

“We’re about to find out one way or the other,” Zeus said.

There was a knock on the door. Eres opened it and Kyler stood there. “Something is going on here. Brenda is gone and I can’t find her anywhere. That makes three of my team gone in three days.”

“What did you do to Brenda this time?” Sierra asked. “Some of the gods she is friendly with have been concerned about her. She mentioned you were getting rough and she even had a split lip earlier today.”

Kyler turned red. “I haven’t done anything to her that she didn’t want.”

“That is a classic answer from an abusive boyfriend,” Sierra said.

“I am not her boyfriend. I have never been her boyfriend.” Kyler said through gritted teeth.

“That’s not what she says.” She responded.

“She’s screwing half the gods. Are they her boyfriends too?” Kyler sneered.

“Maybe she was tired of waiting for you to commit.”

Kyler was getting angry and frustrated. It was probably worse because he had the discussion with Sierra. “I’m calling Mark to apprise him of the missing team members.”

“You don’t need to, I called him as soon as Colin left then Johnny. I didn’t know Brenda had left or I would have told him that too.” Sierra told him speaking truthfully. She knew how to CYA which stands for ‘cover your ass’. The best way was to present your side of the story first because that made it more believable. Kyler would look like he was trying to hide something because he had waited until three of his team members were gone before reporting anything.

She was looking forward to watching Kyler squirm as Mark questioned him. This might be the thing that got him removed from here. They would still have to be careful since they didn’t know what Kyler had reported to Origin or what sabotage he might have carried out before they started watching him.

Kyler looked like he was going to choke and at the same time managed to look like a kid that had been told Santa Claus no longer existed. Sierra would feel guilty because she knew he was a little obsessed about her in a sick way, but she found out too much about him to feel he deserved her concern, care, or pity. He would be in trouble with Mark now not because of some oversight, but because he had sold out to Origin giving up any bit of loyalty, morals, or code of conduct he might have had at one time.

“So that’s how it is.” Was all he said before he turned and left.

“It’s not going to be that easy. Kyler isn’t done with us yet,” Zeus said.

“I didn’t think it would be, but at least we’re ahead right now. We just need to be prepared
for whatever he might throw at us.” She agreed.

“What should I do now?” Eres asked waiting for orders.

“I think we should sit tight until Mark comes. When he hears Brenda is gone, he’ll be here in person. Even though he’s my boss not Kyler’s, Mark is an investigator. He’ll know who to alert to get things taken care of.”

“He’s not an ex-lover too is he?” Zeus asked looking jealous.

“He’s only my boss and my friend.”

“I’ll go get some sleep since I was up all night.” Eres told them before he left.

Sierra went over to Zeus kissing him. He pulled her into his lap pulling his arms tightly around her. Kyler made her nervous but Zeus made her feel safe. Ten days until the ball and Kyler was still on the loose, preparations were still not complete, and Hermes, according to Agnon, was still out of touch. Things might not be as bad as they could be, but they weren’t at their best either. Zeus called Pedro putting him on speaker phone.

“Hello, this is Pedro.”

“Pedro, this is Sierra and Zeus. Did you get our package?”

“Yes, I did. I expected something prettier.”

“Well, we have another package with two pieces going out later today.”

“I look forward to receiving it. I put some funds into your account from our last deal.”

“That’s great. It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.”

“Don’t forget to send all your friends my way.”

“I always do.” Sierra said before they said goodbye.

“You never told me anything about the facility Ares attacked. What happened there?”

“You may not believe me, but with the problems with Kyler, Ares never has brought me up to date on what occurred. All I know is the facility was in a forested area of Washington state and that we were told over eighty gods would be there, but less than fifty were.”

“You just called Ares mentally, I heard you!”

“Your mental powers are expanding.”

There was a knock on the door. “Come in!”

“Zeus, what did you need?”

“You never told me how your attack went.”

“It wasn’t as exciting as yours was. We arrived at a small private landing field ten miles out because the area tended to be heavily wooded. The landing field was owned by a company that ran expeditions into a nearby state park that has a river running through it. The facility we attacked was close to the park, but well hidden by the surrounding trees. We had to spread out to search for it and Drakos found it.”

“Isn’t Drakos dragon or something like it?”

“Yes, he is the god of dragons and lizards. Anyway, he called us all and we converged. The place turned out to be some kind of bunker. It was mostly underground and the gods were squeezed into a small space where they were sleeping literally stacked up three high on these small bunk style beds. They had only four guards and a hand full of staff. It was over in the blink of an eye. They were depending too much on being hard to find. They had little real security in place and the guards were poorly trained. We freed forty eight gods. It was a good day for us, not so much for Pedro. They had little equipment and no lab set up.” Ares finished proudly.

“You managed to complete your mission perfectly.” Ares lit up from the praise
he received from Sierra. He actually smiled, something he didn’t do often. Maybe she was finally growing on the god.

Buzz called her to let her know Mark was on the line. She went to what she called the radio room where outside communications where. Yeah, they could broadcast it to her, but who else would hear it? Zeus followed her, either to be in on the conversation or because he just wanted to be with her. Either way, it didn’t matter, she didn’t mind him being there.

“Mark, are you there?” Sierra said letting him know she was on the line.

“Sierra, I’m here. I wanted to ask you
, just what the hell is going on up there? Kyler just called me to tell me that he has a third team member missing. Is that still the case or has she been found?”

“She’s still gone, but I think something more is going on here. Kyler seems to be having anger issues and his team, those who aren’t completely quiet, say he scares them.”

“I heard you broke up with him. That would be enough to make any guy go a little crazy.” Mark said with a chuckle. Mark had hit on her way back when they had first met and she knew he had always found her attractive.

“I think it goes way beyond that and I suspect he may be unstable. Maybe being locked inside is taking a toll on him and his team.”

“I think I need to get down there. Is it true you are seeing one of them?”

“Yes.” Sierra said not willing to give any more information until he was with her. She had no idea who was listening on his side. Mark was not so careful.

“Shit, Sierra. Why the hell did you do that? If you need someone to fuck, you can get guys on base to line up for you and I’d be at the front of the line. You don’t know anything about those guys, no one does but Origin and they’re not telling. They might not be compatible, it could even be dangerous.”

“Don’t worry about me, Mark. I know what I’m doing and he is safe.

“I’m coming up there and I’m going to check things out. Don’t tell Kyler I’m coming, I want it to be a surprise.”

“I’m sure it will be.”

“I’ve got to go, my team is here. I’ll see you soon.” The radio cut out before she could reply. Mark was coming, but he was bringing a team. That was bad for Kyler, but bad for them as well. Containing Mark’s men, who were all investigators, would be harder than containing Kyler’s team had ever been.

Zeus nearly roared once Mark was off the line. “I thought you said he wasn’t an ex-lover?”

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