A Love Worth Waiting For and Heaven Knows (20 page)

“Hi, John.”

“How's the car running? Mom told me you were quite the mechanic.”

“I managed to make it to Bozeman just fine. I promised Bev I'd call when I arrived safely. So she wouldn't worry.”

“That's my mom. I knew she'd look after you.”

“I should hold that against you, sending me someone I couldn't say no to. Thank you.”

“You're more than welcome. Here's Mom now. Before I surrender the phone—” he held the receiver high so his mother couldn't reach it “—I meant to say something earlier, and since this is probably my last chance, here goes. I noticed you taking a second glance at the Help Wanted sign I had posted. You wouldn't happen to be interested in a job, would you?”

“I'm surprised you noticed. I hardly glanced at it.”

“So you aren't interested.”

“I didn't say that.”

On the other side of the line, Alexandra could hear Bev telling John something.

John chuckled. “Is that so? Mom said you were looking for a job. For the right opportunity.”

“How do I know working in your store is the
right opportunity? I have absolutely no hardware experience whatsoever.”

“You don't need experience. I'm not looking for help in the store.”

“You're not?” Her heart gave a little jump. “You mean you need someone like a bookkeeper?”

“Nope. I need someone to watch Hailey for me during the week. Mom's only filling in temporarily while I find someone new. The last sitter quit to go to Europe with her family, and how can you blame her for that? But it's left me high and dry. I don't think there's anyone available in all of the Gallatin Valley.”

“But you don't even know me.”

“I know that you like double-dipped ice cream and you're good with kids. That's good enough for me. C'mon—” Hailey's excited chants filled the background as John laughed. “See? Everyone's in favor of it.”

The panic returned and Alexandra wasn't sure why. Wait—maybe she did know. The last time she'd been anything more than strangers with a handsome man, it had ended in near disaster.

This was different, she told herself, but the panic remained. Being responsible for a child with all the worries she had about her own safety, that simply wasn't the right thing to do.

“I'd love to, John, but I'm afraid I can't.”

“I appreciate your decision, that you might
want to keep your options open in case some better offer comes along. So here's what we can do. Consider it a temporary position and you're free to leave for a better opportunity. What do you think now?”

“I think you're trying to make it impossible for me to say no.”

“True,” he admitted, warm and deep, like richly flowing chocolate, and the sound was enough to make her stop breathing and remember how masculine and strong he'd been without seeming cruel or controlling. Just like a hero out of a movie.

Well, men like that weren't real, she told herself, sensibly. They really weren't.

“At least tell me you'll think about it?” he asked.

She held the phone tight to her ear, wishing a part of her didn't long to accept. To spend her days taking care of a nice little girl, baking cookies and playing in the sunshine. She wouldn't be alone—at least for a little while.

And that was almost temptation enough.

“I'm afraid I can't.” It was hard to say the words. Harder still to think about hanging up the phone. “I appreciate the job offer, really I do, but I don't think I'm what you're looking for. Goodbye, John.”

“Wait! Alexandra—”

She hung up. It was the right thing to do. For John and Hailey. And for her.

“If it's a local call, next time I'll let you use my
phone instead of the pay phone,” the lady in the office offered as Alexandra swept by.

“Thanks.” She smiled at the woman, who then stepped into the back room where she lived with her husband. The aroma of meat loaf lingered.

It was suppertime. Everyone in the campground was settling down to eat. She walked past motor homes, where retired couples chatted over their meals, and tents, where families cooked over open fires. Everywhere she looked, people were gathering in pairs and groups.

One day, that would be her. She was certain of it. Surely the Lord didn't mean for her to always be alone.

Chapter Four

he wonderful thing about camping was that a person never needed an alarm clock. Nature had its own rhythm, one that felt serene and peaceful as Alexandra punched her pillow, nudged awake by the call of birds heralding the coming dawn, and the downshifting of truck traffic on the highway. But Alexandra was content to ignore that as the first rays of the rising sun cut through the nylon tent and into her eyes.

Good thing she was an early riser. Her nose was cold from the chill in the air, and for one second she snuggled deeper into her toasty-warm sleeping bag. The fabric shivered around her as she turned onto her side. Could she manage a few more minutes of sleep?

But already her mind was racing ahead. It was Sunday—she wanted to find a church service
somewhere nearby, and then hit the road when it was over. Would she head east, toward Miles City and North Dakota? Or south toward Yellowstone? The checker at the grocery store had mentioned the park was opening some of its entrances.

Maybe she could find an available campsite, since she'd never had the chance to travel before. This was her first time out of Washington State. Wouldn't it be something to see Old Faithful? Well, she'd simply have to see where the Lord led her on this beautiful spring day.

Already the sun was boldly chasing away the chill from the air. So why lay around like a lazybones? She crawled out of her sleeping bag, deciding she wanted to hit the showers before they got busy. A quick breakfast, and then she'd find a nearby church. The day already felt full of promise.

She crawled out of the sleeping bag, already shivering in her favorite pair of sweats. It didn't take long to grab her bag of showering things and her last clean towel from the stack on the back seat of her car. The campground was quiet this time of morning, except for a few travelers beginning to stir. An older woman, opening her door to the pine-scented air, stepped out of a luxury motor home and offered a pleasant good-morning.

Alexandra returned it, feeling better for the momentary connection. The skies were clear and a dazzling blue. The air smelled fresh and crisp, and
she couldn't help feeling full of hope. Surely the happy touch of the sun meant good things for the day ahead. It had been one more night that Patrick hadn't caught up with her.

She showered quickly, shivering in the cold water. Apparently the water heater wasn't working terribly well, but she didn't mind. Cold water was good for the soul, right? She certainly felt invigorated as she toweled dry, pulled on a pair of warm sweats and ran a comb through her hair. Now, to dig out her good clothes from the bottom of the duffel bag, and then she'd go in search of an espresso stand. She was on a budget, but a double hazelnut latte was a once-a-week treat she wasn't about to miss.

With her bag slung over her shoulder, she pushed through the doors and stepped out into the new day, where the sun was up, so warm and bright it hurt her eyes to look into it. Surely there was an espresso stand close by, and if she could find a local paper, then she could check the church listings—


She froze in the middle of the dirt path. She didn't know anyone here. For a nanosecond, fear speared through her. Then she realized that it was a child's voice that had called her name, not a man's. Not Patrick's.

“Hey! Alexandra. Remember me?” A little girl skipped along the low fingers of light slicing through the pine trees lining the gravel driveway.

Alexandra warmed from head to toe. “Of course I remember you, Hailey. What are you doing here by yourself?”

“Oh, Daddy and Grammy came, too, but I can run the fastest.”

John was here? And Bev? What were they doing here? Confused, Alexandra squinted into the long bright rays of the rising sun, but she couldn't see anything. Another flash of panic sliced through her—was she really that easy to track down?

Hailey skidded to a stop, her hair tangled and her purple ruffled dress swirling around her knees. Her neon-green sunglasses were perched on her nose and hid her eyes, but her grin was wide and infectious and adorable.

“How did you find me?” Alexandra tried to keep the panic from her voice. She'd paid cash for one night, and the manager hadn't asked for more than her car's license plate number. That didn't make her easy to track down, right?

“Grammy hit the dial-back thingy. That's how we knew where to come get you.” Hailey slipped off her sunglasses. “It's Sunday and you can't
go to church. Grammy was real worried 'n' stuff, so Daddy said we'd take ya with us. Right, Daddy?”

“That about sums it up,” answered a deep rumbling voice.

John. Alexandra felt his presence even before she heard the first pad of his footstep. Even before she
caught the faint scent of pine-scented aftershave on the sweet morning breeze. The sun rising in the great sky behind him shot long spears of golden light, casting him in shadow as he strode closer. His broad shoulders were set, his Stetson tipped at an uncompromising angle, his gait slow and steady. Confident.

He looked like a hero out of a movie, the tall, dark silent warrior too good to be real. He strolled into the shadows, the change of light transforming him from shadow to flesh-and-blood man. He looked different today in his Sunday best, still rock solid and powerful, but remote. For the moment, unreachable.

Alexandra's breath caught, and she was very aware of her long hair wet from the shower and tousled by the wind. She'd run a comb through it once. Who knew what she looked like? She was wearing her favorite pair of gray sweats, of course, the old ones that were baggy and had holes in both knees.

It doesn't matter, she told herself. It certainly wasn't as if John Corey was looking at her like a man interested. And shouldn't she be panicking instead of hoping he did like her?

Right. Except she knew there was no danger here. John was a widower with Hands Off practically pasted to his forehead.

“How about it, Alexandra? Seems we owe you for treating us to ice cream, and Coreys always
make good on their debts. We can't let this favor you did us go unpaid, so here we are, asking you to ease my conscience and let us take you to church with us.”

“It was only ice cream, John. Not a debt to be paid.”

“That's a matter of opinion. Come to the service with us. You would make Mom happy. She loves to fuss over everyone. It gets tough on a guy. Think of it this way. You would be doing me a favor.”

“Oh? A favor now? I thought you said it was a debt!”

“Semantics.” It was easy to see the good in him, the easy charm that he kept rigidly veiled, but it was there, lurking in the friendly grin that would put Robert Redford to shame. “If you came along, then Mom would fuss over you instead of me and Hailey. Believe me, it's a lot to endure, and we need a break. Isn't that right, kid?”

“Yep.” Hailey bobbed onto her tiptoes. “Grammy's real mushy. She says it's 'cuz all her kids are all grown-up. And I get too much fussin'. Are you really gonna come, Alexandra? Please? I can show you my horse.”

“Well, I'm not sure—”

Hailey's face fell. “You don't wanna see my horse?”

Now what did she do? “Well, sure, but—”

“Don't bother to fight it, Alexandra.” Amused,
John eased closer. “It's best just to give in. Mom and Hailey together are a powerful force. They scare tornados away. It's best to do what they want.”

“And I don't get any say in this?”


It would be easier to say yes if he didn't look so strong and dependable. She wasn't sure she liked how she felt when she was around him. She certainly noticed he was a man. The trouble was, she hadn't planned on making connections of any kind. The fewer people who remembered her, the less chance Patrick had of finding her. “I'll come on one condition.”

John lifted one brow, as if intrigued, leaning a fraction of an inch closer. “Name it.”

“This settles the score. There's no more debts, no more favors. I don't need any charity.”

“Good, because I'm not giving out any.”

She couldn't imagine a man as polished and probably as financially sound as John Corey would know much about camping. Or about getting by. Nor could he possibly understand how she felt, that she didn't need help the way he thought.

She could stand on her own two feet, on the path God had made for her. And she ought to tell him so, but she didn't. She was tired of feeling so lonely.

For a handful of hours this Sunday morning, she wouldn't be alone. That was blessing enough. A special gift on the Lord's day.


The church parking lot was full by the time Alexandra made it back to the small neighboring town, nestled in the rolling foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The day was dazzling, and the sky endless. The sunshine smiled over her as she squeezed into a space along a tree-lined curb, shaded gently by the first buds of an ancient, sprawling chestnut tree.

“Alexandra!” Hailey dashed across the street, all long limbs and swishing skirts and brilliance. An equally coltish little girl ran at her side, in a white pinafore dress that was every bit as nice as Hailey's high-end department-store jumper. “You made it! You made it! Grammy was afraid you'd get lost.”

How wonderful it was to be welcomed! “Me? Get lost? No way. Is this your friend Stephanie? The one with the puppy?”

“That's her!” Hailey bounced to a stop.

“That's me,” the girl agreed easily. “You have really pretty hair. Can you do mine like that?”

“Yeah, mine, too?” Hailey begged.

“No problem. It's just a French braid. It's a cinch to do.”


Hailey grabbed one hand and Stephanie grabbed the other, and Alexandra found herself tugged across the street. The two girls began skipping.

“C'mon, Alexandra!” Hailey urged. “We're in a hurry.”

“I don't think I can go any faster.” Her heels were a little rickety, and her right ankle wobbled. But sandwiched between the kids, she gave it a try.

She hadn't skipped since she was a child. Her feet felt so light. And her hair bobbed up and down with her gait. She felt fantastic, like singing, and she hardly realized she was laughing until she leaped onto the sidewalk with the little girls and skidded to a stop in front of John Corey.

Oh, no. He was squinting at her, and he probably thought that was no way for an adult woman to act, skipping like a child right there in the church parking lot. She was a guest of his, too. She hadn't meant to forget herself like that.

Feeling a little embarrassed, she swiped a lock of escaped hair behind her ear. “Thanks for the escort, girls.”

“Guess what, Daddy? Alexandra's gonna make my hair like hers.” Hailey bounded over to tug on his hand. “Can Stephanie sit with us? Can she, please?”

“As long as it's fine with her parents.” John watched as the girls dashed off, in search of Stephanie's family, skipping hand in hand, leaving them alone.

The wind gusted, cool and strong, and Alexandra shivered. Her feet felt heavy again as she took
a step toward the church, where families grouped together in conversation. She was sharply aware of being alone and a stranger. On the outside, just as she'd been as a child.

And as an adult, keeping a firm distance away from men. From John as he swept off his Stetson and raked his fingers through his dark hair. A contemplative gesture as he watched the other families, his face an unreadable mask.

Not that whatever he was thinking was any of her business, but she wondered. Several people shouted out greetings to him as they passed. Apparently John was well woven into the fabric of this community, where everyone knew him by name and reputation, and welcomed him with looks that said John Corey is a good man.

“Alexandra? Ready to head inside? It's got to be better than standing around here. I feel like I'm in the way.”

“Sure. Hailey told me Bev will be singing in the choir this morning.”

“Yep, she is. We tried to stop her, but she's stubborn. It's a shame, too.” His dark eyes twinkled with a hint of trouble.

What was it about this man? She hardly knew him, but he could make her laugh. She didn't feel as alone as she kept up with John's long-legged stride, which he kept shortening to accommodate her gait.

She wished she could stop wondering about him.
He'd been a widower for a long time. Out of deep love for his lost wife, maybe? That would explain the distance she felt, just beyond his polite friendliness and warm humor. As if he'd closed off a part of himself long ago, barricaded it well and hidden the key.

When the line moved, John motioned for her to take the step ahead of him. He was so close. Too close. The woodsy scent of his aftershave, the faint aroma of fabric softener on his jacket, the faint heat from him made her acutely aware of the six feet of male so close, if she leaned back a fraction of an inch, they would be touching.

That couldn't be good. Alexandra leaned forward as far as she could, creating distance. Still, the feeling, the sensation of closeness, remained.

“I bet you'll like Pastor Bill.” John's warm breath fanned the shell of her ear. “He leans toward meaningful but short sermons. Mercifully short. You can't find that just anywhere.”

“Then I guess I'm lucky that you and Hailey hunted me down this morning.”

“That's right. Afterward, there's Sunday brunch at my house. You're invited.”

She had miles to cover, laundry to do and a future to find. Gazing up at John, seeing the strength and male vitality of him as he towered over her, blocking the sun, every cell within her seemed to take notice.

One thing was for certain—John Corey was not her future. She should say no.

“Come join us. We have plenty to share, and this is the Lord's day. If you don't, my mother will hurt me.”

“Sure, like I believe that.”

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