A Demon And Her Scot (Welcome To Hell) (7 page)


“So ye wanna fuck with the robe on? Kinky. I like that.”

“We are not fucking.”

Up went one of his brows. “Why not?”

“Because I am not in the mood.” She’d win sinner of the month for sure if she kept up the lies.

“I bet I could change your mind.”

“Someone thinks highly of his ancient skills.”

“Ye liked my technique well enough this morning.”

She certainly had. “That was then. This is now.”

“Now is a good time.”

“For you maybe, but not for me.”

“Why not?” Ever see a muscled
, naked man with a massive erection pouting? It was sexier than it should have been.

She didn’t give in to temptation. “Because I don’t want you.” Too late she recognized the extended challenge.

“Yet. Come here and I’ll prove you’re a liar.”

He probably could. Already her damnable body warmed, honey dewed her pussy, and her nipples hardened.

“I didn’t come here to fuck you. Lucifer says I need to protect your hairy ass.”

“I thought we’d ascertained my arse was perfect this morning.”

It certainly was, but that was beside the point. “Would you stop twisting my words?”

“I’d rather twist my tongue around your clit and make ye scream, but ye won’t stand still.”

Oh fuck, she couldn’t help the quiver in her pussy at his words. “I hate you.”

“Feeling’s mutual, lass, but that don’t mean I don’t want to fuck ye.”

And by all that was sinful, so did she. Worse, she had orders to. According to Lucifer, she was supposed to play the part of his girlfriend. “Just because you’ve got experience and size doesn’t mean I like you or that you own me.”

“What’s like got to do with it? I’m horny. You’re horny. We might as well take advantage of it and this here bed.”

When put like that…
It did seem practical, and she did admire efficiency. “If we do screw, it’s just so anyone spying on you and planning to take you out believes we’re a couple.” Weak as excuses went, but still it gave her a plausible reason as to why they should.

“Smart and sexy. Excellent plan. What better way to fool Lucifer’s enemies than for you to play the part of my girlfriend

“Except for the fact I kind of left a swath of bodies on my way to find you.” Oops. She really needed to get this whole jealousy thing under control. “I guess I might have blown that cover already.”

“Or not,” he countered. “Actually, this will probably work in our favor. We fought. I visited a brothel to get back at ye. Ye invaded in a jealous pique. We made up and fucked like wild animals.”

Ooh, she couldn’t help the shudder. His crude way with words did paint such a vivid picture, one she couldn’t help but crave. “Plausible. But—” She wagged a finger at him. “I’m only doing this to retain our cover to the outside world.” She took a step toward him.

“Of course. We don’t like each other. Anything more would be ludicrous.”


“Fucked up.”


Despite that, they came together in a clash of lips and teeth, their passion instant and fierce, their hunger mighty, even given their coupling less than a day ago. His hands made quick work of her toga, tearing at the clasp and letting it fall to the floor. He didn’t seem to mind she wore the stains of battle. On the contrary, the covering of blood and the metallic tang permeating the air along with that of her arousal only seemed to enflame him further. He licked her clean, his vampiric nature coming in handy, and while some might have found themselves turned off by his behavior, as a creature of violence, Aella didn’t mind, not when it meant they could indulge in their passion without pause for petty things like a shower.

He fell backward onto the soft mattress, his body the cushion for her fall, placing them
skin to skin. She didn’t enjoy her position atop him for long because he rolled her under him while continuing to pamper her with kisses and moist licks. It seemed natural to part her legs so he could settle himself between them, just like her hands automatically dug into his scalp as she pressed her lips firmly to his, an unbreakable seal that allowed her tongue entry to dance wetly with his.

Nestled between her thighs, he pulsed, the thick length of his cock trapped but making its presence known. She moaned, wiggling her hips in invitation.

A rumbling chuckle vibrated against her lips. “Impatient, lass?”

“Try horny,” she said, panting, not ashamed to admit it, not when the honey pooling at the mouth of her sex gave it away.

“And I’m hungry.” With a final peck on her lips, he moved away, only to nibble his way down her neck. Yet, despite his claim of hunger, he didn’t pause at the vein that throbbed so rapidly. His interest lay lower. An erect nipple proved his destination, and he latched on to it with a roughness that had her crying in unabashed delight.

whole body quivered as he lavished attention on her needy nubs, the tips so tight they ached as he tortured first one then the other. He shifted his weight as he toyed with her breasts, giving him room to insert a hand between her bodies, his fingers on a quest for the moistness between her legs.

“Damn it all, lass. I want to taste y

“And you’re waiting because…” she teased him, her soft
, flirty tone so unlike her. But, as before, everything with Niall was different. He made her feel things. Want things. An intimacy existed between them that somehow had her acting contrary to her usual self. She didn’t understand it, but she did know she enjoyed it, although not as much as she enjoyed his mouth when it took her up on her taunt.

Holy fuck. The Scot knew how to make her body sing.
Lashing her clit with his tongue, he drank of her honey, his hands holding her still even as she attempted to buck, the sensations too intense.

As if the pleasure of his tongue weren’t enough, he inserted a finger. Two. Rough with callouses from sword fighting, his digits provided the friction and penetration she need. They also proved her undoing. Her orgasm hit fast and hard, her channel
clenching around his fingers, her body pulsing in time to his thrusts and sucks.

And he didn’t stop. Despite her climax, he continued to suck at her moist flesh, to plunge his fingers deep until he found the spot he searched for. Her back arched as he applied pressure on her sweet spot.

“Oh. Fuck. Me,” she moaned.

“With pleasure,” he growled, finally halting his oral torture. H
e slid up her body until the thick head of his cock nudged the entrance to her pussy. He thrust into her, stretched her with his girth, and gave her still spasming muscles something to cling to.

She clawed at his back and bit his shoulder, drawing blood in her excitement.

He didn’t seem to mind. On the contrary, he took it as an invitation, his head dipping to the hollow where her neck and shoulder met. His fangs sank with exquisite pain and pleasure into her skin until he drew with long pulls at her essence. And, all the while, he moved slowly inside her, ramming and retreating his hard length, creating a rhythm that built both their pleasure.

But their passion couldn’t be reined for long. The thrusts became faster, and his swallowing took on a tugging pressure she felt to the tips of her toes. She wrapped her legs around his hips, locking her heels behind his back.

“Fuck me. Harder,” she demanded. She begged and she came, came while staring into his vivid blue eyes as he stopped feeding to watch her. In his arms, she shattered as she saw the emotion flickering on his face. She felt something in her burst, and a warmth spread through her at the need she saw reflected on his face, a need she understood and craved. She let go and allowed herself to spiral out of control, knowing she was safe. Trusting him in that moment.

Feeling alive.


Chapter Nine

Intense didn’t even come close to defining the moment. Between one breath and the next, it seemed as if the walls and chains he’d bound his heart and emotions in disintegrated. Exploded into tiny pieces and vanished, leaving in its place a warm and protective feeling, one he wanted to lock up and cherish forever. A feeling caused entirely by her. And only her.

He feared he knew what it meant, dreaded it as a matter of fact, yet he didn’t run this time or dump her on her ass as he had before. He couldn’t. Make that wouldn’t, not when it felt so good. So right.
So fucking nice.

He wanted to bask in the sensation for a bit, so, of course, she just had to open her mouth and ruin it.

“You’re squashing me, you giant oaf.”

Indeed he was. He quite enjoyed it as a matter of fact. Her? Not as much. She elbowed him until he rolled aside, not far though. He lay on his back alongside her, one arm draped under his head as a pillow, his body still in contact with hers. She didn’t move away.

“We should fight more often,” he remarked as he stared at the ceiling in the room, the painted murals a disturbing blend of erotic art and impossible sexual situations.

“Fake fight.” She just had to argue.

Two could play that game. “Oh, I don’t know about the fake part. You seemed mighty pissed when you slammed into here.”

“I didn’t slam; I kicked.”

“Ooh. Big difference. Either way, ye looked like ye’d swallowed a prickly pear sideways.”

“Because I was looking forward to a quiet night, but instead, Lucifer gave me orders to guard his new caddy. What happened to ‘I’m never golfing again’?”
she mocked.

“I’m not. I agreed to give him some lessons and to carry his bag.”

“Ooh. Big difference,” she sassed in a repeat of his words.

Rolling onto his side, he propped his head on his hand. “I hear disparagement in your tone.”

“Give the Scot some underwear as a prize.”

“As if I’d wear any. My manparts need to breath.”

She snorted. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Says the lass who wears nothing under her toga.
Let me ask you, since you seem to have a problem with my commando status, why don’t you wear any under garments?”

A mischievous grin transformed her from bloodthirsty lass into the girl she once was. He could see why even the gods wanted her. “I don’t wear them because when outnumbered, I find a high kick and a flash of certain pink parts gives me the
distraction I need to regain the upper hand.”

Damn. He suddenly had an urge to spar
with her. Then fuck her. Why did everything about her tempt him? “That’s evil.”

“I know which is why Lucifer pays me the big bucks.”

“You enjoy working for the devil?”

“I do. Sure, he’s got a messed up sense of humor, and a temper when he doesn’t get his way, but he’s also fair.

“Let’s hope I get to see that side of him when he shows up for practice.”

“Don’t fuck up and you’ll be fine.”

“I’m not worried about my golfing abilities.”

“That seems cocky given you haven’t played in ages.”

He shrugged. “I made a deal to be the best. It’s like swinging a sword, you never forget how
to play.” Sometimes he even dreamed of the days when he used to play for fun.

As if she read his mind, she said,
“Why can’t you admit you miss the sport?”

“Because I don’t.”

“Please don’t insult me. If you didn’t, you would have never agreed to help the boss.”

“Um, ye do realize he is the Lord of Hell, right? Saying no was never an actual option, no matter what my thoughts were on the matter.”

“You caved.”

“I negotiated.”

“Really? For what?”

He almost said
“you.” But, given her axe was still in the room and he suddenly found himself with a renewed interest in keeping his head, he wisely didn’t say it aloud. “What I find of more interest is your fit of jealousy.”

“I was not jealous.”

“Oh really?” His lips curved into a mischievous smile. “So ye wouldn’t have minded at all if ye’d walked in to find me fucking that female?”

He didn’t miss the tensing of her body or the narrowing of her eyes. It stirred him in more ways than one.

“Not at all. You can screw whomever you like. Although…” Her lips curved into their own taunting smile “From the looks of it, your cock didn’t like what it saw.”

No. It hadn’t, damn her. He’d wanted to fuck the whore. Or told himself he did. Yet despite her attractive shape, chosen because she reminded him of a certain lass, she’d stirred nothing in him. It seemed when it came to getting his cock to work
, only one toga-wearing demon would do. “What can I say? My dick seems to have taken a liking to ye. It means nothing.”

“It better not. I have no intention of becoming your girlfriend for real.”

“Good, because I wasn’t asking.”




They glared at each other. Then dove on each other. They coupled like wild beasts. Fucked as if they’d never fucked before. And when he came, buried in her pulsing sex? For a moment, he could have sworn he touched heaven.


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