Read Simon Says: Mine: A novella (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven Book 2) Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Simon Says: Mine: A novella (Mountain Masters & Dark Haven Book 2)

About Simon Says: Mine

Mountain Masters & Dark Haven: Book 2

Once again dynamic author Cherise Sinclair creates a magnificent and deliciously rendered story that captures the heart and soul, captivating the reader. The characters have a great emotional depth, courage and passion combined they support an outstanding story. The plotting is exquisite with the thrilling action, dialogue and well-crafted characters that are so enchanting that they will make the reader’s heart race in anticipation of each new delightful and erotic scene.

~ The Romance Studio

With an empty nest and divorce in hand, Rona decides it’s time to explore the fantasies that nourished her through a long, tedious marriage to a man whose idea of outrageous sex was leaving the lights on. At the top of her fantasy list is touring Dark Haven, the BDSM club, but she isn’t prepared for the effect of a powerful Dom. When Master Simon takes control and introduces her to toys and sensations she’s never felt before, she realizes he could fulfill every fantasy on her list all by himself. But she’s vowed to never get trapped in a relationship again.

One of the most popular Doms in Dark Haven, Master Simon has had his fill of eager, shallow, young subs. Rona is older, intelligent, independent…and sweetly submissive. After an evening of intense pleasure and despite her obvious attraction, she refuses to see him again. He needs a way to change her mind. She’s not the first sub he’s taken on a journey of exploration, but he’s beginning to think she might be the last.

Master Simon is one of the more popular Doms at Dark Haven and he holds the key to my heart. I loved how he handled Rona, a more tentative and older submissive. They are such a pair and Sinclair gives them a story that is definitely worth checking out.

~ Under the Covers Book Blog

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Simon Says: Mine

Mountain Masters & Dark Haven: 2

Cherise Sinclair


VanScoy Publishing Group

Copyright 2010 Cherise Sinclair

Simon Says: Mine

Copyright © 2010 by Cherise Sinclair

Kindle Edition

ISBN 978-0-9861195-3-8

Published by VanScoy Publishing Group

Cover Artist: Hot Damn Designs

~ Reprint ~

~ Originally published in the anthology, Doms of Dark Haven ~

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, business establishments, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this eBook only. No part of this eBook may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

Disclaimer: Please do not try any new sexual practice, without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.

Author’s Note

To my readers,

The books I write are fiction, not reality, and as in most romantic fiction, the romance is compressed into a very, very short time period.

You, my darlings, live in the real world, and I want you to take a little more time in your relationships. Good Doms don’t grow on trees, and there are some strange people out there. So while you’re looking for that special Dom, please, be careful.

When you find him, realize he can’t read your mind. Yes, frightening as it might be, you’re going to have to open up and talk to him. And you listen to him, in return. Share your hopes and fears, what you want from him, what scares you spitless. Okay, he may try to push your boundaries a little—he’s a Dom, after all—but you will have your safe word. You will have a safe word, am I clear? Use protection. Have a back-up person. Communicate.

Remember: safe, sane, and consensual.

Know that I’m hoping you find that special, loving person who will understand your needs and hold you close.

And while you’re looking or even if you have already found your dearheart, come and hang out with the Doms in Dark Haven.



Chapter One

omeone should lock
me up in the psych unit
. Rona McGregor sucked in a breath of cool night air. Visiting a BDSM club held third place on her fantasy list, but she’d decided to take it out of order. Just this once. With an eager smile and her heart pounding, she lifted her ankle-length skirt and shoved open the door to the notorious San Francisco club named Dark Haven.

She hadn’t done anything remotely adventurous in the last twenty years, but her time for insanity had finally arrived. Her children were in college. No husband anymore—
thank you, God
. She’d lost weight—she glanced down at her very full bodice—well,
weight. But truly, she didn’t look too bad for a woman on the downslide to forty.

Rather than the den of sin Rona had expected, the small entry was dismally bland. A handful of people, also dressed in nineteenth-century clothing, stood in line to give their entrance fees to the woman behind the desk. A few minutes later Rona reached the front.

The perky young woman beamed at her. “Hi. Welcome to Dark Haven’s Victorian night. Members sign in here.” The receptionist’s purple gown matched the streaks in her spiked hair. She’d apparently ripped out the bodice, leaving only pink netting over her breasts.

Rona suppressed a snort of laughter. Maybe the place wasn’t all that bland. After her years as a nurse, bare breasts didn’t unsettle her, but she’d never seen any quite so vividly displayed before. “I’m not a member.”

“No problem. Oh, hey, I love your outfit. Major authentic. Did you go to the Dickens Faire at the Cow Palace today?”

Rona nodded. “That’s where I found out about this theme night.” And it had seemed like a sign from heaven. There she’d been, already in the perfect attire. “Since I haven’t been in a place like this before, is there anything I should know?”

“Nah. Here’s a membership form and release. Fill it out and give me twenty bucks to get in and five more for the membership, and you’re good to go.” The receptionist pushed a clipboard of papers across the desk. “If you hurry, you’ll catch Master Simon giving an erotic flogging demo.”

“Master Simon?” A young woman in the line squealed. “Oh God, he’s so hot!” She waved her hand in front of her face so vigorously that Rona almost offered the lace fan clipped to her waistband.

Rona filled out the forms and eyed the others signing in. Satisfaction eased her nerves at the sight of the costumes: an evening gown over wide hoops, a tea gown like hers, two maid outfits with aprons. Any other night she’d be clueless as to what to wear to a BDSM club, but tonight she fit right in. How could she have resisted?

Then she noticed one lady wearing only a chemise. Another woman removed her coat, revealing a pristine white apron—and nothing else. A small worm of unease squirmed in Rona’s stomach. She gave the receptionist the paperwork and asked, “Am I a little overdressed?”

“Hell no.” The girl put the money away and handed over a membership card. “Dommes wear that much, and lots of subs start off dressed. Makes it more interesting when you have to strip, right?”

Strip. In a bar? Me
? She’d only planned on watching. The thought of actually participating sent a shiver of excitement up her spine. “Right.”

Rona tucked the card into her reticule, smoothed her gown, then opened the door to the inner sanctum and stepped into the nineteenth century. Her startled breath of air was redolent with perfumes, leather, sweat, and sex. As the passionate sound of Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor surrounded her, she moved into the dimly lit room crowded with men in frock coats and women in bell-like gowns.
How fun.

She walked forward slowly, trying not to gawk. Dark wood tables and chairs dotted the center of the long room. A small dance floor took up one corner in the far back; a shiny metal bar with two bartenders behind it occupied the other. All fairly normal. Where’d they hide the kinky stuff that her erotic romance novels had promised?

Then a man strolled past wearing nothing except a terrifying harness strapped to his cock and balls. Rona’s mouth dropped.
, but she could almost feel her nonexistent male equipment shrivel up in horror.

Shaking her head, she started toward the bar, then noticed the right and left wall each held a small stage.

One platform stood empty. On the other… Rona took an involuntary step back, bumped into someone, and muttered an apology without looking away from the stage where—
surely that’s illegal
—a man was whipping a woman chained to a post.

BDSM. Remember, Rona
? She’d read about whips and chains and stuff—but seeing it?

She pressed a hand to her hammering heart and squashed the impulse to go and snatch the whip from him. As if she could anyway. He stood a good six feet tall with a mature man’s solid build; she had a feeling that if someone were to punch him, he’d just absorb it. In keeping with the night’s theme, he wore a green silk vest over an old-fashioned white shirt. The rolled-up sleeves displayed thickly muscled forearms.

In contrast, his victim was completely naked, her dusky skin glowing dark red from the effects of the whip—No, it was called a flogger, right? The multiple strands stroked up and down her back so evenly that Rona could time her breathing to the rhythm. Mesmerized, she moved closer—threading her way through the tables and chairs scattered around the stage—and chose a table near the front.

. The word sounded brutal, but this…this was almost beautiful. The man swung the flogger in a figure-eight pattern, hitting one side of the woman, then the other. Rona leaned forward, setting her elbows on the table. He never struck over the brunette’s spine or flanks, obviously avoiding her kidneys with appallingly impressive skill.

He slowed and paused for a moment before whispering the strands across the woman’s back and legs. The woman had her side to the audience, and Rona could see her flushed face and glazed eyes. She was panting from the pain or… The victim’s bottom tilted outward, swaying in a way that implied arousal, not pain.


A grin flashed over the man’s tanned face. He stroked the woman’s inner thighs with the leather strands, up and down, each time moving closer to the V between her legs. She moaned and wiggled.

Rona inhaled slowly, trying to damp the excitement sizzling through her veins.

The man started the flogging again, down the woman’s back, bottom, and thighs. Suddenly, he altered the pattern and flicked the lashes between her legs, right onto her pussy. The woman gasped.

So did Rona. She’d been so immersed, it felt as if the whip had hit her…there. Her insides melted into a puddle of liquid heat. The receptionist had had it right—this was an

The music changed, beginning the dramatic conclusion of the movement, and even the murmured conversations died. Rona could almost smell the arousal in the room, and her hands clenched.
So violent…so exciting.

He was flogging the woman’s thighs now, the blows gradually moving upward, even harder than before. And again he slapped the strands lightly between her legs. The woman’s squeak turned into a low moan. Then her back, down her thighs, and up slowly. The third time he hit her pussy, the woman shriek and climaxed, writhing in her chains.

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