074a50a5-6717-4074-afd7-3ef0b380f481 out (9 page)

Somehow he and Connor ended up sitting next to each other,
their shoulders touching then their thighs as they adjusted to get more
comfortable. Mike wasn't paying attention to the movie any longer, instead his
attention was focused on Connor's leg. His dick was hard and he wanted to
adjust it, but then Connor would know.

Mike glanced at Connor, surprised to find him not watching
the movie either. He reached up and touched Connor's face, sliding his finger
over the strong jaw. Connor's eyes were dark with desire, leaving Mike wanting
things he shouldn't. He pushed Mike to the couch, lying on top of him. Mike
groaned, welcoming the weight.

Connor didn't kiss him right away. Instead he ran his fingers
through Mike's hair and over his chin, his thumb rubbing over Mike's lips. Mike
opened his mouth and sucked in Connor's thumb. Connor's body had been still
above him, but when Mike pulled hard on Connor's thumb the man pushed, rubbing
his hard cock over Mike's hip.

Mike gasped, releasing Connor's thumb. They were getting hot
and heavy real fast, their breaths coming in gasps.

"Connor," Mike whispered just before Connor sealed
their lips together, his tongue plunging between Mike's lips. They were moving
into dangerous territory and as much as Mike wanted this, he didn't want to
move too fast.

They kissed for another minute before Mike pulled back and
hugged Connor, holding him tightly. "I have so many feelings for you and
one of those is a deep—caring that is rooted in friendship. We need to slow

"Fuck, Mike, we aren't teenagers."

"I know, but I don't want to mess this up. I've wanted
you for a long time and I want this to last for more than a onetime fuck."

Connor huffed out a breath. "What the hell am I supposed
to say to that?"

"Maybe you should understand that I'm not going to use
you to get off and respect the fact that I want to be with you."

Connor stood up, pacing away before turning back. "I do
respect it, probably more than I'm showing you. Eventually, I want you in my
bed, but I'm willing to wait for a bit. Not forever."

Mike sat up, watching Connor pace. "I probably should
get some sleep. We can talk about this in the morning."

"Yeah, in the morning."

"Big guy, I really like you. Tomorrow we can talk about
what we both want from a relationship."

"Relationship?" Connor shivered. "Damn, that's
a scary word."

"That's why I'm not going to have sex with you right
now. I like you too much to not do a relationship."

Connor sat next to Mike, placing his hand on Mike's knee.

"Sure." Mike kissed him on his cheek then stood and
headed into the bathroom. He closed the door and leaned against the cool wood.
Why had he said no? It would have been so good. But good wouldn’t cut it with
Connor, he needed it all.




Connor stretched and rolled over, noticing the sun shining in
through the blinds. He was tired of being so lazy. Maybe he shouldn't have quit
his job, but he'd needed a break. Riley's death had hit him hard. Layers and
layers of guilt wrapped around his chest, squeezing tightly, leaving him unable
to breathe. Every time in drew in a deep breath he thought he would die. But
that had lessened since Mike had showed up. Drinking wasn't the answer and he
knew that now, but it had felt so right at the time.

Lane and Gresh had been too nice, then he'd moved in here and
every inch of the place reminded him of Riley. Lane had come to see him and all
he could think of was Riley wanting Lane and Lane wanting Riley. Maybe if he'd
been a better lover or a better man Riley wouldn't have wanted Lane so much.

He heard a knock at his bedroom door and rolled over.
"It's open."

"Hey," Mike stuck his head in and smiled. "I
was going to make some breakfast. Would you like some pancakes?"

"Am I good enough?"

Mike's brows bunched up and he shook his head. "What? I
don't think I understood your question."

"Am I good enough?"

Mike stepped into the room, leaving the door open. He glanced
over his shoulder once before striding over to the bed, standing as if he
didn't know what to do. After a few seconds Mike sat on the bed then lay down next
to Connor. Mike pushed at Connor's shoulders. "Lift up."

Connor raised his shoulders off the bed and Mike wrapped his
arms around him. At first Mike was stiff, his body held rigid then he relaxed.
They stayed like that for a long while, Mike breathing in deeply while Connor
wondered if Mike would really like him once he realized how screwed up he was.

"When my parents were gunned down in front of me I was
pushed into foster care. The first foster family was mean. I was beaten by the
second one—the father using his belt so harshly you could really see bruises on
my backside. My last foster family couldn't get rid of me fast enough. Riley
didn't really want me, he wanted Lane."

Mike didn't say anything. After a long moment he wondered if the
guy was going to say anything when he rose up, taking his arms from around
Connor. Pain blossomed at the loss then Mike was above him, straddling him.

"I love you."

Connor sucked in a breath, his eyes wide. This wasn't what he
expected from Mike. The declaration scared him a bit but he also liked it.

"Yeah, I freaking love you and I'm not going to ruin
this. Get up and get dressed. We'll eat some breakfast and hang out. I'm not
letting you down. I'll be out in the kitchen. We can eat and play it cool
today. Just you and me, getting to know each other and spending time

Mike stood and Connor grabbed his hand. When Mike looked back
the love was evident. Connor swallowed, trying to calm his racing heart.
"Thank you."

"Come out when you're dressed. We'll eat then find
something to do."

"I'd like that."

Connor watched Mike leave the room then dashed to the
bathroom and washed off quickly. He dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, excited to
spend the day with Mike. It was the first time he'd been excited since losing
Riley. The thought took his breath away and he leaned against the wall and
closed his eyes, thinking about how good life with Mike would be. But what if
Mike changed his mind. Could he accept rejection again?

Connor stepped out of the bedroom and into the den. Mike
didn't take his eyes off Connor as he approached. This was exactly what he'd
been looking for—acceptance without censure. "Thanks for everything,"
Connor whispered.

"I want you to understand how special you are. How
others have treated you in the past isn't the way you should have been treated.
I can't say why they did it, but I think you need to realize that you're special."

Tears burned the back of his eyes. "You're being so nice
to me."

Mike brushed his lips over Connor's before separating and
heading into the kitchen. "Eat up. We're headed over to Crazy Hills to
ride horses."

"Did you call Lane?"

"No, they're headed out of town. I talked to Michael. He
said it was okay. Their guests are leaving today and we can have run of the

"Sounds good."

Mike served him a stack of pancakes then sat next to him.
"You know I have to leave in a week."

Connor stopped chewing and tried to swallow but suddenly the
food didn't seem so good. "I know but I don't want to think about

"It's not goodbye. We'll figure out a way to have a long-distance

"Do you really think it would work?"

"We'll both have to make changes, but yeah, I think it'll
work. We'll make it work. It won't be easy, but you're worth it."

Connor swallowed hard, unease sliding through him. He
couldn’t even make relationships work when he was close by, how could he and
Mike survive the trials of a long-distance love?




Chapter Nine



Gresh watched Lane as he frolicked in the warm Caribbean
waters. They'd arrived last night and already he felt better. Lane had insisted
Gresh rest while he went for a swim. Gresh didn't mind, it gave him a chance to
lust over his lover, studying every inch of his beautiful body.

Lane shot out of the surf, the crystal water beading on his
skin. He ran up the beach, headed straight for Gresh. The tiny blue suit Lane
wore matched the ocean's color, making his tanned torso stand out. He looked
hot leaving Gresh hard and wanting. Gresh admired the way Lane's hips jutted
out just above the top of the suit. The sweet V of Lane's waist had become more
pronounced since Gresh's accident. It made him sad that Lane had almost stopped
eating completely when he was in a coma. Lane was eating now but he still
hadn't gained back much of the weight. His man was healthy and Gresh wasn't
complaining since his lover looked hotter than ever, but he still wanted him to
be in good health more than he wanted a hot bod to play with.

"Hey sexy," Gresh growled. Lane didn't stop when he
got to their chairs, instead he climbed on top of Gresh. "Whoa, you're

"Sure am baby, you want to get wet too?"

Gresh laughed and sat up so he could lay the back of the
chaise lounge flat. When the chair was just right he grabbed hold of Lane and
flipped them. Lane screeched, causing Gresh to laugh even more. "I'll get
you for getting me wet." Gresh reached between them and scooped Lane's
dick and balls out of his suit.

"Fuck yeah." Lane arched up into him, pumping his

Gresh stroked his lover, watching the pleasure play out on
his face. "You like that?"

"You know I do. You know exactly how to touch me. I love
you so much."

Lane's dick was hard and growing thicker. Gresh increased the
pressure, stroking slowly over Lane's cock, hoping to draw out his pleasure,
but Lane was near insatiable since the accident, his excitement causing their
lovemaking sessions to end quickly. Lane had explained that after the accident
he was more focused when they made love, pushing him over the edge so much

"Maybe we should take this inside," Lane groaned as
his dick swelled more.

"Somebody sees us, fuck'em. This part of the beach is
listed as private and for use by only people staying in our bungalow."
Gresh tugged at Lane's bathing suit, stripping him completely. He worked his
zipper free on his shorts, and pushed his pants and underwear out of the way.
The small tube of lube in his pocket came in handy as he slicked up. "Lift
your legs." Lane complied and Gresh sank in quickly, going deep on his
first thrust. "I'll love you forever."

Lane moaned and thrust up, his hand reaching for his own
dick. "Gresh, baby, you drive me crazy."

Their lovemaking session was amazing. The waves crashed and
the sun warmed his back as he rode Lane fast and hard. Since the accident sex
like this took a lot out of him, but he wasn't going to hold back. Lane had
already told him to spend hours napping and he planned on taking him up on the
offer, especially since it meant he'd be able to spend his awake time humping
the heck out of Lane.

Lane's ass clenched around Gresh, signaling Lane's impending
orgasm. Gresh shoved in once more and came, filling Lane with his seed.
"That's it baby, come hard." Gresh closed the distance between their
lips, sliding his tongue over Lane's mouth. He loved this part of making love
to Lane—the man's body was so responsive and beautiful after he came, it was
like he'd taken Lane somewhere special that no one else knew about. Their
breathing returned to normal and Gresh slid out of Lane, careful to exit

He sat up and Lane stood, grabbing Gresh's hand as they
headed inside where Lane washed Gresh in the shower then tucked him into the king-sized
bed. The curtains were pulled closed as Gresh shut his eyes. He snuggled under
the covers, loving how Lane took care of him. He couldn't ask for a better
husband. It hadn't been easy the last few months, and he knew Lane worried
about him, but he felt better than ever and he knew he could live through
anything as long as he had Lane with him.




Grant Stovall searched the beach with his binoculars, looking
for anything interesting. His target was currently stretched out on his bed,
fast asleep. Grant needed to keep busy or he'd be asleep too. Not that sleep
was a bad thing, but it was the middle of the day and he was up a tree, braced
by his feet and that was all. He was wearing a thin camouflaged long-sleeved
shirt and camo pants. It was hot as hell and exhaustion pulled at him. He
missed Colorado and the cool weather—hell, he missed the guys from Wild Bluff
Ranch more than the cold air. Spending weeks with the guys shooting the bull
meant that they'd all grown closer.

The flash of something on the beach caught his attention. He
swung the binoculars toward the movement and gasped. His dick lengthened and he
groaned. Two hot guys were getting it on. One was totally naked, the other
bare-chested with his pants around his thighs. He wanted to be the guy on the bottom,
his legs spread wide, some guy pumping into him. It had been too long since
he'd had sex.

Grant licked his lips, watching the two guys come together,
the heat causing their bodies to slick up with sweat. His last bounce with a
guy had been nine months ago when Craig Jenkins walked off Wild Bluff Ranch,
leaving Grant lonely and hurting. Craig's parting words made no sense and he
wished he could find the man but he'd disappeared like smoke, leaving only
questions with no answers.

The guy on top arched his back, his ass clenched. Grant bit
his lower lip, his eyes training in on the bottom's cock, watching as come shot
out of the tip. Grant reached for his dick and lost his footing on the tree. He
jerked his hand back, grabbing onto the limb at his right. The binoculars fell
away from his face, the strap pulling at his neck and the heavy equipment
hitting his sternum. "Shit."

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