A Kitty in the Lion's Den (7 page)

Chapter Seven


Kettah stood in the center of the small boutique and looked at all the clothing on the racks. For such an intimate little stop it held quite a selection. Maverick had taken her to lunch, made sure she had eaten so much she was full to bursting, and then had taken her to the shop. The windows on his truck were so darkly tinted that she knew others from the outside couldn’t see them as he drove through town, and that also aided in making her feel safe even though she was out in the open. But truth be told, she trusted him, knew his judgment was not something he would falter in when it concerned Viktor, and rested assured.

They had arrived just moments before, pulled down the small alley that was behind the store, and entered through the back door. Now she stood off to the side as Maverick talked quietly with a very beautiful brunette. She looked glamorous for living in such a small town, and a spike of unwanted and unwarranted jealousy slammed into
. Even if she was Maverick’s mate, feeling jealousy over this woman, one that kept reaching out and running her hand over his massive bicep, Kettah knew nothing could ever come between them. She could never stay with him, never be the other half to him as mates usually were. Eventually she would have to leave, because staying here couldn’t be safe or smart, no matter what he said.
All she could think about was that even if Maverick killed everyone associated with the shifter mafia, wouldn’t there always be more, always be males that took over the act of cruelty? It was a never-ending cycle of madness.

The brunette reached out to touch his arm again, but he moved away from her. Kettah didn’t miss the light frown that marred the brunette’s perfectly made-up face. Maverick looked toward her, and something passed across his face. Shit, she was projecting her ludicrous feelings far too strongly. Pushing her cat down, because it was the damn thing that was getting all bent out of shape over the brunette, she plastered on a smile. The brunette, who wore a nametag that had “Barbie” written across it in elegant script, seemed a little too cutesy and totally fucking fake. She walked up to Kettah and eyed her up and down. The Pallas’s cat inside of her bristled, unsheathed its claws, but Kettah effectively controlled herself from hissing. Her reaction to this human female was ridiculous. But she blamed the pheromones Maverick let off around her, and the fact she was feeling unsteady over the whole mating thing and running from her father. All together these gave Kettah enough excuses for her to blame her irrational reaction to this woman on them.

“Honey, we need a total makeover.” Barbie reached out and grabbed the edge of her shirt, and Kettah couldn’t hold make the small animalistic sound that came from her. The human snatched her hand away and looked over at Maverick, as if she wanted the lion to protect her. And didn’t that just piss her off.

God, Kettah, stop it. This is dumb. You are dumb, and you’re clearly acting ridiculous. So what if they probably slept together? None of that matters because right now all you need to worry about is surviving to the next day.

Maverick was beside Kettah only seconds later, and she turned and looked at him, ready to apologize for being rude when he had clearly had to pull some strings to get her a private shopping trip, but he started talking first. “Barbie, how about you let us shop around a bit? I’m sure Kettah knows what she’d like to pick out.” The scent that came from the other female when she looked at Maverick told Kettah enough to know that this woman had been with Maverick in a sexual sense. The aroma of unrestrained lust, remembrance, and overall need was a prickling along her flesh.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay,


“Yes, I am very sure, Barbie. Thank you for closing off the shop for us. It won’t take us more than the hour to pick up some things. I’ll leave the cash on the counter if that’s all right?” Barbie seemed disappointed that he dismissed her, but nodded and left them alone. How close were they that she would just leave him in the store alone, and trust they would pay for everything? Not that Kettah was a dishonest person, but the world most certainly was. She reminded herself this was a small town, and people probably knew each other fairly well and clearly had a lot of trust in each other. Trust was not something she grew up with. Maverick waited until Barbie was gone before he spoke. “I’m sorry if she made you uncomfortable. Barbie is very harmless.”

“I’m sure she is,
.” Kettah could have slapped herself for letting slip the little nickname Barbie had for Maverick. It was childish to let it slip, but it was clear she had absolutely no filter when it came to being around her mate. She turned her back to him, hoping to hide her embarrassment in the guise of being overly interested in the clothing. The blinds had been closed, ensuring they had privacy.
How many females has he brought here
? The thought came to her
on its own,
and she instantly felt stupid for even thinking it. It didn’t matter. None of that mattered.


She turned back around and furrowed her brow. “Excuse me?” He had a small smirk on his face, and she knew he thought this whole thing was funny.

“The answer to your question is never.” When she didn’t respond, because frankly she still had no clue what he was talking about, he continued. “I have never brought a female out to shop, let alone asked Barbie to close the store for me.”

cheeks instantly heated.
Oh, God. Did I just speak my thoughts out loud?
But she knew she hadn’t said anything. He was just that skilled in reading people’s faces. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a single word out he threw his head back and laughed, which only ensured that she grew even more humiliated.

“Well, shit, I can’t remember the last time I laughed.” Strangely that made her feel a little less embarrassed. “Listen, I don’t know anything about picking out women’s clothing, so how about I stand over there,” he pointed to the wall off to the side, “and let you do your thing. Don’t worry about the cost, okay?” He didn’t wait for her to answer before he was walking to his designated area. He leaned against the wall and said, “We only have an hour, though.” He smiled at her. Kettah nodded, and turned to start getting some clothes, but before she could start looking for clothing a hand on her shoulder stopped her. Her heart raced at the fact he had moved back toward her so quickly and stealthily she hadn’t even sensed him. Instantly her body heated, and she closed her eyes, wishing she didn’t have this reaction toward him. It only complicated things. He let go of her shoulder at the same time she turned around. The electricity that coursed through his hand right into her body had been powerful, so much so that her hair felt like it stood on end. Kettah looked over her shoulder, saw that he was looking at his hand that had just been touching her seconds before, and then slowly lifted his eyes to look at her. She turned fully around, and they were so close their chests almost touched with every inhalation. For a moment they just stared at each other, and then he finally spoke and broke up the sudden awkward arousal that sparked between them. “And just so you know, there is no reason why you should feel jealous over Barbie or any other female, for that matter.” Her pulse pounded hard and fast at his words. He spoke with such conviction that she actually felt herself lean closer, as if there was this magnetic pull. “Pick whatever you want.” He lifted his hand, as though he wanted to touch her, but he curled his fingers into his palm and dropped his hand back to his side. Without another word he moved back over to the wall, leaned against it, and crossed his arms over his chest.

Kettah felt a bit self-conscious shopping as he watched her, and he most definitely watched her. She could feel it all over her body. For the next forty-five minutes she picked out clothes mindful of the prices. Although her father was wealthy, spent enough money on possessions that some people didn’t even make in a year’s time, and that was all she had known her entire life, Kettah did not need exorbitant things to make her happy. She liked simple things, was modest in what she wore, when given the choice, and didn’t like the fact Maverick was paying for these overpriced garments. She’d pay him back, somehow, because when she broke apart and was on her own—she hoped—she didn’t want to be in anyone’s debt, no matter how small it might seem.

Once she had all the items: a few pairs of jeans, some plain t-shirts, a pack of panties, a couple of bras, and a pair of pajamas, Maverick eyed the items she put on the counter, and looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.


He shook his head and reached into his back pocket to get out his wallet.
I just thought women got things a bit more … elaborate than some jeans and tees.” He wasn’t looking at her as he counted out the money and slapped it on the counter, but the corner of his mouth was kicked up.

“Well, I figure since I don’t know how long I’m going to be here, or the fact I am trying to keep a low profile, I should probably get some things that don’t attract a lot of attention, and are more versatile.” A hard mask covered his face, and right under his day old stubble covered cheek she saw a muscle tick beneath it.

He turned toward her, and she took a step back as the heat that came from him slammed right into her. He was pissed, but not at her, that much was clear. “You know who I am, what I am, and the things I have done. Trust takes time, I know that, but you are also my mate, and as a shifter yourself you know what the means.” He leaned in an inch closer, but Kettah held her stance. “Tell me what it means, Kettah.” He said it so low that even if they hadn’t been alone she would have been the only one to hear him regardless. She had to hold her breath or she would get a concentrated rush of the intoxicating scent that came from him. If she breathed she would have taken that dark scent into her lungs, and grown drunk from it.

Oh, she knew what it meant.

“Don’t think. Just say the words.” He didn’t say it like an order, but like a little brush along her body that eased her into doing his bidding.

Dipping her eyes to his mouth, she took in his strong, square jaw
, ,
and felt the pull again from being his mate. This time it was she who leaned
an inch, until they were so close she felt his breath tease the seam of her lips. “It means that we are connected, that you feel the need to protect me, and that I will never be safer than I am with you.” Her voice sounded low and slightly husky.

“Yeah, but it means so much more, too, Kettah.” Maverick lowered his lids slightly and inhaled deeply. He could smell her arousal, and tell her emotions by her body language alone. This time his gaze was on her lips when he said, “It also means that as much as I want to say when this is all said and done I’ll be able to let you just walk away, I won’t be able to let you go.”

Kettah should have run in the other direction, but she wouldn’t, because what she wanted to do with this shifter could be very dangerous, but it sounded deliciously wicked, too, and the desire to be with him far outweighed the risk.

Chapter Eight


Two days later


“Shit.” Kettah rubbed the part of her arm that the hot water splashed on. “Why did you offer to cook him dinner?” Fortunately, talking to herself wouldn’t end up in Maverick thinking she was crazy. He was downstairs in his office finishing some last minute reports and then closing shop for the evening. It had been two days since he had taken her to the boutique, and forty-eight hours since she decided that she wanted to see where this … whatever
was would end up going. Maverick was the least social person she had met, and that was saying a hell of a lot, but that was okay because she enjoyed the quiet. She hadn’t had much of that back home, not with chaos constantly surrounding her.

She was safe, she knew that, but she still slept with her shoes on, kept her clothes right beside her and had her purse on top of them. Everything was ready to go if she had to get the fuck out of there.

Kettah had made him go to the store, because if she was staying with him indefinitely he needed some actual food in his place. Beer, water, half a carton of eggs, and a loaf of bread that was starting to grow something black and green weren’t going to cut it. So here she was, making him dinner and hoping that this was the right decision. She didn’t want to tread on his feet, step over any lines, or make this situation even more awkward, but they had to eat, right? What made her idea to do this particularly smart was the fact she didn’t know how to cook. Apparently they had something in common in that respect. Living the life she did meant there were people to clean up after her, do her laundry, and cook every one of her meals.
there had even people tasked specifically with the job of making sweets for her and Konstantine when they were younger.

She pulled the boiling pot of potatoes and water off the stove and turned the burner off. Mashed potatoes seemed easy enough, as did the green beans and pork chops. At least all of that looked easy enough on all the cooking shows she had watched in her room. Once she had the potatoes mashed, the green beans buttered, and the pork chops cooking in garlic and a little white wine, she went about the task of setting the table. As domestic as all of this was, she couldn’t help the small thrill that she was cooking for her mate. This whole situation had started off as frightening, still was, too, but that didn’t mean she didn’t allow herself a few moments to bask in the fact fate had stepped in and literally thrust her and Maverick together. Where would she be right now if not for him?
Found by her father and dead most likely.

Once everything was prepared and the plates were decorated with the food, she glanced at the clock on the stove. He should be up any moment, and just as that thought came to her she heard him ascending the stairs, unlocking the thick door, and pushing it open. He was standing in the foyer staring at her, and then looking at the table. For a pregnant moment he did nothing but stare at the dinner she prepared, and she started feeling a little weird over it.

“I’m sorry if this is strange. I just figured since you went out and bought all this food I would cook it for you.” He swallowed roughly, but didn’t say anything.

“You made dinner for me?” His voice was monotone, and that weirdness inside of her intensified.

“Yeah, I mean I can’t guarantee
edible, but I did cook it.” She should shut up, but when he smiled she let out a relieved breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding and smiled in return. Maverick moved slowly toward the table, stopped when he was right beside it, and stared down at it. “Are you hungry?”

“I am. Just give me a minute to clean up.” He looked down at the table again, shook his head, and left, but not before she saw that he was still smiling.


Maverick watched Kettah across from his two person dining room table. It was a cramped fit, and in all honesty this was the first time he had ever used it. He didn’t even know why in the fuck he had bought the damn thing, except maybe just so his place actually looked like someone lived in it, and not some evil piece of shit. When he had closed up shop and come upstairs the last thing he had expected to find was a cooked meal waiting for him, one made by his mate. Kettah had only been with him for a few days, and although she kept to herself, so did he. It was hard as fuck to stay away from her, and even if it had only been two days since he’d first met her, there was no denying that his strength was waning. His lion was taking more and more control, and the big fucking beast paced inside of him, pissed as hell that he wasn’t able to claim his mate. Maverick could relate, because he wanted to be with Kettah more than he had ever wanted to be with a female. His balls were constantly aching, and his dick in a perpetual state of about to burst. Maverick wasn’t one to jerk off, and if he needed to get off he’d just go find some willing pussy. But now that he had found his mate, only Kettah could tame the wild animal inside of him, one that threatened to have him shifting and destroying shit that got in his way. So instead of tackling her to the ground, tearing her clothes off, and sinking his cock deep inside of her cunt, Maverick had immersed himself in making sure things were safe for her here. He had been scouting out his property and Sweet Water, too. He hadn’t sensed anything that was a threat, but that didn’t mean he could let his guard down. So far there hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary, but that didn’t mean anything. Viktor wasn’t the type of male that came out in the open and took what he wanted. He was a sneaky bastard, had others do his dirty work, but made sure nothing was ever traced back to him.

“Are you not hungry?” He was snapped out of his inner musings at the sound of Kettah’s soft voice. The plate of food sat untouched in front of him. It smelled delicious, and well, his mate made it for him so even if it tasted bad, Maverick would have eaten it all with a smile on his face.

“I am. I’m sorry, my thoughts are elsewhere.” He pushed away everything that had to do with Viktor and focused on Kettah, which was easier said than done since she was the male’s daughter. None of that mattered though, because he had his mate in his home, and they were here alone. He picked up his fork and speared a few green beans. Taking a bite of the vegetable, and then looking up at her again, a wave of emotion passed through him. It was delicious, of course, but what had his chest all tight was the fact she had made this for
. No one ever made Maverick shit, had ever thought about him like this, and because of that he didn’t know how to process the feelings inside of him. He wanted her, that wasn’t a fucking question, but it was this one act of kindness that had him thinking of different things, ones that had to do with a future, of affections, and of a lot of other deep fucking shit that he had never envisioned for himself.

“It’s good, Kettah. It’s really fucking good.” She burst out laughing, and he blinked at her, not knowing what was so funny. “What?” She wiped a few stray tears from the corners of her eyes and shook her head.

“Nothing, well, it’s just you’re so coarse, even when thanking someone.”

Okay, now he felt like a major asshole.

“I’m sorry.” He set his fork down, not sure how to proceed. He knew he was gruff and harsh on the best of days, but he also knew that wasn’t something he could just get rid of overnight. He would always be this way, and as helpful as his attitude was at keeping others at bay, it wasn’t too good at bringing mates closer.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. I kind of like the fact you’re all gruff.” A pink coloring dotted her cheeks, and the sweet smell of hyacinth came from her like a wave of blooming flowers. He had never smelled anything as glorious as Kettah, had never wanted anything as much as he wanted her, and he had to force himself not to clear the table with one sweep of his arm, sending everything crashing to the ground, and take her right there. Her breathing had increased, and her pupils dilated right in front of him. Fuck, had she sensed how feral he truly was, and that he needed to take control and forget about everything else for a short, sweet time? The smell of her wet pussy was intoxicating, and Maverick gripped the edge of the table hard enough that the wood beneath his now retracted claws gave way. She was aroused. Her pussy was soaked, that much was really fucking clear, and the low growl that came from him couldn’t be stopped. The sight of her nipples hardening right in front of him had his dick punching forward, demanding to be inside of her so that there would be no denying who she belonged to. And Kettah belonged to him, in every way imaginable.

He gripped the edge of the table even harder, curled his fingers into the wood, and tried to keep his lion in check. The beast was right there, wanting to come out, needing to come out. He knew his black eyes flashed gold from the need to shift, could see it in her face, and loved that it turned her on instead of frightening her. He was right on the line of losing it, and it was all because he had denied himself and his animal since he first saw her, and it was growing stronger, more dangerous, with each passing day. The sound of the wood splintering beneath his fierce grasp pierced the air. She lowered her eyes to where he held the table, and her breathing hitched with unrestrained desire. There was no denying the fact that the thought of him being a little bit dangerous had her aroused.

“Maverick—” He cut her off with a low
and her eyes widened from the sound. She needed to stay quiet, to be still if he was going to get control of himself.
“Your eyes.”

He let a low rumble leave him again, because trying to speak was beyond him right now. His lion was taking control, and there was nothing his human side could do to stop it. The fucker paced, clawing at the inside, trying to break free, and succeeding because there was a part of the human side of Maverick that was tired of fighting this.

“Your hands, Maverick.”
Her voice was low, but despite that she knew he was partially shifting, there was no fear in her voice.

“Go to the room, Kettah.” He gritted his teeth as he spoke to her. His voice was distorted, low, and held a rough edge to it. Right now it wasn’t Maverick speaking to her, but the animal that was about to fuck his mate, and if she didn’t leave, he was afraid of what he might do. “Lock yourself in the closet, behind the escape door, and don’t come back out until I tell you
safe.” He wasn’t going to last from shifting, maybe only seconds longer. When he didn’t sense her move he let out a deep growl that was strong enough to vibrate the walls. Her arousal grew, coated the air, and made this whole situation even more dangerous. Fuck, she should be really damn afraid right now. He could handle her wanting the human part of him, but smelling her arousal grow when his lion was emerging was too damn much for him to try to control himself. “Go, Kettah.” He roared out and slammed his hands down on the table just as his lion finally broke free. His bones broke and realigned, his muscles stretched, and his human body contorted into that of a massive lion. This had been a long time in coming, and he had not been smart enough to either send her on her way before now, or find a female to fuck before it got to this point. But even just thinking those things, Maverick knew he wouldn’t have been able to do either one.

She stood quickly, the chair that she sat on sliding across the floor from the swift action before tipping to its side. She should have feared him, should have been running, screaming, and grabbing a weapon to keep him away, not standing there looking at him like she wanted to come closer, run her hands through his mane, and let her Pallas’s cat out to rub up on him. Fuck, this was bad, like really, really fucking bad.

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