Read 31 Days of Winter Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Mystery, #Romantic Erotica

31 Days of Winter (35 page)

‘Your way,’ I nodded as I looked up at him.

‘Take off your jeans and jumper.’

I didn’t even object to the lack of the word
Anyone would be a fool to refuse to comply with him, even without the
knowledge of how effectively he could make them come. I lifted my jumper off
first, thankful I at least had a matching black lace bra and knicker set on
today. I heard him hiss as his eyes rested on my breasts, my nipples poking
through the thin lace. He followed my fingers as they moved down my flat
stomach to unbutton and unzip my jeans and I felt on the verge of passing out
from the look in his eyes as I dropped them and kicked them out of the way. He
stepped forward and put one arm around my waist as he ran his fingers around my
lips, tracing their edges while I looked up at him, trying to hide the look of
pure adoration and love from my eyes. The lust in his made me tremble and he

‘Please don’t tease me,’ I begged as he trailed
his fingers to run back and forth along my jaw. My lips still felt bee stung
from where he’d touched them, everywhere he touched the sensation lasted for so
long. I held my breath as he slid his hand down between my legs and cupped me
and our groans merged.

‘You’re swollen.’

‘Yes,’ I whimpered as my fingers tightened around
his biceps.

‘And wet, very wet,’ he purred.

‘Yes,’ I barely heard myself say. The look on his
face was pure satisfaction that he’d done this to me, without even doing
anything to me yet. He bowed his head down and nosed his way through my hair.

‘I love your scent, Ellie. I love that you’re so
receptive to me.’

,’ I mewled, then moaned as his
middle finger gently circled the lace of my knickers, the lightest of touches
but I sagged in his arms as days of repressed orgasm and desire for this man
exploded inside me and I cried out.

‘Jesus Christ,’ he gasped. ‘I barely touched you.’

‘You said you were amazing,’ I gasped, ‘I’m
inclined to agree.’

‘Ready for more?’

‘Hmmm, please,’ I groaned and he lifted me up
again, onto his hips and I automatically circled his neck and waist as his
right arm held me.

‘You don’t stop looking at me. Understood?’

‘Understood,’ I nodded and my lips parted as I
exhaled when his left hand slid down inside my knickers and he groaned again.

‘For me.’

‘For you.’ I climaxed again in seconds as he held
my gaze and the ball of emotion in my chest expanded as I looked down at him
and he slipped two fingers up inside me. I flexed my hips and sighed as my
mouth juddered and he moved them in and out as I rode his hand.

‘You needed this.’

I moaned as we both moved
faster. I felt my eyes expand as another climax approached. I’d never come this
many times so quickly and my eye lids started to droop as the nerves in my clit
radiated pleasure all the way to the end of my fingers, toes and hair.

‘Let me see it, Ellie. I want all of your enjoyment.’

‘I … want … yours,’ I replied with a scream as I
fell apart on him and he quickly walked me to the sofa and gently lay me down
on it. He pulled his fingers out and went to suck them but I caught his hand
and he watched with baited breath as I pulled his hand down to my face and took
his middle finger into my mouth, hollowed my cheeks and sucked as I swirled my
tongue and moaned. He nearly combusted and let out a growl as his eyes darkened
before pulling his finger out and sucking both himself. ‘I want you,’ I sighed,
but he shook his head, parted my legs and kneeled on the floor between them and
ran his nose along the small strip of wet material covering me.

‘So tempting,’ he growled as he grabbed the edges
of the lace and ripped, making me gasp. He did it again and again until he
pulled and they slid off me in one tattered piece. He tossed them to the side
and ran his hands up the inside of my thighs. ‘Have you imagined me fucking you,

‘Yes.’ I writhed on the seat as the tip of his
tongue slowly ran through me.

‘Was it good?’


‘It would be so much better than amazing.’ His
tongue made another pass over me and I reached down to run my fingers through
his hair, making him growl into me. ‘I’d give you pleasure like you’ve never
known. I’d stretch this tight wet pussy of yours with my girth and you’d sob
with happiness as I rode you for hours. I have stamina like you wouldn’t
believe and love nothing better than making a woman come for hours until I
finally bury myself in her and release.’

‘Have you imagined fucking me?’ I panted as he
licked me slowly again.

‘All the time.’

‘You want me too? O.
,’ I groaned as he
pushed his tongue into me.

’ he moaned into me. I hooked one leg
around his shoulder and neck, my other foot on the floor raised up on my
tiptoes. The heat of my enjoyment and the proximity to the fire had me burning
up as I wriggled and let out cries of pleasure until everything tensed as my
back arched up.

‘Ahhhh … noooo … it’s too much.’ I climaxed again,
but instead of letting me ride it out, he took my oversensitive clit in his
lips and gently sucked it as he slid his fingers into me and hooked them to
sweep over my g-spot. I started sobbing as my body quaked when a wave of
orgasms hit me again and again. ‘Noooo … stop …

He pulled away from me and climbed up on the sofa
to lay at my side and pulled my quivering body firmly against his and started
laying a path of kisses around my face as I tried to gather my shattered
senses. I’d never experienced multiple orgasms before Dan. I hadn’t even
imagined that my body was capable of reacting so strongly to someone’s
stimulus. I felt like I was having an out of body experience as I tried to recover,
then felt a hand soothing my hair as the other ran up and down my back.

‘You don’t want any more tonight then?’ he
whispered in my ear and I half managed a chuckle, but hadn’t got the energy to
shake my head. ‘Sleep, Miss Baxter. I’ve got you. All part of the service.’



Tasting Ellie, seeing her fall apart like that
above me was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. She was so
receptive to me. Christ only knows what she’d be like if we had sex. She’d need
to work out harder to keep up with me or I’d wear her out. I grimaced as she
shifted positions in my arms on the sofa, brushing against my pulsating cock.
I’d jerked off in the toilet earlier, trying to minimise my desire to throw her
down and slam into her, which had helped for about half an hour, if that,
before I sprung another erection. Staying strong was killing me. I needed to
get away from her before I did something I’d regret. I carefully lifted her
into my arms and carried her up to bed, tucking her in and kissing her forehead
as she let out a contented sigh. I needed some distance, she was breaking my
resolve and if I took that next step and slept with her, I’d just be hurting
her even more as well as being a complete bastard myself for going back on my
word. I watched her sleeping for a few minutes and quietly let myself out and
headed back to the Boathouse, determined to stay away from her and temptation.

Day Nineteen


I opened my eyes to find
myself in bed alone. I sat up and looked around. ‘Dan?’ I called, but there was
no reply. I sighed and threw myself back down onto the bed. I couldn’t work him
out at all. We’d had another great night together, he’d blown my mind,
with some seriously intense orgasms and had obviously carried me to bed, yet
he’d not let me touch him or kiss him and it seemed he’d already left without
saying goodbye. I pulled a pillow over my face and screamed with frustration
into it. What man who hadn’t had sex for so long would only want to pleasure a
woman and get nothing in return? I knew he didn’t have erectile dysfunction,
he’d had no problem ejaculating that time I’d seen him lying in the snow, and
he obviously wasn’t gay. I just couldn’t understand it. Even if he wanted no
emotional commitment, I was his perfect no strings sex encounter as I’d be leaving
for the other end of the country soon.

I got up and had a well overdue shower, I had to
get my mind off him, again. I dressing in my black lounge pants and a grey
cashmere jumper and headed down for a coffee and some poached eggs on toast
then went up to the office. I printed out the lease agreement for the house and
signed it before handwriting an envelope and licking it shut. I could give it
to Dan to post to the agents, then I rang them and asked if I could let Brooke
pick up the keys if she took some ID in with her and they said they’d get back
to me via email. There was smoke coming from his boathouse so I decided to give
him a ring and idly wondered the etiquette for thanking a man for selfless mind
blowing orgasms, while being pissed at him for leaving in the morning without
saying goodbye or leaving a note.

‘Morning,’ he answered in a clipped tone.

‘Morning, Dan. How are you?’

‘Fine. A little busy.’

‘O, sorry,’ I replied taken aback by his abrupt
tone, and what the hell was he busy with? I mean seriously, like I’d thought
before, other than chopping logs and sexually frustrating me, I didn’t see him
do much here. ‘I wondered if you were going to the mainland this afternoon, as
I need to post the signed lease back to the agents and my overdue Christmas


‘Would you like me to bring them all down for

‘No, thank you. Leave them on the console table.
I’ll let myself in and pick them up so I don’t disturb you.’

‘Ok. I also just wanted to say thank you for last
night, I had a really nice time, even without the amazing … well you know.’

‘Was there anything else?’ he replied, and I felt
the icy blast right in my chest.

‘I … I just wondered if you had any preference for
dinner tonight and if you were joining me?’

‘No, I won’t join you and I won’t require any,
thank you.’ If anything, he was sounding more distant and pissed with me than
he ever had.

‘Dan, have I done something to upset you?’

‘No. You’ve just interrupted something important.’

‘I’m sorry to have troubled you then. I’ll leave
the post as instructed and I’ll try not to bother you again.’ I hung up before
he had a chance to say anything else, or I got all emotional and broke down
over the phone. I refused to sit feeling sorry for myself wondering what I’d
done wrong. He’d made it clear from the start he was complex and didn’t want
anything to happen between us, but it still stung really badly. I took the envelopes
downstairs and put them on the hall table, made myself another coffee and
headed up and buried myself in my writing.

It was nearly one p.m. when I spotted him walking
up to the house, so I kept my head down and pretended I hadn’t seen him and was
engrossed in my laptop. For some reason my stomach was churning nervously. I
heard the door unlock and him enter, so I bit my lip to stop myself from
calling down to him, but he surprised me by calling up instead.

‘I have your post, Ellie.’

‘Thanks,’ I called back down.

‘Have you had a nice morning?’ he asked. I raised
my eyebrows and my jaw dropped in a
expression. Was he being
serious? After being so cold on the phone earlier and pretty much blanking me,
he now wanted to play all nice?


‘What are you doing?’

‘I’m busy writing. See you tomorrow.’ If he wanted
to play cold, well so could I. I wasn’t about to let him off the hook that
easily. He didn’t reply, simply closed and locked the door. I sneakily watched
him walk away over the top of my laptop, dropping my eyes a couple of times as
he looked round and up at where I was sitting and frowned. ‘Bloody men,’ I
muttered. ‘How the hell do I pick such fucked up specimens?’ It didn’t, however,
stop me watching him cross the ice again, this time through my fingers and
heaving a sigh of relief as he made it to the other side. I fired off a quick
email to Brooke.

So, did you make your decision? Molly or Steve?
Either or neither? Things are just as fucked up here. He came over yesterday
afternoon and we chatted, played backgammon, had dinner and then he made me
come multiple times with his fingers and tongue again, I fell asleep in his
arms on the sofa then woke up in bed alone this morning. He was really short
and sharp when I rang him earlier. I’m so frustrated. I’ve asked the agents if
you can pick up the keys, they’re going to come back to me. LYMY more than
you’ll ever know. xx

I powered on with my novel until I realised my
stomach’s rumblings could no longer be ignored and my head was pounding. I sat
up, stretched and groaned to realise it was already dark. I looked at my watch
and made a surprised gasp to see it was actually eight-thirty, no wonder I was
hungry and had a headache from squinting at the screen with no lights on for
hours. I quickly looked to make sure Dan’s lights were on, even though he was
so rude this morning I still needed to know he’d got back safely, and I smiled
when I saw that they were. I headed down and heated up the small plate of
dinner from last night that I’d saved and headed over to the lounge and wrapped
up in a blanket, I couldn’t be bothered doing a fire so late and didn’t even
bother putting the Christmas lights on. It was hard not to compare how
miserable and lonely I felt today in comparison to this time yesterday. Much as
I didn’t like to wallow, and wasn’t normally a wallower, I decided I was going
to. I ended up heading to bed at nine-thirty, reading in bed on my iPhone with
a slab of chocolate and glass of wine for company.



I felt like a complete shit for being so cold with
her on the phone. Why couldn’t I just be strong around her? I’d had no trouble
resisting women in the last three years. On the rare occasion I went to the pub,
Pete said it was always one of his busiest nights. Within the space of an hour
suddenly it seemed the entire female population of the village descended and
batted their eyelids at me. Some of them were attractive, some of them I
wouldn’t have hesitated fucking in the past, but that was before my life
spiralled out of control and left me completely broken. I’d turned off the
sexual side of my brain for all of that time, right until I’d seen Ellie.
Nothing I did seemed to dampen the desire for her that coursed through my
veins. I’d kept myself busy all day, trying not to think about her, but
couldn’t resist stepping outside and looking up at the house. All the lights
were off. I looked at my watch surprised, as it was still early and it wasn’t
like her to be in bed at this hour. I cursed, knowing I probably had something
to do with it.


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