Guardian (Daughters Of The Gods, Book 2) (11 page)

He hesitated before he spoke. “I’ve fallen hard for you, Caitlin and I don’t want to lose whatever this is we have together.”

Cat felt tears prick behind her eyes. Wow! Never had anyone sounded or looked more sincere than Lelantos did right at this moment and her heart thumped hard in her chest. She ran her hands across his jaw and into his hair. “I love you too.”

Fire ignited in his gaze and he took her lips in a searing kiss. Cat shuffled forward on the desk, her body yearning for Lelantos to take her. Two weeks was turning out to be a very long time. Using both hands he pulled
up her gown and stepped between her legs. Lelantos yanked her against him and she gasped at the hardness that sat hard against her flesh.

“Do you want this
?” he asked, sliding his rod against her clit.

Cat nodded
unable to form words. He smiled as he slowly sank into her. She moaned and scored her nails up his muscled back. Her body seemed made for him. Never had she ever felt so close, so in sync with anyone in all her existence. And she’d existed for a very long time.



Lelantos bit the inside of his lip to stop himself from spilling into her hot, wet core which clamped around him, tempting him to let go of his self control. He pumped relentlessly into her, wanting to hear his name shouted from her lips as she came apart in his arms.

To be with her again and so soon since his imprisonment had left him off balance. He’d not thought to ever hold and love this immortal female again for many years. She was a marvel. A goddess in the truest sense and she’d saved him.

“I love you,” he said, taking her lips again, needing to be as close as possible to her. And never
again would he let her go. She was his now and a tremendous sense of protectiveness swamped him. He would lay down his life before letting any harm befall or threaten her.

“I know,” she said, kissing him back.

He lifted her off the desk and carried her over to her bed. Lelantos laid her gently down onto the silk duvet and slowly made love to her. Her legs wrapped about his hips, urging him on, yet he held back, wanting to prolong their lovemaking.

Yet her writhing beneath him was making it bloody hard not to fuck her like th
e horny bastard he felt like he was.

“Don’t tease me, Lelantos. I want you.”

Her plea undid his resolve and he quickened his pace. Her core tightened about him and she came, his name the sweetest sound he’d ever heard passing from her lips. As she tightened about him he let go of his control and came. Hard. Lelantos moaned as her body drained him of his seed.

He pulled out and came to lie beside her. His body fought for breath as he absently studied her room. It was large, the bed
, bigger than he’d ever seen, was comfortable and made of marble. Images of Cat having other men in here sent jealousy to course though his blood and he pulled her into the crook of his arm.

Her hand absently stroked his chest and he covered it with his own. “Are you alright? I may have gotten a little...enthusiastic.”

Cat laughed. “I like it like that. And you know it.” She looked up at him and met his gaze. “Where are we going to go to be safe? Zeus will be looking for us, probably as we speak.”

“I’ve learnt a few things since living among the humans and we’ll have you looking like one soon enough. But,” he said, running his hand along the silk of her gown. “You’ll have to stop wearing dresses like this. They’re a dead giveaway.”

“I’ll do whatever I have to so we may live together away from all this turmoil and treachery. But can it be someplace nice?” Cat paused. “How about Hawaii? I’ve heard of that place.”

“I’ll take you to live wherever you want, just so long as we’re together.” Lelantos circled her breast, his gaze caught on the hardened nipple poking through the thin material.

“What are you doing?”

He met her gaze and grinned. “Enjoying you.”

Cat sat up and pulled him from the bed. “And so you shall. But first we must go before someone finds us. We’ll have to keep moving so the hunters can’t track us.”

“I think you’re forgetting who I am, Cat.”

She looked at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I’m the
God of the Unseen. Any enemy of ours will never see us again. You have nothing to run from anymore.”

Cat smiled. “I
’d forgotten.” As she busied herself grabbing a few of her things, Lelantos stood and watched before pulling her to a stop as she went to step past him. “Cat, are you sure this is what you want? I’m a Titan, the enemy of your kind and should you willingly give yourself to me, heart and soul, you’ll never be accepted back at Mount Olympus. Your ties to the only home you’ve ever known will be severed. Forever….”

A slight frown marred her forehead and dread coiled in his gut. Perhaps she
had begun to regret. Perhaps she didn’t want to leave after all?

“I love you, Lelantos
, and I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. I’m not afraid of walking away from the only home I’ve ever known, for I know what I want.” Cat leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him. “I want you.”

Lelantos took a calming breath and pulled her into an embrace. She smelt of the exotic fruit he’d yet to name and he breathed deep.
“You don’t know how glad I am to hear that. I don’t know what I’d have done if you’d said you’d changed your mind.”

“I won’t change my mind. I promise.”

He smiled. “Good, because now that I’ve got you I’m never letting you go. And with us both being immortal, that’s a very long time, Cat.”

Cat clasped him
and grabbed her small bag. “The longer the better, Titan,” she said, before thinking of Hawaii and getting them out of Mount Olympus and into their future.






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~ Look for these titles from Tamara Gill ~



Now Available



Daughters of the Gods, Book I


A Marriage Made in Mayfair







Daughters of the Gods, Book I


A goddess exiled. A druid immortalized.

And the father of all gods bent on revenge.


Chloe, beautiful and privileged daughter of a powerful god, literally has the world at her feet. Until she falls in love with a Scottish druid. Her enraged father sentences her to an endless cycle of birth and death; each life spent yearning for a man she no longer knows or remembers.


Scottish druid, Cian McKay searches the world for his long lost love, only to have her appear at the local pub in his highland hometown. Cian must win Chloe's heart again but without the ability to tell her who she is.


Back in the place where she first loved Cian and fell from grace, Chloe's memory haunts her with images that could not possibly be true. She must find the truth and the only way is a confrontation with the Deity who banished her a thousand years before - her father, Zeus.






A Marriage Made in Mayfair


Miss Suzanna March wished for one thing: the elusive, rakish charmer, Lord Danning. But after a frightful first season such dreams are impossible. That is until she returns to London, a new woman, and one who will not let the ton's dislike of her stand in her way of gaining what she wants: revenge on the Lord who gave her the cut direct…


Lord Danning, unbeknown to his peers, is in financial strife and desperate to marry an heiress. Such luck would have it Miss Suzanna March fits all his credentials and seduction in his plan of action. Yes, the woman who returned from Paris is stronger, defiant, and a little argumentative, but it does not stop Lord Danning finding himself in awe and protective of her.


But will Suzanna fall for such pretty words from a charmer? Or will Lord Danning prove to Suzanna and himself that she is more than his ticket out of debtor's prison...?







Tamara Gill's love of history started from an early age, but her reading of romance novels only began when home on maternity leave with her second son. Her writing career started as a hobby but soon turned into an obsession that is still going strong. Member of Romance Writers of Australia, Romance Writers of America, South Australian Romance Authors and The Beau Monde keep her occupied and focused on her craft and the changing trends of readers. Tamara lives in the beautiful Mid North of South Australia and enjoys hearing from readers and writers alike.





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