Read A Gentleman's Luck Online

Authors: Nicole Hill

A Gentleman's Luck (5 page)

Chapter Six

After they both caught their breath, William got up and left the room. Lisa was so stunned. Why did he leave? Did she do something wrong? She thought he had enjoyed himself. He came back carrying a wash cloth. Her confusion must have shown because when he sat on the bed he held up the cloth. “Lay back.” He told her. “I have to clean you up.” She was confused but did as she was told. He reached down with the cloth and wiped his seed from in between her legs and when he removed the cloth she saw blood and sat up straight.

He reached out and pressed her back down. “Don’t worry darlin. It's just the blood from your maiden head. It only happens the first time. You are OK.” He told her. He completed his task, pulled her into his arms alongside of him and pulled the cover over both of them. Na-Lisa was confused but happy. She snuggled close to him loving the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. She was asleep almost instantly.


Lisa may have fallen asleep quickly but William lay awake long after she slept. He knew he should feel guilty for what he had just done. But he loved her. He loved her deeply and there was no way around it. Being with her only proved what he had already known and now he knew that he was screwed. As long as he lived, he would want her by his side and in his bed. He would have to talk to Tis-Dale tomorrow. He did not know all of their customs. She was a princess for god sakes. What if he wasn’t allowed to be with her, even after Tis-Dale was on the throne? If that was the case, then they would leave through the passages. He knew the way. They would leave and he would take her home with him. That thought stopped him cold. What if she didn’t want to go? What if she didn't love him? What if she had decided that it was best to do what she was told or that she thought that she owed him? He went to sleep with that unwanted thought in his head.


William awoke with a smile. Lisa was draped over him with her head on his chest and her right arm slung over his midsection. He could feel her breasts on his chest and immediately grew hard. Until his thoughts from last night came back to him. He knew from the other night when he kissed her that she did not want that so why suddenly last night did she give in? He in no way liked the feeling of her laying with him out of some duty. She awoke and stretched. She looked up at him with a smile on her face but it was quickly wiped away and she drew back away from him. Just as he thought. She was ashamed of what they did last night. He threw the covers off of the bed and began to get up.

It was going to be a long day as he was not training today and had to stay locked up with her all day. Maybe he would leave through the passage and find something to keep himself busy. He couldn't spend the day with her. Making love to her had been wonderful. Better than he expected but knowing that she did it out of obligation somehow made him lose some of the vast amount of respect he had for her. “You’re leaving?” She asked his turned back.

Yes.” He answered venom in his tone.

But. Why?” She asked sounding hurt. Her hurt, he thought yeah right.

I don’t need a reason.” He said as he pulled on his cotton pants without looking at her.

I don’t understand.” She said. “Did I do something wrong? Did you not like it?” She asked her voice wobbly. He was angry now. How dare she ask that!

Of course you did everything right.” He spat “Of course I enjoyed it. You should be proud. You acted the perfect whore just like your uncle wanted you to.” He nearly yelled and finally looked into her eyes just in time to see them fill with tears before she hid her face from him, jumped out of bed and ran to the washroom. He stared after her for a few moments berating himself for losing his temper with her. It wasn't her fault he fell in love with her. It also wasn't her fault they had been together. He should have been more clear headed.

She was only doing what she had to do in order to not be beaten. He huffed out a breath feeling like a perfect asshole as he headed to the washroom. As he reached the door he could hear her sobs coming from the other side. He tried the knob and it was not locked. He opened the door and found her in the corner behind the wash basin with her knees brought up to her chest and her head down on her knees naked and sobbing uncontrollably. He reached down and picked her up and carried her to her bed and sat down on the bed with her in his lap. He pulled the covers to hide her nakedness.

I’m sorry Lisa Darlin.” He told her. “I should not have taken it out on you.” She peaked up at his face.

I’m sorry William. I will try harder to please you next time.” She told him. What was she talking about? Did she honestly think that last night had been anything other than heaven to him?

Don’t worry darlin. We won’t do that again.” He told her. Her head shot up at once.

But why? I know I could be better.” He placed a finger over her lips to hush her.

We can’t do that again darlin. I got carried away last night. Where I am from, you only do that with the person you love.” He said.

Oh.” She said looking down tears filling her eyes. “I understand.” Now she got it. They could not do this when he did not love her. He watched her as she got up and pulled on his shirt and walked back to the washroom. He could see her standing in front of the mirror. She looked down at her arms and then picked up a piece of her hair. She had an odd defeated look on her face and he could not decipher what she could have been thinking. She heaved a sigh and came back to bed and just laid there within his arms and said nothing. He was fixing to get up when she spoke. “William. Do you love anyone back home?” She asked He was surprised by that question and by the hollow sound of misery in her voice.

What do you mean?” He asked her

A girl.” she said even more quietly that before. Now he was really confused.


Lisa was petrified. But she had to know if he already loved someone else. She knew that he did not love her and that already killed her. Why she wanted more punishment was beyond her but she had to know. “No.” He said. “Why do you ask?” Lisa was so scared she did not want to see the pity in his eyes. But she could not stop now.


William was really confused. Why would she want to know if he had someone at home? What did it matter? He answered No and asked why. She stayed quiet for a few moments and then answered still looking down at the bed instead of at him. “I just thought since you don’t love me then maybe you already love someone else.” He was speechless. She didn't know he loved her. He supposed that was good. He would feel like an infatuated idiot if she knew. He sighed heartbroken as he got off the bed and covered her up. Because even after everything he still loved her as much now as he did last night. Even if he was disappointed in her but he was more disappointed in himself. He was older and she was his responsibility.

I’m going to find Tis-Dale. The sooner we figure this out the sooner I can get back home and you can go back to your normal life.” He said and left through the passageway.


Lisa watched as he disappeared through the passageway and then crumpled into tears. He couldn't wait to get away from her. She was miserably in love with him and he could care less. She had no idea what she did wrong. She cried until she fell asleep. She woke up and was eating lunch when William came in and sat at the table without so much as a glance her way and began to eat. She nearly crumpled again but didn't with only her will power. He would not see her cry again. There was a knock at the door and William went to answer it. He spoke to a guard for a moment and then left the room without a backward glance. Then her broken heart won out and the crying ensued.


William headed to the Head of Guards office. He was curious as to what he needed. They had not really been paying him much attention for the last month of his slavery. Now suddenly he was summoned. The doors were opened for him and Alex greeted him as he walked in. “Will. Come take a seat.” He said as he gestured to the chair, William sat “You will rejoin the rest of the Guards permanently from now on.” Alex told him Williams head whipped up. He could no longer go see Lisa?

Why” He asked  “There is still a week and a half left in the month.” Alex waived a hand.

The king has given up on that. He says that if even you an American can’t get her to concede then no one will.” He said

What do you mean an American?” William asked.

Oh. She has always been infatuated with Americans, their customs, the way they live and the way they are to their women. No Indian man has ever turned her head her mother says but you put a blue eyed American man in front of her and she swoons every time.” He finished on a laugh. William was dumb founded. How could that be? He knew that she read American books and played American games but he just assumed that she would want a man of her own kind. No. He said to himself. As he shook off the stupid hope that had just sprung up inside him. If she loved him she would have told him. Right?


Chapter Seven

William never came back. Lisa waited but he never came back. He probably went and begged that he not have to see her anymore. In which case she knew she would be beaten. It had been two weeks since she had seen him. He just walked out that day and never returned. Tis-Dale said that he was back with the Guards. That he had seen him training. He said that William was still helping him at night but so far they could find no evidence to link their uncle to the murder attempt on Tis-Dale's life. At least her uncle seems to have forgotten about her. She ate her dinner out of habit rather than because she was hungry and went to bed. She woke up late into the night when she heard the door to her rooms open and then close again and lock. She was happy at first thinking that William had finally come to see her. Until she saw her uncle walk into her room holding a candle bra. Her heart seized in her chest and she sent up a silent prayer. “William. Help me.”


William sat straight up in bed. He had only just gotten back from snooping around the castle with Tis-Dale They were still nowhere. He knew the instant that he awoke that Lisa needed him and bad. He didn't know how he knew but he knew just the same. He jumped up and ran through the passageway that lead to his cell Tis-Dale showed him a few weeks ago. He had just left her room and she was fine. Asleep. He checked on her every night. He ran down the passageways full force until he ran right into Tis-Dale and they both fell backward.

What’s happened?” he asked Tis-Dale

I heard Na-Lisa Scream. She is in pain.” Tis-Dale answered. William took off running toward the passageway that lead to Na-Lisa’s room, Tis-Dale right on his heels. They were almost there when William heard her let lose the most pain filled wail he had ever heard. He lost all since of what he was doing and ran faster. He would kill whoever was making her cry out like that. He burst through the passageway and saw Lisa on the floor with his shirt nearly torn from her body. He saw her left breast had a bite mark so deep there was blood seeping out of it. That’s when everything went black.


Lisa sat immobile while her uncle stalked toward her. “You little bitch.” He said to her as he reached the side of her bed. She could smell the liquor on his breath. He reached over and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He leaned down and smothered her lips with his. She tried to pull away but he held her in place. She bit his lip. He pulled back looked at the blood on his fingers and backhanded her. She screamed out. She tried not to but she was seeing stars. She felt him grab the neck of William shirt and rip it open down the front. “How dare you cover up?” He screamed at her. “Ungrateful bitch. You should have let him have you while you had the chance.” He finished as he lowered his head and took her breast into his mouth. It did not feel good, like it had with William. He bit her hard and she screamed out again. She pulled her leg back and kicked him right in his hard disgusting manhood. He roared and picked her up and threw her to the floor. One minute he was crawling on top of her with her kicking and screaming the whole time and the next she heard what she could only describe as the roar of some awful beast and then he was gone. She didn’t even look to see what beast had come into the room she got up, ran to the wash room and locked the door. She hid. She could hear god awful noises and more roaring. Whatever was in there, she was sure was killing her uncle by the sounds of his screams and she wasn’t leaving this room. Everything grew quiet and she still stayed where she was terrified. She became aware of a banging on the door and knew the monster was trying to break down the door. She screamed and in that second the door burst open. She hid her eyes and tried to be quiet. “William. Where are you?” She thought miserably.


The next coherent thought that William had was kicking down the washroom door and finding Lisa huddled in her corner with her head buried in her knees. He knelt down and placed a hand on her arm. She yelped but did not look up. “Lisa darlin...” Was all he got out? She snapped her head up and launched herself into his arms with a hysterical sob.

William.” She wailed. “I’m sorry. I tried he was too big. He was to strong.” William held her in his arms like you would a baby. Rubbing the back of her head while she cried. He felt wetness on the hand he held under her bottom and adjusted her so that he could see his hand in the light of the lamp. It was covered in blood.

What the hell?” He said out loud. Lisa looked up at him.

Whaa...” she started before she saw his hand. He put her down.

You are bleeding.” He said in a panic. He looked down and saw that she was bleeding from her womanhood. “He didn’t .” William started angrily.

No!” Lisa said quickly. “He didn’t have a chance.” Then she fainted and he barely caught her in time. He carried her to her bedroom where Tis-Dale was still standing over a very dead very former king.

What happened?” He asked anxiously when he saw them.

She’s bleeding.” He answered as he laid her on her bed. Tis-Dale looked down and gasped at the amount of blood.

Do you think it is her menses?” William asked.

I don’t know.” He responded as he ran to her door and flung it open to an obviously stunned guard.

Your highness.” He stammered.  “You are alive!” Tis-Dale waived his hand to shut the man up.

There’s no time to explain now. I need two things. One I need more guards to haul the body of my sorry ass uncle out of here and two, I need a doctor. The devil tried to rape her and she is injured.” The guard spun on his heels and left instantly. A moment later he and three other guards returned with the nurse in tow.

Oh my poor baby.” She wailed when she saw the princess. She did not even blink when she saw Tis-Dale. The guards took the body of the short lived former king out and the nurse got to work on Lisa. William Paced the sitting room for ever before the nurse came out. He ran up to her.

Is she OK?”  He asked anxiously.

She blew out a tired breath. “She will live sir but I’m afraid that the baby did not make it.”  She finished shaking her head.    “Baby. What!”  He would have hit the floor if Tis-Dale had not caught him.


Tis-Dale dismissed the nurse who just assumed that the Guard was upset over the loss of his child. He helped William to the sofa. He fell down with a huff and braced his head on his hands breathing. “So. A baby.” Tis-Dale said William looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

How do I tell her?” William asked and Tis-Dale could hear the pain in his voice.

Still. A baby?” He asked. William exhaled slowly.

Don’t act like you are surprised. You knew this would happen.” He answered

Yes. I did.” Tis-Dale answered. “No man who looks at a woman like that could stay away from her for two long.”

Your right. I was damned from the start.” William said sounding hopeless. “What are you going to do?” He asked Tis-Dale

I have to go announce that I am alive and king and explain why the former king had his head nearly ripped clean off.” He answered

Yeah. About that.” William started  “I don’t remember any of it. We went through the passageway,  I saw her on the floor and the next thing I remember I was kicking down the washroom door.” He finished. Tis-Dale waved his hand.

I would have done it if you hadn't.” He answered honestly. He got up as he continued to talk. “I’ll go and see if she is awake before I go assure my kingdom that all is well as it should be. Do you want me to tell her about the baby if she is awake?”  He asked William.

No.” William answered. “That is my burden to bear.” Tis-Dale nodded his acknowledgment, entered Lisa bedroom and closed the door.


Lisa opened her eyes when she heard the door to her room close. She was disoriented and did not know what was going on but she felt horrible. Then she remembered her uncle and tried to sit up, sure it was him. Tis-Dale was there in an instant calming her down. “Don’t worry. You’re safe Na-Lisa.” He told her. She relaxed on the bed.

Uncle?” she asked.

Dead.” Was his response. Then she remembered the monster and grabbed Tis-Dale's hand.

The Monster! How did you get past the monster?” She asked nearly hysterically. Tis-Dale looked confused.

What monster? There was no monster.” He answered.

I remember.” She said. “Uncle was on top of me and I heard the monster roar and then all at once uncle was ripped off me. I ran and hid in the washroom and I could still hear the monster roaring and uncle screaming like he was being ripped apart.” She shuttered at the memory of the sound. Tis-Dale laughing brought her out of her memory and she looked at him like he had lost his mind. Why was he laughing at her?

I’m sorry.” He said catching himself when he saw the tears in her eyes. “Na-Lisa that was no monster you heard roaring, that was your William.” Lisa was confused.

What do you mean?” she asked “It sounded like uncle was being torn apart.” Tis-Dale grinned at her.

Oh he was being torn apart all right. William was coming up the passageway as I was coming down. I heard your scream. I have no Idea how he knew anything was wrong but he did and he knocked me right over trying to get to you.” Her brother told her. “He opened the passageway took one look at uncle on top of you and he was like a man possessed. He nearly ripped uncles head from his own body and just left him there dead on the floor to get to you.” She sat silently. She did not know what to say.

Poor William. That must have been terrible.” Tis-Dale laughed

Leave it up to you to be the one attacked and you feel bad for the man who saved your life because he had to take one.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I have to go see to my kingdom now.” He told her. “William will be in shortly.” He said and then he was gone.


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